Thermofluids (AERO215)
This course aims to provide students with essential understanding of the concepts of applied thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. Topics covered include: Second law of thermodynamics analysis, introduction to exergy, gas power cycles, basics of compressible flows, momentum equation for finite control volumes, Bernoulli equation, Basic introduction to Navier-Stokes equations, Basic heat transfer by conduction and radiation.
Credit Hours : 3
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain principles pertaining to the second law of thermodynamics; entropy and exergy
- Apply the first and second laws to analyze the gas power cycles relevant to aviation industry
- Illustrate basics of ideal gas mixtures and air conditioning applications
- Outline the basics of compressible flows and shock waves
- Demonstrate mass and momentum balance equation to finite control volumes
- Use Bernoulli equation in different flow settings
- Illustrate the basic knowledge of Navier-Stokes equations
- Explain heat conduction under steady and transient conditions and having some basic understanding of radiation heat transfer
Aerospace Lab 1 (AERO220)
This lab course is an Introduction to lab equipment and safety, an introduction to techniques for engineering measurement, estimation of measurement uncertainty, error analysis, data acquisition, calibration, post processing using computational packages. Basic skills for engineering research are taught, which include: analog electronic circuit analysis, fundamentals of digital data acquisition, measurements of physical quantities related to aerospace engineering: pressure, temperature, flow rate, heat transfer, and static forces and moments.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize measurements uncertainty estimation and error analysis.
- Demonstrate the ability to follow experimental procedures.
- Utilize transducers to measure physical phenomena such as: velocity, temperature flow rate, pressure drop, forces.
- Analyze measured data using computational packages.
- Evaluate the validity of experimental results.
Aerodynamics 1 (AERO300)
Aerodynamic forces & moments; classification of aerodynamic flows, governing equations for aerodynamic flows, elementary potential flows and superposition principle, Aerodynamics of airfoils, introduction to supersonic flows, Boundary layer. Introduction to low speed wind tunnels and testing, and an introduction to CFD methods.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO215 with a minimum grade D or (MECH340 with a minimum grade D and MECH311 with a minimum grade D)
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the fundamental Principles and mathematical formulations related to aerodynamics.
- Define the principles of inviscid and incompressible flow over airfoils and flow over finite wings.
- Decide the professional and ethical responsibility related to aerospace engineering.
- Apply new knowledge and techniques in the field of aerospace engineering.
- Measure the student ability to work effectively a team.
Aircraft Operations and Flight Mechanics (AERO301)
This course lays down the fundamentals of aeronautical engineering. It introduces a wide range of backgrounds to the basic concepts of aircraft aerodynamics, flight performance theory and practice, aircraft operations, flight mechanics, accelerated flight, and it introduces the concept of stability in particular longitudinal stability.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO215 with a minimum grade D or (MECH340 with a minimum grade D and MECH311 with a minimum grade D)
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the various aspects associated with aircraft operation.
- Apply basic aerodynamic principles to analyze the aerodynamic characteristics of idealized representations of aircraft components and systems.
- Analyze the forces and moments acting on the aircraft
- Formulate aircraft flight mechanics equations
- Analyze the flight performance of aircraft in different situations
- Evaluate the static stability of fixed wing aircraft for different flight conditions
- Identify the differences between different aircraft configurations and how they impact performance and stability
Aircraft Propulsion (AERO305)
Study of the aero-and thermodynamics of jet and liquid and solid rocket engines. Air-breathing engines as propulsion systems. Turbojets, turbofans, turboprops, ramjets. Aerodynamics of gas-turbine engine components, ideal cycle analysis, component performance, non-ideal cycle analysis. Rocket vehicle performance. Introduction to space propulsion.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO215 with a minimum grade D or (MECH340 with a minimum grade D and MECH311 with a minimum grade D)
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify air-breathing engines’ components
- Analyze ideal and real propulsion engines including ideal ramjet, turbojet, and turbofan at system and component level
- Recognize requirements and components of rocket propulsion systems
- Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively
- Decide professional and ethical responsibility as relevant to propulsion systems
- Compose new knowledge in aerospace propulsion
Aircraft Structures 1 (AERO310)
Review of concepts of stress (deformation, strain, displacement and equations of elasticity); Aircraft structural components; Airworthiness and airframe loads; Applications to aerospace structural elements. Shear flow in thin walled sections; Design of thin-walled multi-cell sections. Introduction to fracture mechanics and fatigue.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the fundamentals of linear elasticity
- Explain the principles of stressed skin construction
- Compute various airframe loads
- Apply the fundamentals of fracture mechanics and fatigue to study cracked aircraft structural components.
- Analyze open-section and closed-section thin–walled aircraft structures subject to bending, shear, and torsion loads.
- Estimate the properties of laminated composite aircraft structures
- Employ experimental stress analysis techniques to analyze aircraft structural components.
- Mark the impact of advances in aircraft structures on environment, society and economy
Aerospace Manufacturing Processes (AERO315)
This course introduces students to the principal manufacturing processes using in aerospace engineering (metallic and composites). Furthermore, the fabrication and joining processes widely used in the manufacturing of aerospace engineering components will be covered.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH390 with a minimum grade D
- MECH305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Illustrate different joining and assembly processes
- Demonstrate several conventional and non-conventional and additive manufacturing processes.
- Practice different composite manufacturing processes.
- Solve problems related different manufacturing processes.
- Evaluate suitability of a given manufacturing process for a given product or application.
- Show the ability of self-study of recent topics in manufacturing processes.
- Produce a well-structured report keeping the highest standard of ethics.
Aerospace Lab 2 (AERO350)
The lab will include a number of experiments related to propulsion and thermofluids, low speed and high speed aerodynamics. Introducing the fundamental principles and concepts of thermodynamics and fluid dynamic systems. Developing the fundamental concepts of aerodynamics and provides a working knowledge for their application to the design of aircraft.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Practice experimental studies in the area of aerodynamics, thermofluids, and propulsion
- Analyze experiment results and errors
- Operate experimental setups within a team
- Demonstrate experimental analysis and results
Aerodynamics 2 (AERO402)
Compressible flow, normal shock wave, oblique shock wave, hypersonic flow, linearized supersonic, numerical techniques for nonlinear supersonic flow, supersonic flow over wedges and cones, shock expansion theory, shock wave interactions and reflections, application to supersonic airfoils, introduction to finite element method and CFD.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO300 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Contrast fundamental Principles and formulations related to compressible flow.
- Apply the principles to solve problems related to normal shock wave.
- Solve problems related to oblique shock wave.
- Analyze the formulations related hypersonic flow.
- Apply the principles and formulations related Introduction to numerical techniques for nonlinear supersonic flow.
Flight Dynamics, Stability and Control (AERO411)
Introduction to the dynamics and control of atmospheric flight vehicles, aircraft coordinate systems, coordinate system transformations, inertial acceleration, aerodynamic forces and moments (stability derivatives), derivation of aircraft equations of motion EOM, linearization of EOM for a given trimmed flight condition, static stability in longitudinal and lateral-directional, small disturbance equations of unsteady motion, dynamics stability.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify aircraft axes and nomenclature
- Analyze static longitudinal stability and control
- Formulate aircraft dynamic equations of motion
- Evaluate aircraft dynamic stability
- Mark the impact of flights in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
- Evaluate aircraft stability using advanced computational tools
Aerospace Lab 3 (AERO450)
The lab will include a number of experiments related to flight dynamics, stability, control and structures. It will also serve as a brief introduction to avionics. Laboratory experiments on using autopilots and controlling of multicopters, extracting stability and aerodynamic derivatives of model airplanes using the wind-tunnel, flight simulator, testing of aircraft structural components.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize the role of avionics and state-of-the-art electronics on aircraft
- Judge the stability and control aspects of aircraft using the wind-tunnel and flight simulator
- Illustrate preliminary structural testing of representative aircraft structures
Internship I (AERO485 )
Students spend 8 weeks on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills. This course aims at offering career exploration opportunities for students.
Credit Hours : 1
- CIVL240 with a minimum grade D
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
- GENG215 with a minimum grade D
- GENG230 with a minimum grade D
- AERO220 with a minimum grade D
- (MECH305 with a minimum grade D or MECH310 with a minimum grade D or AERO315 with a minimum grade D or AERO301 with a minimum grade D or MECH315 with a minimum grade D)
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and individually to achieve the planned tasks and goals.
- Develop communication skills through oral and written presentations.
- Evaluate different engineering situations and judgments based on ethical codes and professional responsibilities.
Internship II (AERO490)
Students spend 8 weeks on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills. This course aims at offering career exploration opportunities for students as well as opportunities to correlate their academic preparation to the reality of conducting professional practice, to interact effectively with others in practice, to develop professional skills and communicate effectively in the workplace and to gain true practical experience that is necessary for their future practice as engineers in their respective discipline after graduation.
Credit Hours : 1
- STAT210 with a minimum grade D
- GENG315 with a minimum grade D
- MECH305 with a minimum grade D
- MECH310 with a minimum grade D
- MECH315 with a minimum grade D
- MECH350 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS200 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS270 with a minimum grade D
- AERO301 with a minimum grade D
- AERO300 with a minimum grade D
- AERO315 with a minimum grade D
- Pre/Co AERO485 with a minimum grade P
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and individually to achieve the planed tasks and goals.
- Develop communication skills through oral and written presentations.
- Evaluate different engineering situations and judgments based on ethical codes and professional responsibilities.
- Propose ideas/solutions for real-life problems based on the learned knowledge.
Aircraft Design (AERO496)
The course allows student to experience the entire aircraft design process. Topics covered in the workshops include conceptual design of a modern airplane to satisfy a given set of requirements. Estimation of size, selection of configuration, weight and balance, and performance. Satisfaction of stability, control, and handling qualities requirements. The course is complemented with laboratory sessions that involve using the mechanical workshop, conducting wind-tunnel testing, using the flight simulator.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO450 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize the aircraft design engineering process, as constrained by regulatory and certification requirements.
- Analyze alternative aircraft design configurations and design choices.
- Apply fundamental engineering analysis knowledge as part of an aircraft design process.
- Evaluate conflicting technical objectives and find suitable compromises.
