Page 40 - E-annual_report-6-10-2013

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UAEU is ranked as #1 Research University in the GCC, #2 in the Arab World, #9 in the Muslim World and
#370 globally, in addition to being ranked in the top 50 Universities established in the past 50 years.
UAEU also received a notable achievement in being the only University in the UAE to be ranked in the top
100 Times Higher Education Asia University Rankings. The College of Engineering currently ranks #391 in
Engineering & Technology, #175 in Civil & Structural Engineering.
Development of Residential College Model
During the past year, the Student Affairs re-organized the hostels placing students with similar academic
interests (e.g. science) together thus enabling them to study and work on projects of shared academic
interests. Subject appropriate speakers and workshops come from the Colleges to work with students in
these residential communities.
Students Faculty Technology Support
The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) regularly run workshops on iBook authoring and
on common Apps and are working with Apple to offer more advanced training programs on campus. They
also ran the Apple Professional Developer Training program and offer about 5 professional development
sessions per week on a variety of topics including: iTunes U, iBook Authoring Basic and Advanced, iPad
Setup and Apps, Teaching Skills, iPad Pedagogy, Flipping the Classroom, Student Engagement, etc.
Engineering Software Tools
TheCollegeof Engineering (COE) usesanextensive list of engineeringsoftware tools fromstandardpackages
like LabView, Matlab, Office Group, to specialized software such as AutoCAD, Hysys, Fluent, ABACUS,
and ANSYS. In addition to this the College uses industrial software such as Eclipse from Schlumberger,
Catia from Dassault Systems, ETABS/ SAFE/ SAP2000 structural design tools from Techsoft, Cadence for
electric circuit design and others for specific research projects.
Oct 9, 2013
Nov 22, 2022