Probability and Random Processes (ECOM320)
An overview of sets, events, single random variables and probability theory; Multiple Random variables, joined density and distribution functions, operations on multiple random variables, moments and characteristic functions, dependence and correlation; multi-variant Gaussian distribution; Random processes, stationarity, ergodicity, correlation functions, temporal and spectral characteristics.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Characterize probability models by employing counting methods and basic probability mass function and probability density function canonical models for discrete and continuous random variables. [PLO 1]
- Describe conditional and independent events and conditional random variables. [PLO 1]
- Characterize jointly multiple discrete and continuous random variables by joint density and distribution functions. [PLO 1]
- Evaluate first and second moments and cumulative distribution functions for both discrete and continuous single and multiple random variables. [PLO 1]
- Perform operations on single and multiple random variables of expectation and transformation of a single and multiple random variables. [PLO 1]
- Characterize stochastic processes with an emphasis on stationary random processes. [PLO 1]
- Compute the correlation function and power density spectrums. [PLO 1]
Fundamentals of Communication Systems (ECOM360)
Background and overview of communication systems. Analysis and transmission of signals. Analog modulation techniques: amplitude modulation/demodulation, DSB, DSB-SC, SSB, and Phase and frequency Modulation/Demodulation. Analog communication Systems: Super heterodyne receiver, Multiplexing systems, Phase-locked loops, and Television and broadcast systems. Sampling theory and Pulse Modulation: PAM, PPM and PWM.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC360 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify typical communication channels, effects of channel attenuation and distortion, and noise on transmitted signals using Fourier transform and/or Fourier series. This includes identifying white noise and the effect of the signal-to-noise ratio and its improvement on a communication system.
- Analyze ideal and practical filters, distortion (linear and nonlinear), spectral density, and correlation.
- Determine the mathematical expressions for amplitude, double sideband, single sideband, and vestigial sideband modulated signals.
- Determine the mathematical expressions for phase and frequency modulated signals.
- Analyze phase and frequency modulated signals spectrum and derive mathematical expressions for the transmission bandwidth.
- Identify different circuits and block diagrams for AM and FM modulation and demodulation.
Communication Systems Lab (ECOM402)
Filter design and characteristics. ,AM Modulation/Demodulation Circuits, FM Modulation/Demodulation Circuits.PCM, Delta Modulation, and Delta-Sigma Modulation Circuits. Bandpass digital Modulation/Demodulation techniques ASK ,FSK BPSK QPSK. Spread Spectrum –DSSS mod/dem.,Fiber Optics – basics .
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co ECOM422 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Investigate AM/FM modulation/demodulation characteristics and circuits.
- Investigate sampling / reconstruction characteristics and PCM techniques and circuits.
- Investigate digital modulation/demodulation techniques such as ASK, FSK, BPSK, QPSK.
- Investigate spread spectrum – DSSS mod/dem.
Electromagnetic Waves (ECOM412)
Time varying fields and Maxwell's equations. Plane wave propagation in perfect dielectric, lossy dielectric and good conducting materials. Power flow and power losses. Standing wave ratio and skin effect. Reflection and refraction of plane waves for normal and oblique wave incidence. Transmission lines (TL), power flow on lossless lines, transient signal analysis on TL. Smith chart, input impedance and matching with single stubs. Rectangular waveguides and resonators.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC325 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Solve Maxwell’s equations in phasor and time domain to yield the wave equation and compute plane wave propagation properties in conducting, lossless and lossy material and estimate the skin effect and attenuation factor.
- Apply EM boundary conditions and solve for normal wave incidence at boundary interface between two and three different dielectric media.
- Use the circuit-parameter (RLCG) model of transmission lines (TL) to solve for TL voltages and currents, and compute TL input impedance, standing wave ratio (SWR), and power.
- Use the Smith Chart graphical tool in TL analysis, and apply TL concepts and Smith chart in the design and analysis of some TL applications (TL transformer, single stub, and impedance matching circuits).
- Analyze transients on a transmission line and their application to some electrical engineering problems.
- Define waveguides and solve for Maxwell’s equations in a rectangular waveguide, and understand waveguide propagation modes and compute the properties of TM and TE modes.
- Apply the concept of waveguide to the solution of rectangular cavities and resonators.
Digital Communication Systems (ECOM422)
Introduction: sampling theorem, quantizing & PCM, the maximum-likelihood (ML) receiver, error probability in ML receivers. Digital modulations: phase-shift keying (PSK), amplitude-shift keying (ASK), & frequency-shift keying (FSK). Pulse shaped modulations. Some advanced topics: differential PSK & offset PSK schemes. Generation of coherent references: phase-locked loops, linear & nonlinear models of PLL in the presence of additive noise.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the theory of Random variables and Random Processes to the digital communication systems.
- Employ Sampling Theory and Nyquist criteria for Perfect Reconstruction.
- Analyze Binary PCM systems and design binary waveforms, and TDM.
- Apply the matched-filter theory for the design and analysis of optimum coherent receiver in AWGN channel.
- Distinguish Intersymbol interference and Nyquist Criterion for distortionless baseband data transmission.
- Identify signal bases functions for signal analysis and reconstruction.
- Use the maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum a-posteriori (MAP) criteria to design and analyze coherent receivers of AWGN channel.
Data Communications & Networks (ECOM432)
Principles of data communications; information transfer, computer networks and their applications. Open systems and the OSI reference model. Physical layer, transmission media, multiplexing, analog and digital transmissions. Data Link Layer: media access control, error detection and correction, multiple access, circuit switching: PSTN, packet switching: and Ethernet and gigabit networking. Local Area Networks (LANS), and Wide area Networks, (WANs), Network layer addressing and TCP/IP protocol stack.
Credit Hours : 3
- Pre/Co ECOM360 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe data communication system fundamentals, open systems interconnection (OSI) model, and Internet model.
- Identify different transmission media, the fundamental limits of digital transmission, and multiplexing techniques.
- Apply the coding techniques that can be used to detect and correct errors that may occur during digital transmission.
- Demonstrate the operation of transport layer protocols; namely, user datagram protocol (UDP) and transport control protocol (TCP).
- Demonstrate the operation of different data link layer point-to-point and multiple access protocols and devices such as switches and bridges.
- Design Internet Protocol (IP) sub-networks with static routing tables and general router architecture.
- Demonstrate the functionalities of different application layer protocols.
Data Communications & Networks Lab (ECOM442)
Network Cabling and Testing, Building a Network, Testing and Troubleshooting a Network, Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing, Routing and Routing Basics, WAN Technologies, Network Monitoring and security, and Wireless LAN.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co ECOM432 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Investigate communication basics and basic functions and types of network devices, media, and protocols.
- Investigate OSI model and its layers, their roles and functions, standards, and protocols
- Explore the concepts of routing packets related to addressing, path determination, data packets, and IP
- Investigate network addressing and how to use the address mask, or prefix length, to determine the number of subnetworks and hosts in a network.
- Explore the basic concepts of encapsulation processes that occur as data travels across a lan and a wan.
- Utilize simulation tools using packet tracer and wireshark software to practice IP subnetting, building planning and configuring a complex network
Digital Signal Processing (ECOM451)
Overview of discrete-time signals and systems, representation of discrete-time systems by means of difference equations. Analysis of discrete-time signals and systems using Fourier and z-transforms. The sampling theory of continuous-time signals, digital processing of continuous-time signals using A/D and D/A conversion. Transform-based analysis of linear time-invariant (LTI) FIR and IIR systems and their structures. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and fast algorithms for its computation. FIR and IIR digital filter design.
Credit Hours : 3
- ECOM360 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe discrete-time signals and systems as mathematical functions and transformation, respectively.
- Apply z-Transform for the analysis and design of DSP systems.
- Apply discrete-Time Fourier transform (DTFT) in the analysis of discrete-time signals and systems.
- Apply discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in the analysis of discrete-time signals and systems.
- Identify basic filters' design and their structures.
- Design FIR and IIR digital filters using various techniques, and realization using various structures.
Digital Signal Processing Lab (ECOM461)
Fundamentals of applied digital signal processing (DSP) by implementing a wide range of DSP applications on general-purpose DSP development kits. Experiments cover fundamental concepts of digital signal processing like sampling and aliasing, quantization in A/D conversion, digital filter design and implementation, signal generation, spectrum estimation and fast transforms, sampling-rate conversion and multi-rate processing. Application experiments address a selection of multi-media and digital communications problems.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co ECOM451 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply Analog to digital and digital to analog conversion to signals.