- Apply teamwork skills for collaborative efforts to satisfy specifications with the appreciation of the contributions of other team members
- Apply Ethical, social, environmental, economical, and sustainability requirements to Aircraft Design
- Apply the entire process of aircraft design based on a systems engineering approach
Computational Fluid Dynamics (AERO500)
The course will equip the students with knowledge to use computational techniques to solve problems related to aerospace engineering. Particularly, students will have hands-on experience in using computational fluid dynamics to solve aerospace related problems. Governing equations, discretization schemes, numerical methods, mesh quality and independence test, numerical errors, and boundary conditions as related to solving Navier-Stokes equation and energy equation will be introduced in the course.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO402 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Build the most appropriate CFD model (in terms of boundary conditions, material properties, mesh settings, solution control parameters, grid-convergence, solution monitor, etc.) for the problem in hand
- Compute fluid simulations related to steady-state and transient, isothermal and non-isothermal, incompressible and compressible, adiabatic and non-adiabatic multiphase flow, and fluid structure interactions
- Use ANSYS Fluent to the standard acceptable for a graduate engineer
- Select the required results and plots from the information available at the solution stage
Selected Topics in Aerospace Engineering (AERO501)
Selected topics that meet students' interests, faculty capabilities and available resources in the aerodynamics and flight mechanics area. More than one section of this course may be offered in any semester when different topics need to be covered.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate fundamental understanding of selected topics in aerodynamics and flight mechanics
- Use engineering tools to solve practical problems arising in aerodynamics and flight mechanics area
- Analyze engineering solutions for practical problems in aerodynamics and flight mechanics
Spacecraft Propulsion (AERO505)
This course considers the basic theory and principles of operation of chemical and electric propulsion systems for spacecraft. Both solid and liquid propellant chemical propulsion systems are considered, as is a variety of electric propulsion systems utilizing different propellant acceleration mechanisms. The course addresses propulsion manufacturing, testing, flight operations (orbit-raising and station-keeping), propellant life predictions, and final de-orbiting strategies at spacecraft end-of-life.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze the design and operational behavior of various types of spacecraft propulsion systems.
- Describe types of chemical propulsion systems, and evaluate their use for various different scenarios.
- Describe types of electric propulsion systems, and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.
- Design a chemical propulsion system for a particular scenario, and evaluate the design
- Explain the different propellant feed system options for both chemical and electric propulsion systems, and their similarities/differences.
- Evaluate the factors that limit the performance of these different propellant feed systems
Spacecraft Engineering Design (AERO506)
This course integrates the design elements and fundamental analyses necessary to complete the conceptual design phase of an unmanned spacecraft. It will explore topics such as mission design, propulsion, power, structure, thermal, attitude control, communication, command, and data handling and attitude control systems. It will emphasis the role of project management and systems engineering throughout the design process.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS270 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze spacecraft missions and understand rationales behind design.
- Define mission parameters, objectives and requirements.
- Explain the functionality of spacecraft different subsystems
- Conduct conceptual design and integration studies of an unmanned spacecraft to fulfil specified missions.
- Identify key design drivers and critical issues for spacecraft missions.
- Explain nature of past spaceflight failures and develop strategies for future missions
Aircraft Structures 2 (AERO511)
This course introduces students to structural instability of columns and thin plates. Thin plate theory, Plate subject to pure bending and combined loading. Different analysis methods (Virtual work and energy and matrix methods including FEM) for stress and deflection calculations in determinant and indeterminate structures. Introduction to Composite materials analysis and design. Modelling and analysis of basic aircraft structural components in Ansys. The course includes a project where students design and build a small aircraft wing.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO310 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Determine the effect of different loading and support conditions on the small deflection of columns and rectangular plates
- Compute the buckling strength of columns and rectangular
- Apply different analysis methods (Energy, Virtual Work, Matrix and FE) to study the behavior of simple structural components
- Use finite element matrix analysis for simple bar and beam structures
- Determine composite laminates strength and composite sections properties
- Design an aircraft structural component
Aviation Regulations and Certifications (AERO515)
This course deals with civil aviation safety and formal processes that assure acceptable levels of flight safety. It provides an overview of the Civil Aviation Regulations (FAR and EASA). It focuses on Airworthiness, Airworthiness Certification Procedures, Aviation System Safety, Engineering Procedures Manuals, Flight Manual, Unmanned Aircraft Regulation, Product Development and Life Cycle Management, Quality Systems and Quality Management and Safety Management Systems.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO200 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize Civil Aviation regulations and regulatory bodies.
- Discuss the importance of airworthiness in maintaining flight safety and the airworthiness. certification procedures.
- Illustrate the importance of standards, engineering and flight manuals.
- Explain the role of Quality Systems and Reliability Programs.
Electric propulsion (AERO561)
Operating principles, performance characteristics, and design features of the state-of-the-art electric propulsion systems. Electrothermal propulsion, Electromagnetic propulsion, Magnetohydrodynamics and pulsed plasma thrusters.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use the basics of plasma physics and electrodynamics in propulsion calculations.
- Apply kinetic theory of gases to the analysis of standard electric propulsion systems
- Analyze electric propulsion systems.
- Perform oral and written technical communication
Rocket propulsion (AERO562)
Analysis and design of rocket engines including liquid, solid, hybrid and advanced propulsion systems, monopropellant thrusters, rocket engine thermochemistry, bipropellant engines and components, rocket engine cycle design, solid rocket motors and grain design, hybrid rockets, engineering problems on designing a solid, liquid or hybrid rocket.
Credit Hours : 3
- (MECH311 with a minimum grade D and MECH340 with a minimum grade D) or AERO215 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Perform basic performance prediction methods for liquid and solid rocket engines.
- Analyze various space vehicle propulsion options and components.
- Use Momentum equations in the rocket propulsion thrust force calculations.
- Perform needed calculations to design a rocket engine.
- Prove effective oral and written technical communication
Kinetics and thermodynamics of gases (AERO563)
Thermodynamics of nonreacting and reacting gas mixtures, Quantum states and energy levels of molecules, Equilibrium population distribution of molecular energy levels, Determination of equilibrium thermodynamics properties of gas mixtures from molecular parameters, Equilibrium kinetic theory of gases, Basic transport properties of gases.
Credit Hours : 4
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply classical thermodynamics on reacting and non-reacting gas mixtures.
- Use equilibrium properties of gas mixtures to perform mass and energy balance for reacting / non reacting gases.
- Apply concepts of statistical mechanics including quantum states and energy levels in molecules for reacting / non reacting gases.
- Apply equilibrium kinetic theory of gases and transport properties to solve engineering problems.
- Perform effective technical oral / written communication
Combustion (AERO564)
Modeling of chemical reaction rates and reaction mechanisms, Simplified models for chemical reactors with combined chemical and thermal analysis, Development of the conservation equations for reacting, multispecies flows (including reaction rates and molecular transport), Propagation of laminar premixed combustion waves (detonations and deflagrations), Physical and chemical effects on laminar, premixed flames (e.g., flame speed and thickness), Structure of laminar diffusion flames and burning droplets, Time and spatial scales in turbulent flames, Structure and governing processes in turbulent flames.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- 1. Model chemical reaction rates and development of reaction mechanisms to reacting flows
- Calculate the propagation of laminar premixed combustion waves.
- Apply equilibrium kinetic theory of gases and transport properties to flame speed and thickness
- Estimate the structure and modeling of non-premixed combustion to solving engineering problems
- Show effective technical communication
Experimental Techniques Teaching Lab (AERO565)
The experimental methods teaching laboratory is developed with the following overall objective of providing students with the tools and skills to work in experimental areas focused in propulsion and combustion. The topic areas include – characterizing noise, resolution for imaging sensors, Flow calibration and measurement of associated errors, high frequency DAQ and acoustic characterization, manipulation and usage of pulsed light sources and diagnostics for DC plasma systems
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use and calibrate of flow sensors and control circuits
- Build a complete measurement hardware to perform experimental procedure.
- Build an Interface to perform experimental measurement, including the fundamentals of commonly used digital data acquisition systems.
- Analyze and interpret measurement data, and perform error analysis and propagation.
- Practice team work to achieve experimental goals and analyze data.
- Perform effective oral and written technical communication.
High-Temperature Gas Dynamics (AERO566)
Equilibrium properties of high temperature gases, e.g., calorically imperfect gases and reacting gases, Behavior of equilibrium and frozen flows with real gas properties, Nonequilibrium (rate) processes for gas dynamic flows, Behavior of nonequilibrium flows, Radiative energy exchange for gases and impacts on gas dynamic flows, Application of theoretical concepts to solving practical engineering problems in the areas of re-entry dynamics, hypersonic flows and plasma thrusters
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH411 with a minimum grade D or (AERO563 with a minimum grade D and AERO215 with a minimum grade D and AERO402 with a minimum grade D)
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- At the end of the course students will be able to: Perform equilibrium balance to high-temperature gases, including calorically imperfect and reacting gases.
- Apply equilibrium and non-equilibrium principles for real gases
- Apply radiative energy exchange for gases.
- Apply nonequilibrium flow and kinetics concepts to practical engineering problems
- Demonstrate effective technical oral and written communication.
Design and Critical Thinking in Aerospace Engineering (AERO585)
This course concentrates on the rigors of communication, design, and critical thinking in an engineering context including problem identification, feasibility study of alternative solutions, preliminary design, technical writing, teamwork, and formal presentations. A team of students will apply the knowledge gained throughout their study and from industrial training to an engineering design project, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and originality. The selected alternatives will be the foundation of the capstone design project. A final report is required.
