Research Methods (COSC501)
This course covers essential topics for postgraduate students at the Faculty of Science that will sharp their skills in selecting and advocating a research problem, searching the literature and data bases, acquainting with the scientific method, evaluating scientific information, designing and applying solutions and communicating findings on national and international levels. The course is designed to introduce students to the principles of the different aspects of scientific and multidisciplinary approaches that can help them to formulate process and ultimately solve a problem.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe the basic processes involved in handling of research career.
- Identify the steps involved in project development and application for research grants.
- Critically analyze assigned mock research proposals.
- Recognize the limitations of science.
- Explain some aspects relevant to scientific research such role of chance in discovery.
- Prepare and present effective oral presentation.
Ethics of Scientific Research (COSC502)
The course introduces graduate students to the ethics of scientific research. At the beginning, a demarcation between science and non-science is sought after. A brief background of ethical theory and applications is introduced. History of the development of science and of research ethics are also discussed. Discussion of various ethical challenges commonly encountered in the graduate student’s research experience will be given a priority. Topics such as academic integrity, data management, copyright, and role of the researcher are especially highlighted. The course also hopes to arm student with the knowledge about ethics and develop their abilities to think ethically so as to nurture a stronger commitment to act morally. Additionally, the students are made aware of the ethical guidelines that apply when carrying out research with human subjects and when carrying out animal experiments.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize the value and purpose of ethical decision-making
- Characterize, define and analyze the different ethical issues pertaining to scientific conduct.
- Apply the principles of research ethics when conducting animal and human subject research.
- Recognize the rules and regulations that must be followed while conducting research.
Research Methods II (COSC701)
The Research Methodology II is a continuation of Research Methods I with more focus on students who are embarking on a Ph.D. as part of their research education. Part of this course is an extension to Research Methods I where basic scientific writing skills were introduced. In one section, students will learn not only to write a proposal but to criticize proposals of classmates as well. Students will also learn both basic and advanced presentations skills & apply those skills in both an individual and group-settings. The other part of this course covers several core topics to Ph.D. students which includes: “what is Science is, & what is not”, the origin of the modern science, philosophy of science, scientific revolution, scientific reasoning, research and development, experiments and types of experiments, experimental design, planning for experiment, data collection, & analysis and synthesis. Also, some topics relevant to career in science are covered, aspects of scientific life and manners, and prizes and awards.
Credit Hours : 2
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify basic scientific writing skills
- Differentiate between successful grants and flawed ones.
- Acquire presentation skills.
- Master the ethics of constructive criticism.
- Apply team working as educational platform.
- Distinguish between what is Science is, and what is not.
- Describe the origin of modern science and the milestones in scientific revolution.
- Describe the characteristics of research, building theories.
- Apply scientific reasoning.
- Define what is meant by the scientific experiment.
- Explain the generality of the experimental approach using some examples.
- Discuss some aspects experimental design, planning, data collection and analysis.
Ethics of Scientific Research II (COSC702)
At the beginning of the course, a general introduction of ethics in research is given, stressing the importance of the basic tenants of responsible research conduct. The course discusses the principles of ethics underlying decisions made in the areas of medical research, biotechnology and environmental usage and protection. The new challenges of research ethics in the age of the Internet are deliberated. The question will be asked whether there is a “universal” understanding of ethics or whether ethical understanding is influenced by cultural settings. Moreover, it will be explored how the significance and “worth” of research can be evaluated and whether this can and should be done by the general public.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply and abide by general ethical rules and guidelines within the scope of his/her research efforts.
- Knowledgeable about challenges of online publishing and other types of online dissemination of data, of online research and online databases.
- Conversant with a changing ethical framework in the changing world of the internet.
- Discuss ethical concepts in connection with environmental policies.
- Deliberate on ethical concepts in life sciences, including animal experimentation and genetically altered crops.
- Conversant in the discussion of the interaction between ethics and culture.
Comprehensive Exam (COSC800)
Every PhD student must pass a Comprehensive Examination (CE) designed to evaluate the breadth and depth of the student’s knowledge of his or her discipline, as well as the student’s scholarly potential. The CE consists of a written and an oral part and will be prepared, administered, and evaluated by an examination committee from the student’s concerned department. It must be taken before the start of the student’s fifth semester in the program. Students taking the CE must be in good academic standing after completion of the required coursework. The CE may be repeated only once, no later than the end of the student’s fifth semester. A second unsuccessful attempt leads to immediate termination of the student’s enrollment in the PhD program. The CE course is non-credit rated, while a Pass or Fail result for each attempt will be recorded on the student’s academic transcript.
Credit Hours : 0
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate depth and breadth of knowledge relevant to their specific field of research within the designated scientific discipline.
- Demonstrate that he/she has sufficient knowledge to begin the PhD dissertation project.
- Deliver a scientific presentation on their own research project, using effective verbal and visual communication skills to take the audience through the investigation in a way, which is clear and interesting.
Dissertation Defense (COSD910)
Student defends his/her research dissertation in the form of an oral presentation in a public session, followed by a closed session, before a Dissertation Examination Committee, which includes internal and external examiners. The outcome of the overall evaluation of the dissertation is based on two main parts: (1) the Committee’s evaluation of the dissertation document and (2) the Committee’s evaluation of the dissertation defense. The final result shall be one of the following: (1) Approve dissertation as presented, (2) Approved with minor revisions, (3) Re-examine after making major revisions, or (4) Rejection of dissertation and dismissal. The Dissertation Defense course is non-credit rated, while a Pass or Fail result for each attempt will be recorded on the student’s academic transcript.