- Analyze sampling and Aliasing.
- Apply Z-transform, and discrete-time Fourier Transform in real time systems.
- Design Basic Digital Filter Design and Applications.
- Apply Frequency Analysis for Discrete-Time Signals.
- Implement Real-Time signal acquisition, processing and DSP Applications.
Antenna Engineering (ECOM532)
Fields and power radiation of different thin linear antennas (e.g. ideal dipole, electrically short dipole, half wave dipole and dipole over perfect ground plane). Antenna parameters in the far zone: radiation pattern, beam width, side lobe level, radiation resistance, power loss, efficiency, directivity, gain and polarization. Antennas in communication links and radar (Friis formula, radar cross-section, effective aperture). Antenna arrays: array factor, radiation pattern, beam width and directivity of isotropic arrays and short dipole arrays, case of uniformly excited, equally spaced linear arrays. Descriptive study of wire antennas (e.g. Yagi-Uda) and broadband antennas (e.g. helical, biconical).
Credit Hours : 3
- ECOM412 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Determine antenna specifications and parameters, and determine the far-zone radiated fields and polarization
- Evaluate the receiving characteristics (field strength, antenna effective aperture, received power, etc) in simple communication links using the Friis transmission formula
- Calculate the radiation properties of arbitrarily oriented wire antennas in the presence of a perfectly conducting ground plane
- Evaluate the analytical expression of the array factor and the radiation properties of uniform array. .
- Design linear arrays with phase steering using the concept of pattern multiplication to obtain the radiation pattern of non-uniformly excited linear arrays and 2-D arrays.
- Design Smart antenna for communication system
Wireless Communications (ECOM542)
Introduction to wireless communication systems. The cellular concept and system design fundamentals: frequency reuse, interference and system capacity. Radio propagation and large-scale path loss. Small-scale fading and multipath propagation: Doppler shift, mobile multipath channel parameters such as coherence bandwidth and coherence time. Diversity techniques and diversity combining. Spread spectrum communication techniques. Multiple access techniques: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, SDMA. Current and future wireless systems and standards.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Characterize of mobile communication channel and apply analytical and empirical propagation models in the design of wireless links
- Use of the basics of traffic and queuing theory in the design a cellular communication system.
- Apply capacity and coverage enhancement techniques.
- Analyze the performance of digital wireless systems in terms of BER and outage probability.
- Distinguish multiple radio access and division techniques.
- Recognize the need of diversity, equalization, coding, interleaving and data link control techniques for wireless communications.
Information Theory & Coding (ECOM561)
The concept of amount of information; average information; entropy and information rate; Shannon's theorem; channel capacity. Coding: mathematics of coding, groups, rings, fields and Galois fields. Block codes: parity and generator matrix, syndrome, and minimum distance. Cyclic and BCH codes; Convolutional codes and Viterbi decoding algorithm.
Credit Hours : 3
- ECOM360 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Calculate the amount of information & uncertainty
- Apply source coding theorem such as Huffman & Lempel-Ziv coding techniques
- Apply information capacity and coding theorem
- Determine parity-check matrix for linear block codes
- Design a convolutional encoder and implement Viterbi algorithm to decode convolutional codes
- Evaluate the performance of selected coding algorithms on some error-correction and coding techniques using Matlab
Satellite Communications Systems (ECOM562)
Introduction to Satellite Communication Systems. Link Analysis. Satellite Communication Techniques. Multiple Access Techniques. Multibeam Satellite Systems. Regenerative Satellite Systems. Broadcasting by Satellites. Inter Satellite Links. Satellite Communication Payload, Earth Station Technology, Project Work
Credit Hours : 3
- ECOM412 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand Satellites Spacecraft subsystems.
- Identify satellite different payload and applications. [
- Be familiar with the satellite Communication Systems and the future needs and challenges.
- Be familiar with satellite link budget.
- Identify Earth Station antenna and equipment.
- Design satellite communication systems and to do a systems tradeoff design.
Communication Circuits (ECOM571)
RF signals in analog and digital modulations. RF circuits including linear amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, detectors, limiters, and power amplifiers; Transmitter and receiver structures; Phase locked loops; Design of RF integrated circuits; Circuit concepts like stability, noise, distortion, intermodulation, and dynamic range. Design problems of RF communication circuits or subsystems based on component, circuit, and system data and specifications.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain principles of the most common radio transmitter and receiver systems
- Use narrow band approximations and series-to-parallel conversions to design frequency selective networks
- Construct RF impedance matching and transformation circuits using discrete components
- Analysis and Design of RF circuits amplifiers
- Analysis and Design of analog filters
- Calculate signal-to-noise ratio noise-figure of amplifiers
- Understand the theory and applications of phase-locked loops
Special Topics in Communications (ECOM580)
Topics in communications engineering are chosen by the course instructor at the beginning of the term and approved by the department council.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify different implementation requirements of communication systems by applying communication engineering principles.
- Identify design methodologies related to communication systems in the contexts of environmental, economic and social standards.
- Examine solutions to the state-of-the-art communication engineering problems, and communicate findings.
Electric Circuits I (ELEC305)
Circuit Analysis Techniques: Nodal Analysis, Mesh Analysis, Source Transformation, Superposition, Thevenin?s and Norton Theorems. Transient Response: First Order RC & RL Circuits, Step Response & Time Constants, Second Order RLC Circuits, Resonance & Quality Factor. Sinusoids and Phasors: Phasor Representation of Sinusoids, Impedance & Admittance, Circuit Analysis using Phasors. Average Power and RMS values. Operational Amplifiers (Op Amp): Ideal Op Amp Operation, Circuit Analysis of Op Amp Inverting Configuration, Applications of Inverting Configuration, Circuit Analysis of Op Amp Non-Inverting Configuration.
Credit Hours : 3
- MATH1120 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze DC electric circuits using nodal and loop analysis.
- Analyze the current and voltage using network theorems such as Superposition, and Source-transformation, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, and Maximum-Power-Transfer.
- Investigate the ideal Op-Amp characteristics and applications.
- Identify the voltage–current relationship and compute energy stored ion inductors and capacitors circuits.
- Analyze the transient response of first order RL and RC circuits as well as second order RLC circuits.
- Analyze the AC steady-state and transient of RLC circuits’ w.r.t the impedance, admittance and AC-power.
Electric Circuits I lab (ELEC310)
Introduction to Circuit Simulators. Circuit Analysis Techniques I (Nodal & Mesh Analysis). Circuit Analysis Techniques II (Thevenin?s & Norton & Superposition). Transient Analysis of RC & RL circuits. Resonance & Quality Factor of RLC Circuits. Circuit Analysis using Phasors. Networks DC & Transient Analysis. Op Amp Circuits I (Configurations & Circuit Analysis). Op Amp Circuits II (Op Amp Applications). Op Amp Limitations.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co ELEC305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Conduct experiments to analyze circuits using nodal and super position techniques.
- Conduct experiments to verify Thevenin’ theorems.
- Design, analyze and implement Op-Amp circuits.
- Conduct experiments to study the transient behavior of first- and second-order circuits.
- Conduct experiments to study the steady state response, resonance, and complex power of circuits excited by AC sources.
- Effectively use Multisim tools to design, model and simulate circuits.
Fundamentals of Microelec Devices (ELEC315)
Semiconductors: energy bands, carrier concentration, carrier transport phenomena: drift, diffusion. P-N Junction: current-voltage characteristics. Diode models. Diode circuit applications: Rectifiers, Clippers, Clamper, Zener diode (Regulators). Metal-Semiconductor Contacts: equilibrium, idealized metal semiconductor junctions, non-rectifying (Ohmic) contacts, Schottky diodes. Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) capacitance. MOS Field-Effect Transistor: structure, current-voltage characteristics, DC biasing., the MOSFET as an amplifier and as a switch. Bipolar junction transistor (BJT): structure, current-voltage characteristics, DC biasing, charge control switching model, Ebers-Moll model.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explore basics of semiconductor materials and electrical characteristics.
- Investigate diode characteristics and diode-based circuits.
- Examine MOSFET structure, electrical characteristics, DC biasing and the use of MOSFET as switch and amplifier.