Credit Hours : 3
- GENG315 with a minimum grade D
- MECH305 with a minimum grade D
- MECH310 with a minimum grade D
- MECH315 with a minimum grade D
- MECH350 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC372 with a minimum grade D
- AERO300 with a minimum grade D
- AERO305 with a minimum grade D
- AERO310 with a minimum grade D
- AERO315 with a minimum grade D
- AERO350 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the relevant theoretical background of a contemporary engineering problem. [PLO1]
- Apply the fundamentals of engineering-design and critical thinking, including the assessment and evaluation of alternative engineering solutions. [PLO2]
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, modeling, simulation, and/or data analysis using engineering tools. [PLO6]
- Communicate effectively through oral and written presentations. [PLO3]
- Outline the principles of engineering ethics, and social and environmental responsibilities. [PLO4]
- Recognize the need for ongoing additional knowledge, and the potential of integration and/or application of this knowledge effectively. [PLO7]
- Develop leadership skills and project management techniques to independently and/or collaboratively handle complex professional tasks in a team-work context. [PLO5]
Capstone Engineering Design Project (AERO590)
This course builds on the outcomes of AERO 585 course to perform detailed design and cost estimate of the selected alternative solutions to a well-defined engineering problem. Student teams are expected to apply knowledge gained throughout their studies to an engineering design project, emphasizing creativity and originality. A prototype and final report are required.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO585 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the theoretical background of a contemporary engineering problem. [PLO1]
- Apply the fundamentals of engineering-design, including the assessment and evaluation of alternative engineering solutions. [PLO2]
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, modelling, simulation, and/or data analysis using modern engineering tools. [PLO6]
- Communicate effectively through oral and written presentations. [PLO3]
- Recognize the principles of engineering ethics, and social and environmental responsibilities. [PLO4]
- Recognize the need for ongoing additional knowledge, and the potential of integration and/or application of this knowledge effectively. [PLO7]
- Develop leadership skills and project management techniques to independently and/or collaboratively handle complex professional tasks in a team-work context. [PLO5]
Spacecraft Systems (AERO601)
This course deals with the design aspects of spacecraft and launch vehicles. It includes the impacts of the atmosphere and the space environment on the mission selection and on the requirements and configurations of various subsystems. It focuses on the principles and design aspects of structure, material, propulsion, power, thermal, communication, electronic and control subsystems. The course will be complemented by case-studies.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyse spacecraft missions and understand rationales behind design
- Compare key design drivers and critical issues for spacecraft missions
- Appraise the inter-relations among various subsystems of modern spacecraft
- Explain the operating principles of the various spacecraft subsystems
- Design concepts of spacecraft to fulfil scientific missions
Spacecraft Dynamics and Attitude Control (AERO602)
This course provides students with a comprehensive treatment of spacecraft attitude dynamics and control, starting with the basic fundamentals of rotational kinematics and dynamics to more advanced topics such as nonlinear attitude control. This includes theory and applications of spacecraft attitude dynamics and control; Euler angles, direction cosines, quaternions; attitude sensors and control actuators; spin, three-axis active, reaction wheel, control moment gyro, and gravity gradient control systems; environmental effects.
Credit Hours : 3
- AERO601 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze kinematics and dynamics of 6-degree of freedom rigid body motions
- Interpret the models of orbital and attitude dynamics of spacecraft.
- Evaluate passive and active methods for spacecraft stabilization
- Identify differences between various methods for attitude control and attitude determination.
- Simulate Orbital and attitude control systems using Matlab Simulink / STK.
Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Workshop (MECH200)
This lab covers free hand sketching using orthographic and isometric projections, sectional views, dimensioning, surface finishing, materials marking, and working and assembly drawings. The course also introduces the use of basic machines and develop the hand skills and safety in the workshop. This includes basic hand tools, basic machining operations, woodwork, sheet metal work and measuring instruments.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Produce multi-views and isometric views of objects.
- Develop sectional and auxiliary views.
- Produce detailed working and assembly drawings.
- Demonstrate awareness towards workshop safety rules.
- Use common workshop tools and equipment.
3D Printing Technologies (MECH201)
This course aims to provide deeper understanding of the 3D printing and additive manufacturing technologies. The course provides both theoretical background about 3D printing as well as hands-on interactive experience on using 3D printers and scanners. Topics include theory of operation, materials used in 3D printing, applications of 3D printing, geometric modeling and 3D design for 3D printing, CAD software used in 3D printing, configuration and calibration of 3D printers, troubleshooting of 3D printers, 3D scanning technology, additive manufacturing technologies and their limitations, future perspectives, several lab exercises on 3D printing and scanning.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use scientific concepts in designing and printing 3D objects
- Ability to troubleshoot and provide proper maintenance for 3D printers
- Distinguish between various 3D printing materials and their applications
- Demonstrate the ability to use 3D scanners
- Interpret professional and ethical responsibility
Measurement and Instrumentation lab (MECH210)
This lab is an introduction to techniques for computer and microcontroller based engineering measurement, data acquisition, calibration, processing, and analysis.
Credit Hours : 1
- PHYS135 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Construct basic electrical circuits using breadboard
- Measure basic electrical quantities
- Examine transducer/sensor characteristics
- Practice data acquisition and sensor calibration
- Construct microcontroller based measurement system
Introduction to Computing Lab in ME (MECH240)
Fundamental concepts of structured programming and algorithmic problem solving using technical computing commercial packages (e.g., MATLAB). This includes basics of programming, data visualization, software built-in functions, development of efficient codes, testing, and debugging programs. The lab focuses on providing programming practice on mathematical applications relevant to mechanical engineering.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Employ knowledge of basic procedural programming concepts.
- Develop basic problem solving skills.
- Use software package built-in functions to solve engineering problems.
- Write software package scripts to solve engineering problems.
Mechanics of Materials (MECH305)
This course aims at introducing basic concepts and applications of elastic stress analysis. Topics covered include stress, strain, Hooke's law, axial loading, flexural loading. torsional loading, combined loading, Mohr's circle with applications, column buckling.
Credit Hours : 3
- CIVL240 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Calculate stresses and / or deformations and apply Hooke’s law in axially loaded members. [1D]
- Use the stress concentration factors to find stresses, or allowable loads, on axially loaded members. [1D]
- Compute stresses and/or deformations in a circular member subjected to torsion loading. [1D]
- Produce shear and bending moment diagrams for beams and calculate bending and shearing stresses and beam deflection. [1D]
- Solve problems using the stress transformation equations and Mohr's circle. [1D]
- Use Euler's equation to solve buckling problems for various end conditions. [1D]
- Analyze experimental data of a material behavior. [5D, 6I]
Manufacturing Processes (MECH306)
This course aims to provide students with basic manufacturing processes such as casting, welding, metal cutting and metal forming. Topics include: Mold design, casting and welding processes, theory of metal cutting, tooling features, mechanics of selected bulk deformation, sheet metalworking processes, and manufacturing process selection for a given product. Ethical issues and entrepreneurial activities are also covered.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH390 with a minimum grade D
- MECH305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe casting processes.
- Conduct metal removal processes.
- Analyze bulk deformation processes.
- Analyze sheet metal working.
- Perform different welding processes.
- Demonstrate self-study in recent topics in manufacturing processes.
- Produce a well-structured report
Dynamics (MECH310)
This course aims to provide students with knowledge of dynamics of particles and rigid bodies. Topics include: plane kinematics and kinetics of particles, rectilinear and curvilinear motion, work and energy, impulse and momentum, plane kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies, including nonrotating and rotating axes. The course also includes applications using modern engineering tools, such as MATLAB for simulation and analysis of dynamical systems.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC325 with a minimum grade D or CIVL240 with a minimum grade D
- (MECH240 with a minimum grade D or AERO220 with a minimum grade D)
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Solve kinematics of particles in different coordinate systems
- Analyze kinetics of particles
- Analyze kinematics of rigid bodies
- Solve kinetics of rigid bodies
- Demonstrate usage of computing packages such as Matlab to simulate dynamics of particles and/or rigid bodies
Applied Thermodynamics (MECH311)
This course aims to provide students with essential understanding of the concepts of applied thermo-dynamics. Topics include: Second law analysis, introduction to exergy, vapor and gas power cycles, ideal gas mixtures and psychrometry, basic air conditioning processes, basic refrigeration cycles, basics of combustion thermodynamics, basic compressible flow.
Credit Hours : 3
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply second law of thermodynamics to processes
- Analyze gas power, vapor power, and refrigeration cycles using first and second laws
- Apply thermodynamics analysis for mixtures and air conditioning processes
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of combustion and compressible flows
- Communicate effectively in writing
Geometric Modeling (MECH315)
This course aims to introduce students to geometric modeling techniques. Topics include: orthographic and isometric projections, sectional views, and dimensioning. Introduction to geometric modeling and representation, solid modeling, parametric and feature-based modeling will also be covered. Students will use a modern mechanical engineering package (e.g. Pro/E, Solidworks, CATIA) throughout to apply the concepts learnt during this course.
Credit Hours : 2
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use a commercial CAD package to model objects in 3D using Feature Based Modelling
- Use the model to produce orthographic projections and section views
- Compose the models in Neutral data format for other applications
- Apply dimension on Engineering Drawings using accepted standards
- Produce a real life object/product into 3D CAD model
- Develop computer models ready for rapid prototyping
- Recognize the applicability of the knowledge learned in the course in real life applications
Fluid Mechanics (MECH340)
This course aims to provide students with essential concepts of fluid mechanics. Topics include: Fluid properties, similitude, fluid statics, Bernoulli?s equation, applications of the mass, momentum and energy equations, viscous flow in pipes, flow over immersed bodies, and introduction to turbo machinery.
Credit Hours : 3
- CIVL240 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize fluid properties
- Analyze hydrostatic forces and buoyancy force and stability of immersed bodies.
- Apply momentum equation and Bernoulli equation in different flow settings.
- Demonstrate the basic knowledge of Navier-Stokes equations, turbomachinery, and dimensional analysis and similitude.
- Analyze lift and drag forces over immersed bodies.
- Communicate effectively in writing
Fluid Mechanics Lab (MECH348)
This lab aims to provide students with in-depth understanding of theoretical phenomena studied in the fluid mechanics course. Students are required to use data acquisition system to acquire, analyze, and interpret results. Experiments include: Measurement of pressures, pressure loss in pipes, impact of jet, hydrostatic forces, viscosity, fluid flow rate, lift and drag, boundary layer; flow visualization, shock wave, velocity profiles in laminar and turbulent flows, performance of turbo machines.
Credit Hours : 1
- MECH210 with a minimum grade D
- Pre/Co MECH340 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Conduct experiments that support the understanding of basic fluid mechanics.
