Legal Research Methodology (LAW115)
This course is divided into two parts, the first one is theoretical, and the second one is practical. In the first part, the instructor provides the student with the necessary knowledge to write a research based on scientific standards, by explaining the various levels and types of legal scientific research, scientific resources and tools, and how to systematically combine and organize these resources. In addition to, explaining how to choose a research topic and research methods in the legal field and how to develop a research plan. Then, to provide basic guidelines on legal writing, and documentation of resources, and ethics to be adhered by the scholar. Whereas, in the second part the student is asked to write a research and apply the theorical knowledge of legal research methodology under the supervision of the instructor.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT113 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the concepts and rules of legal writing.
- Write a scientific research in accordance with legal research methodologies.
- Deliver speeches to audience fluently and with proper language
Training 1 (LAW340)
The course provides training for students on performing the basic tasks carried out by legal professionals in practice. It involves training in researching legal rules necessary for addressing real-world problems. It also involves training in exercising legal expression both in writing and orally, through writing various legal documents such as memoranda of legal opinion, statements of claims, defence memos, judicial decisions and contracts, in addition to oral pleadings. Students are also provided with the values that a legal professional must adhere to when practicing his profession. Furthermore, the course includes organizing practical field visits to training bodies such as courts, public prosecution offices, international law firms, and arbitration centres, and hosting several professional experts from these institutions.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT338 with a minimum grade D
- PRVT302 with a minimum grade D
- PRVT304 with a minimum grade D
- PRVT307 with a minimum grade D
- PUBL305 with a minimum grade D
- PUBL310 with a minimum grade D
- PUBL335 with a minimum grade D
- SHAR327 with a minimum grade D
- SHAR329 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Draft memoranda, statements of claim and judicial rulings in an appropriate language.
- Speak to audience clearly and confidently.
- Demonstrate self-learning through scientific and practical developments in the field of law
Training 2 (LAW440)
The course of external training aims to provide the student of the College of Law with the proper legal training at those institutions that are involved, at different levels, in the application of the law. Its objective is to reinforce the students’ theoretical and practical knowledge which were gained throughout their studies in the classes. The course also seeks to familiarize students with the work environment and the processes implemented in the judiciary, in specific, and other legal institutions, in general. (The course is conducted over 6 weeks in any of last year semesters (including Summer). No courses are allowed to be registered during the internship).
Credit Hours : 1
- PRVT302 with a minimum grade D
- PRVT304 with a minimum grade D
- PRVT307 with a minimum grade D
- PRVT338 with a minimum grade D
- PUBL335 with a minimum grade D
- PUBL305 with a minimum grade D
- PUBL310 with a minimum grade D
- SHAR327 with a minimum grade D
- SHAR329 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply legal rules to the actual facts in a correct manner
- Formulate memorandums and judicial decisions in a clear and correct language
- Deliver speeches to audience fluently and with proper language
- Comply with professional and ethical rules in performing the required tasks.
Legal Research (LAW666)
This course will introduce students to: the fundamentals of the legal research and writing process; types of legal communication, both verbal and written; drafting techniques and correct legal citation; the importance of professional presentation and style; and oral presentation skills. This course will also provide students with the main theories and skills in order to continue with their own independent research for the dissertation component of the LL.M, by providing the opportunity to broaden students’ experience of research methodology whilst facilitating students to develop strategies for executing their own reasearch. Students will find this course valuble in relation to other independent research and writing tasks encountered durtng the course of LL.M. At the end of this course, students will be given opportunity to write, present and discuss legal research in specific areas of Public or Private law by applying appropriate law methodologies. The pages of this research should not exceed 25 pgaes. Students are, of course, expected to submit original, non-duplicative work. Each student also presents his paper to the entire class in approximately 20 minutes and responds to questions from the class for approximately 15 minutes. The class provides written feedback to each presenter, in order to help the presenter improve the paper. During the semester, students turn in several drafts of their papers and receive both written and oral feedback for each part, with in-person conferences with the professors after each draft. By the end of the semester, students turn in the final completed paper and receive a letter grade for their work in the course.