- Examine BJT structure, electrical characteristics, DC biasing and the use of BJT as switch and amplifier.
- Use simulation tools to analyze bias point, DC sweep and perform transient analysis.
Electric Circuits II (ELEC320)
Review of Instantaneous Power, Average power and RMS values, Active and Reactive Power. Three Phase Circuits and Power Distribution systems: Configuration of Different Three phase Systems, Three phase Power, Power factor Correction. Magnetically Coupled Circuits: Mutual Inductance, Dot Convention, Energy stored, Ideal Transformers, Three Phase Transformers. Frequency Response: Network Functions, Bode Plot, Resonance Circuits. Two port networks: Admittance Parameters, Impedance Parameters and Hybrid Parameters.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze instantaneous power, average power, complex power and power factor in AC networks at steady-state conditions.
- Analyze three-phase circuits and three-phase source/load connections.
- Analyze self and mutual inductances, energy stored in magnetically coupled networks and ideal transformers.
- Interpret Bode plots for electrical circuits.
- Analyze filters and resonant circuits.
- Analyze admittance, impedance, hybrid and transmission parameters in linear two-port networks.
Engineering Electromagnetics (ELEC325)
The course covers field theory topics related to stationary and moving charges. Coulomb’s law, Electric flux and Gauss’s law, Divergence theorem and capacitance. Electric boundary conditions. Magnetostatics: steady magnetic field, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere’s Law, Stokes’ theorem and magnetic flux. Magnetic force and inductance. Magnetic boundary conditions. Faraday’s law and Maxwell’s equations. Introduction to transmission line theory.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compute electric field intensity and electric potential due to different charge distributions using Coulomb’s law and Gauss’s law. [PLO-1].
- Compute the electric field inside an electric material space (dielectric, conductors) with application to resistance and capacitance. [PLO-1, 2]
- Compute magnetic field and energy using Ampere’s circuital law and Biot-Savart law. [PLO-1]
- Apply magnetic field fundamentals to the analysis and design of magnetic circuits. [PLO-1, 2]
- Apply Faraday’s law to solve for time varying electromagnetic field. [PLO-1, 7]
- Solve the transmission line equations in lossless medium. [PLO-1, 7]
Digital Logic Design (ELEC335)
Data representation, number systems, codes, arithmetic operations, Boolean algebra, logic gate, combinational logic circuits, minimization techniques, MSI modules: adder, decoders, multiplexers, programmable logic arrays. Flip Flops, sequential circuits, registers, counters, and memory. Design of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, state diagrams, state minimization and assignment. Memories.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Manipulate number system, binary codes, and computer arithmetic.
- Apply Boolean algebra and Karnaugh map minimization techniques to simplify Boolean expressions.
- Design binary adders, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, and de-multiplexers to implement combinational logic circuits.
- Design with flip-flops, synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits, state diagrams, and state tables.
- Design registers (serial, parallel, and shift) ripple counters, and synchronous counters.
- Design digital circuits with memory devices of ROMs, PLAs, & PALs.
Digital Logic Design Lab (ELEC345)
Hands-on experimentation with primitive logic gates, decoders, multiplexers, adders, flip-flops, counters, registers, LEDs, and seven-segment displays.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co ELEC335 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Construct digital circuits using primitive logic gates.
- Design digital combinational circuits using Medium Scale Integrated Circuits such as decoders, multiplexers and comparators.
- Construct combinational circuits using adders, seven-segment decoders and seven-segment displays.
- Construct sequential circuits using several types of flip-flops.
- Construct sequential circuits using counters and seven-segment displays.
Signals & Systems (ELEC360)
Continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems: system properties, convolution sum and the convolution integral representation, system properties, LTI systems described by differential and difference equations. Fourier series: properties and applications, Fourier transform: properties and applications. Laplace Transform: properties and applications.
Credit Hours : 3
- MATH2210 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand the basics of signals and Systems: including signals’ operation, classifications, operation and conditioning, systems properties, classifications, and modeling.
- Solve first and second order systems using system impulse responses and convolution, find the zero-input and zero-state responses).
- Derive the generalized Fourier Series (FS) expansion of a signal, sketch and interpret the Frequency Line Spectra of periodic signals.
- Find Fourier Transform (FT) and understand its properties, sketch and interpret the Frequency Spectra of signals.
- Apply Fourier transform techniques in applications of system analysis such as basic ideal filters and AM modulation.
- Use computing tools such as Matlab to signal and systems analysis problems.
Electronic Circuits (ELEC370)
Low and high frequency models for transistors. Small-signal analysis and design of single-stage MOSFET amplifiers. Small-signal analysis and design of single-stage BJT amplifiers. Frequency response characteristics of amplifiers. Multistage amplifiers: Small signal analysis and Frequency response characteristics of multistage amplifiers. Negative feedback: Properties and the four basic feedback topologies. Wave shaping: Basic principles of Sinusoidal Oscillators, Op Amp-RC Oscillator circuits, LC and crystal Oscillators, Multi-vibrators, and Voltage controlled oscillators (VCO). Output stages and power amplifiers: Classification.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe classification of electronic signals, understand signal amplification process, and explore circuit models for amplifiers.
- Analyze and design the different configurations of single stage and multistage amplifiers based on small signal ac-model and discuss the gain, input and output resistances.
- Determine the frequency response of an amplifier and understand the role of coupling and bypass capacitors.
- Evaluate the effect of negative and positive feedback on the amplifier and wave-shaping circuits.
- Explore different classes of power amplifier circuits.
Electro-Mechanical Devices (ELEC372)
AC circuit analysis: phasors steady state power analysis, polyphase circuits; basics of electrical machines construction, theory of operation, equivalent circuit and its governing equations of DC machines, 3-phase synchronous generations, single phase transformers, and 3-phase induction motors, semiconductor devices and transducers.
Credit Hours : 2
- MECH350 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the main components, of the electric circuits the basic theories, and the power sign convention
- Apply analysis techniques (mesh, node, superposition and Thevenin) to solve DC&AC circuits.
- Determine the instantaneous power, average power, complex power, and power factor in single-phase and three-phase AC networks
- Realize the basic principles of single-phase transformer, its equivalent circuit, and the efficiency and regulation concepts
- Identify the construction, operation, and basic characteristics of the 3-phase Synchronous Generator
- Identify the construction, operation, and basic characteristics of the 3-phase Induction Motors
Electronic Circuits Lab (ELEC375)
Diode Characteristics & Circuit Applications, Zener Diode Characteristics & Circuit Applications. FET Characteristics, FET Amplifiers and frequency response characteristics. BJT DC Characteristics, BJT Amplifiers and frequency response characteristics. RC Coupled Amplifier characteristics and frequency response, Feedback amplifier operation and characteristics, Hartley and Colpitts oscillators and multivibrators, Complementary Power Amplifier DC Operation, AC Voltage and Power Gain.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co ELEC370 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC310 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explore the characteristics, operation and circuits of Diodes and Zeners.
- Investigate the operation, characteristics and design of single stage and multistage amplifiers.
- Investigate the operation and characteristics of feedback amplifiers.
- Investigate the operation, characteristics and design of wave generators.
- Explore the operation and characteristics of Power amplifiers and Regulated Power supplies.
Analytical Methods for Electrical Engineering (ELEC380)
Complex analysis: complex numbers, complex functions, complex integration, and series representations of complex functions. Ordinary differential equations: first order, second order, power series and Frobenius methods, boundary-value problems, Fourier series, and Strum-Liouville problem. Partial differential equations: the wave equation, the heat equation, and the Laplace equation. Applications include circuit theory, digital signal processing, control theory, and electromagnetics.
Credit Hours : 3
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- 1. Explain Complex variables and functions
- 2. Apply complex differentiation and integration to complex functions.[
- 3. Solve initial value problems and boundary value problems
- 4. Identify Sturm-Liouville Boundary value problems and orthogonal functions[
- 5. Solve Partial differential equations.
- 6. Develop Solutions involving physical systems and applications
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Engineering Laboratory (ELEC395)
Introduction to AI and machine learning, hands-on in data acquisition and sensor interface. Computer experiments to cover applications in IoT and smart systems, including smart homes, smart health, autonomous driving, and robotics.