Credit Hours : 0
Thesis (COSR699)
Each student should select a topic for his/her thesis and earn the required credit hours of research work under the supervision of an advising committee. The advising committee can be formed from two or three supervisors; one of them is the main advisor who must be a faculty member from the University. In case where a supervising committee consists of three members, two of them must be from the University. The student must defend his/her thesis in front of a 3-member examination committee; the thesis major advisor, a faculty member from the University, and an extern examiner appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon recommendation of the thesis main advisor and approval of the Program Executive Committee.
Credit Hours : 6
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate a more in-depth knowledge of the major field of study, including deeper insight into current research and development work.
- Demonstrate the capability to assess strengths and weaknesses of various methodological approaches relevant to his/her a research field.
- Be able to clearly and concisely present and discuss the findings, conclusions as well as the knowledge and arguments that form the basis for these findings verbally and in writing.
Research Proposal (COSR810)
Student prepares a concise and complete Research Proposal that clearly defines the research problem and objectives, and outlines the research methodology and a plan that the student will follow for the dissertation work. The proposal should be completed under the direction of the student’s supervisor and must be approved by the Advisory Committee. The proposal’s content and format must follow the PhD Research Proposal Preparation Guidelines issued by the College of Graduate Studies. The Research Proposal course is non-credit rated, while a Pass or Fail result for each attempt will be recorded on the student’s academic transcript. Student should give an oral presentation to defend his/her proposal.
Credit Hours : 0
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Prepares a concise and complete Research Proposal that clearly defines the research problem and objectives, and outlines the research methodology and a plan that the student will follow for the dissertation work.
- Demonstrate that he/she has sufficient knowledge to begin the PhD dissertation project.
- Deliver a scientific presentation on their own research project, using effective verbal and visual communication skills to take the audience through the investigation in a way, which is clear and interesting.
Dissertation Research (COSR900)
Student conducts high quality academic research under the direction of his/her supervisor. Student and supervisor shall meet on regular basis and discuss progress and issues related to the student’s dissertation research. Furthermore, the student writes an annual report based on a meeting with supervisor and Advisory Committee, in which a review is conducted to determine progress, identify problems, and project dates for completion of various tasks. The research shall represent original contribution to human knowledge in the particular academic field and is presented in a written research dissertation of a publishable standard. The document shall also demonstrate the candidate’s acquaintance with the literature of the field and the proper selection and execution of research methodology. The physical form of the dissertation must comply with the regulations stated in the Thesis and Dissertation Preparation Guidelines, issued by the College of Graduate Studies.
Credit Hours : 30
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Conduct independent research resulting in a significant advancement in the student’s chosen area of science.
- Produce a dissertation of publishable academic quality.
- Effectively present and defend the research orally
Seminar (COSS633)
Analysis of current and prospective issues in specified subject areas related to the students field of research interest. The students will present results and finding from their research or will present a review articles or recent journal publications of related topics, and also the exploration of unsolved scientific problems and opportunities in the field, especially which related the country and to the gulf region.
Credit Hours : 2
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop a scientific presentation with an appropriate structure to communicate research in environmental science;
- Deliver a clear, well-structured scientific presentation on environmental research, utilizing appropriate visual aids;
- Critically evaluate scientific presentations, recognizing the key elements of an effective seminar
Seminar I (COSS711)
This course is required for all students who have started their PhD program in science. The course will expose students to presentations with variety of backgrounds that are relevant to the broad domain of science including biology, chemistry, math, geology, and physics. The course will involve outside invited speakers, written summaries of presentations, and short oral presentations by the students on particular current topics followed by interactive discussion. Topics presented will reflect students’ research backgrounds and interests. The graduate students will be asked to search the literature for scientific articles and reviews to present and discuss in class. Seminars in this course aim to train graduate students to communicate effectively and to develop sufficient critical thinking skills through focused and intellectual discussion, as well as through the development of specific research knowledge and skills.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop critical thinking /communication skills.
- Demonstrate proficient scientific oral presentations and written summaries from their own research as well as published research articles, including to audiences that are not experts in their discipline.
- Evaluate critically the research designs and findings as well as the academic presentations of others and give constructive feedback.
Seminar II (COSS722)
This course is a general requirement for all graduate programs in College of Science. Therefore, it is based on a literature review and class discussions of a wide range of topics in biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and geology, related to the biological processes and biological systems. In addition to bibliography-based presentations and discussions, the students also have the opportunity to present their ongoing research projects and link them to the different topics covered in the literature review part.
Credit Hours : 1
- COSS711 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Read a bibliography for the purpose of understanding that it is a source for other research and for determining context, credibility, and scope.
- Build on existing strengths and to provide an opportunity for further study not available within the confines of the traditional classroom environment.
- Investigate relevant topics, compose insightful problem statements, or develop compelling research questions to extend their thinking and their learning.
Journal Club (COSS733)
Graduate students will participate in all departmental seminars and journal clubs and attend seminars presented by guest speakers. Each graduate student should present and discuss data obtained from their dissertation research or present one seminar per semester in advanced topics of contemporary Science. The student should gain practice reading primary scientific literature, writing scientific blogs, and asking analytical questions.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Evaluate methods and results within the field of specialization critically and ethically.
- Critically appraise the scientific literature, research proposals and peer-reviewed publications.
- Demonstrate strong teamwork, written and oral presentation skills.
Astronomy (PHYS100)
This general education course aims at developing a clear understanding of the basics of astronomy. It deals with: Getting to Know the sky, Figuring out how things work, The Family of the sun, The Sun, our very own Star, Learning about Stars, Understanding Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize how science works and identify how to evaluate scientific arguments from evidence, and interpret the up-to-date information on different areas of astronomy and space science.