Credit Hours : 3
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods (LAW700)
The course covers the study of various scientific research methods, particularly quantitative and qualitative research methods, the design of research plans, and the process of conducting scientific research using a wide variety of relevant primary and secondary research sources and techniques. The course also focuses on the principles, skills, and methods necessary for conducting legal research, including the selection of the research sample, data and doctrinal analysis, theory building and testing, and case study.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Prepare a legal research paper using appropriate qualitative and quantitative research methods.
- Make an effective presentation of the legal research paper.
- Adhere to the relevant ethical and professional principles applicable to scientific research.
- Effectively lead a research team for data collection and analysis.
Advanced Legal Research: Writing and Presentation (LAW701)
The couse provides a definition of scientific research in the field of law, its types and and levels, selection of the subject of research, methods of legal research, legal writing, research ethics and refernce documentation. As a course requirement, the student must write a legal research paper which reflects commitment to the relevant ethical and prpfessional rules in the fiels of law.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare legislative and judiciary trends in the field of law by employing legal methodology correctly.
- Criticize the legal provisions, and judicial trends in UAE and comparative legal systems.
- Conduct legal research according to relevant research methodologies and techniques.
- Leads a research team efficiently and effectively.
Selected Legal Readings - E (LAW702)
This course will provide students with an overview of legal concepts, procedures, terminology and current issues in law including international law, administrative law, Commercial law, Contract law, employment law and so forth. By reading about selected topics in law, this course will also develop the ability of PhD students to delineate and evaluate issues, think analytically, select relevant materials and produce reasoned arguments encompassing policy, existing practice and knowledge. There is no one single book which covers the whole subject area. Students will be exposed to various sources of English scholarly materials including textbooks, websites, databases and law journals that are relevant to the selected themes raised by the instructor.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare the main judicial and legal concepts in different jurisdictions.
- Communicate basic arguments and concepts concerning issues in diverse jurisdictions.
- Expresses his commitment to the ethical and professional rules.
Advanced Studies in Comparative Legal Systems (LAW703)
Since many of the research projects will necessarily involve some study of materials from other legal systems, a minimum level of familiarity with other legal systems would be necessary. This course is designed to introduce students to the theory and practice of comparative law by providing them with a broad understanding of the different major legal systems which exist globally; their historical backgrounds; their sources and characteristics. The course also considers selected topics in private or public law, looking at how different legal systems respond to issues familiar to students from studies within their own legal disciplines. During the course, students will be given the opportunity to compare specific areas of law between various jurisdictions. They may also explore some distinguishing features of Common and Civil Law. Topics to be covered in this course shall include for example the doctrine of judicial precedent and its use in the different legal systems, the role of judge and jury in common law system, and the theory of contract under the different major legal systems.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare critically between the main legal families such as common law, civil law and Islamic law.
- Undertake research in specific areas of law by applying comparative law methodologies.
- Communicate the major rules of comparative law effectively both orally and in writing
- Express commitment to the relevant ethical and professional rules in the field of comparative law
Comprehensive Examination (LAW800)
The comprehensive examination, which is an integral part of the PhD Program, is designed to ascertain and assess the student's comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of the main areas in the field of law and to evaluate the student’s potential to complete a doctoral dissertation successfully. Students who pass the comprehensive examination may advance to Ph.D. Dissertation. In preparation for the comprehensive examination, the student is required to develop a specific area of interest that shall be approved by the College Council. The specific area of interest will be articulated in the student’s statement of interest which ought to be submitted with the application to the program. The specific area of interest is expected to be the subject of the student’s dissertation.