Credit Hours : 1
- ELEC345 with a minimum grade D
- GENG230 with a minimum grade D
- Pre/Co ELEC375 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand the basics of machine learning, artificial intelligence and IoT
- Analyze datasets using machine learning methods for regression and classification
- Explore data acquisition and sensor interface platforms.
- Develop AI skills for machine learning in IoT based applications such as home-automation, smart health, robotics, autonomous driving etc.
- Demonstrate ability to work with a group and communicate findings effectively.
Electric Energy Conversion (ELEC411)
Faraday's Law and applications, Magnetic circuits and introduction to the machinery principles. Single phase transformer, Ideal and Real Transformers theory of operation, Modeling and derivation of equivalent circuit parameters, experimental determination of equivalent circuit parameters. Theory of operation of AC Machines. 3-phase synchronous Generators, theory of operation, Machine modeling, experimental determination of the equivalent circuit parameters and parallel operation. Induction motors, theory of operation, Equivalent circuit development, experimental determination of equivalent circuit parameters, torque speed curve characteristics.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze magnetic circuit and its relationship to transformers and electric machines.
- Apply the theory of operation of ideal and real transformers.
- Explain the basic working principle of DC and AC machines.
- Describe the operation of synchronous machines.
- Describe the operation of induction machines.
Control Systems (ELEC431)
Control Systems in the Real World, Feedback Concept, Modeling of Dynamic Systems, Block Diagrams, Sensitivity and Disturbance Analysis, Steady State Error Analysis, Stability Analysis, Time Domain Analysis of Control Systems, Frequency Domain Analysis of Control Systems, Control system design in frequency domain (Nyquist and Nichols Charts), Control System Design in time domain (Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control and lead-lag compensator).
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC360 with a minimum grade D
- MATH2220 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Formulate the mathematical models of systems.
- Analyze time response of the first order systems, second order systems, and higher order systems.
- Use reduction techniques of block diagrams with multiple subsystems.
- Evaluate the stability and steady-state error of the closed loop systems.
- Apply frequency response techniques.
- Design controllers for closed-loop systems.
Instrument & Control Lab (ELEC433)
Practical analysis and design of feedback control systems and components: control design of second-order systems, PID control design, Programmable Logic Controllers.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co ELEC431 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the main components of dynamical systems (plant, actuators, sensors...)
- Differentiate between the performance of open-loop and closed-loop systems
- Identify the parameters of the PID controller for real setups based on its open loop step response.
- Use the data acquisition boards and the modern engineering tools such as MATLAB and LABVIEW in control systems
- Implement different types of PLC controllers for specific tasks in real systems.
Microprocessors (ELEC451)
Architecture of a Microcomputer System, Evolution of the Microprocessors, Software Architecture of the 8088/8086 Microprocessors, Software Development Tools, Instruction Set, Assembly Language Programming Techniques, Interfacing and Applications, Interrupts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain internal architecture of CISC microprocessors and its comparison to RISC family processors.
- Illustrate the different addressing modes of the microprocessor using assembly instructions.
- Analyze the instruction set of the microprocessor, including data transfer, arithmetic and logic, and control instructions.
- Compose procedures for assembly programs.
- Show hardware organization of the microprocessor, I/O and memory interfaces.
- Construct assembly programs to solve engineering problems.
Microprocessors Lab (ELEC461)
Software debugging and development tools, Instruction set, Assembly language programming techniques with applications.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze instructions using a debugger or a similar tool.
- Write assembly programs, procedures including interrupt service routines using a assembler tool.
- Develop assembly programs to access memory and peripheral devices for data operations.
- Test assembly programs to configure and control peripheral devices using a microprocessor toolkit.
Computer Architecture & Organization (ELEC462)
Basic structure of computers, machine programs sequencing, addressing modes, micro-programmed control, CISC & RISC CPUs, instruction architecture, data path and control, computer arithmetic, input-output organizations, I/O channels computer communications, memory organizations.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC451 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain functional units, fetch-execute cycle, and internal structure of a CPU
- Apply various I/O techniques for serial and parallel connections
- Use computer arithmetic circuits to solve computing problems
- Analyze various memory organization techniques in solving storage problems
- Examine techniques to increase instruction throughput like pipelining & parallel processing
- Employ digital-design tools to simulate hardware functions
Power Systems (ELEC472)
Power Systems Concept and Components, The UAE Power Network, Review of Phasors and Complex Power, Balanced Three-phase Circuits, Per Unit Notation, Transmission Line Parameters, Modeling of Transmission Lines in the Steady State Mode, Introduction to Power Flow, Fundamentals of Symmetrical faults calculation, Computer applications.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze steady-state performance of single phase and balanced three-phase systems.
- Use one-line diagram and per unit notations for modelling power system elements, including generators, transmission lines, transformers, and loads.
- Explain the equivalent circuits of short, medium, and long overhead transmission lines.
- Describe multi-node power systems using admittance matrix or impedance matrix for power flow study.
- Solve power flow problem using Gauss-Seidel method and Newton-Raphson approach.
- Analyze electric power systems during symmetrical faults.
Electric Energy Conversion Lab (ELEC481)
Transformer basics including turns ratio test, open-circuit test and short circuit test to determine the equivalent circuit parameters, in addition to exploring the concept of the voltage regulation and efficiency. DC machines (motors and generators) operation and basic characteristics. Basic tests and modeling of 3-phase synchronous generator in addition to the load characteristics. Torque-speed, efficiency, starting and other main characteristics of the Induction Motors.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co ELEC411 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze data for the equivalent circuit, losses, voltage regulation, and efficiency of the single-phase transformer.
- Differentiate between the different types of connections and vector groups of the three-phase transformers.
- Examine the main characteristics of the DC machines (motors and generators).
- Examine the main characteristics of the synchronous generator, its parameters, and its regulation under R, L and C loads.
- Examine the main characteristics of the induction machine, its parameters, and the types of losses in this machine.
Internship I (ELEC485)
Students spend 8 weeks on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills. This course aims at offering career exploration opportunities for students.
Credit Hours : 1
- STAT210 with a minimum grade D
- GENG230 with a minimum grade D
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
- MATH140 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS110 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS140 with a minimum grade D
- CHEM111 with a minimum grade D
- CHEM175 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC305 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC315 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC325 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC335 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC360 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC310 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC345 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and individually to achieve the planed tasks and goals.
- Develop communication skills through oral and written presentations.
- Evaluate different engineering situations and judgments based on ethical codes and professional responsibilities.
Internship II (ELEC490)
Students spend 8 weeks on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills. This course aims at offering career exploration opportunities for students as well as opportunities to correlate their academic preparation to the reality of conducting professional practice, to interact effectively with others in practice, to develop professional skills and communicate effectively in the workplace and to gain true practical experience that is necessary for their future practice as engineers in their respective discipline after graduation.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co ELEC485 with a minimum grade P
- CHEM270 with a minimum grade D
- GENG215 with a minimum grade D
- GENG315 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC370 with a minimum grade D
- ECOM360 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC380 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC451 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC320 with a minimum grade D or (ECOM320 with a minimum grade D and ECOM412 with a minimum grade D)
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and individually to achieve the planed tasks and goals.
- Develop communication skills through oral and written presentations.
- Evaluate different engineering situations and judgments based on ethical codes and professional responsibilities.
- Propose innovative ideas/solutions for real-life problems based on the learned knowledge.
Digital Electronics (ELEC512)
MOS Digital Circuits: Digital Circuit Design Overview, the MOSFET as a Digital Circuit Element Design and performance Analysis of the CMOS Inverter, CMOS Logic Circuits Pseudo-NMOS Circuits, Pass-Transistor Logic Circuits, Dynamic Logic Circuits, Latches and Flip-Flops, Multivibrators, Semiconductor Memories: Types and Architectures, Random-Access Memory (RAM) Cells, Read-Only Memory (ROM). Bipolar Digital Circuits: The BJT as a Digital Circuit Element, Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL or T?L) 3. Characteristics of Standard TTL; TTL Families with Improved Performance; Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL), Timing Circuits (Astable, Bistable, Monostable). Advanced Technology Digital Circuits: BiCMOS Digital Circuits, Overview of Silicon Germanium (SiGe) and Gallium-Arsenid.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC370 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain Moore’s law and its impact in IC’s design.
- Understand nMOSFET & pMOSFET structure and operation in deep submicron technology.