- Demonstrate a clear understanding of the night sky: stars, constellations, mapping the sky, time and calendars, and other related topics.
- Interpret the different astronomical concepts about light, matter, and energy in order to be able to investigate the astronomical natural phenomena.
- Acquire a clear understanding to the nature of the origin, evolution and current state of the solar system, planetary atmospheres, interiors and satellites systems.
- Evaluate the distance scale of the Universe and compositions of objects on various cosmic scales: galaxies, galaxy super-clusters, quasars and diffuse matter.
Conceptual Physics (PHYS101)
This general education course aims at developing a clear understanding of the physical concepts which play an important role in our daily life. It deals with the following subjects: Mechanics and Laws of Motion, Properties of Matter, Heat, Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Vibrations, Sound and Light.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize physical concepts, principles, and general theories that are related to natural phenomena.
- Apply physics principles to the students personal experience in the everyday world that governs the natural phenomena.
- Solve basic physics problems quantitatively and qualitatively.
- Identify the relationship between physics principles and the wide technological applications and innovations.
- Appreciate the importance of critical thinking and reasoning skills.
General Physics I (PHYS105)
This course aims at developing a clear understanding of the basic concepts in physics. The course includes: physics and measurements, vectors, motion in one and two dimensions, Newton's laws of motion and their applications, work and energy, rotational dynamics, rolling motion, conservation of angular momentum.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use vector algebra and dimensional analysis to obtain quantitative or qualitative solutions to basic problems in Mechanics.
- Solve problems in kinematics by using equations of motion.
- Apply correctly Newton's laws of motion.
- Analyze mechanical situations using the fundamental concepts of dynamics, conservation of energy, linear and angular momenta.
General Physics II (PHYS110)
The course aims at developing a clear understanding of the basic physics concepts in electricity and magnetism. Topics include Coulomb's law, electrostatic field, Gauss’s law, electrostatic potential, capacitance and dielectrics, electric current, resistance, direct current circuits and Kirchhoff’s rules, RC circuits, magnetic field and magnetic forces, sources of magnetic fields, and electromagnetic induction.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compute electric forces and fields due to discrete and continuous distribution of charges using summation, integration and Gauss’ law.
- Compute electric potential energy and potentials due to discrete and continuous distribution of charges using summation and integration with application to capacitors.
- Analyze DC circuits and compute electric parameters.
- Compute the magnetic forces on point charges and on current carrying wires.
- Apply Biot-Savart law and Ampere’s Law to calculate magnetic fields.
General Physics Lab I (PHYS135)
The course aims at developing a clear understanding of the basic concepts in classical mechanics; Consolidating the manual skill in dealing with laboratory equipment; Developing skills of using computers in analysis of the computer interfaced experiments; It includes Fine measurements, free falling, motion on an inclined plane, verification of newton’s second law, Conservation of energy simple pendulum and circular motion.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply and verify the basic concepts of classical mechanics in the lab setting.
- Conduct experiments in classical mechanics and interpret data to draw conclusions.
- Develop hands-on skills and analyze experimental data of classical mechanics.
- Communicate effectively written reports and recognize ethical responsibilities.
- Work effectively in a team.
General Physics Lab II (PHYS140)
This course aims to develop a clear understanding of the basic concepts in electricity and magnetism; It includes: Coulomb's Law, equipotential surfaces and electric field lines, Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Rules, resistance and resistivity, potentiometer, capacitors, RC time constant, magnetic fields, oscilloscope, electromagnetic induction.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply and verify the basic concepts of electricity and magnetism in the lab setting.
- Conduct experiments in electricity and magnetism and interpret data to draw conclusions.
- .Develop hands-on skills and analyze experimental data of electricity and magnetism.
- Communicate effectively written reports and recognize ethical responsibilities.
- Work effectively in a team.
Introduction to Space Sciences (PHYS200)
This course will serve to give an overview of the domain of Space Sciences. It is intended to lay the foundations of what Space Sciences entail. It will start off with an outline of the characteristics of Earth as a planet and then it will take students immediately beyond Earth, the upper atmosphere and the magnetosphere of the Earth will be introduced. In addition to Earth as a planet, the formation of Solar System, planetary science: terrestrial & jovian planets, planetary atmosphere and interiors will also be discussed. Followed by that some basic features of space above the Earth and the concepts of gravity will be highlighted. Then, a brief history of human space exploration will be given, leading to an outline of the space age we live in today. The course will be concluded with a broad account of what science is done from space.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Illustrate fundamental characteristics of the Earth and Solar System: Basic coordinate systems, the celestial sphere and motion of Earth and other solar system bodies.
- Develop basic concepts of the processes in the upper atmosphere and the magnetosphere of the Earth
- Explain various sub-areas of Space Sciences in a broader sense.
- Outline various physical properties of planets, their atmosphere and interior.
- Analyze basic properties of space and the theories of gravitation.
- Summarize the history of human space exploration, the advent of space age and describe the elements of science conducted from space.
Intermediate Physics Lab I (PHYS205)
This course aims at developing a clear understanding of the basic concepts in waves, vibrations and optics. It includes: free damped oscillations, forced oscillations, interference of sound waves, standing waves, combination of two waves at right angles, combination of two waves with different frequency, spherical mirror and thin lenses, the optical spectrometer, interference of light waves, Mickelson interferometer, Newton’s rings, diffraction of light waves and polarization of light waves.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply and verify the basic concepts of waves and optics in the lab setting.
- Conduct experiments in waves and optics and interpret data to draw conclusions.
- Develop hands-on skills and analyze experimental data of waves and optics
- Communicate effectively written reports and recognize ethical responsibilities.
