The UAE University launches Green Research Projects to promote sustainability and combat climate change

Fri, 5 January 2024
United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Top Universities in Middle East

For supporting national and global efforts in finding innovative solutions to climate change, the UAE University’s roadmap to COP28 and beyond (2023-2026), and the historic UAE Climate consciences at the Conference of the Parties (COP28), the UAE University launched the “Green Research Projects” aiming to fund and support research projects that focus on sustainability and climate change.

Prof. Ahmed Murad - Associate Provost for Research, said, “Scientific research plays a vital and important role in identifying and understanding the effects of climate change and finding sustainable solutions. The UAE University supports and encourages researchers to make a positive impact that enhances the sustainability of our society and the entire world. He emphasized that this initiative reflects the UAE University's commitment to effectively contribute to protecting the environment and combating climate change. This step is strengthening the global efforts towards raising awareness on the importance of sustainability and promoting scientific research in areas that positively affect the environment and achieve the sustainable development.

Prof. Ahmed Murad pointed out that funding such projects would allow the researchers the opportunity to conduct projects that contribute to sustainable development and combat climate change in the United Arab Emirates and the world. He said, “The UAE University will continue to strengthen its leadership in scientific research and innovation to achieve sustainable development and support national and global efforts to find innovative solutions to climate change.”

The UAE University funded 20 research projects that will begin in January 2024. These projects address sustainability and climate change mitigation and include topics related to technologies of renewable energy technologies, natural resource management, and sustainable agriculture. The funded projects are distributed as 10 research projects for the College of Engineering, 5 research projects for the College of Science, 2 projects for the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, and 1 project for each of the College of Information Technology, College of Business & Economics, and College of Law.


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