- Analyze experimental data
- Ability to function effectively on a team
- Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively
Introduction to Mechatronics (MECH350)
This course provides students with an introduction to mechatronics. Topics include: characteristics of mechatronics systems, review of measuring fundamental properties; transducers for motion measurements, fluid flow, temperature, pressure and strain, signal conditioning, operational amplifiers, diode circuits and applications, bipolar junction transistors and field-effect transistors theory and applications, analog to digital/digital to analog conversions, and microprocessor applications.
Credit Hours : 3
- (PHYS140 with a minimum grade D and PHYS110 with a minimum grade D and MATH275 with a minimum grade D)
- (MECH210 with a minimum grade D or (AERO220 with a minimum grade D)
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe mechatronics systems, components and characteristics
- Explain basic electronic circuit models and their applications in mechatronics
- Analyze step and frequency responses of dynamic systems analytically and experimentally
- Experiment with basic electronic circuits
- Explain principles of digital systems in relation to analog systems and signals
- Illustrate practically the applications of microcontrollers in mechatronics systems
Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering (MECH384)
This course aims to introduce students to the applied mathematics for engineers. Topics include: Vector Calculus, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Analysis of systems of Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations, Fourier series, including but not limited to, structural mechanics, dynamic systems, mass, momentum and heat transfer equations.
Credit Hours : 3
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Solve systems of linear differential equations.
- Demonstrate basic concepts related to vector calculus.
- Demonstrate basic understanding of Fourier series.
- Analyze the solution of wave/heat equation.
- Recognize the basic concepts of nonlinear differential equations.
Engineering Materials (MECH390)
This course aims at studying basic concepts and fundamentals of material science and engineering. Topics covered include atomic structure, arrangements, unit cells, types of engineering materials; metallic alloys, polymers, ceramics, composites, nanocomposites, testing, mechanical and electrical properties, processing, in service behavior, corrosion, deformation, material and process selection.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain concepts of crystalline and non-crystalline materials structures and its defects.
- Use Fick's first and second laws of diffusion in metals.
- Illustrate corrosion of metals.
- Illustrate the electrical properties of metals and semiconductors.
- Practice different types of material testing to derive mechanical properties.
- Produce effective technical reports and presentations.
- Identify contemporary issues related to engineering materials.
Machine Design I (MECH407)
This course aims at introducing fundamental skills and concepts of machine design with applications to simple elements. Topics covered include considerations affecting design, fits and tolerances, design of screws, fasteners and connections, welded joints, shafts, and flexible mechanical elements (springs, belts, ropes, flexible shafts, etc). Ethical and Entrepreneurial issues and autonomous learning techniques will be employed throughout the course where relevant.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use failure theories in component design
- Perform buckling analysis of columns
- Apply tolerances, fits and stresses involved in machine design
- Employ design procedure in shaft design
- Employ design procedures in power screw and fastener design
- Apply design procedure in flexible mechanical element design
- Design mechanical component to meet desired needs
Dynamic Systems & Control (MECH409)
This course aims to introduce students to the fundamental knowledge of control system theories and applications. Topics include: Mathematical modeling, dynamic system responses, feedback control characteristics, stability of feedback systems, feedback control design, design steps of PID controller, and control design using root-locus method. The course also includes applications using modern engineering tools, such as MATLAB for control system design, simulation, and analyzes.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Formulate differential equations and transfer functions system dynamic models using Laplace transform
- Apply block diagram manipulation techniques
- Analyze first, second and higher order systems and time response
- Evaluate the stability, performance, and disturbance rejection characteristics of closed loop feedback systems
- Develop controller design to alter system behavior using PID controllers
- Use the graphical method of Root locus for analysis and design of feedback loops
- Use Matlab control systems toolbox
Heat Transfer for Mechanical Engineering (MECH411)
This course aims to provide students with essential concepts of Heat Transfer. Topics include: Steady and transient heat conduction, forced and natural convection, internal and external flows, principles of engineering thermal radiation, heat exchanger, boiling and condensation. The course also aims to inspire students as well as enhance their entrepreneurial skills, as related to the heat transfer area.
Credit Hours : 3
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
- MECH384 with a minimum grade D
- MECH240 with a minimum grade D
- MECH340 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze steady state and transient heat conduction problems.
- Apply correlations for natural and forced convection heat transfer.
- Compute radiation heat transfer.
- Analyze heat exchangers.
- Recognize boiling and condensation heat transfer problems.
- Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively.
Machine Design II (MECH412)
This course aims at covering the theory and application of design methods for complicated machine components. Computers will be used to help design integrated systems. The course also focuses on gaining skills in self-research, critical thinking and working within design groups. Topics covered include design of journal and rolling-element bearings, gears and gear boxes, clutches, couplings, and brakes. Ethical issues and Entrepreneurial opportunities and case studies will be explored throughout the course.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH407 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop procedures for the design of friction elements
- Develop spur and helical gear systems following the design procedures
- Develop bevel and worm gear systems following the design procedures
- Apply the design procedures for journal bearings
- Develop rolling element bearing compensations following the standard procedures
- Build a full mechanical system, subsystem, or component
Kinematics Design of Machinery (MECH417)
This course aims to introduce students to the knowledge of kinematics of machinery analysis and synthesis. Topics include: Mobility analysis, kinematics of mechanisms, vector methods of analysis of plane mechanisms, introduction to the synthesis of plane linkages, force analysis of mechanisms, static and dynamic balancing of machines, and analysis and synthesis of cams. The course includes project work where students formed in teams perform analysis and simulation of mechanisms applications. The course also includes applications using modern engineering tools, such as MATLAB or MSC-AdAMS for mechanisms simulation and analysis.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH310 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Illustrate basic kinematics concepts of planar mechanisms
- Design of four bar linkage to satisfy certain conditions.
- Analyze position, velocity and acceleration of planar mechanisms.
- Compute forces and torques under static and dynamic loading for realistic mechanisms.
- Examine static and dynamic balance of rotating machinery.
- Construct cams for desired output motions.
- Develop analysis and simulation of mechanisms using computers.
Thermofluid System Design & Analysis (MECH426)
This course aims to provide students with basic design concepts for thermal-fluid systems. Topics include: Design and analysis of thermal-fluid systems: applications are drawn from power generation, HVAC/R and industrial processes. Introduction to energy management and identification of energy management opportunities. The course also aims to inspire students as well as enhance their entrepreneurial skills. Contemporary issues as well as commitment to standards of ethical practice will be emphasized.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Evaluate performance of thermo-fluids components and systems
- Develop workable design for the thermo-fluids components and systems.
- Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively.
- Apply new knowledge in thermo-fluids.
Thermal Engineering Lab (MECH430)
This lab aims to provide students with in-depth understanding of theoretical phenomena studied in the thermodynamics and heat transfer courses. Students are required to use data acquisition system to acquire, analyze, and interpret results. Experiments include: Psychometric processes; performance of refrigeration cycles and components; thermodynamic properties and equations of state; convective heat transfer; combustion engines; heat exchangers. The lab aims to inspire students and enhance their entrepreneurial skills as relevant to the area of thermal engineering.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co MECH426 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Construct experiments that support the understanding of thermo-fluids components and systems.
- Analyze experimental data.
- Apply design process to thermo-fluids components and systems.
- Measure the student ability to work effectively a team.
- Interpret professional and ethical responsibility.
- Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively.
- Apply new knowledge in thermo-fluid.
Introduction to Computer Aided Manufacturing (MECH433)
This course aims to provide students with the fundamentals of computer-aided manufacturing. Topics include: Computer numerical control, application of CAM packages (such as NX-CAM or CATIA-CAM) in machining complex parts, part programming, and introduction to computer integrated manufacturing. Students gain hands-on skills in using a computer aided manufacturing package and computer numerical control machine tools. This course also provides students with the awareness of the entrepreneurial activities in manufacturing.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH306 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain basic components of CNC Systems.
- Evaluate a machining sequence in a part drawing
- Conduct CNC machining and standard programming.
- Generate the CNC code by CAM package.
- Use CAM packages to perform feature-based machining.
- Produce parts with contours.
Design and Manufacturing Lab (MECH440)
This course aims to integrate theoretical and practical knowledge gained from previous design, materials, manufacturing, dynamics and some aspects of thermofluid courses. Students design and realize typical mechanical engineering systems or components through a series of projects and experiments. Students are required to use conventional and modern engineering tools as well as to develop commitment to ethical, environmental, social and global issues, and to be aware of entrepreneurial opportunities relevant to design and manufacturing.
Credit Hours : 1
- MECH433 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop and conduct experiments in the context of design and manufacturing
- Design for manufacturing Engineering Systems or components.
- Solve problems related to design in consideration to other aspects.
- Demonstrate professional and ethical responsibility through their work in teams.
- Demonstrate an appreciation for entrepreneurial opportunities relevant to design and manufacturing.
- Develop product that can be manufactured and communicate it both orally and in writing.
Dynamic Systems and Control Lab (MECH450)
The lab provides students with hands-on skills of dynamic systems analysis and control implementation. The lab consists of experiments based on representative thermal, fluid, and mechanical systems. For each experiment the students will model the related process, simulate it, design a controller for it, and implement the final control system on a microcontroller.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Formulate system dynamics problems mathematically
- Analyze uncontrolled dynamic systems in terms of sensor calibration, system order, time response, and stability using Laplace transformation and time domain analysis
- Design P, Pi, PD and PID based controllers to meet desired design specifications
- Simulate controlled dynamic systems using Matlab
- Analyze the performance of controlled dynamic systems
- Evaluate the results of control system design
Internship I (MECH485)
Students spend 8 weeks on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills. This course aims at offering career exploration opportunities for students.
Credit Hours : 1
- CIVL240 with a minimum grade D
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
- GENG215 with a minimum grade D
- MECH200 with a minimum grade D
- MECH210 with a minimum grade D
- MECH240 with a minimum grade D
- (MECH305 with a minimum grade D or MECH306 with a minimum grade D or MECH310 with a minimum grade D or MECH311 with a minimum grade D or MECH315 with a minimum grade D or MECH340 with a minimum grade D)
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and individually to achieve the planned tasks and goals.
- Develop communication skills through oral and written presentations.
- Evaluate different engineering situations and judgments based on ethical codes and professional responsibilities.
