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UAEU signs a strategic partnership agreement with the Al Hameli International Group

UAEU signs a strategic partnership agreement with the Al Hameli International Group

Mon, 6 June 2022

To promote partnerships: 

His Excellency, Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, Vice Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University, signed a strategic partnership agreement with the Al Hameli International Group on Thursday 12th of May 2016, at the university. The agreement was signed by Mr. Salem Mohammed Al-Hameli, chairman of the group, and forms part of the university’s mission to make a positive contribution to the development of innovation and knowledge-based industries (all of which promote economic development) in the UAE. The university seeks to support and encouragement cooperation with leading companies to develop research and manufacture new products that reach international standards and help to develop civil and military indistries.

Dr. Al Nuaimi said that, “this agreement plays a role in the development of research and innovation in areas of national and regional importance through partnerships with various local and international institutions and companies. This partnership opens up opportunities for innovation and creativity for companies and individuals with talent and also disseminates knowledge in the community. Such diversification reflects the leading role played by Abu Dhabi Emirate in enabling innovation and strengthening practical applications as it seeks to help in building a knowledge-based national economy.

Mr. Salem Mohammed Al-Hameli, chairman of the group, said that this strategic partnership with the university will contribute to Abu Dhabi building a knowledge-based economy and will also by support innovation in various fields including science and technology. This will help to realize commercial value of new inventions and practical applications as well as marketing these products locally and internationally. The Al Hameli Group is proud of its association with UAEU as it is a leading research university and has a scientific research base within an educational and academic institution. The university is currently engaged in research on carbon nanotubes with the Al Hameli Group”, and diverse advanced technological applications that Al Hameli International Group.

Dr. Ghaleb Al Hadrami, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies, said that, “this agreement promotes research in the UAEU Science and Innovation Park where they are working on developing carbon nanotubes and their applications”. This is part of the Business Incubator Program and other start-ups in the Science and Innovation Park. This partnership supports inventors by giving them the chance to train students. This will equip students with practical experience in finding imaginative and innovative scientific solutions as well as attracting the most talented to the workforce.


United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Best University in Abu Dhabi, UAE


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