Introduction to Law (PRVT113)
This course aims at acquainting the student with the two major concepts; 'the Law' and the 'Rights'. The first concept of Law deals with the nature, necessity and the goals of the Law, and the properties of the Legal Rules. The study also includes the divisions of law, the temporal and spatial validity of law, and the interpretation of law. The Second concept of Right covers the nature, basis and types of Right; with special focus on the idea of the 'legal personality'. This entire course is aimed at providing the student with sufficient knowledge about the essential legal thoughts; so as to enable him to understand the different divisions of law. The course also provides the student, with elementary training on learning oral and written, legal skills.
Credit Hours : 3
- ARBU150 with a minimum grade P
Consumer Protection Law (PRVT201)
This course deal with the legal concepts related to the Federal Consumer Protection Law No. (24) 2006. Topics to be covered in this course include: the definition of consumer, the fundamental rights of consumer, the obligations of the provider, and the liabilities of different parties involved in consumer contracts. The course contains also the study of consumer contracts and the rights of consumer such as the rights to be protected from unfair terms or misleading advertising. Further, it addresses obligations of the seller/supplier such as to comply with producers stipulated by the executive bylaw enacted under the 2006 Act above mentioned before the conclusion of the contract and after that and the legal liability of the supplier/ producer when breaching such obligations.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT210 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the concepts and rules of consumer protection law, Especially under the UAE law
- Write a scientific research according to the Legal Research Methodology
- Lead a team positively.
Sources of Obligation (PRVT210)
This course introduces students to the Voluntary and non-Voluntary sources of obligations in the light of the civil transactions Law in UAE. It particularly focuses on the basic conditions of contract, its validity, interpretation, and the consequences of its dissolution. It also includes the following topics: Unilateral will, unlawful acts, Unjustified Enrichment, and finally the law as a direct source of obligation.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT113 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the main rules and concept of UAE civil transactions law
- Apply relevant legal rules to the key issues of civil law
- Work in the team effectively and smoothly
The Rules of Evidence (PRVT211)
This course deals with different methods of proof, both formal and substantive rules of evidence; writing, testimony, oath, declaration, presumptions, expertise and inspection. Furthermore, it deals with the evidential weight of electronic records and signatures in the light of Electronic Transactions Law.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT210 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply legal rules of evidence to the actual facts in a correct manner.
- Interpret legal provisions according to adopted rules of interpretation
- Lead a team positively
Principles of Commercial Law (PRVT227)
This course covers the study of the Commercial Law, its evolution and historical background and its sources, with a special emphasis on the theory of project and kinds of commercial transactions. The course includes the concept of trader, his rights and obligations, kinds of commercial contracts, as sale by installment, sale by public auction, carriage of items and carriage of persons. It also covers Commercial Mortgage, Commercial Agency, Brokerage, Commission Agency, Commercial Representation, Securities Market, Business Premises and International Sales.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT113 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain accurately the basic concepts and rules of the law, especially the UAE Commercial Transactions Law
- Lead a work team Effectively
- Comply with professional and ethical rules in performing the required tasks.
Business Law (E) (PRVT265)
The course covers the study of commercial activities; their identification, the types and the importance of differentiating between them and civil activities. It deals with merchant and the conditions of acquiring the title of 'merchant'. It deals with the commercial companies; types, characteristics of each type and the securities issued by share-holding companies. It covers the commercial papers; like- Bill of Exchange and cheque. It also deals with all Banking operations like- bank deposits, accounts, letters of credit and various banking services, commercial contracts and e-contracts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the main rules of business Law in UAE
- Communicate the main principles of business law fluently and confidently.
- Use technology to perform certain tasks with speed and accuracy.
