Graduate Student Ambassadors
The Graduate Student Ambassadors (GSA) is group of graduate students who serve as a liaison between the graduate
student community and the College of Graduate Studies on matters related to graduate education.
The GSA comprises of students representing all active graduate degree programs—one student per program, except for
the PhD program, which has one representative from each college. Representatives are nominated by their program
Coordinators, and approved by the Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies of the college, to serve for a
one-year term at a time. GSA members are selected during the first month of each Fall semester for that academic
year. A student may serve for a maximum of two terms. To be selected, a student (1) must have completed at least
one semester in the program and (2) must be in Good Academic Standing.
GSA members are expected to be good ambassadors for graduate studies at UAEU to the internal and external
communities. They should help promote graduate education and serve as advocates for other students in their
respective programs and university-wide. Additionally GSA members should meet on regular basis with the Dean of
the College of Graduate Studies and/or the Graduate Studies Council and exchange ideas, comments, etc. for the
purpose of continuously improving graduate education at UAEU.
For more information on the GSA, contact the Graduate Student Affairs Section in the College of Graduate Studies.