Internship II (MECH490)
Students spend 8 weeks on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills. This course aims at offering career exploration opportunities for students as well as opportunities to correlate their academic preparation to the reality of conducting professional practice, to interact effectively with others in practice, to develop professional skills and communicate effectively in the workplace and to gain true practical experience that is necessary for their future practice as engineers in their respective discipline after graduation.
Credit Hours : 1
- STAT210 with a minimum grade D
- GENG315 with a minimum grade D
- MECH305 with a minimum grade D
- MECH306 with a minimum grade D
- MECH310 with a minimum grade D
- MECH311 with a minimum grade D
- MECH315 with a minimum grade D
- MECH348 with a minimum grade D
- MECH350 with a minimum grade D
- MECH384 with a minimum grade D
- Pre/Co MECH485 with a minimum grade P
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and individually to achieve the planed tasks and goals.
- Develop communication skills through oral and written presentations.
- Evaluate different engineering situations and judgments based on ethical codes and professional responsibilities.
- Propose ideas/solutions for real-life problems based on the learned knowledge.
Selected Topics in Thermal Sciences (MECH510)
Selected topics that meet students' interests, faculty capabilities and available resources in the thermal sciences area. More than one section of this course may be offered in any semester when different topics need to be covered.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate fundamental understanding of selected topics in thermal sciences
- Use engineering tools to solve practical problems arising in thermal sciences
- Analyze engineering solutions and their impacts for practical problems in thermal sciences
Air Conditioning Systems (MECH513)
This course aims to introduce air-conditioning theory and applications. Topics covered include air-conditioning systems, cooling load calculations, types of air-conditioning systems, central stations, air-distribution and control systems, cooling water systems design, vibration and noise problems, and selection of optimum air-conditioning system.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Determine the cooling load for central air conditioning systems and cycles.
- Compare AC equipment considering the cost and noise of the different component.
- Design piping, ducting systems, pumps and fans for the central AC system.
- Apply modern tools of reducing the load of AC systems and managing the energy.
Heat Engines (MECH514)
This course aims at explaining internal combustion engines, theory and design. Topics covered include air standard cycles, fuel air, and actual cycles, supercharging, knocking in petrol and diesel engines, fuel rating, engine performance, spark ignition and compression ignition engines, non-conventional engines, and air pollution from I.C. engines.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH311 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare between different engine cycles (theoretical and actual)
- Compare between different types of flames in diesel and petrol engines
- Decide the ethical and professional responsibilities of engine exhaust gases effects
- Investigate new trends in engine design and selection of alternative fuels
Energy Management (MECH516)
Energy management principle, energy auditing process, utility rate structures, economic principles and life cycle cost. Energy management applications in buildings, boilers and thermal systems, waste heat recovery, electrical systems, motors and insulation material. Environmental impacts and utilization of renewable energy technologies associated with energy management.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply energy auditing process.
- Compute economic and life cycle cost of energy systems.
- Examine energy management opportunities for different systems.
- Compose contemporary knowledge in energy management.
- Recognize professional and ethical responsibilities as relevant to energy management.
Turbomachinery (MECH517)
This course covers a broad treatment of axial and radial turbo machines. Dimensional analysis. Basic laws and equations. Hydraulic pumps, pump and system matching. Centrifugal compressors and fans, pre-whirl, surging, choking. Axial compressors and fans, stage reaction and stage loading, multi-stage performance, axial-flow ducted fans. Axial and radial flow turbines, stator and rotor losses. Efficiencies.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Formulate the dimensionless groups related to turbomachines.
- Estimate the effect of blade angles on turbomachines performance.
- Compare between different modern turbomachines design and performance.
- Determine the professional and ethical solutions related to turbomachine design .
Selected Topics in Bioengineering (MECH520)
Selected topics that meet students' interests, faculty capabilities and available resources in the Bioengineering area. More than one section of this course may be offered in any semester when different topics need to be covered.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate fundamental understanding of selected topics in bioengineering
- Use engineering tools to solve practical problems arising in bioengineering
- Analyze engineering solutions and their impacts for practical problems in bioengineering
Biomechanics (MECH521)
Mechanical properties of bone, muscle, and soft tissue. Static and dynamic analysis of human movement tasks such as locomotion. Transport phenomena with emphasis on biomedical engineering fluid systems.
Credit Hours : 3
Bioinstrumentation (MECH522)
Principles of medical instrumentation. Studies of medical diagnostic instruments and techniques for the measurement of physiologic variables in living systems.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH390 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC372 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze the working principles of bioinstrumentation [1D]
- Conduct a design project/experiment on medical equipment [4M, 7M]
- Engage in activities (research reports) that will contribute to the life-long learning and contemporary issues in biomedical instrumentations [7D]
Introduction to Bioengineering (MECH525)
Physiology of the muscular and cardiovascular systems. Principles of biomechanics, statics and dynamics of human movements. Fundamentals of biomaterials, properties of soft and hard tissue, biocompatibility. Principles of medical instrumentations. Contemporary issues, tissue engineering, genetic engineering, and informatics.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Introduce students to the basic concepts and principles of bioengineering applications and topics.
- Develop students’ abilities and skills as required in solving engineering problems related to human being health care.
- Develop and improve students’ capabilities to conduct experiments properly and safely as well as analyze and interpret results and withdraw a conclusion from the results.
- Improve students’ communication and research skills.
- Increase students’ appreciation towards team building and long life learning.
- Design systems or processes to meet desired bioengineering related needs.
Selected Topics in Mechatronics (MECH530)
Selected topics that meet students' interests, faculty capabilities and available resources in the mechatronics area. More than one section of this course may be offered in any semester when different topics need to be covered.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate fundamental understanding of selected topics in mechatronics
- Use engineering tools to solve practical problems arising in mechatronics
- Analyze engineering solutions and their impacts for practical problems in mechatronics.
Introduction to Robotics (MECH531)
Spatial description and transformation. Manipulator kinematics and inverse manipulator kinematics. Jacobians: Velocities and static forces. Manipulator dynamics. Trajectory generation and linear control of manipulators. Introduction to mobile robot. Laboratory applications.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH417 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Formulate spatial descriptions and coordinate transformation [1M]
- Solve manipulator direct and inverse kinematics [1D]
- Formulate robot Jacobians, velocities and dynamics [1M]
- Demonstrate task programming for robotic manipulator [6I]
- Produce robot trajectory [1M]
- Mark the impact of robotic solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context [4M]
- Analyze robot performance using Matlab [7M]
Design of Mechatronics Systems (MECH532)
The course focuses on the design of embedded control systems with applications to electromechanical, electro-fluidic/pneumatic and/or electro-thermal system control. Modeling, simulation and parameter identifications of the designed system are covered. Topics also include real-time embedded system programming using C, representative computer communication protocols, integration of sensors and actuators, design of system/user interface, and applications of ADC and PWM interfaces. A project covering the course topics is used to exemplify the mechatronics system design.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Model system dynamics using mathematical tools and physics principles
- Develop C programming skills
- Develop skills and knowledge in building and testing computer communication systems
- Develop skills and knowledge in building and testing embedded systems using microcontrollers
- Integrate embedded systems, actuators, sensors and computer communication sub-systems to make functioning mechatronics systems.
Mechanical Vibration (MECH533)
This course aims to provide students with knowledge in the area of mechanical vibrations. Topics include: Free and forced vibration of one-degree-of-freedom systems. Free and forced vibrations of multi-degrees-of-freedom systems, natural frequencies and mode shapes, vibration control, vibration measurement methods, and vibration of continuous systems.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH310 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Solve free vibration problems of single-degree-of-freedom systems.
- Solve forced vibration problems of single-degree-of-freedom systems associated with rotating unbalance and base excitation.
- Analyze transient vibration.
- Solve free vibration of multi-degree-of-freedom systems.
- Design a mechanical system for vibration suppression.
- Use modern computation packages to solve vibration problems.
Selected Topics in Design & Manufacturing (MECH540)
Selected topics that meet students' interests, faculty capabilities and available resources in the design and manufacturing area. More than one section of this course may be offered in any semester when different topics need to be covered.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate fundamental understanding of selected topics in design and manufacturing
- Use engineering tools to solve practical problems arising in design and manufacturing
- Analyze engineering solutions and their impacts for practical problems in design and manufacturing
Non-conventional Manufacturing (MECH541)
This course aims at studying non- conventional manufacturing processes such as Electro Discharge Machining (EDM), ultrasonic machining and welding. Theory of plasticity for metal forming is covered.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH306 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze mechanical energy techniques.
- Examine electrical energy techniques.
- Analyze thermos-electrical energy.
- Examine thermal energy techniques.
- Outline different additive manufacturing processes.
- Compare between different non-conventional manufacturing methods.
- Produce effective technical reports and presentations.
Maintenance Engineering (MECH545)
This course aims at studying methods and management of engineering maintenance. Topics covered include the role of statistics and probability in failure, types of maintenance, manpower, spare parts and materials, maintenance procedures, planning and organization. Inventory control, work distribution, and administration structure.
Credit Hours : 3
- MATH1120 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Illustrate the important concepts in reliability and maintainability
- Recognize the responsibilities of the engineer working in maintenance
- Examine the methods to collect and analyze failure and repair data
- Apply the maintenance procedures, planning, and organization
- Develop an appropriate reliability and maintainability models
- Incorporate cost of reliability and maintainability in the design process in real world examples
- Communicate effectively using right reliability, quality and maintainability terminology
Intermediate Mechanics of Material (MECH547)
The course aims at studying 3-D stress and strain analysis, generalised Hooke's law. theories of failure, stress function, applications to selected plane and axi-symmetric problems, linear-elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), fatigue analysis and experimental stress analysis.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the 3-D stress and strain relationships and Generalized Hooke's law.
- Apply theories of failure to design components under complex stresses.
- Apply the equilibrium and compatibility equations, stress function and boundary conditions to solve plane and axisymmetric problems.
- Apply linear elastic fracture mechanics approach.
- Apply fracture mechanics based approach to fatigue analysis.
- Use modern computation packages to analyze stresses and strains.
- Analyze and interpret experimental data and draw conclusions.