Civil Procedures (PRVT302)
This course represents the students with the legal procedures applied before the UAE federal courts in the civil and commercial actions. It explains the structure of the court system in the UAE and courts jurisdictions. Furthermore, it explores in-depth the development of the dispute, from filing the lawsuit with the court's registrar through administering the hearings, recusal of the judge, suspension and termination of the action, to the rendition of the judgment and appeal. It also handles the relationship of the Public Prosecution with the court system and its role in civil actions.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT211 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply properly legal rules to the actual facts related to civil procedures law
- Drafts enforcement memorandums, statements of claim and judicial rulings in an appropriate language
- Speak to an audience clearly and confidently
Labour Law (PRVT304)
This course provides an overview of national and international legislation regulating employment. It covers a wide range of topics, including concept of an employment contract, as well as its types and their enforcement; the employee’s rights in wage and leave; the employee’s right in end of employment compensation and other rights upon end of employment; the right of UAE nationals in contribution to pension fund; the employee’s obligations toward the employer: and settlement of employment disputes.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT211 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Interpret the legal provisions regulating employment according to the adopted rules of interpretation.
- Deliver speeches to audience fluently and with proper language.
- Demonstrate self-management and independent learning skills with regard to labor issues.
The Rules of Obligations (PRVT307)
This course examines the effects of obligations, and the ways of protecting the rights of the creditor. It also concentrates on the descriptions of the obligation: the condition, the term, variety of objects of obligation, alternative and elective obligations, positive and negative joint liability. The course covers the transfer of obligation: assignment of right and assignment of debt. Finally, it deals with the discharge of the obligation: by performance, performance and subrogation, renovation, and the lapse of time limitation without performance.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT211 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply legal rules relating to the rules of obligations to the actual facts in a correct manner.
- Write a scientific research in accordance with legal research methodologies.
- Deliver speeches to audience fluently and with proper language.
Selected Studies in Comparative Private Law-English (PRVT333)
This course aims to introduce students to the concept of comparative law, the benefits of undertaking comparative law studies, borrowing from one legal system to another, and modernization of Arab & Islamic legal systems. It focuses on some applications of comparative law, particularly those relevant to private law, i.e. civil law, commercial law and maritime law. These include a study of the concept of law, the concept of right, the concept of property, the concept of contract, the concept of lease, the concept of waqf, the concept of insurance, the concept of liability, the concept of corporation, the concept of partnership, the concept of commercial transactions, and the concept of maritime law. These concepts will be studied in detail, and the study will be in the form of a comparison between UAE law and English law. These topics will be covered in detail according to the time allocated, as stated below.
Credit Hours : 3
- ESPU1052 with a minimum grade D
- PRVT113 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the concepts and rules of law, Especially the UAE law and comparative law
- Use information technology accurately and efficiently in undertaking various duties
- Demonstrate self-management and independent learning skills with regard to the field of law
Company Law (PRVT338)
This course covers the following topics: Nature and elements of a company; Requirements for company formation; General Partnership; Simple limited partnership; Joint participation; Public joint stock company; Joint stock closed company; Limited liability company; Dissolution and Liquidation of the company.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT227 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Properly apply legal rules to the actual facts related to companies law
- Use information technology to accomplish various tasks
- Demonstrate self-learning through developments in the field of Company law
Commercial Arbitration Law (PRVT339)
This course introduces the legal framework for Arbitration, its main types, nature and characteristics. Topics include: the composition of the arbitral tribunal; forms and substance of an arbitration agreement; qualifications, jurisdictions and responsibilities of arbitrators; the arbitral procedures, the challenge, recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the concepts and rules of Arbitration, Especially under the UAE law.
- Write a scientific research about arbitration issues according to the Legal Research Methodology.
- Lead a team positively.
The Law of Execution (PRVT406)
This course introduces the students to the Law of Compulsory Execution of Judgement. It covers all legal aspects that follow the rendition of the judgement. This includes the study of the compulsory execution of the judgment based on its core pillars, i.e. the Writ of Execution and the Judge of Execution. In addition, it covers the subject of Summary Execution, along the methods of execution, its procedures and disputes; until ending with the Allocation of the Execution Proceeds.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT302 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply legal rules to the actual facts relating to the law of execution
- Formulate memorandums and judicial decisions in a clear and correct language.
- Deliver speeches to audience fluently and with proper language
Private International Law (PRVT407)
The Private international law course involves the study of the applicable law in private international relations; civil, commercial and personal status relations; the conditions of court jurisdictions in disputes involving foreign subjects and the applicable procedural law in this respect and the execution of foreign judgments.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Interpret legal texts related to relationships with a foreign element in accordance with well-established rules of interpretation
- Conduct a scientific research according with legal research methodologies.