- Investigate CMOS inverter & digital logic circuits.
- Explore advanced logic circuits.
- Analyze semiconductor memories.
Advanced Control Systems (ELEC521)
Controllability and Observability, State and Output Feedback Controller Design, Observer Design, Linear Quadratic Regulator, Introduction to Robust Control Design, Fundamentals of Nonlinear Control.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC431 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply state-space modeling techniques for systems.
- Apply signal-flow diagrams techniques for systems.
- Analyze open-loop aspects of state-space models including controllability, observability, and canonical forms.
- Design full state feedback controllers and full-state observers.
- Design controllers using optimal control theory.
- Apply the theory of nonlinear systems.
Industrial Automation (ELEC522)
Graphical symbols in Control Systems, Data acquisition, Implementation of digital PID controllers, Cascade Control, Feedforward control, Smith predictor controller, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Ladder diagrams, SCADA systems.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC431 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe piping and instrumentation diagram.
- Design industrial controller using cascade, feedforward, and Smith predictor controllers.
- Implement digital controller.
- Implement ladder diagram programming for PLCs.
- Discuss various topics in industrial automation such as industrial sensors, signal conditioning, etc.
Special Topics in Power & Control Engineering (ELEC530)
Topics in power and control engineering are chosen by the course instructor at the beginning of the term and approved by the department council.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply various theories and methodologies related to selected power and control systems.
- Design using selected contemporary techniques for power and control systems.
- Communicate the major findings in the topics of power and control systems engineering orally and in writing.
- Discuss contemporary topics in the area of power and control systems engineering.
Power Systems Analysis (ELEC531)
Power Systems in the Real World, Sources of Faults in Power Systems, Symmetrical Components, Sequence Networks, Unsymmetrical Short Circuits, Advanced load flow analysis, Power System Stability, Power System Protection.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC472 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply Newton Raphson and Fast Decoupled techniques for power flow analysis.
- Apply symmetrical component for unbalanced fault analysis.
- Perform balanced and unbalanced fault analyses.
- Apply equal area criterion method for steady state stability analysis.
- Understand principles and requirements for the protection schemes.
Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSI) (ELEC533)
Historical perspective and future trend of CMOS technology; Basics of CMOS process; Design methodologies: custom, semicustom, automatic. The focus is on CMOS technology, using custom and standard cell-based design flows. Issues covered at the introductory level include deep sub-micron design, Global design issues: clocking, interconnect, physical design, sub-system design, power, testing as well as CAD tools. The course includes a project component in which students design and layout a small circuit (Chip).
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC370 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the IC design flow.
- Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the ideal and non-ideal I-V characteristics of MOS transistor.
- Explore CMOS technology and layout design rules.
- Analyze delay, power dissipation in circuits and the impact of technology scaling.
- Investigate various CMOS combinational logic and sequential circuit.
- Use available software VLSI design tools.
Power System Distribution (ELEC534)
Generation, Transmission and distribution, Load characteristics, load estimation, Subtransmission lines and distribution substation, Primary systems, Secondary systems, Voltage drop, power loss, Application of capacitor banks, Distribution systems voltage regulation, Distribution System faults, Distribution System protection, Earthing systems, Power quality assessment, system reliability and Distribution automation.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC472 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify different load demand parameters required for rating main equipment in distribution systems.
- Analyze different distribution systems to limit voltage drop under different configurations.
- Design proper capacitors bank to enhance system voltage and system losses.
- Apply distribution voltage regulators for controlling customer’s voltage.
- Identify the main components required for an overcurrent protection system.
- Design an overcurrent protection system for radial feeders.
Digital Image Processing (ELEC551)
An introduction to basic techniques of analysis and manipulation of pictorial data by computer, image /output devices, Image processing software, Enhancement, Segmentation, Property measurement, Hough transform, Fourier analysis, Computer encoding, processing, and analysis of curves.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC360 with a minimum grade D
- MATH2220 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Learn the basics of Image Processing, Computer vision, and Analysis.
- Apply image representation, preprocessing and geometry.
- Analyze digital images.
- Implement various basic image operations like gradient operators, segmentation, etc.
- Apply various discrete transforms to images for purpose of edge and line detection, Hough transforms, resolution, filtering, etc.
- Demonstrate ability in using imaging software for various image operations, transformations, and analysis.
Java Programming Applications (ELEC561)
Introduction to Java applications & applets, Control structures, Methods, Arrays, Object-oriented programming, Strings & characters, Files and streams, GUIs, Term project.
Credit Hours : 3
- GENG230 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply selection and repetition control structures to execute statements.
- Examine object oriented design techniques.
- Use arrays to store, sort, search list, and tables of values.
- Apply text processing on Characters and String Objects.
- Develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Embedded System Design (ELEC562)
An investigation of current microcomputer structures with emphasis on design of control software, hardware implementation of I/O, analogy to digital (A/D) converter, serial communication, direct memory access, interrupts, interfacing external memory device, and microprogramming.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC451 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply fundamental embedded system knowledge
- Use sensors in a stand-alone system.
- Design an Interrupt Handler software for a specific micro-controller.
- Design software to control digital I/O interfaced with external hardware.
- Design software to handle analog inputs.
- Construct an embedded system.
Special Topics in Computer Engineering (ELEC570)
Topics in computer engineering are chosen by the course instructor at the beginning of the term and approved by the department council.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Investigate a set of techniques and tools used in the design/analysis of computer components/systems.
- Assess appropriate tools for developing computer hardware/software components/systems.
- Design a computer component/system that achieves a specific task individually and in a team environment.
Special Topics in Electronic Engineering (ELEC580)
Topics in electronic engineering are chosen by the course instructor at the beginning of the term and approved by the department council
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC370 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Investigate the state-of-the-art of the selected special topics in electronic Engineering.
- Examine the devices, circuits and/or systems, which are relevant to the selected topics
- Evaluate the frontier emerging technologies for the selected topics.
Analog Integrated Circuit Design (ELEC582)
Integrated-circuits devices and modeling. Design of basic analog circuits, such as current sources and mirrors, differential amplifiers. Basic amplifier circuits, CMOS opamps, opamp compensation. Comparators. Noise. Reference circuits.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC370 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Depict The Operation And Ability To Use The Comparators Circuits
- Describe And Illustrate The Models For Active Devices In Mos Based Ic Technologies
- Design And Analyze The Differential Amplifiers & Basic Operational Amplifiers
- Design And Analyze The Single Stage Amplifiers And C Current Sources And Current Mirrors
- Explain The Operation And Employ The Bandgap Reference In Real Biasing Application
- Illustrate The Noise Sources And Models Applicable In Opamp Design
Design and Critical Thinking in Electrical Engineering (ELEC585)
This course concentrates on the rigors of communication, design, and critical thinking in an engineering context including problem identification, feasibility study of alternative solutions, preliminary design, technical writing, teamwork, and formal presentations. A team of students will apply the knowledge gained throughout their study and from industrial training to an engineering design project, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and originality. The selected alternatives will be the foundation of the capstone design project. A final report is required.
Credit Hours : 3
- GENG215 with a minimum grade D
- GENG315 with a minimum grade D
- CHEM270 with a minimum grade D
- (ECOM320 with a minimum grade D and ECOM412 with a minimum grade D or ELEC320 with a minimum grade D or ECOM360 with a minimum grade D)
- ELEC325 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC370 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC375 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC451 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC380 with a minimum grade D
- MATH140 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC335 with a minimum grade D
- ELEC345 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the relevant theoretical background of a contemporary engineering problem. [PLO1]
- Apply the fundamentals of engineering-design and critical thinking, including the assessment and evaluation of alternative engineering solutions. [PLO2]
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, modeling, simulation, and/or data analysis using engineering tools. [PLO6]
- Communicate effectively through oral and written presentations. [PLO3]
- Outline the principles of engineering ethics, and social and environmental responsibilities. [PLO4]
- Recognize the need for ongoing additional knowledge, and the potential of integration and/or application of this knowledge effectively. [PLO7]
- Develop leadership skills and project management techniques to independently and/or collaboratively handle complex professional tasks in a team-work context. [PLO5]
Capstone Engineering Design Project (ELEC590)
This course builds on the outcomes of ELEC 585 course to perform detailed design and cost estimate of the selected alternative solutions to a well-defined engineering problem. Student teams are expected to apply knowledge gained throughout their studies to an engineering design project, emphasizing creativity and originality. A final report is required.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC585 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the theoretical background of a contemporary engineering problem. [PLO1]
- Apply the fundamentals of engineering-design, including the assessment and evaluation of alternative engineering solutions. [PLO2]
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, modelling, simulation, and/or data analysis using modern engineering tools. [PLO6]
- Communicate effectively through oral and written presentations. [PLO3]
- Recognize the principles of engineering ethics, and social and environmental responsibilities. [PLO4]
- Recognize the need for ongoing additional knowledge, and the potential of integration and/or application of this knowledge effectively. [PLO7]
- Develop leadership skills and project management techniques to independently and/or collaboratively handle complex professional tasks in a team-work context. [PLO5]
Power Electronics (ELEC592)
The Thyristor, AC and DC diode circuits, Thyristor commutation techniques, Single and three-phase converters, Controlled rectifiers, different static switches, AC voltage controllers, inverters and cycloconverters, DC Choppers. Thyristor data sheets, Protection of diodes and circuits.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand power electronics, power semiconductor switches characteristics, switch selection, data sheet, and diode circuits.