Credit Hours : 0
Dissertation Research (LAW900)
Student conducts high quality academic research under the direction of his/her supervisor. Student and supervisor shall meet on regular basis and discuss progress and issues related to the student’s dissertation research. Furthermore, the student writes an annual report based on a meeting with supervisor and Advisory Committee, in which a review is conducted to determine progress, identify problems, and project dates for completion of various tasks. The research shall represent original contribution to human knowledge in the particular field of law and is presented in a written research dissertation of a publishable standard. The document shall also demonstrate the candidate’s acquaintance with the literature of the field and the proper selection and execution of research methodology. The dissertation shall not exceed 70000 words in length. The physical form of the dissertation must comply with the regulations stated in the Thesis and Dissertation Preparation Guidelines, issued by the College of Graduate Studies.
Credit Hours : 36
- LAW702 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare legislative, jurisprudential and judiciary trends in the field of law.
- Criticize judicial decisions, opinio juris, and judicial trends in the UAE and comparative legal systems.
- Write an original research according to legal research methodologies and techniques.
- Communicate the major tenets of their field of specialization and their work orally and in writing to the faculty, their peers, and the lay public.
- Develop innovative solutions for contemporary issues in the absence of complete data
- Express commitment to the relevant ethical and professional rules in the fields of law
Arabic For Specific Purposes (LW111)
The course aims at enhancing the level of Arabic Language for Law student. This will be achieved through conducting intensive and continues readings on selected rulings of the Supreme Court and the writings of some prominent scholars and legal authors. The student will also be asked to prepare and introduce some legal papers using the correct and strong Arabic Legal terminology and expressions. In addition to that, the students will be trained in making oral presentations using their skills in an appropriate manner.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the content of readable legal texts.
- Use classical Arabic in functional Writing.
- Deliver speeches to audience with confidence and proper language.
Constitutional Law (PUBL114)
This course contains a brief study of the 'State', elements of State, forms of State and powers of State in comparative systems, with special focus on the Federal State and its application in the UAE. The main focus would be on the study of Constitutional Law, its definition, its sources, the control on the constitutional validity of laws and application of these aspects in the UAE. The course also deals with a study of the Constitutional Organization of the Federal Authorities according to the UAE Constitution.
Credit Hours : 3
- ARBU150 with a minimum grade P
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the basic concepts and rules of constitutional law, especially the UAE Constitution.
- Apply constitutional legal rules to the actual facts in a correct manner.
- Comply with professional and ethical rules in performing the required tasks.
Administrative Law (PUBL206)
The course covers the definition and sources of Administrative law, and the activities of the public administration, i.e., execution of laws, preservation of public order, and public utilities. The course focuses also on various legal means of public administration: administrative decisions, administrative contracts and public property.
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT113 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the basic concepts and rules of administrative law, especially the UAE law.
- Apply administrative legal rules to the actual facts in a correct manner.
- Speak to audience clearly and confidently.
Public International Law (PUBL207)
The course includes the definition of Public International Law, its sources subjects. The inter-relation between the Domestic Law (Municipal Law) and Public International Law and the governing theories are adequately dealt with. Various aspects covering Public International Law in times of peace are also dealt with, including, the Law of Treaties, establishment of States- their rights and obligations, recognition, state responsibility, use of force, and settlement of international disputes.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the basic concepts and rules of law, especially the public international law.
- Apply international legal rules to the actual facts in a correct manner.
- Speak to audience clearly and confidently
Penal Law- General (PUBL209)
The Course shall introduce students to the general theories of crime and punishment through three topics. First, examining the principle of criminalization rule in terms of its definition, sources, interpretation, jurisdiction implementation and justification and excuse reasons. Second, the course shall examine the general principle of crime in terms of definition, types, elements - acts rues and men’s real- completed or attempted crime, and modes of participation. Finally, the course will explain the criminal culpability in terms of criminal responsibility, defense to crime, types of punishment, punishment execution, mitigating and tightening reasons of punishment, and reasons of sentence expiration
Credit Hours : 3
- PRVT113 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the basic concepts and rules about the crime and the punishment in accordance with the UAE law.