- Comply with professional and ethical rules in performing the required tasks.
Maritime and Aviation Law (PRVT408)
This course discusses the following topics: aircraft registration, legal status of aircraft and the crew, leasing, purchasing, mortgaging and insuring of the aircraft. Carriage by air. This course examines as well the relevant international agreements that regulate Civil Aviation.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply legal rules of maritime and Aviation law to the actual facts in a correct manner.
- Deliver speeches concerning Maritime and Aviation issues to audience fluently and with proper language.
- Use information technology accurately and efficiently in undertaking various duties.
Nominated Contract (Sale, Lease & Construction) (PRVT410)
The course is designed to study the contracts of sale, lease and construction in terms of their formation, effects (obligations of both parties), and termination. It deals also with the different relationships in the construction industry and the nature of electronic sale contracts and real estate contracts on maps. Finally, this course analyses the relevant rules of UAE law relating to such contracts.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT307 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply legal rules to the actual cases relating to sale and construction contracts.
- Interpret legal provisions in accordance with well-established principles of interpretation.
- Lead a team positively.
Commercial Papers & Banking (PRVT453)
This course contains the study of various commercial papers, like; the bill of exchange; the promissory note and the cheque. It also covers various aspects of banking operations such as terms deposits, current accounts, documentary credits, letters of credit and bank loans.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT338 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Interpret legal texts in Commercial Transactions Law in accordance with well-established rules of interpretation.
- Use information technology to accomplish various tasks quickly and accurately.
- Demonstrate independent learning through scientific and practical developments in the field of law
Rights in Rem (PRVT455)
This course deals with original real rights based on a definition of real rights and their characteristics, and a definition of the right of ownership, its elements, scope, and the legal restrictions pertaining to it. Furthermore, this course explores the jointly held property and its division, family property and its rules, and the common ownership and its rules. It also shed light on the different causes of acquiring property, and the reasons for the termination of ownership. Finally, the course addresses the rules of credit guarantees and the legal regulation relating to mortgages and the rights to privilege.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT307 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Interpret legal provisions relating to right in rem according to the adopted rules of interpretation.
- Write a scientific research according to the Legal Research Methodology
- Lead a team positively.
Intellectual Property Laws (PRVT462)
This course is designed to provide students with the fundamental aspects of Intellectual property rights under UAE law and international agreements. It covers topics of copyrights, trademarks, geographical indications, Patents, industrial designs, lay-out design of integrated circuits, and the protection of plant varieties. The course focuses on both national and international legal rules governing intellectual property.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply legal rules to the actual facts in the context of intellectual property.
- Deliver speeches to audience fluently with regards to the topics of the course.
- Comply with professional and ethical rules in performing the required tasks.
Advanced Studies in Civil Law (PRVT600)
The course includes a deep study of one subject of the Civil Transactions law, such as one type of responsibility (contractual or tort) or one of the important and practical civil contracts, such as a construction contract.
Credit Hours : 3
Advanced Studies in Commercial Law (PRVT601)
This course aims at studying the definition of these contracts, their characteristics and features, their rules, and the effects resulting from them.
Credit Hours : 3
International Trade Contracts (E) (PRVT603)
When traders sell or buy goods or commodities on the international markets, the transaction is composed not of one but of several contracts: the goods are sold under a contract of sale, transported under a contract of carriage, insured under a policy of insurance and frequently financed through a letter of credit. The purpose of this course is to examine the regulation of each of these contracts in UAE law, and applicable international law and standards, focusing in particular on the practical problems which arise when the various contracts do not mesh together. This Course also includes: The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and the United Nations convention on the Limitation Period in the International sale of Goods.
Credit Hours : 3
Alternative Dispute Resolution (E) (PRVT604)
The object of the course is to study methods of resolving disputes other than by adjudication in courts. The course will include the definition of arbitration, the differences between arbitration and conciliation, the differences between national and international arbitration, arbitration agreement, arbitration procedures, applicable law, arbitration award, arbitration award enforcement, invalidity of arbitration award.