Introduction to Aerospace Engineering (MECH550)
Historical perspectives of aerospace engineering, aerospace engineering profession,. Standard atmosphere. Introduction to aircraft performance (steady flight, flight performance, aircraft maneuvers). Introduction airplane aerodynamics and propulsion, introduction to flight controls and stability and introduction aircraft structures.
Credit Hours : 3
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
- MECH340 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the history of airplanes and their impact on the global, regional, and national levels.
- Analyze the aerodynamics and performance of airplanes.
- Describe the basics of propulsion, stability, and structure of aircrafts.
- Measure the student ability to work effectively a team.
- Apply new knowledge and techniques in the field of aerospace engineering.
- Decide the professional and ethical responsibility related to aerospace engineering.
Foundations of Aerodynamics (MECH551)
Aerodynamics forces & moments, non-dimensional coefficients; classification of aerodynamic flows, integral and differential form of governing equations for aerodynamics flows; streamlines, irrotaional and rotational flow, circulation and Kelvin's circulation theorem; low speed wind tunnels, solution for irrotational flows, elementary potential flows and superposition principle, aerodynamics of airfoils, introduction to to supersonic flows, boundary layer.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH340 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the fundamental principles and mathematical formulations related to aerodynamics
- Define the principles of inviscid and incompressible flow over airfoils and flow over finite wings.
- Recognize the professional and ethical responsibilities related to aerospace engineering.
- Apply new knowledge and techniques in the field of aerospace engineering.
- Work effectively in a team.
Aircraft Structures (MECH552)
Review of concepts of stress, deformation, strain, displacement and equations of elasticity; Aircraft structural components; Airworthiness and airframe loads; Application aerospace structural elements including general bending and torsion of open and closed thin walled structures, box beams and thin flat curved panels; Shear flow in thin walled sections; Design of thin-walled multi-cell sections; Failure theories and yield criteria and introduction to fracture mechanics and fatigue; Introduction to finite element methods; introduction to stiffness (displacement) method and truss equations
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the fundamentals of linear elasticity
- Explain the principles of stressed skin construction
- Compute various airframe loads
- Apply the fundamentals of fracture mechanics and fatigue to study cracked aircraft structural components.
- Analyze open-section and closed-section thin-walled aircraft structures subject to bending, shear, and torsion loads.
- Estimate the properties of laminated composite aircraft structures
- Employ experimental stress analysis techniques to analyze aircraft structural components
- Identify the impact of advances in aircraft structures on the environment, society, and economy
Flight Dynamics, Stability and Control (MECH553)
Introduction to the dynamics and control of atmospheric flight vehicles, aircraft coordinate systems, coordinate system transformations, inertial acceleration, aerodynamic forces and moments (stability derivatives), derivation of aircraft equations of motion EOM, linearization of EOM for a given trimmed flight condition, static stability in longitudinal and lateral-directional, small disturbance equations of unsteady motion, dynamics stability.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH310 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify aircraft axes and nomenclature
- Analyze static longitudinal stability and control
- Formulate aircraft dynamic equations of motion
- Evaluate aircraft dynamic stability
- Identify the impact of flights in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
- Evaluate aircraft stability using advanced computational tools
Aerospace Propulsion (MECH554)
Study of the aero-and thermodynamics of jet and liquid and solid rocket engines. Air-breathing engines as propulsion systems. Turbojets, turbofans, turboprops, ramjets. Aerodynamics of gas-turbine engine components, ideal cycle analysis, component performance, non-ideal cycle analysis. Rocket vehicle performance. Introduction to space propulsion.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify air-breathing engines’ components
- Analyze ideal and real propulsion engines including ideal ramjet, turbojet, and turbofan at system and component level
- Recognize requirements and components of rocket propulsion systems
- Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively
- Decide professional and ethical responsibility as relevant to propulsion systems
- Compose new knowledge in aerospace propulsion
Design and Critical Thinking in Mechanical Engineering (MECH585)
This course is a culmination of the design experience earned by the student in the program. The course comprises several activities, such as literature search, data acquisition and analysis, system modeling and simulation, application of computational techniques. The project should reflect the knowledge and the skills acquired by the student throughout his/her study to test his/her ability to tackle a technical problem. Submission of a written report is an essential requirement for completion of the course.
Credit Hours : 3
- STAT210 with a minimum grade D
- MECH305 with a minimum grade D
- MECH310 with a minimum grade D
- MECH311 with a minimum grade D
- MECH315 with a minimum grade D
- MECH340 with a minimum grade D
- MECH348 with a minimum grade D
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS110 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS140 with a minimum grade D
- CHEM175 with a minimum grade D
- MECH350 with a minimum grade D
- (MECH306 with a minimum grade D or MECH384 with a minimum grade D)
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the relevant theoretical background of a contemporary engineering problem.
- Apply the fundamentals of engineering-design and critical thinking, including the assessment and evaluation of alternative engineering solutions.
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, modelling, simulation, and/or data analysis using engineering tools.
- Communicate effectively through oral and written presentations.
- Outline the principles of engineering ethics, and social and environmental responsibilities.
- Recognize the need for ongoing additional knowledge, and the potential of integrating and/or application of this knowledge effectively.
- Develop leadership skills and project management techniques to independently and/or collaboratively handle complex professional tasks in a team-work context.
Capstone Engineering Design Project (MECH590)
This course builds on the outcomes of MECH 585 course to perform detailed design and cost estimate of the selected alternative solutions to a well-defined engineering problem. Student teams are expected to apply knowledge gained throughout their studies to an engineering design project, emphasizing creativity and originality. A final report and prototype are required.
Credit Hours : 3
- MECH585 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the theoretical background of a contemporary engineering problem
- Apply the fundamentals of engineering-design, including the assessment and evaluation of alternative engineering solutions.
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, modelling, simulation, and/or data analysis using modern engineering tools.
- Communicate effectively through oral and written presentations.
- Recognize the principles of engineering ethics, and social and environmental responsibilities.
- Recognize the need for ongoing additional knowledge, and the potential of integration and/or application of this knowledge effectively.
- Develop leadership skills and project management techniques to independently and/or collaboratively handle complex professional tasks in a team-work context.
Advanced Mechanical Vibrations (MECH612)
Multidegree of freedom discrete systems, continuous systems, approximate methods, finite element method, vibration control, random vibration, and nonlinear vibration.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Ability To Critically Review The Literature Including Patents And Synthesize The Information With Calculations To Assess The Feasibility Of Technology Concepts. [Plo3, Plo4]
- Understand The Behavior Of A Mechanical System, By Analyzing Nonlinearities In Vibration Behavior. [Plo1]
- Understand The Concepts Of Vibration Modes And Natural Frequencies For Multi-Degree-Of-Freedom Systems. [Plo1]
- Understand The Fundamentals Of Vibrations Of Continuous Systems Such As Beams And Plates. [Plo1]
- Use Modern Computation Packages To Solve Vibration Problems [Plo2]
- Use Of Different Numerical Techniques And Its Application To Vibration Design. [Plo2]
Linear Systems Theory (MECH614)
Introduction to state-space representations of continuous systems. State equations' solution. State-feedback. Block diagram, modeling, controllability, and observability. Singular values and model reduction, feedback control, and pole placement. Observers, reduced-order observers, separation principle, and observer design. Optimal control. Linear-quadratic regulator (LQR). Probability and stochastic processes. Optimal estimation. Kalman filter.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze The System Behavior Based On The Mathematical Model Of That System Where The Model May Be Expressed In State-Space Domain. [Plo1]
- Apply Linear Algebra To Complex Real World Problems In Order To Obtain Models That Are Expressed Using State Space Equations. [Plo1]
- Design Controllers Using The Concept Of State Feedback And Pole Placement Tech. [Plo1]
- Design, Build, Simulate, And Test Control Systems And Strategies Using Both Matlab And Simulink. [Plo1, Plo2]
- Write A Report That Effectively Communicates The Results Of An Analysis Or Design. [Plo3, Plo4]
Advanced Dynamics (MECH615)
This course covers three-dimensional kinematics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies using vector (Newton-Euler) and analytical (Lagrange's equations and Hamilton's principle) methods. Study of how kinematic constraints are incorporated into forming the governing equations and their relationship with constraint forces. Holonomic and nonholonomic constraints. Linear and angular momentum, and energy conservation. Using rotating coordinate systems to solve dynamics problems. Two- and three-dimensional rigid body dynamics. Gyroscopic motion. Lagrange multipliers. Kane’s equations. Instruction on advanced topics in analytical dynamics, incorporating D'Alembert's principle, Hamilton's principle and the general Lagrange equations. Reinforcement of concepts through computer analysis using Matlab.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze The Kinematics Of Particles, Systems Of Particles, And Rigid Bodies. [Plo1]
- Choose Different Sets Of Coordinates To Describe The Dynamic Motion. [Plo1]
- Combine Computational With Theoretical Analysis Techniques To Solve Advanced Problems In Dynamics. [Plo2]
- Derive The Dynamic Equations Of Motion For A Three-Dimensional Rigid Body Using Newtonian/Lagrangian/Hamiltonian/Kane Dynamics. [Plo1]
- Derive The Dynamics Equations Using D’Almbert’S Principle, Virtual Displacement And Virtual Work. [Plo1]
- Formulate And Solve Kinematics Problems For Multi-Body Mechanical Devices With Holonomic And Non-Holonomic Constraints. [Plo1]
- Formulate And Solve Three-Dimensional Kinematics Problems Using Euler Angles. [Plo1]
- Interpret The Knowledge Provided In The Course To Model Both Common And Complex Mechanical Systems. [Plo3]
- Understand And Apply Linear And Angular Momentum, And Energy Conservation. [Plo1]
Fatigue & Fracture Mechanics (MECH626)
Analysis of the general state of stress and strain in solids; dynamic fracture tests (FAD, CAT). Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), Griffith- Irwin analysis, ASTM KIC, KIPCI, KIA, KID. Plane stress, plane strain; yielding fracture mechanics (COD, JIC). Fatigue crack initiation. Goodman diagrams and fatigue crack propagation. Notch sensitivity and stress concentrations. Low-cycle fatigue, corrosion and thermal fatigue.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply Epfm Approach Criteria: Crack Opining Displacement, J Contour Integral, R Curves, Etc. [Plo 1].