- Work effectively in a team.
Intermediate Physics Lab II (PHYS210)
This course aims at developing an understanding of the basic experiments in thermal and modern physics. It includes: thermometer, Stefan-Boltzmann's law, thermal radiation, photoelectric effect, electron diffraction, magnetic hysteresis, Faraday effect, Frank-Hertz experiment, Zeeman effect, Motion of charges in a uniform magnetic field, and x-ray diffraction
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply and verify the basic concepts of thermal and modern physics in the lab setting.
- Conduct experiments in thermal and modern physics and interpret data to draw conclusions.
- Develop hands-on skills and analyze experimental data of thermal and modern physics
- Communicate effectively written reports and recognize ethical responsibilities.
- Work effectively in a team.
Thermal Physics (PHYS220)
This course aims at developing an understanding of the main concepts, fundamental laws, and applications of classical thermodynamics. It includes definitions of the most important thermodynamic properties, including temperature, pressure, equation of state, internal energy, work, thermodynamic potentials, free energy functions and entropy, as well as, introducing the three fundamental laws of thermodynamics that govern every physical system in the universe. In addition, this course develops a working knowledge of some practical applications of thermodynamics in daily life, including air conditioners, refrigerators, and car engines.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS105 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate a well-founded knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts in thermal physics.
- Describe and analyze quantitatively different thermodynamic processes relationships and laws relevant to the topics covered in the course.
- Express physical concepts quantitatively, and confidently apply the acquired problem solving skills.
- Demonstrate the ability for self-learning, work independently and in teams, and to write reports on technical subjects while managing sensitive ethical issues such as originality.
- Demonstrate the capacity to think critically and logically.
Electronics Fundamentals (PHYS231)
A review of the basic concepts of direct current circuits, and the fundamental laws of alternating current circuits. The effects of resistance, inductance, and capacitance in AC circuits are analyzed. The course discusses the principals of semiconductor materials followed by thorough analysis of semiconductor-based devices such as diodes, bipolar junction transistors, field-effect transistors, and operational amplifiers. The course emphasizes on structure, operation, biasing, and applications up to digital control. In addition to the theoretical part of the course, hands on experiments on electronic devices and their applications are implemented in the course to provide experimental skills and enhance comprehension of the theoretical material.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS110 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize the basic electric and electronic components and devices.
- Apply basic techniques to analyze electric and electronic circuits.
- Manage the measuring tools in a basic electronics laboratory.
- Design simple electronic circuits.
Waves and Optics (PHYS235)
This course aims at developing clear understanding of basic concepts in vibrations, waves, light and optics. It includes oscillatory motion, wave motion, sound waves, superposition and standing waves, electromagnetic waves, the nature of light, laws of geometric optics, image formation by lenses and mirrors, some optical instruments, interference, diffraction and polarization of light
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS105 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe the basic mechanical concepts of simple harmonic motion and sinusoidal wave with examples and application to different physical system.
- Apply the concepts of mechanical waves to sound and discuss related phenomena such as Doppler effect, interference, and standing waves in string and air columns.
- Explain the concepts of geometric optics with reflection, refraction, dispersion, and total internal reflection of light, and illustrate the application to image formation by mirrors and thin lenses
- Identify the phenomena related to the wave nature of light such as interference, diffraction and polarization.
- Communicate effectively in writing results and interpretation of waves and optics data.
Modern Physics (PHYS250)
This course discusses the progress of modern physics. It introduces students to the foundations and principles of modern physics. The course will discuss some of the problems faced physicists at end of the nineteenth century. The course will provide a valuable theoretical introduction and an overview of the fundamental applications of the principles of modern physics in our world. Topics include the special theory of relativity, particle-like properties of light, wave-like properties of particles, early atom models, Basics of quantum mechanics, elementary particles, and Universe.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize the failure of classical physics and the need for new concepts and theories in explaining observations at high speed and at the atomic level.
- Explain the modern-physics concepts of the special theory of relativity and the particle-wave duality.
- Describe the development of the new atomic models.
- Solve quantitative problems related to modern physics topics.
Mathematical Physics (PHYS255)
This course aims at developing the mathematical techniques and skills needed for advanced physics courses. The course covers the following topics: vector analysis, complex analysis, Fourier series and transforms with applications, series solutions to ODEs, and special functions.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize and express mathematically the different mathematical tools relevant to fields of physics, such as vector analysis, complex numbers, Fourier series, …
- Apply effectively mathematical methods in solving mathematical and physical problems.
- Develop critical thinking skills, physics insight, and knowledge of computer software in dealing with mathematical physics problems.
- Work effectively on teams and individually while managing ethical and academic responsibility.
Classical Mechanics (PHYS262)
The course aims at studying the classical kinematics and dynamics of the point-like objects and the rigid bodies. It includes: particle kinematics in various coordinate systems, particle dynamics, central-force motion, non-inertial systems, rigid-body dynamics, introduction to Hamilton and Lagrange dynamics.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize and analyze physical concepts and principles in topics of classical mechanics
- Solve problems of classical mechanics using analytical and numerical methods.
- Work effectively on teams and individually while managing ethical and academic responsibility.
- Communicate effectively in written and oral forms through projects and presentations.
Celestial Mechanics (PHYS270)
This course will begin with the development of an understanding of Kepler’s laws of orbital motion and dynamics of objects in space. After that, the framework of celestial coordinate systems will be built followed by the 2-body/3-body problem. A description of the 6 orbital Parameters will be given after that. Then the fundamentals behind the Lagrange’s planetary equation will be presented, followed by an outline of the possible orbital perturbations. Some examples of natural & artificial orbits will be discussed and finally orbit and trajectory design for various space science objectives will be discussed.
