Page 6 - Think IT - UITS Newsletter, Issue 9

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In our endeavour to create a paper-less environment,
the Provost Office and UITS have recently developed an
automated system for Faculty Performance Evaluation; a
two-year process that involves faculty members, depart-
ment chairs, assessors, deans, administrators and aca-
demic affairs representatives.
The system is aligned with the new proposed policy
"Faculty Performance Review". It is designed to enhance
the evaluation process and provide extensive documen-
tation of the faculty plan, comments and evaluations of
department chairs and deans along with the detailed
reports by the review committee on faculty contribu-
tions in the three areas of teaching, research and univer-
sity and community services. The system, which accepts
both Arabic and English submissions, is highly flexible
and can accommodate all the requirements of the evalu-
ation process.
Who can Benefit?
Faculty members will no longer need to write drafts for
the work plans at the beginning of the two-year evalua-
tion cycle. Through the Faculty Evaluation System, they
will be able to edit their plans and submit them for re-
view and corrections on a web space that is accessible
Department chairs, deans and other administrators at
various levels can monitor the submitted plans and eval-
uate them accordingly using a friendly web interface.
The listing of colleges, departments, and current and
archived evaluations makes the navigation inside the
application much easier and faster. The system provides
an excellent environment for archiving and retrieving
information. In addition, faculty members will have ac-
cess to their records and can generate reports at any
point of time.
Technology behind it
The system was developed using Java technology, Oracle
database and Web Ajax with a smartly developed inter-
active interface. The system involves easy filtering and
search features along with online help. The application
is hosted on two-load balanced web servers to ensure
availability and avoid any possibility of service interrup-
A step forward in
faculty performance evaluation
Faculty members starting a new evaluation cycle are entitled to use the
system and create their work plans for the 2012-2014 two-year cycle.
The remaining group of faculty should submit their work plans in Sep-
tember 2013 for the next evaluation cycle, i.e. 2013-2015. UITS, along
with the Provost’s Office, will provide the needed support to all faculty members
and will help them resolve any related issues or problems.
By:  Buthaina Bu�?Humaid 
6 | Nov 2012 .
Nov 21, 2012
Jun 24, 2018
Oct 17, 2022