- Apply the doctrines of the crime and the punishment in filed.
- Speak before an audience confidently and fluently
Selected Studies in Comparative Public Law-English (PUBL226)
This course includes the study of some selected areas of public law, i.e International Law, Administrative Law, Constitutional Law, and Criminal Law. The study will be of a comparative nature in the sense that it presents to the students different schools of thought adopted by different legal systems including that of the UAE, various legal doctrines and ideologies, and the underpinnings with regard to some very basic principles of law and government. The issues tackled in this course will include, but not limited to , the nature of the international legal system and the way it operates in a plural international community, the theories of crime and punishment, the concept of judicial review, the principle of separation of powers. The course will be taught in English aiming at enhancing the level of English legal language for our students.
Credit Hours : 3
- ESPU1052 with a minimum grade D
- PRVT113 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- . Explains the basic legal principles and legal theories and jurisprudence contained in various legal systems, especially UAE law
- Demonstrate self-management and independent learning skills with regard to the field of law.
- Lead a team positively
Penal Law Specific (1) Individual and Financial Crimes (PUBL305)
The legal rules governing crimes and penalties are covered in this course. The course consists of three parts: (1) The offences against public interest, such as the offence of bribery, the offence of embezzlement of public funds and the offence of forgery; (2) The offences against persons (human body), such as intentional and unintentional killing and maiming and (3) The offences against properties, such as theft, cheating and the breach of trust.
Credit Hours : 3
- PUBL209 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the basic concepts and rules related to crime according to UAE law.
- Apply legal rules to the actual facts in a correct manner.
- Conduct a scientific research according with legal research methodologies.
Penal Law (Specific) 2 "Emerging Crimes" (PUBL306)
This course deals with particular types of crimes: offences against the public interest, economic crimes, information technology crimes, drug crimes, money laundering, and human trafficking. A cohernet set of offences contained in the vocabulary of this course is to be chosen and taught in each semester.
Credit Hours : 3
- PUBL209 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the concepts and rules of law, Especially the UAE law.
- Write a scientific research according to the Legal Research Methodology.
- Lead a team positively.
International Organizations-English (PUBL308)
The course studies the idea of international organizations and their general rules, membership in international organizations, the organs and staff of international organizations, the functions and powers of international organizations, the international legal personality of international organizations, and their decision-making process. The course also covers international organizations such as the League of Nations, and GCC, the United Nations, and some regional and specialized organizations.
Credit Hours : 3
- PUBL207 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the fundamental legal concepts and rules pertaining to international organizations
- Complete a research paper using appropriate legal research methods
- Lead a team effectively.
Public Employment (PUBL309)
It includes: studying the legal provisions for the public employee in terms of his public service and his or her rights and obligations and his disciplin in accordance to the Federal Civil Service Act and its implemented regulations in United Arab Emirates.
Credit Hours : 3
- PUBL206 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the concepts and rules of legal system of Public Employment, Especially under the UAE law.
- Write a scientific research according to the Legal Research Methodology.
- Lead a team positively.
Public Finance and Financial Legislation (PUBL310)
This course deals with the science of public finance including the rules and theories governing state finance. This includes public expenditures, public revenues, and the public budget. It also covers the federal finance legislations in the United Arab Emirates which govern the various aspects of state finance including state expenditures, revenues, and budget. Laws involved in this unit includes public finance law, public debt law, budget law.
Credit Hours : 3
- PUBL206 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the basic principles of public finance and tax legislation
- Apply the basic principals of public finance and tax legislation
- Lead a working team
Criminal Procedures Law (PUBL335)
This course deals with study of the following topics: the application of the Code of Criminal Procedure in terms of time and place, the several stages of criminal process such as gathering evidence, preliminary investigation and trial, sentencing and reviewing judicial errors and special criminal procedures (penal order, criminal reconciliations, criminal mediation, electronic techniques in criminal procedures.