Credit Hours : 3
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D or MATH2210 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain Kepler’s laws of orbital motion and the dynamical properties of objects in space.
- Illustrate the elements of 2-body/3-body problem and framework of celestial coordinate system.
- Identify the 6 orbital parameters and their interplay to define an orbit.
- Interpret Lagrange’s planetary equations and orbital perturbations.
- Describe fundamentals of satellite and rocket trajectory and dynamics.
- Compare various artificial and natural objects in space in terms of their orbital properties.
Space Missions (PHYS310)
This course will be aimed at presenting an overview of a space mission as whole. The elements of a space mission will be introduced from a design and analysis point of view. Followed by that the space segment and the ground segment will be discussed as two main domains of a space mission, leading to an outline of space mission operations. The course will end with a few case studies (e.g. the GPS network, Telecom missions [ArabSat], science missions [MRO, Juno, Cassini]) of existing space missions.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Illustrate the basic design and development aspects of various components of a space mission based on mission objectives.
- Identify various elements of the space segment and ground segment of a space mission, and outline the sequence of space mission operations.
- Explore development and implementation strategies based on case studies of various existing space.
- Work effectively on teams or individually while managing ethical and academic responsibility on a project related to conceiving and designing a simple space mission that achieves specific mission objectives.
- Communicate effectively in written and oral forms the work done related to space Missions.
Statistical Physics (PHYS312)
This course aims at developing a clear understanding of the basic concepts in physics as an integrated part of the student's overall curriculum. It includes: statistical equilibrium, statistical distributions: Maxwell-Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, and various applications.
Credit Hours : 2
- PHYS220 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Define the concept of thermodynamic probability, and its relation with entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.
- Define and apply the Boltzmann distribution to a system of distinguishable particles.
- Define and apply the Femi-Dirac distribution to a system of particles with half-integer spin.
- Define and apply the Bose-Einstein distribution to a system of particles with integer spin.
Spacecraft Instrument Science (PHYS316)
The contents of this course will develop an introduction to various subsystems of a spacecraft. The first topic will describe the components of a space vehicle followed by an account of the spacecraft materials used to build the structure. After that, some examples of the spacecraft’s main payload (spectrographs and spectrometers, imaging systems, space-based telescopes, radars and antennae) will be discussed. The functionality of the spacecraft attitude & orbit determination be highlighted next. After that, a brief account of the communication and navigation systems will be given. Then, the spacecraft power system will be described followed by an account of the spacecraft propulsion system. The fundamentals of spacecraft positioning control will be discussed in the end.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify different subsystems of a spacecraft and describe their functionalities.
- Recognize the basic considerations for the materials to be used to build the spacecraft bus.
- Compare various kinds of science payloads such as imaging systems, spectrometers, telescopes, and detectors.
- Analyze the scientific considerations for space attitude and orbit determination, communication, navigation and propulsion systems.
- Work effectively as part of teams or individually while managing ethical and academic responsibility in the execution of a project related to Spacecraft Instruments.
- Communicate effectively in written and oral forms the work done related to spacecraft instruments.
Computational Physics (PHYS330)
This course aims at introducing the basic concepts and principles of numerical methods. It includes: principles of numerical analysis, some important numerical algorithms, mathematical modeling of physical systems, application of numerical techniques to mathematical models, computer simulation of physical systems, the Monte-Carlo method with some applications.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Create computer codes to problems beyond the reach of mathematical physics.
- Evaluate and analyze the difference between simulations and other approximate and analytical methods.
- Recognize the basic numerical methods relevant to physics problems.
- Use Computers in solving some physical problems numerically.
Electromagnetic Theory (PHYS335)
The course aims at establishing the basic knowledge of the static electric and magnetic fields. It includes: electrostatics: Gauss law, electric fields in materials, polarization, boundary-value problems, Laplace and Poisson equations; magnetostatics: Biot-Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, scalar and vector potentials, magnetization of materials, Faraday’s law, and Maxwell's equations.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS255 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply direct electrostatic laws to determine electric field, potential and energy due to point and continuous charge distributions.
- Apply different techniques to solve electrostatic and magnetostatic problems in vacuum and in dielectric media.
- Communicate effectively in written and oral form in a subject related to electromagnetic phenomena.
- Work effectively on teams or individually while managing ethical and academic responsibility.
Laser Physics (PHYS345)
The course is intended to develop a clear understanding of the physical foundations of laser operation, laser systems and laser applications. Moreover, the course aims at developing the student's problem solving, skills and creative thought needed to meet modern high technology challenges. The course covers: The basic concepts of laser operation, properties of laser beams, spontaneous and stimulated emission, production of population inversion, optical resonator, pumping process, rate equations with transient & steady state solutions, laser types and applications in science and technology.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize and solve problems related to the laser theory.
- Explain the fundamental concepts of laser systems.
- Demonstrate the ability to self-learn, work in a team and recognize ethical responsibilities.
- Demonstrate skills in oral and written communication.
Quantum Mechanics I (PHYS355)
This course aims at developing a clear understanding of the fundamentals (concepts, postu-lates, and mathematical structure) of quantum mechanics. It aims also at developing the basic quantitative skills necessary in solving quantum mechanical problems.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize the fundamentals of quantum mechanics.
- Develop the ability of dealing with the physical concepts quantitatively.
- Acquire the basic quantum-mechanical tools necessary in advanced-level physics cours-es.
- Demonstrate skills in oral and written communication.
