Page 4 - UITS_AnnualReport_2013-2014

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Message from CIO
The Launch of UITS Annual report 2013-2014, has turned a
year of anticipation into one of unrivalled excitement. We
concluded a notable year filled with goals achieved and
challenges accomplished. We made a significant progress
on key strategic initiatives that enhanced accessibility to
UAEU technology resources and leverage services to meet
growing needs of university community.
Our teams delivered a significant advancement for an
innovative student experience, for state of the art teaching
and learning support, and for many systems to support all
aspects of administrative efficiency around the University.
The future of Technology within the United Arab Emirates
University is rapidly changing and we are changing along
with it. We’ll continuously grow and develop our team
so we have the in-house technical depth and confidence
required to deliver the most innovative and cost effective
Dec 8, 2014
Dec 13, 2017
Oct 17, 2022