Credit Hours : 3
Thesis (PRVT606)
The Masters thesis may be on any topic related to Private Law, broadly defined. The resulting thesis must be of a quality suitable for publication in English. It must be defended publicly and deposited in digital form in the Zayed Public Library.
Credit Hours : 7
- PRVT605 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyzes legal issues and provisions properly to provide innovative solutions for legal problems
- Compares jurisprudence, various judicial and legislative trends, especially in the UAE legal system
- Undertake in-depth scientific research in a field of the Private Law utilizing curriculum-based legal research methods and drawing from scientific sources
- Presents legal arguments in a sound and proper manner
- Performs tasks assigned to him/her in a professional and ethical manner
World Trade Agreements (E) (PRVT607)
This course examines the multilateral and regional legal regimes governing importation and exportation of goods across national borders. Key topics include the history and institutions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and World Trade Organization (WTO), accession to the WTO, dispute settlement under WTO rules, transparency and participation in the GATT-WTO system, regulation of import duties and non-tariff barriers, rules on customs classification and valuation.
Credit Hours : 3
E-Commerce ( E ) (PRVT608)
The course includes an introduction to the legal concept of e-commerce, its importance, its spread, problems of evidence, special nature of contracting through internet, protection of the internet consumer.
Credit Hours : 3
Advanced St.In Prvt.Int. Law (PRVT609)
This course includes studying the applicability of foreign laws before national courts. It provides solutions for conflict of laws in various contexts, such as personal status matters and civil transactions. This study is based on the UAE legal system with respect to the recognition of the foreign awards and compared with the related Islamic rules.
Credit Hours : 3
Advanced Studies in Civil Procedure (PRVT611)
The course includes a thorough study of a selected subject from among the subjects of the Civil Procedures Law, such as joining a third party before the court of first instance, appeal and cassation. The method of study is an analytical one where the student explore the subject through comparing between the implemented rules and the Sharia (Islamic Law).
Credit Hours : 3
Advanced Studies in Insurance (PRVT612)
This course covers one of the advanced topics in insurance contracts, such as insured damages, conditions of compensation in obligatory insurance or potential right in insurance contract.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT600 with a minimum grade C
Advanced Studies in Intellectual Property (PRVT613)
The course includes following subjects: Patents, Trade marks, Copyright, Industrial Property, Commercial Property, the impact of GATT & TRIPS Agreements and the Islamic position towards them.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT600 with a minimum grade C
Civil Law (PRVT707)
This course offers an in-depth study into one of the topics relating to civil law. It concentrates on the legal issues and problems from a practical and comparative perspective, and evaluates the legal recognition of the current civil contracts by addressing the main areas of strength or weakness in this regard and determining what the law ought to be in order to strike a balance between the different interests of the parties involved. Topics to be covered include: Duty to achieve a specific result; Duty of best efforts; personal guarantees and insurances in kind;. the liability arising from personal acts, the liability arising from the acts of others, Professional responsibility, compensation for moral damage, Joint ownership, insurance again liability, and so forth.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare legislative and judiciary trends in the field of Civil law .
- Write an original research in the field of civil law.
- Express commitment to the relevant ethical and professional rules in the field of Private law.
- Lead a team effectively to provide solutions for civil cases.
Commercial law (PRVT708)
This course discuss one of the topics relating to Commercial Law according to its importance. It offers an in-depth study into one of the topics relating to commercial law. It concentrates on the legal issues and problems from a practical and comparative perspective, and evaluates the legal recognition of the current commercial contracts by addressing the main areas of strength or weakness in this regard and determining what the law ought to be in order to strike a balance between the different interests of the parties involved. Topics to be covered include: the theory of the merchant, the commercial activities, the banking operations, commercial competition, electronic commerce, and so forth.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare legal provisions and judicial trends in selected areas of Commercial Law.
- Criticize the main provisions of commercial law in different jurisdictions.
- Communicate basic arguments and concepts concerning commercial law issues.
- Develop innovative solutions for contemporary issues of commercial transactions.