Credit Hours : 3
- PUBL209 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the rules of criminal law to the actual facts.
- Formulate memorandums and judicial decisions related to criminal procedures law in a clear and correct language.
- Lead a team positively.
International Law of the Sea (PUBL341)
The Course studies the following Topics: The Foundation of the International Law of the Sea and its development, Internal Waters, Territorial Sea, Contiguous Zone, Exclusive Economic Zone, Continental Shelf, The Legal Status of High Seas, International Straits and, Disputes Settlement Mechanisms in the International Law of Sea. Also, it analysis Federal Law no. (19) of 1993 on the Delimitation of Maritime Zones in the UAE.
Credit Hours : 3
- PUBL207 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the basic principles relating to the international law of the sea.
- Write a paper according to the legal research methodologies in one of the topic of the course
- Lead a team positively
International Human Rights Law (PUBL401)
The course studies the theory oh human rights, its deveploment in the positive international law, particularly in the United Nations system and in the international and regional human rights conventions. It deals also with the international mechanisms for the protection of human rights and it focusses on the jurisdiction of the european court of human rights. In addition, the course will deal with the international mechanism available for individualsincluding the individual complaint, and with the application of human rights conventions in the domestic legal systems.
Credit Hours : 3
- PUBL207 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the concepts and rules of human right law, under the UAE law.
- Write a scientific research according to the Legal Research Methodology.
- Lead a team positively.
Tax Legislations (PUBL411)
This course deals with the most important federal tax legislations. It considers tax on corporate and business income, values added tax and excise tax. It also covers the tax procedures law which outlines the rules applicable to federal taxes as well as the federal tax authority law.
Credit Hours : 3
- PUBL310 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the basic principles relating to federal taxes
- Applying the legal fiscal rules on the presented facts
- Deliver presentation to audience confidently using a proper language
Press Law and Ethics (PUBL421)
This course includes two parts. Part I is dedicated to a brief study of the ethics prescribed by the codes of ethics that deal with the different aspects of conduct of persons who are working in the fields of mass media. Part II contains a brief study about the main elements of the Mass Media Legal System in the world in general, and a focused study of the legal system of mass media in the UAE (print and electronic media/journalism and cinema) in particular. The Mass Media Legal system in the UAE, their establishment, administration, activities and the related legal issues like restraints, prohibitions on the freedom of expression involving criminal and administrative procedures are part of this course.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Enhance the principles of the media and the sources of its legal regulation.
- Understand and analyze media legal provisions in the United Arab Emirates and other legal systems.
- Realize the importance of legal regulation of media and the adoption of penalties for violators.
Advanced Studies in Criminal Law (PUBL630)
This course concentrates on 2 different topics in the criminal law (general principles). The first topic deals with one of the crime elements and the second topic will concentrate on the theory of punishment and related theories. Examples of these topics are the study of the act of actus reus and mens rea of the crime, and the custodian institutions.
Credit Hours : 3
Advanced Studies in Constitutional Law (PUBL631)
In this course, students study in depth one or two subjects of Constitutional law that are especially important in U.A.E. The study should deal with the subject in different legal systems (comparative study), comparing the Constitutional status of the subject in U.A.E.
Credit Hours : 3
Advance Studies in International Criminal Law (PUBL633)
This course provides introduction to international criminal law, its historical development with emphasis on the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal. The study of the International Criminal Tribunal focuses on its jurisdiction, applicable procedures, pre-trial and trial process on international level.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyzes International Criminal Law cases and texts in a correct scientific manner.
- Conducts in depth a legal research in English Language in the field of International Criminal Responsibility in accordance with the correct scientific methodologies.
- Leads a working group in presenting a subject in the field of international criminal law.
Advanced Studies in Criminal Procedures (PUBL634)
This course includes studying one or more criminal procedures law issues, with comparison to Islamic criminal law procedures. Examples of these subjects are the pre-trial and trial process and its institutions and agencies, appeal process and the process of appeal in front of cassation court.