- Apply The Concept Of Fracture Zone Corrections [Plo1]
- Apply The Concepts Of Griffith/Strain Energy Release Rate And Stress Intensity Facto [Plo1].
- Apply The Fracture Mechanics Approach To Solve Fatigue Crack Initiation And Propagations Problems [Plo 1, Plo 3].
- Apply The Measurement Procedure Of The Fracture Toughness Kic [Plo 1, Plo 3]
- Apply The Principles Of Lefm And Epfm In Components Design [Plo1]
- Conduct A Presentation On A Relevant Topic To Fatigue And Fracture Mechanics [Plo 4].
- Conduct Theoretical And/Or Experimental Work, Analyze The Results And Draw Conclusions In A Scientific/ Applied Research-Based Term Project [Plo3, Plo2]
Advanced Solid Mechanics (MECH630)
The course covers fundamental principles and techniques in stress analysis of trusses, beams, rigid frame, and then-walled structures. State of stress and strain at a point, stress-strain relationships: topics in beam theory such as unsymmetrical bending, curved beams, and elastic foundations: torsion of noncircular cross-sections. Emphasis is placed on energy methods associated with calculus of variations.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze The Stress At A Point And Apply The Stress Relations [Plo1].
- Apply Energy Methods (E.G. Castigliano Theorem) To Solve Problems Of Springs And Beams [Plo 1]
- Apply The Principles Of Solid Mechanics To Solve Elasticity Problems [Plo1]
- Conduct A Presentation On A Relevant Topic To Advanced Solid Mechanics [Plo3]
- Conduct Theoretical And/Or Experimental Work, Analyze The Results And Draw Conclusions In A Scientific Or Applied Research-Based Term Project [Plo4, Plo3, Plo2, Plo1]
- Determine The Stresses On Oblique Planes, Principal Stresses, And Octahedral Stresses In 3-D [Plo1].
- Measure The Strains At A Point And Obtain The Principle Strains And Stresses [Plo 1, Plo2]
- Solve Solid Mechanics Problems (E.G., Thick Walled Tubes, Plates, Shells, Rotating Discs [Plo1]
- Use Various Yield Criteria To Explain Material Deformation Mechanisms And Prevent Material From A Catastrophic Failure [Plo1].
Advanced CAD/CAM (MECH632)
Wire frame and other precursors to geometric models. Parametric and Bozier curves; B-splines and NURBS. Boundary representation models. Set theoretic (or CSG) models. Implicit solids and surfaces. Non-manifold geometric models. Feature-based modeling and recognition. Intelligent CAD systems. Numerical accuracy problems in geometric models. Integral properties of geometric models. Procedural shape definition. Types of engineering constraints. Constraint based systems. Techniques for constraint resolution. Rapid prototyping. Part Programming and Machining, NC cutting, path planning and process planning.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Employ the theory on manipulation of vertices.
- Use the theory on PC curves, Bezier curves and B-splines in the design and manufacture of components.
- Use the theory on PC, Bezier and B spline surfaces.
- Practice the fundamentals and advanced theory of solid modeling and Feature Based Modeling.
- Create CNC programming
- Build CAD model using a CAD/CAM package
Finite Element Methods (MECH633)
This course covers fundamental concepts of the finite element method are presented and developed for one- and two-dimensional problems. Applications in the areas of structural analysis, heat transfer and fluid flow are stressed. Computer implementations of finite element method are emphasized. The course focuses on structural mechanics using spring element, bar elements, 2D trusses elements, beam elements, two-dimensional plane stress/strain elements and axisymmetric elements. Heat transfer, solid mechanics and fluid mechanics problems will also be analyzed.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the general steps of finite element methods [PLO1]
- Employ the basic finite elements formulation techniques [PLO1]
- Formulate equations in finite element methods for 1D and 2D problems [PLO1, PLO3]
- Solve basic structural, heat transfer and fluid flow problems [PLO1, PLO3]
- Present results of work either orally or in writing [PLO3, PLO4]
- Write computer program based on finite element methods [PLO6]
Directed Studies in Mechanical Engineering (MECH640)
This will require students to discuss and critique original and recent journal articles, describing a major scientific advancement in a research area, which will be chosen in consultation with the student’s supervisor. Students are required to make presentations, submit reports and participate in discussions.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Survey most recent journal article/s relevant to scientific advancement in a research topic
- Make up presentations on most recent journal article/s relevant to scientific advancement in a research topic
- Compose a report on recent journal article/s relevant to scientific advancement in a research topic
Advanced Heat Transfer (MECH645)
This course will cover two major topics in heat transfer: conduction and convection. Specific conduction topics covered will include: methods of solving the (one dimensional & multidimensional) heat conduction equation for various boundary conditions, homogenous vs. nonhomogenous problems, transient versus steady state in rectangular and cylindrical coordinates. The various methods to solve the heat conduction equation involve separation of variables, Duhamel?s Theorem, Laplace Transform technique and integral methods.. Specific topics in convection include: laminar and turbulent heat transfer, thermal boundary layers, ?limiting? condition flows, transpiration cooling, external flows and natural convection.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Be Able To Formulate Equations For 1D And 2D Heat Transfer Problems [Plo1, Plo2]
- Present Results Of Work Either Orally Or In Writing [Plo3]
- Understand And Apply Methods To Solve Steady State And Transient Heat Conduction Equation Problems [Plo1, Plo2]
- Understand The Basic Conduction And Convection Heat Transfer Formulation Techniques [Plo1, Plo2]
- Understand The General Methods Of Solving Conduction And Convection Heat Transfer [Plo1, Plo2]
- Write Computer Program To Solve Heat Transfer Problems Methods [Plo4]
Advanced Fluid Mechanics (MECH650)
Kinematics of fluid motion. Constitutive equations of isotropic viscous compressible fluids. Derivation of Navier-Stokes equations. Lessons from special exact solutions, self-similarity. Admissibility of idealizations and their applications; inviscid, adiabatic, irrotational, incompressible, boundary- layer, quasi one-dimensional, linearized and creeping flows. Vorticity theorems. Unsteady Bernoulli equation. Basic flow solutions. Basic features of turbulent flows.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply Boundary Layer Approximation. [Plo1-Plo2]
- Apply Similarity Solution And Non-Dimensional Analysis. [Plo1]
- Compute A Numerical Solution For The Bl Approximation And Similarity Solution. [Plo1-Plo2]
- Derive Mass And Momentum Conservation Partial Differential Form. [Plo1]
- Develop Mathematical Models For Inviscid/Potential Flow. [Plo1-Plo2]
- Learn Tensor And Vector Notation Of The Governing Equations. [Plo1]
- Properly Apply Mass And Momentum Conservation To Viscous Flow And Produce Exact Analytical Solution. [Plo1]
- Understand Fluid Kinematics. [Plo1]
Advanced Thermodynamics (MECH654)
Thermodynamic potentials: Maxwell relations, stability criteria. Barometric formula: applications to clouds, solar chimney, etc. Phase mixtures: chemical potential, osmosis, phase equilibrium, Gibbs phase rule, phase diagrams, fugacity and activity. Reacting mixtures: law of mass action and applications, enthalpy and entropy constants, heat of reaction, combustion, flames, adiabatic flame temperature, reaction rates. Thermodynamics of fuel cells: efficiency, causes of losses, comparison with heat engines.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply The Second Law Of Thermodynamics And Exergy Analysis To Advanced Thermodynamics Systems. (Plo1).
- Be Able To Understand And Criticize Published Research In Relevant Areas (Plo4)
- Be Able To Work On Projects Related To The Thermodynamics Area And To Report The Findings Both Orally And In Writing. (Plo3)
- Understand And Be Able To Apply Phase Equilibrium Principles And The Gibbs Phase Rule And To Obtain Relevant Properties For Systems With Different Phases And To Construct Phase Diagrams. (Plo1)
- Understand The Chemical Equilibrium Between Species In Reacting Systems And Be Able To Determine Their Stable Concentrations. (Plo1)
- Understand The Maxwell Relations And Be Able To Use Them To Obtain Properties And Verify Thermodynamics Quantities. (Plo1)
- Understand The Terminology And Be Able To Apply First And Second Law Principles For Reacting Systems. (Plo1)
Mechanical Engineering Seminar (MECH660)
Special topics in Mechanical Engineering presented by post-graduate students, invited speakers from industry and academia.
Credit Hours : 0
Thesis (MECH690)
Supervision of research work is made towards the completion of M.Sc. requirements for Thesis option students.
Credit Hours : 9
Optimal and Robust Control (MECH711)
This course is aimed at an introduction (with rigorous treatment) to the fundamentals of optimal and robust control. It will be divided roughly into two parts. The first will cover aspects of robust control including model reduction, H_2 and H_ infinity control, and feedback control of uncertain systems. The second will delve into optimal control including topics such as the linear quadratic regulator, the calculus of variations, the maximum principle, and the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Determine robustness through stability margins
- Characterize robustness and optimality of H2 and H-infinity controls
- Develop skills useful in controlling systems for uncertain systems
- Apply optimal control methods to a variety of systems
- Propose a robust controller for uncertain systems.
Nonlinear Systems and Control (MECH712)
Introduction to the theory and design methods of non-linear control systems. Application to robotics, vibration and noise control, fluid control, manufacturing processes, and biomedical systems. Mathematical methods based on the theory of differentiable manifolds; non-linear control techniques include feedback linearization, back-stepping, forwarding, and sliding mode control. Additional course topics will include controllability and observability, Lyapunov stability and its applications, limit cycles, input-output stability, zero dynamics, center manifold theory, perturbation theory, and averaging
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop fundamental mathematical tools for analysis of nonlinear control systems.
- Provide an in-depth treatment of Lyapunov and input-output stability theory for nonlinear systems
- Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the different nonlinear methods, and make a qualified choice of method for analysis and design of a dynamical system.
- Apply the methods for analysis and design of nonlinear control systems.
- Apply this knowledge and proficiency in new areas and complete advanced tasks and projects.