- Analyze uncontrolled single phase and three-phase rectifiers.
- Analyze controlled single phase and three-phase rectifiers.
- Examine the operation of DC-DC converters, including buck converter, boost converter, buck-boost converter, and Cuk converter.
- Investigate the operation of single phase and three phase inverters
Numerical Methods in Engineering (ELEC600)
This course focuses on numerical methods for the analysis and design of engineering processes and systems. The course will include approximation and interpolation, root-finding, solution of linear and nonlinear equations, curve fitting, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical optimization, solution of ordinary and partial differential equations, finite difference and introduction to finite element techniques, regression estimation, and uncertainty analysis.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply Numerical Integration And Differentiation
- Compute Roots Of Linear And Non-Linear Equations
- Evaluate Stable Methods To Solve Ordinary And Partial Differential Equations
- Examine Stable And Accurate Numerical Methods To Solve Linear Systems Of Equations
- Explain The Difference Between Analytical And Numerical Solutions
- Solve Basic Linear And Nonlinear Optimization Problems Related To Engineering
Linear Systems (ELEC602)
Mathematical description of systems, fundamental of matrix algebra and quadratic forms, state space solution and realization of linear systems, stability of linear and nonlinear systems, controllability and observability, minimal realization and coprime fractions state feedback and state estimators.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental concepts in linear algebra, systems analysis and matrix theory. [PLO-1]
- Construct dynamical systems using linear time-invariant state space realizations and transfer functions. [PLO-1]
- Analyze aspects of linear time-invariant systems including controllability, observability, canonical forms and stability. [PLO-2]
- Design state feedback. [PLO-3]
- Design state observers for state estimation. [PLO-3]
Advanced Digital Signal Processing (ELEC604)
Review important concepts in digital signal processing and introduce a number of advanced topics and applications in one-dimensional digital signal processing. Review the basic discrete time transforms including discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT), discrete Fourier transform (DFT), and Z-transform. Introduce selected topics from IIR and FIR filter design, short-time Fourier analysis, modern spectral estimation, linear prediction, adaptive filtering, and array processing. Applications from speech / music analysis and synthesis would also be included.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC360 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Solve difference equations representing a linear time-invariant Discrete-Time System
- Analyze LTI systems in the frequency domain.
- Apply the Z-Transform and its application to the analysis of Linear Time Invariant Systems.
- Determine the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of signals and its properties and applications.
- Implement Discrete-Time Systems.
- Design FIR and IIR Digital Filters.
Communications Networks (ELEC612)
Fundamental concepts of communication networks, architecture for access and internetworking, packet switching; protocols and throughput optimization, routing; error and flow control, TCP/IP and other internet protocols, topological design algorithms, queuing theory and its applications, multiple access schemes.
Credit Hours : 3
- ECOM432 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze packet switching throughput and delay performance using queuing models.
- Describe and analyze the different congestion control techniques at the network layer level.
- Describe the research outcomes and the technical analysis of a research paper and make a technical presentation about it.
- Identify and compare between Internet routing protocols such as routing information protocol (RIP), open shortest path first (OSPF) and border gateway protocol (BGP).
- Outline the operation of different routing and internetworking techniques in packet switching networks such as link state routing and distance vector routing.
- Recall the basic principles of computer networking, the operation of the TCP/IP protocol and local area networks.
Advanced Wireless Communications (ELEC613)
Evolution of radio communications and broadcast systems, new trends, economics of radio communications, spectrum usage; Cellular concept, coverage, frequency reuse, interference; Broadcast concepts; Radio propagation; Large scale path loss, small scale fading and multi-path; Wireless modulation techniques; Multiple access techniques; Networking and planning; Case studies.
Credit Hours : 3
- ECOM360 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand the new trends in wireless communication.
- Describe the characteristics of wireless communication channels.
- Apply the basics of traffic and queuing theory.
- Design a cellular communication system using frequency reuse, cell splitting, sectoring, and capacity and coverage enhancement techniques.
- Analyze the performance of digital wireless systems in terms of BER and outage probability.
- Apply performance enhancement techniques such as diversity, equalization, coding, interleaving, and data link control techniques.
- Work out a complete research-based project related to wireless communications.
Adaptive Signal Processing (ELEC615)
Basic concepts and applications of adaptive signal processing; adaptive filters, beam-formers, optimum space/time processors and their adaptive implementation, adaptive algorithms.
Credit Hours : 3
- ECOM451 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use basic probability theory to model random signals in terms of Random Processes.
- Derive the Wiener filter for signals with known second order statistics.
- Formulate the Wiener filter as a constrained optimization problem.
- Solve the Wiener filter weights for the prediction filter using the Levinson-Durbin algorithm
- Use the LMS algorithm and its variants for iteratively estimating the Wiener filter weights.
- Determine suitable LMS step size to trade off convergence time and misadjustment.
- Implement the RLS algorithm for iteratively estimating the Wiener filter weights.
Antenna Design & Applications (ELEC617)
Review of antennas basic theory: radiation pattern antenna impedance, gain, directivity, bandwidth, beam width, and frequency dependence. Advanced level treatment of antenna design and analysis. Analysis and synthesis of phased arrays. Reflector antennas. Micro strip antennas. Single and dual reflector systems. New concepts of primary radiator design. Primary feeds for monopulse radar. Antennas for navigation aids. Adaptive phased arrays and their application to radar.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC325 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify and define important antenna specifications and parameters such as antenna impedance, directivity, efficiency, gain, half power beamwidth, side lobe level, radiated power, radiation resistance and Rayleigh or far field range.
- Determine analytical expression of the far-zone radiated electric field and antenna state of polarization. Evaluate the antenna receiving characteristics.
- Describe and calculate the radiation properties of arbitrarily oriented wire antennas in the presence of a perfectly conducting ground plane.
- Determine the analytical expression of the array factor for linear array antennas and Evaluate radiation properties. [
- Design array factor for 2-D arrays rectangular and circular, and compute radiation properties.
- Explain the operational principles and use of a Yagi-Uda array antenna, and compute its radiation properties using available software.
- Design and analyze different types of microstrip antennas.
- Contemporary issues of antennas in modern mobile communication: Smart antenna system and MIMO antenna; definition and design, Beam scanning and directive antenna systems.
Advanced Topics in Communication Engineering (ELEC619)
Consent of instructor where topics are to be chosen every year according to specific interests.