Civil Procedures Law - E (PRVT711)
This course shall examine deeply the process for advancing claims in the civil law context. It is essentially a course that will provide students with the framework for commencing a proceeding the civil court and/or responding to a claim that has been advanced. It will focus on examining the Rules of Civil Procedure, which will be augmented with a discussion of case law and how the rules have been interpreted.This course is based on writing researches and discussing issues relating to the rules governing the litigation process according to the UAE and Comparative laws. Topics in this course may include: judicial jurisdiction, parties to civil litigation, the theory of dispute, Judgment and the elements of reasoning, the defenses theory, the theory of appeal, and the effects of judicial decisions.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare legislative and judiciary trends in the field of Civil Procedure.
- Write an original research to reach the correct (or best) legal answers to hypothetical problems of civil litigation.
- Expresses his commitment to the ethical and professional rules in the field of Civil Procedure.
- Lead a team effectively to provide innovative solutions for problems of civil litigation.
Companies Law and Investment Legislation - E (PRVT712)
This course deals with the main provisions governing commercial companies in UAE, with special emphasis on the current areas of strength or weakness relating to the legal framework for doing business in UAE. Furthermore, this course sheds light on the legal recognition of free zones in the State and the role of the relevant institutions in attracting investments. By encouraging students to conduct presentations; discuss recent issues relating to companies and investment in the State, produce written work and collaborate with peers on set tasks or projects, this course will develop the ability of PhD students to delineate and evaluate issues, think analytically, select relevant materials and produce reasoned arguments encompassing policy, existing practice and knowledge.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Criticize the main provisions of Company law in different jurisdictions.
- Communicate the key concepts of Investment Legislation effectively and accurately.
- Develop innovative solutions for contemporary issues issues of Company law.
- Lead a team effectively to address some legal challenges in the Investment Environment.
Real-Estate Legislation- E (PRVT716)
This course explores the legal regulation of real-estate transactions in the UAE by requiring students to present their own arguments, provide comments on the main judicial decisions, examine specific real estate contracts, and then present a written work on current real estate problems. This course also compares the local real-estate legislation followed in the United Arab Emirates with other legislation in some countries, and determines what the law ought to be in order to create a suitable and transparent investment climate that protects the rights of all involved parties. By doing so, this course provides a comparative perspective on real estate legal issues, and enhances the students’ ability of analyzing and reasoning using statutes, court rules and judicial opinions.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare the local real-estate legislation followed in the United Arab Emirates with other legislation in some countries.
- Write Research Paper on Real-Estate Legislation.
- Develop innovative solutions for contemporary issues of Real-Estate sector.
- Expresses his commitment to ethical and professional rules.
Private International Law- E (PRVT717)
This course deals deeply with selected topics of Private International Law such as: the international jurisdiction of the courts, the applicable law to the disputes that contain a foreign element, the enforcement of foreign judgments, conflict of laws, and the disputes of nationality. Furthermore, this course focuses on the practical matters and integrates comparative and international perspectives on most issues. It also provides students with the required skills to construct research questions, and develop argumentation relating to the problems associated with the application of private international law rules with regard to jurisdiction, recognition of foreign judgments, and other topics of discussion.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Criticize the relevant legislative provisions and regulatory practice relating to the UAE and comparative legal systems
- Develop innovative solutions for contemporary legal issues in the field of Private International Law.
- Undertake research in specific areas of Private International Law according to legal research methodologies and techniques.
- Communicate the key concepts in the field of Private International Law using appropriate language
Securities and their Governing Legislation - E (PRVT718)
This course deeply examines the legal and regulatory framework applicable to the Securities markets in UAE. Students in this course will be encouraged to evaluate, research, and analyze the various aspects of securities regulation studied. Students will also be required to provide comments on the current practices and judicial decisions in this regard. Topics include: the main types of securities and the conditions and legal requirements for their issuance and trading; the rules of speculation in the financial markets, the liability of brokers and the mechanisms of investor protection; insider trading and stock market manipulation. Emphasis is also placed on the role of the Securities and Commodities Authority in controling the financial market.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare the local securities legislation and the judicial trends followed in the United Arab Emirates with other legislation and judicial trends in some countries.
- Write a scientific research in specific areas of Securities Law according to the Legal Research Methodology.
- Communicate the key concepts in the field of Securities Law using appropriate language.
- Expresses his commitment to scientific research ethics.
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