Failure Analysis and Prevention (MECH720)
Failure analysis, methodology and procedure. Failure mechanisms: mechanical, corrosion, high temperature. Detection and evaluation of material defects. X-ray radiography, ultrasonic, dye penetrate, magnetic particle and eddy current techniques. Case studies illustrating various causes of failure and prevention techniques: design faults, fabrication, welding, finishing, heat treatment, material selection, service condition
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply procedures generally followed when conducting failure analysis
- Apply the basic engineering failure mechanisms
- Explain the principles behind the choice of instruments and methods of failure analysis
- Explain the corrective procedure for failure prevention
- Conduct theoretical and/or experimental work, analyze the results and draw conclusions in a scientific or applied research-based term project
Advances in Manufacturing Processes (MECH730)
This course addresses recent advances in manufacturing processes with more focus on non-conventional manufacturing processes. Key areas of research are addressed such as optimization the material removal rate, surface roughness and other output parameters of the nonconventional manufacturing processes, comparing between different nonconventional processes. The course targets graduate student with interest in current trends of manufacturing processes, students who complete the courses successfully will be able it identify the ongoing research in non-conventional manufacturing processes and its real life applications
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Discuss new trends in manufacturing processes
- Describe major scientific advancements in mechanical, electrical, thermal and chemical energy based processes research area
- Apply research principles to evaluate the performance of advanced manufacturing processes
- Communicate thoughts and ideas in non-conventional manufacturing processes through written reports and oral presentation
- Discuss and critique original and recent journal articles of relevance to non-conventional manufacturing processes
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering I (MECH735)
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students with emphasis on new frontiers in Mechanical Engineering
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the concepts of mechanical engineering in the chosen topics.
- Conduct theoretical and/or experimental work, analyze the results and draw conclusions in a scientific/ applied research-based term project
- Conduct a presentation on a relevant topic
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering II (MECH736)
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students with emphasis on new frontiers in Mechanical Engineering
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the concepts of mechanical engineering in the chosen topics.
- Conduct theoretical and/or experimental work, analyze the results and draw conclusions in a scientific/ applied research-based term project
- Conduct a presentation on a relevant topic
Convective Heat Transfer (MECH742)
This course aims at providing students with essential concepts of Convective Heat Transfer. Topics covered include: Differential and integral formulations of convection Heat Transfer. Parallel and nearly parallel laminar (boundary layer) flows. Similarity solutions. Kinetic and thermal scales. Multiple scale dimensional analysis. Analytical solutions to the momentum and energy conservation equations
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Derive conservation equations and apply general methods of solving convection heat transfer problems
- Explain basic formulation techniques for convection heat transfer
- Apply correlations for natural and forced convection heat transfer
- Model external and internal convective heat transfer problems
- Present results of work either orally or in writing
Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (MECH750)
The objectives of this course are to introduce students to general governing equations including Euler equation, Navier-Stokes equation, Diffusion equation and advection equation. Introduce students to Semi-discretization based on finite-difference and finite-volume methods, stability of time-integration methods, and selection of a suitable time-integration method for a given spatial discretization, accuracy and stability of full discretization, development of a CFD code to solve the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations in a simple geometry
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze the accuracy of semi-discretization based on finite-difference and finite-volume methods
- Analyze the stability of time-integration methods and select a suitable time-integration method for a given spatial discretization
- Analyze the accuracy and stability of full discretization
- Create a CFD code to solve the Euler or Navier-Stokes equations in a simple geometry
- Present results of work either orally or in writing
Measurements and Instrumentation (MECH760)
This course is to explore the application of time- and frequency-domain methods to time series data. Topics include tools for random data analysis (including types of random data, mean values, mean-square values, probability density and distribution functions, moments and characteristic functions, spectral and correlation analysis); bias and random error estimates in data measurements; input-output system models; measurement examples.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explore the application of time- and frequency-domain methods to time series data.
- Emphasize the understanding, application, and interpretation of various statistical and experimental methods.
- Apply statistical functions (e.g., probability density functions, moments, etc.), timedomain (e.g., auto- and cross-correlation) functions, and frequency-domain (e.g., auto- and crossspectra) methods to practical engineering problems.
- Explain modern signal transmission techniques and relevant standards and recognize the importance of good measurement as a basis for effective control.
- Write computer programs for digital data acquisition and process control.
Comprehensive Exam (MECH800)
Passing the comprehensive exam is required to enter into PhD candidacy. The exam evaluates the research ability of potential PhD candidates.
Credit Hours : 0
Prospectus Exam (MECH810)
PhD student submits and defends a Research Proposal in front of a prospectus examination committee as stipulated in the COE prospectus examination guidelines.
Credit Hours : 0
- MECH800 with a minimum grade D
Dissertation Doctoral Research (MECH900)
Open to students who have successfully completed the comprehensive exam. PhD student conducts original research under the direction of a supervisory committee. Credits are determined in consultation with the dissertation supervisor.
Credit Hours : 30
Dissertation Defense (MECH910)
Two part exam, open and close, to defend the results of PhD research work
Credit Hours : 0
- MECH810 with a minimum grade D
Operations Research for Engineers (MEME621)
This course introduces a number of models that are efficient and effective in solving certain classes of engineering problems. Students will learn how to apply linear and integer and dynamic programming, forecasting models, simulation, queuing analysis, inventory systems for engineering management decisions.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Build Models For Real Life Problems Mathematically
- Evaluate Problem Complexity
- Explain And Apply Different Types Of Mathematical Models
- Illustrate And Apply Linear, Integer, And Dynamic Programming
- Solve And Optimize Mathematical Models
- Use Sensitivity Analysis And Constraint Cost Analysis On Feasible And Optimal Solutions
Project Management for Engineers (MEME635)
This course introduces the life cycle stages of a project and functions of management. Project analysis and evaluation including comparison of alternatives are explored. Project screening and selection. Project organizational structure, work breakdown structures and management of human resources in projects. Conflict management and resolution. Also this course focuses on the basic concepts of project planning including network scheduling techniques including the use of the Gantt Chart and Critical Path Method (CPM). Using PERT for scheduling activities with uncertain durations. Time-Cost Tradeoff analysis. Resource management including resource leveling and allocation. Cost and schedule control. Updating cost and schedule estimates.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze And Apply The Techniques And Tools Used For Project Analysis, Evaluation, Screening And Selection
- Apply Project Management Skills, Techniques, And Tools To Meet Project Requirements
- Explain Project Management Concepts Including Functions Of Management, Life-Cycle Stages Of A Project, Project Organizational Structures, And Work Breakdown Structure
- Use Specialized Software For Project Scheduling And Control
- Use The Cpm And Gantt Chart Techniques For Project Scheduling And Evaluate Project Activities With Uncertain Durations Using The Pert Technique
- Use Time-Cost-Tradeoff Analysis And Evaluate The Progress Of Projects Using Cost And Schedule Control Techniques
Quality Engineering (MEME651)
The objective of this course is to strengthen and improve the ability of engineering managers in detailing with the theory and design of quality control systems. The course covers techniques of quality control and to utilize reliability consideration in engineering design. This course addresses statistical quality control, quality control charts, ISO 9000, sampling and quality audit, quality control OC curves, Six-Sigma principle.
Credit Hours : 3
- Pre/Co STAT609 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply The Principles Of Reliability Engineering And Failure Mode And Effect Analysis
- Apply The Principles, Methodologies, And Techniques Of Quality Improvement
- Build And Maintain Quality Management Systems For Given Industrial Circumstances
- Evaluate And Implement Methods For Quality Improvement
- Explain And Apply Various Attribute And Variable Control Charts
- Outline The Historical Development Of Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Quality Management Systems (Including Iso9001) And The Six Sigma
Engineering Process Management (MEME661)
The focus of the course is managing engineering processes irrespective of the branch of engineering it belongs to. Topics covered include work systems and how they work, Methods Engineering and Layout planning, integration of Process Information in Manufacturing Systems, Process Safety and Environmental Regulations/Standards (ISO 14001), Occupational Hazards, Ergonomics, Maintenance Procedures and Systems Reliability, Planning for and management of health and safety within a process.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare And Evaluate Different Work Systems To Choose The Appropriate One And Design A Work System For A Given Work
- Comprehend And Apply The Principles Of Work Systems
- Design And Develop Facilities Layout For Engineering Works
- Design And Develop Health And Safety Systems For Engineering Works
- Employ A Systematic Method Study To Facilitate Productivity Improvement
- Employ A Work Element Analysis Of A Given Task And Estimate Cycle Time Using A Predetermined Time System
Product Development and Marketing (MEME676)
The focus of the course is management of new product development processes, from product definition, design, and ethics through ramp-up of product manufacturing. The Students will be asked to design and develop a product or service by collecting customer and consumers’ needs, analyzing the data, developing a product specification and constructing prototypes. The course will encourage the students to interact with the end users during the product development. The course will introduce the marketing elements to the students in basic forms. This includes, but not limited to, packaging, SWOT analysis, BCG, Positioning, 4Ps. This marketing introductory work will help students to design, develop and construct a product that fulfills customers’ needs and therefore, increase the competitiveness of the firm and the firms’ market share.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze, Categorize And Apply The Right Choice Of Design Methods For The Requirements, Specifications, Conceptual Design And Embodiment Design Stages
- Apply Marketing Tools At The Relevant Stages Of Product Development
- Compose Documents And Make Presentations To Explain The Product Development Processes Of Their Projects
- Describe And Apply Systematic Design Process
- Explain And Critique Various Design Models And Methods
- Synthesize And Execute A Product Development Process
Action Project (Capstone) (MEME685)
This course focuses on implementing all courses, technology, and skills learned thus far. The course explores the impact of marketing, information systems and technology, finance, branding, leadership, Porters factors, SWOT and PESTLE analysis, and innovation on good projects and business plans. It also introduces the opportunities and challenges of managing projects to meet the needs of private and government sectors executives, customers, and partners. In the end, students are expected to produce a business plan or design a business concept.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze And Evaluate Engineering Scenarios [B, H]
- Analyze And Illustrate Case Studies Systematically [G, H]
- Apply Knowledge And Skills Gained In Other Mem Courses [F, H]
- Design An Administrative System For Engineering Divisions Or Companies [B, E]
- Evaluate And Propose Improved Solutions To Existing Divisions Or Companies [B, H]
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