Credit Hours : 3
Advanced Studies in Administrative Law (PUBL635)
In this course, students study in depth one or two subjects of Administrative law that are especially important in U.A.E. The study should deal with the subject in different legal systems (comparative study), comparing with the legal status of the subject in U.A.E.
Credit Hours : 3
Thesis (PUBL636)
Thesis in LLM in Public Law must be conducted in a topic related to a branches of public Law. The topic will be selected by the student upon approval of his academic supervisor. The topic and it's plan should be approved by the Department Council, the College Council and other competent university authorities. The thesis will be defended, discussed and approved according to the university bylaws and policies. The Thesis will be in Arabic with Arabic and foreign references.
Credit Hours : 7
- PUBL635 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyzes cases and legal texts in a correct scientific manner
- Criticizes jurisprudential and judicial view points and trends in general, and within the UAE legal system in particular
- Conducts in depth a legal research in the field of public law, and analyzes the findings, in accordance with the correct scientific methodologies
- Presents his/her scholarly activity orally in a correct scientific manner
- Demonstrate self-learning skills with regard to real and novel issues to implement innovative solutions
- Undertakes his/her duties professionally in accordance with ethical principles
Advanced Studies in Administrative Contracts (PUBL637)
This course aims at defining administrative contracts, public criterion, contracts by law, types of administrative contracts, liberty and restrictions of administration in making an administrative contract, tenders in UAE and comparative laws, jurisdiction for disputes of administrative contracts, administrative development of contractual disputes, effects of administrative contracts, invalidity of administrative contracts and settlement of disputes with this respect.
Credit Hours : 3
International Relations & Organizations(E) (PUBL638)
The course includes an introduction to the concept of international relations, its history, elements of modern states, rules on effects of war and fighting (jihad), rights of prisoners of war and civilians, treaties in Islam and modern international law, and the most important international organizations.
Credit Hours : 3
Human Rights (E) (PUBL639)
The course involves comparing modern related issues with Islamic Sharia principles and arrangements. The course involves studying one or two major crimes provided for by the federal penal code. These crimes will be chosen among the most prevailing modern crimes in UAE, such as drug-related crimes or computer-related crimes, money laundering, check crimes and forgery in credit cards.
Credit Hours : 3
Advanced Studies in Criminal Law-Specific Crimes (PUBL640)
The course involves studying one or two major crimes provided for by the Federal Penal Code. These crimes will be chosen among the most prevailing modern crimes in UAE, such as drug-related crimes or computer-related crimes, money laundering, check crimes and forgery in credit cards. Course involves comparing modern related issues with Islamic Sharia principles and arrangements.
Credit Hours : 3
- PUBL630 with a minimum grade C
Environmental Law (PUBL655)
The course is designed to develop working knowledge of legal norms and practices that apply to the environment. Students will have an opportunity to apply this knowledge to case studies to illustrate how environmental law applies in real situations. The course incorporates on-line use of current Acts, Regulations and Conventions and students will become familiar with Municipal, Federal and international environmental law including duty, breach and liability.
Credit Hours : 2
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the basics of environmental law.
- Research environmental Acts and Regulations.
- Apply current environmental regulations.
Criminal Law (PUBL705)
The course deals with one or more topics of substantive or procedural criminal law in an in-depth manner, taking into consideration the modern aspects related to the UAE, such as the evolution of the criminal responsibility of legal persons, the principle of the judge's freedom of conviction or the crimes of human trafficking.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compares the Legislative, Jurisprudential and Judiciary trends in the field of Criminal Law
- Critiques legal provisions, jurisprudential opinions and judicial trends related to ciminal law in the UAE and comparative legal systems.
- Undertake research that includes knowledge in the field of specialization.