Credit Hours : 3
- ECOM360 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe How Traffic Engineering Is Done For Wireless Networks
- Describe The Architecture And The Operation Of 3G/Umts Networks Including High Speed Data Link Packet Access (Hsdpa)
- Describe The Research Outcomes And The Technical Analysis Of A Research Paper And Make A Technical Presentation About It
- Describe The Wimax Network Architecture And The Operation Of The Wimax Mac Layer
- Explain How Network Capacity Planning Is Done For Distributed And Infrastructure-Based Wireless Networks
- Explain The Different Medium Access Control Techniques That Are Used In Wireless Networks
- Explain The Fundamentals Of Radio Resource Management And Mobility Management In Wireless Networks
- Identify The Main Design Issues Of Ad Hoc Networks From Medium Access Control (Mac) And Routing Layers’ Perspective
Analytical Techniques in Engineering (ELEC620)
This course focuses on mathematical formulation and analysis of engineering processes and systems, including initial and boundary value problems. The course will include matrices and vectors, system of equations, ordinary and partial differential equations, and complex variables. Mathematical methods such as separation of variables, Laplace transformation, Fourier transformation, integral transformation, orthogonal functions and Bessel functions will be covered.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Complex System Using Complex Integration And Differentiation
- Determine Stable Point And Phase Plane Analysis For Systems Of Differential Equations
- Develop Solution Of Sturm Loiuvel System Using Mathematical Fourier Series Solution
- Develop Solutions To Special Differential Equations: Bessel’S Equation And Bessel Functions, Legendre’S Equation, Orthogonality Of Legendre Polynomials
- Solve Partial Differential Equations; Separation Of Variables, Heat Equation, Wave Equation
- Solve 1St & 2Nd Order Ordinary Differential Equations
Power Systems Protection (ELEC622)
Review of power system symmetrical components & fault analysis, protective device operating principles, instrument transformers, over current protection, distance and pilot protection, equipment protection: machines, transformers, buses, protection aspects of power system phenomena.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC472 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Distance And Unit Protection Systems For The Power Systems Equipment.
- Analyze Short-Circuit Current Using Symmetrical Components
- Apply The Basic Principles Of Electrical Systems And Requirements For The Protection Schemes
- Evaluate Various Components Of The Protection Systems And Their Duties
- Perform Relay Coordination For Overcurrent Protection Relays
Power Systems Quality (ELEC625)
Power quality disturbances, power quality standards, CBEMA and ITIC curves, power quality indices, power interruption, faults as a sources of sags and swells, motor starting sags, mitigation of sag and swell disturbances, waveform distortion, voltage fluctuation, power frequency variation, harmonic sources, power system responses to harmonics, resonance, harmonic analysis methods, harmonic mitigation, transients, capacitor-switching transients, interaction of capacitor banks, circuit analysis of cap-switching transients, mitigation of transients, power quality monitoring, detection classification and measurement, power quality and deregulation. Solving power quality problems, power conditioning devices, static circuit breaker, static shunt and series compensator, passive and active harmonic filters.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC472 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze short-circuit current using symmetrical components.
- Apply the basic principles of electrical systems and requirements for the protection schemes.
- Evaluate various components of the protection systems and their duties.
- Perform relay coordination for overcurrent protection relays.
- Analyze distance and unit protection systems for the power systems equipment.
Advanced Topics in Power Engineering (ELEC629)
This course deals with advanced power / power electronics topics as per instructor area of expertise.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC472 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Design ideal stand-alone and grid-connected photovoltaic systems.
- Design ideal stand-alone and grid-connected wind systems.
- Develop analytical techniques for analyzing the steady-state and dynamic characteristics of PV inverters.
- Evaluate the power quality issues of RE resources integration and apply mitigation techniques.
- Plan DG resources in power distribution systems considering sizing and placement.
Sensors Design and Applications (ELEC637)
Design, analysis and application of sensors used to measure physical quantities such as flow, level, temperature, pressure and density.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC370 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analysis different electronics interface circuits for sensor applications.
- Explore the use of piezoelectric materials for sensor design and applications.
- Explore the use of resistive, inductive and capacitive concepts in sensor design.
- Explore the use of sensors to measure physical quantities such as displacement, flow, level, temperature, pressure and density.
- Investigate the fabrication technologies for sensor fabrications.
Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ELEC639)
Topics to be chosen every year according to specific interests.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC370 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain Moore’s law, VLSI development & design flow, and VLSI design verification techniques. [PLO-3]
- Analyze modes of operation and IV characteristics of long-channel and short-channel MOS transistors. [PLO-1, 3]
- Analyze secondary effects in deep-submicron technology. [PLO-3]
- Analyze and design of logic inverters including resistively loaded MOS inverter and CMOS Inverter. [PLO-1]
- Explain the parasitic capacitance in MOS transistors .[PLO-1]
- Compute the propagation delay and power dissipation of CMOS Inverter. [PLO-1]
- Design the layout and schematic of VLSI CMOS inverters and various MOS digital circuits based on PMOS and NMOS transistors .[PLO-2]
Contemporary Digital Systems (ELEC641)
Introduction to combinational & sequential logic, finite state machines, high performance digital systems: theory and application of modern design, alternative implementation forms and introduction to HDL, sequential logic technologies.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC335 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate the use of 5/6 variable k-maps and quine McKusick method for function minimization, and function implementation by using nand/nor logic
- Design counters, counter design procedures, reversed-engineered counters, and cascaded counters to build finite state machines
- Develop alternative implementations and incomplete specified functions of combinational logic systems, and function minimization by using hypercube
- Formulate logic techniques for multiplexers, decoders, Rom, Pla, & Pal
- Introduction to a Hdl (Verilog) programming language with logical simulation
- Mastery of logic elements, state diagrams, state tables, flip-flops, master-slave flip-flops, and registers
Artificial Neural Networks (ELEC644)
Overview of neuro-engineering technology, basic neural network architectures, single layer perception classifiers and multi-layer feed forward networks, single-layer feedback networks, and associative memories, Kohonen models and counter propagation networks, adaptive resonance theory and Boltzmann machines, Simulated annealing, temporal modeling, supervised and unsupervised learning, Implementation, basic applications to pattern recognition.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Interpret basis of neuron and brain model
- Classify different neural network architectures
- Demonstrate supervised learning; Perceptron and its relation to Bayes Classifier
- Investigate Hebbian-based learning and apply principles of Self-Organization
- Analyze Self-organized maps and Kohonen Networks
- Examine recurrent networks and support vector machines concept
Computational Vision (ELEC646)
The fundamentals of computer vision and techniques for image understanding and high-level image processing. Includes computational techniques, image segmentation, geometric structures, relational structures, inference, matching, stereo vision, sequence of images, shape, color and texture, three dimensional scene analysis, vision systems, and applications.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Learn human eye and basics of computer imaging
- Understand image geometry and different image transformation techniques
- Demonstrate understanding of image enhancement and restoration techniques
- Investigate image segmentation techniques and morphological operations
- Analyze image transforms
- Investigate lossless and lossy image compression
Advanced Topics in Computer Engineering (ELEC649)
Topics to be chosen every year according to specific interests.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC230 with a minimum grade C
- ELEC451 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze operating system architecture, system calls, process concept, interprocess communication, and threads concept. [PLO-1]
- Build various CPU-scheduling algorithms and solutions for process synchronization including critical section and semaphores. [PLO-1, 2]
- Compose various ways of organizing memory hardware and memory management techniques including paging and segmentation. [PLO-1]
- Develop the concept of virtual memory, demand paging, page-replacement algorithms, and allocation of page frames. [PLO-1]
- Determine details of layered file system structure, file allocation methods, and free space management. [PLO-2]
- Analyze physical structure of mass storage systems including the secondary and tertiary storage devices. [PLO-1, 2]
Nonlinear Control (ELEC652)
Analysis of nonlinear control systems; Lyapunov stability, numerical methods, phase-plane techniques, describing functions, and linearization via feedback.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC602 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate Knowledge Of Fundamental Mathematics For Nonlinear Systems
- Design Nonlinear Observers
- Design Using Backstepping Method
- Design Using Feedback Linearization Method
- Evaluate Stability Of Autonmous Systems
- Evaluate Stability Of Non Autonomous Systems
Optimal Control (ELEC656)
Optimal control by dynamic programming. Pontryagins maximum principle, and variational methods; minimum time, energy, and fuel problems for linear continuous and discrete systems.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC431 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Show mastery of the engineering knowledge and analyze skills in the area of nonlinear optimization. [PLO-1, 2]
- Show mastery of the engineering knowledge and analyze skills in the area of dynamic programming. [PLO-1, 2]
- Show mastery of the engineering knowledge and analyze skills in the area general calculus of variations. [PLO-1, 2]
- Show mastery of the engineering knowledge and analyze skills in the area calculus of variations for control engineering. [PLO-1, 2]
- Design linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and linear quadratic gaussian (LQG). [PLO-3]
- Design model predictive controller (MPC). [PLO-3]
Advanced Topics in Control Systems (ELEC659)
Topics are to be chosen every year according to specific interests.