Radiation Physics (PHYS385)
This course aims at covering topics in radiation and its uses. It includes: types and sources of radiation, radioactive decay processes and energy release involved in decay schemes, interaction of radiation with matter, radiation tracks and stopping power.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS250 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Differentiate between and classify different types of radiations according to different properties.
- Calculate energy quantities involved in nuclear relaxations and draw decay schemes.
- Explain in detail the physical processes involved in the interaction of radiation with matter.
- Solve for fundamental radiation physics quantities such as attenuation coefficients, stopping power, range, decay times, and yield.
- Demonstrate the ability to self-learn, work independently and in teams and to write reports on nuclear technical subjects while managing sensitive ethical issues like originality.
Introduction to Astrophysics (PHYS390)
The wonders of the Universe and mysteries of the outer space fascinates every human being living on planet Earth. We all find ourselves inherently curious about the objects, events and the related phenomenon, and we strive to know more about it. Astrophysics, as a subject, provides us with the framework to apply laws and theories of Physics to behaviour of various objects and events in the Universe in order build an understanding of their nature, properties and origin. This course is all about how can we best utilize our knowledge of Physics to know more about our Universe in a systematic and scientific way.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop basic concepts of celestial mechanics and dynamics of the Earth and solar system.
- Explain different types of radiation mechanisms in the Universe, the formation of stars, the production and release of stellar energy, radiation mechanisms, distance measurement and stellar dynamics, and the stages of stellar life-cycle.
- Analyze and outline galactic dynamics, types, characteristics and the associated astrophysical processes (AGN activity, accretion, jet formation). Identify and describe the elements of Universe at the largest scales: Cosmology.
- Analyze Astrophysical information using scientific methods and formulate meaningful research outcomes.
- Communicate effectively in written and oral form in a subject related to electromagnetic phenomena..
- Work effectively on teams or individually while managing ethical and academic responsibility.
Space Applications I (PHYS410)
The Space Applications I course will serve the purpose of introducing the main areas of space science research. An account of remote sensing, earth observation & Geographic Information System will be given followed by the topics of study in space physics. Astronomy & Astrophysics will be outlined as the study of the processes and objects in the Universe. The course will be concluded with the concepts supporting data & image processing and some tools (introduction to Python, IDL and Matlab) and working knowledge of techniques (data analysis & interpretation) will also be developed as an essential skill set to carry out scientific research in the relevant areas of space science introduced in the course.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe the science done with the remote sensing of Earth and the Geographic Information System.
- Illustrate various physical processes discussed within the framework of Space Physics.
- Recognize the basic characteristics of objects in the Universe and the associated processes as studied within the framework of Astronomy.
- Apply functional skills in some of the computational tools (such as Python, Matlab) to perform data analysis and interpretation for space research.
- Work effectively on teams or individually while managing ethical and academic responsibility in executing a project related to space applications.
- Communicate effectively in written and oral forms the outcomes derived from space science data analysis.
Space Applications II (PHYS420)
This course will discuss presenting some more areas of research in space sciences. Firstly, the fundamentals of positioning guidance & navigation using space-based systems will be introduced. Followed by that, an outline of the themes related to atmospheric & ionospheric physics will be given. After that, modern communication achieved with space-based systems will be discussed. The last space applications theme to be outlined will be weather monitoring and prediction using spacecraft. The development of working knowledge of various tools and techniques will continue in this course as well, particularly relevant to the areas covered in this course.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS410 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the fundamentals space-based positioning, guidance and navigation systems (GPS, GNSS, Galileo, Beidou).
- Analyze the behavior of climate, weather patterns, processes in the lower/upper atmosphere determined using space-based systems.
- Compare the characteristics of modern space-based telecommunication systems.
- Develop skills and expertise in space data analysis and interpretation using various tools and techniques.
- Work effectively on teams or individually while managing ethical and academic responsibility in executing a project related to space applications.
- Communicate effectively in written and oral forms the outcomes derived from space science data analysis.
Electromagnetic Theory II (PHYS430)
The course aims at using Maxwell's equations in treating specific problems of wave propagation and their interactions with media and charged particles. It includes wave equation propagation of electromagnetic waves in non-conducting media, polarization. Waves in bounded regions: reflection and refraction at dielectric interface, guided waves. Radiation from a group of moving charges, radiation damping. Electrodynamics and special relativity.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply basic principles of electromagnetism to analyze dynamic distributions of charge, systems of conductors, capacitors, dielectrics, and current distributions
- Compute the reflected and transmitted amplitudes of electromagnetic waves and the radiated power of moving charges.
- Discuss electrodynamics in relativistic form.
- Demonstrate proficiency in writing and communicating technical report.
- Work effectively on teams or individually while managing ethical and academic responsibility.
Quantum Mechanics II (PHYS450)
The course aims at developing the student’s fundamental knowledge in Quantum Mechanics. The course introduces several modern concepts in quantum mechanics that include propagators and path integral, symmetries, angular momentum and irreducible tensor operators, approximation methods, and scattering theory.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the fundamental concepts of Quantum Mechanics.
- Analyze Quantum Mechanics concepts in a quantitative way.
- Acquire the necessary physics and mathematics tools to tackle problems of modern Physics.
- Communicate effectively a comprehensive term-paper about a topic related to modern quantum physics.
Solid State Physics (PHYS470)
Students in this course will learn about: crystalline structure and symmetry, Bravais lattice and reciprocal lattice, lattice vibrations and phonons, specific heat, energy band theory of metals, semiconductors and insulators, electric transport in metals and semiconductors, optical, dielectric, and magnetic properties, superconductivity.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare the different types of crystal structures in terms of Bravais lattices classification
- Recognize the basic concepts of the band theory of solids and predict their electronic properties
- Construct the theory of lattice vibrations and use it to deduce the thermal properties of solids.