- Develop innovative solutions for contemporary legal issues
Administrative Law (PUBL706)
This course offers an in-depth study into one of the Administrative law topics. Its purpose is to advance of students’ comprehension of the different topics of Administrative law. The Course will focus on one or more substantive or procedural issues which is selected by the Department of Public law in each Semester , with focus on contemporary questions of the UAE Administrative law.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare legislative, jurisprudential and judiciary trends of administrative law.
- Criticize legal provisions, opinion juris, and courts judgments in the UAE.
- Write an original research in the field of administrative law in accordance with legal research requirements.
- Develop innovative solutions for contemporary legal issues in the field of administrative law.
Public International Law - E (PUBL709)
This course aims to study one of the public international law topics in depth, such as state immunity, international inheritance and unilateral acts in international law. - State immunity: Talks about the concepts of state immunity, historical development and study of the United Nations Convention on state immunity and it’s applications in international and national courts. - International Inheritance: Talks about the concept of international inheritance, types and forms, and the succession of States in the light of international treaties and concentrates on the records, properties, debts and the declaration of the United Nations on succession of States in respect of nationality of natural persons and the problems raised by the issue of succession of states. - Unilateral acts: Talks about the concept of unilateral acts and it’s relation to the theory of the sources of international law: the legal forms and sequel.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Write a research which contains an added knowledge in the field of Public International Law.
- Communicate basic arguments and concepts concerning public international law issues.
- Expresses his commitment to the ethical and professional rules.
- Lead a team to provide solutions for relevant legal issues related to public international law.
Criminal Procedure Law- E (PUBL710)
The course instructor will select one or more topics from the Code of Criminal Procedure that raise issues in jurisprudential theory and judicial application, ensuring that the study is in-depth and utilizes comparison to other laws and Islamic law.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compares between conciliation, reconciliation, and waiver in light of UAE law and other comparative legal systems.
- Critiques legal provisions, jurisprudential opinions and judicial trends in the UAE and comparative legal systems
- Communicates the key concepts in the field of specialization using appropriate language
- Expresses commitment to the relevant ethical and professional rules in the field of law
International Crimes and Judicial System - E (PUBL713)
The Course depends on requiring students to prepare papers, comment on judicial rulings in different subjects and holding discussion sessions on different topics related to the principles that govern the concept of international crimes and international judicial system. The Course will examine the elements and the development of war crimes, the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, with special reference to the Statute of International Criminal Court, and ad hoc international criminal courts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Criticize the judicial trends in the field of international criminal law.
- Write an original research in the field of international crimes according to legal research methodologies and techniques.
- Communicate basic arguments and concepts concerning International Criminal Law.
- Lead a team effectively to provide solutions for international crimes.
Constitutional Law - E (PUBL714)
The Course boosts students academic capacity to write papers, comments on judicial rulings, and hold discussion sessions on variouse aspects of constitutional law , such as: the supremacy of constitution , political oversight over the constitutionality of laws and its development in France, the emergence of judicial review of constitutionality of laws in the United States, legal systems of judicial review, judicial review over the constitutionality of laws and its impact on the protection of rights and freedoms. It focuses on judicial review system in the UAE.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare legislative, jurisprudential and judiciary trends in the field of constitutional judiciary.
- Write an original research that includes knowledge in the field of constitutional law.
- Communicate, orally and in writing, the major principles of constitutional judiciary to the faculty, peers, and to public.
- Lead a team to provide solutions for relevant legal issues related to constitutional law.
Contemporary Crimes- E (PUBL715)
This Course will be concerned with preparing papers, commenting on judicial decisions and holding discussion sessions on one or more of the new crimes such as terrorism, crimes related to capital markets, Cyber-crimes, money laundering, and human trafficking.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare legislative, jurisprudential and judiciary trends in the field of criminal law.
- Criticize legal provisions, opinio juris, and judicial trends in the area of contemporary crimes
- Write an original research in the field of contemporary crimes according to legal research methodologies and techniques
- Develop innovative solutions for contemporary crime issues in the absence of complete data
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