Credit Hours : 3
- ELEC431 with a minimum grade C
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze and design using conventional PID control techniques. [PLO-2, 3]
- Analyze and design using fuzzy Logic control techniques. [PLO-2, 3]
- Analyze and design using robust control techniques. [PLO-2, 3]
- Analyze and design using nonlinear control techniques. [PLO-2, 3]
- Analyze and design using optimal control techniques. [PLO-2, 3]
- Analyze and design using MIMO control techniques. [PLO-2, 3]
- Model systems using system identification techniques. [PLO-2]
Graduate Seminar I (ELEC691)
Thesis option students should present a research proposal in front of a panel appointed by the EE Graduate Studies committee. Research projects are discussed to decide on the Master's Thesis.
Credit Hours : 0
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify potential research topic in Electrical Engineering.
- Apply research skills formulations to address selected research topic.
- Develop a technical proposal for selected research topic.
- Present a research proposal at a high level of proficiency.
Master's Research Thesis (ELEC693)
Supervision of research work is made towards the completion of M.Sc. requirements for Thesis option students.
Credit Hours : 9
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrates good knowledge of methodology and gives a justification for methods used.
- Discusses the implications of findings from the study and describes its impact on future research as well as its limitations.
- Expresses ideas clearly and logically with a good writing style that is easy to follow and understand.
- Identifies relevant research and literature and provides a summary and appropriate citation of major work in the field.
- Includes a definition and articulation of the research question with a justification for the current research.
- Presents and interprets results in light of the research question and includes explanations for tables and graphs.
- Presents evidence that the research has resulted in the advancement of new knowledge in the research field.
Research / Design Paper (ELEC694)
Supervision of research/design paper is made towards the completion of M.Sc requirements for Non-Thesis option students.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrates good knowledge of methodology and gives a justification for methods used.
- Discusses the implications of findings from the study and describes its impact on future research as well as its limitations.
- Expresses ideas clearly and logically with a good writing style that is easy to follow and understand.
- Identifies relevant research and literature and provides a summary and appropriate citation of major work in the field.
- Includes a definition and articulation of the research question with a justification for the current research.
- Presents and interprets results in light of the research question and includes explanations for tables and graphs.
- Presents evidence that the research has resulted in the advancement of new knowledge in the research field.
Machine Learning in Engineering (ELEC709)
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to machine learning. The course covers learning theory, supervised learning, unsupervised learning, ensemble and graphical models, generative and reinforcement learning, and various learning networks like convolutional networks and recurrent networks.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Interpret machine learning concept as applied to engineering
- Demonstrate supervised learning, unsupervised learning and algorithms
- Analyze linear, tree-based, ensemble and graphical models
- Investigate Generative and reinforcement learning
- Examine different machine learning structures and algorithms
Micro and Nano Systems (ELEC711)
The objectives of this course are to provide a deep insight of the materials used in the fabrication of micro and nano based electronic devices and sensors. Advancement in integration and packaging processes and techniques to be covered. The course also presents the applications of micro and nanosystems. Multiphysics tools will be utilized for simulations and modelling. Also, this course should address the fundamental and frontier of modern nanoelectronics
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Investigate the materials used in the fabrication of micro and nano-based systems
- Make qualified choices for suitable fabrication process for sensors and electronic devices
- Evaluate the integration, packaging processes and techniques
- Explore the applications of micro and nano systems
- Utilize multiphysics design tools and commercial modeling programs for micro and nano systems simulations and modeling
- Assess and update the fundamentals and frontiers of modern nanoelectronics
Advanced Circuits and Systems (ELEC712)
The course is intended to cover the current technology and interest in Circuits and Systems. The topics include energy harvesting, biomedical, RF and biotechnology. It also cover the circuit/system characterizations and modeling along with testing and reliability measurements. It also involves the utilization of signal processing for circuits and systems
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Acquire the current technology for circuits and systems
- Assimilate the possible applications in different areas: energy harvesting, biomedical, RF, and biotechnology
- Analyze and assess the characterization, modeling and reliability measurements of circuits and systems
- Utilize signal processing for circuits and systems
Power System Planning (ELEC731)
Economic dispatch, unit commitment, dynamic programming, power system planning and operation, control, generation modeling, AGC, and power protection
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate deep understanding on power system planning principles
- Apply economic principles in power dispatch and unit commitment
- Analyze historical data and apply load forecasting methodologies in generation expansion planning
- Formulate, and solve constraint generation, substation, network expansion and reactive power planning problems
- Illustrate configurations of power system protection schemes and generation control methods.
Multivariable Feedback Control (ELEC733)
Introduction to multivariable control; limitation on performance in multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems; robust stability and performance analysis for MIMO systems; controller design and structure for MIMO systems; model reduction; linear matrix inequalities (LMI)
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the fundamentals of MIMO systems and its performance limitations
- Analyze robust stability and performance for MIMO Systems
- Design controller for MIMO systems
- Apply model reduction techniques for MIMO systems
- Design controller using LMI techniques
Advanced Topics in Electrical Eng I (ELEC735)
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students with emphasis on new frontiers in Electrical Engineering
Credit Hours : 3
Advanced Topics in Electrical Eng II (ELEC736)
To be designed to the specific interest of the exiting PhD students with emphasis on new frontiers in Electrical Engineering
Credit Hours : 3
Detection and Estimation Theory (ELEC742)
Random processes; detection and estimation theory, with applications to communication systems and statistical signal processing; decision-theory concepts and optimum-receiver principles; parameter estimation; linear and nonlinear estimation; Application in spectral estimation, filtering, and array signal processing
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Construct a hypothesis testing problem; specify the probability distributions of the observations under each hypothesis; formulate optimal decision rules according to various criteria
- Apply the Bayesian, minimax or Neyman-Pearson approaches to design optimal decision rules; assess the Bayes risk, detection probability, and false-alarm probability
- Apply detection theory for signal detection in discrete time; design optimal receiver structures
- Construct a parameter estimation problem; specify the likelihood function; formulate optimal estimators according to various criteria
- Design Bayesian estimator in presence of prior information; design minimum variance unbiased estimator or maximum likelihood estimation in absence of prior information
- Apply detection theory and estimation algorithms learned to real-world application examples
Information Transmission Systems (ELEC743)
Random processes and mathematical models of communication; Modulation schemes and principles; Multicarrier and multiples access systems; Transmission over fading channels; Multiple antenna and multiple users systems; Principles of Communication network modeling , Modeling error control, flow control and medium access control protocols
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Model random processes and signals that characterize the operation of different communication systems
- Compare between the current state-of-the-art modulation schemes
- Analyze the performance of multiple carrier and multiple access systems
- Formulate the outcome of signal transmission over fading channel
- Construct multiple and smart antenna systems
- Analyze the performance of flow control, error control, and medium access control protocols currently used in communication networks
Comprehensive Exam (ELEC800)
Passing the comprehensive exam is required to enter into PhD candidacy. The exam evaluates the research ability of potential PhD candidates.
Credit Hours : 0
Prospectus Exam (ELEC810)
PhD student submits and defends a Research Proposal in front of a prospectus examination committee as stipulated in the COE prospectus examination guidelines.
Credit Hours : 0
- ELEC800 with a minimum grade D
Dissertation Doctoral Research (ELEC900)
Open to students who have successfully completed the comprehensive exam. PhD student conducts original research under the direction of a supervisory committee. Credits are determined in consultation with the dissertation supervisor.
Credit Hours : 30
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify gaps in the current state of knowledge and outline directions to produce new knowledge at the frontier of the electrical engineering discipline.
- Apply advanced theories and research methodologies to critically analyze open research problems in electrical engineering and develop innovative solutions.
- Produce and defend an original research work that advances the state of the art in the electrical engineering discipline.
- Communicate research findings, orally and in writing, at a high level of proficiency to faculty, peers, and the lay public.
- Evaluate and manage complex professional engineering activities and diverse ethical issues within the work context.
Dissertation Defense (ELEC910)
Two part exam, open and close, to defend the results of PhD research work
Credit Hours : 0
- ELEC810 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Assess primary literature and explain areas of active research in the chosen field
- Discuss research design, including results, recommendations, and conclusions
- Communicate research outcomes logically and persuasively both in writing and orally
- Evaluate the study results in line with the research design, including ethical and professional considerations
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