- Communicate effectively a scientific report related to modern subject in solid-state physics.
Semiconductor Physics (PHYS475)
This course will provide students with a solid understanding of the physical principles of basic semiconductor devices. This course will give the students an overview of the development of semiconductor devices. Several important semiconductor physics and prototypical devices will be studied. The course material covers semiconductor properties under thermal equilibrium and under non-equilibrium conditions. Three fundamental device structures will be covered in detail, the p-n junction, the MOSFET and related devices, and the bipolar transistor. The course will focus on aspects of semiconductors such as silicon and gallium arsenide, both of which have commercial relevance. Therefore, fundamental properties of semiconductors will be explored, as well as their device applications.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Evaluate of the three most basic semiconductor devices, p-n diodes, Field effect transistors (FETs) and Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs).
- Determine relevant parameters to achieve stated design criteria
- Analyze the response of a device given its physical structure.
- Communicate effectively an oral presentation about novel semiconductors.
Introductory Nuclear Physics (PHYS483)
This course covers basic concepts of nuclear physics with emphasis on Rutherford’s nuclear atom model, nuclear properties (nuclear size, mass and abundance of nuclides, nuclear binding energy), nuclear structures and nuclear models (Liquid-drop model and the semi-empirical mass formula, and the shell model). Other topics include nuclear decay and radioactivity, nuclear reactions (fundamental Laws, scattering and reaction cross section, mechanisms of nuclear reactions), nuclear fission (characteristics of fission, energy in fission, fission nuclear reactors), nuclear fusion (basic fusion processes, characteristics of fusion, controlled fusion reactors).
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS250 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the fundamental concepts in nuclear physics and the basic properties of nuclei.
- Set balance equations and carefully apply the acquired problem solving skills to solve problems involving production and decay of radionuclides in closed and open systems.
- Describe and quantitatively analyze different nuclear reaction mechanisms and apply conservation principles to determine the type of reaction taking place and the possible outcomes.
- Describe the role of spin-orbit coupling in the shell structure of atomic nuclei, and predict the properties of nuclear ground and excited states based on the shell model.
- Demonstrate critical awareness and insightful understanding of theoretical foundations of nuclear physics topics related to fission and fusion applications.
- Demonstrate the ability to self-learn, work independently and in teams and to write reports on nuclear technical subjects while managing sensitive ethical issues like originality.
Research Project (PHYS494)
This course aims at developing the students’ theoretical and/or experimental research skills necessary for conducting a scientific research project under the guidance of a faculty member. A real-life or active research problem is identified by the instructor and students. Students use their knowledge and get trained on methods to solve the problem. Students will be trained on, literature survey, team work, interpreting their results, implementing the ethics of scientific research, and communicating the whole investigation by means of a written report and an oral presentation.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Conduct a comprehensive literature review for an identified research problem in physics.
- Integrate knowledge of basic physics to analyze and solve a research problem in physics.
- Apply theoretical, experimental, and computational methods to address a research problem.
- Communicate the results effectively in written and oral forms and recognize ethical concerns in research including academic integrity.
- Work effectively in a team.
Selected Topics (PHYS495)
Physics is a field that is constantly expanding and evolving, with new discoveries and technologies emerging all the time. This course aims to cover selected topics dealing with the recent advances in the field of Physics and Astrophysics. The course will discuss the current knowledge of new emerging topics in modern Physics and related technology. Students will be required to read up on primary literature and make an oral presentation to the whole class on a chosen topic.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain fundamental concepts of the topic studied.
- Evaluate the relationship of the studied topic with other related areas of physics.
- Research and Write a short overview of aspects of the material of the topic studied.
- Give a well-informed oral presentation of chosen subtopics of the general area of study.
Internship (PHYS500)
Students usually choose internship organizations that offer them an opportunity to apply in a supervised manner what they learned in their studies in a practical manner and to apply their rigorous coursework in a professional and industrial setting. In addition to its direct benefits to the student it consolidates the department bonds with the outside world and offers a real opportunity to get feedback about the teaching programs and educational services it offers.
Credit Hours : 6
- Pre/Co PHYS494 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Work effectively in a team for a common objective.
- Communicate and interact with collaborators and employer.
- Commit to regulations, ethical responsibilities and practices set by the work environment.
- Demonstrate responsibility and independence in achieving requested tasks.
Space Physics (PHYS505)
This course will serve to give an overview of the Physics of near-Earth space. It is intended to build the understanding of physical processes occurring immediately above planet Earth. It will start off with an outline of the characteristics and properties of space plasma including a discussion of various species of particles and their behavior. Followed by that, it will cover the topics related to Earth’s magnetosphere. Then, the aspects of Solar activity along with the elements of Solar-Terrestrial interaction will be highlighted. After that, an account of the characteristics of space weather and its effects on Earth will be given. The students will then be introduced to cosmic radiation, its origins and its interaction with Earth’s atmosphere. Moreover, the dynamics of near-Earth objects such as Asteroids, Meteors and Comets will be discussed including the tracking and mitigation of space debris. In addition, the environment and characteristics of unmagnetized objects (Mars, Venus) and magnetized objects (Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) will also be highlighted). Then, a brief history of human space exploration will be given, leading to an outline of the space age we live in today. The course will be concluded with an overview of the methods of space physics research.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS105 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS110 with a minimum grade D
- MATH105 with a minimum grade D
- MATH110 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain various physical processes in the near-Earth space, fundamental properties of space plasma, species of particles and the aspects of their interactions.
