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UAEU Data Center Migration
UITS Annual Report | 2011/2012 | 35
Streamlining process
through Technology
Like most organizations, UAEU depends on technology and data
generated as part of its normal business operations as it is
critical to its academic and administrative success. The
University data is stored and managed on Storage Area Network
(SAN) for redundancy and ease of management. Preparing for
such a transition of systems and data was not an easy project.
The goal of the project was to consolidate and relocate all IT
infrastructure to the newly built state-of-the-art data center on
the new campus with minimum service interruption, zero IT
functions and data loss. This was a major undertaking that
crossed every aspect of IT and business. During the migration,
it was very important to understand and manage the
interrelationships between the IT infrastructure and the
university business that it supports, to minimize impacts to the
University business.
All central computing systems and large file systems on the
Islamic Institute campus have been relocated to the new data
centre on the new campus with zero IT functions data loss and
are all running smoothly. This move was the largest data center
relocation in UAEU history and the seamless transition of
resources in under 4 weekends is a testament to UAEU’s
strength in information technology. The relocation was a huge
success as all systems were available and functioning when the
new academic classes started.
The new facility has been built on today’s technology and
provides high speed network connectivity of 10G. It also
provides a secure, professionally managed data center to meet
the growing information technology needs of academic and
administrative units and it houses enterprise-wide academic and
administrative services critical to students, faculty and staff.
Oct 30, 2012
Dec 13, 2017
Oct 17, 2022