- Interpret the underlying concepts of Earth’s Magnetosphere, Solar activity and Solar-Terrestrial interaction.
- Examine the characteristics of space weather and its effects on Earth.
- Analyze the nature and behavior of cosmic radiation and its interaction with Earth’s atmosphere.
- Appraise the dynamics of Asteroids, Meteors and Comets and the distribution of space debris, the potential hazards associated to them and mitigation techniques.
- Compare aspects of various methods of space physics research.
Astronomy & Astrophysics (PHYS506)
This course will develop a good understanding of various astrophysical processes involved in the formation and evolution of astronomical objects such as stars, planets, galaxies. After a brief overwiew about the history of astronomy, we will discuss the fundamentals of celestial and Newtonian mechanics. We will also introduce various types of telescopes, their usability in astronomical observations and how to measure the distances within the solar system and between stars. Students will learn about about fundamental of photometry and spectroscopy. This will enable to them to interpret the stellar spectra and how to mearue brightness and fluxes. Formation of spectral lines in stellar atmospheres and Hertzsprun-Russell Diagram will be discussed in detail. This course will provide a detailed undesrtanding of star formation, stellar evolution and stellar interiors. This course will conclude by giving an overview of galaxy formation and their classification based on the Hubble sequence.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS105 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS110 with a minimum grade D
- MATH105 with a minimum grade D
- MATH110 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Discuss the underlying astrophysical principles related to various objects and events in the Universe.
- Solve problems related to distance measurements, stellar brightness, energetics, relativistic dynamics and mass estimations.
- Compare various types of telescopes and various aspects of photometry and spectroscopy.
- Interpret models of star formation, evolution and stellar interiors and the associated physical processes.
- Examine the properties of the Sun and solar system objects, the solar activity, planetary formation and evolution.
- Analyze theories of formation of galaxies, their classification based on the Hubble sequence.
Methods of Mathematical Physics (PHYS515)
Complex analysis, special functions with applications in Physics, calculus of variations, integral transforms, partial differential equations, boundary-value problems, Green’s functions, operator algebra and tensors.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use of advanced mathematical methods in solving Physics problems
- Demonstrate the application of mathematics in different branches of physics.
- Develop the learning skills of the students, e.g.: using computers as educational tools, problem solving, and assignments.
- Employ computer-related skills to simplify mathematical Physics problems' solutions
Quantum Physics I (PHYS525)
The course presents the basic concepts and mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics and introduces applications in atomic, molecular, and solid-state Physics. Topics include the mathematics of quantum mechanics, one-dimensional problems, central field problems, the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with atomic systems, the harmonic oscillator, angular momentum, and perturbation theory.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS355 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply approximation methods to find the spectrum of simple quantum systems.
- Describe the fundamental of the quantum angular momentum.
- Solve the schrodinger equation for 1-dimensional quantum system such as the harmonic oscillator.
- Explain the fundamental notions of state, operator, and a representation of a state.
- Demonstrate skills in oral and written communication.
Electrodynamics I (PHYS530)
Electrostatics and magnetostatics, Electric and magnetic fields in matter, Boundary value problems in electrostatics and magnetostatics, Polarization and magnetization, Multipole expansion and dielectrics, Maxwell’s equations, Conservation laws, Wave guides and resonators.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze and solve various electrostatic and magnetostatic problems with green’s function or the method of images.
- Analyze the time-varying electromagnetic field as governed by maxwell’s equations.
- Demonstrate skills in oral and written communication
- Describe all the fundamental aspects of electromagnetism.
- Explain and solve problems involving the magnetic properties of a material.
Atomic Physics (PHYS541)
Electronic structure of one-electron atoms; fine and hyperfine structures, Interaction of one-electron atoms with static external electric and magnetic fields and with electromagnetic radiation. Study of the electronic structure of many-electron atoms using Pauli Exclusion principle, perturbation and variational methods, angular momentum coupling schemes, central field approximation, Thomas-Fermi model, Hartee-Fock method, interactions of many-electron atoms with static and magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation, Auger effect. Study the structure of molecules and their rotational, vibrational, and electronic structure
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Discuss the electronic structure of on -electron atom
- Analyze the structure of many electron atoms and molecules and their atomic and molecular spectra
- Explain the interactions between atoms on one hand and photons and static electromagnetic fields on the other hand
- Apply advance mathematical techniques and approximation methods to analyze one- and many-electron atomic and molecular structures
Advanced Laser Physics (PHYS543)
The course is intended to introduce the fundamental concepts of laser theory and the interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter. The course covers: the concepts of laser operation, absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission, optical resonator, pumping sources, laser oscillation (gain and threshold), the modulation of optical radiation, Q- switching and mode locking. Moreover, the course aims at developing the student's problem solving, skills and creative thought needed to meet modern high technology challenges.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the main physical processes of laser action
- Analyze the interaction of radiation with matter
- Solve problems related to the laser theory
- Illustrate optical resonator design and pumping sources
Analytical Mechanics (PHYS545)
Elementary principles, variational principles and Lagrange's equations, central force problem, kinematics of rigid body motion, oscillations, Hamilton's principle and Hamilton's equations, Canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, classical chaos, canonical perturbation theory, introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations for continuous systems and fields.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS262 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize thoroughly the advanced topics and concepts of classical mechanics.
- Apply extensive skills in mathematics and physics to solve problems in classical mechanics.
- Develop life-long skills in independent learning and critical thinking.
- Communicate findings and scientific results through written & oral presentations while managing ethical issues.
Nuclear Physics (PHYS552)
Nuclear Properties (Nuclear Radius, Mass and Abundance of Nuclides, Nuclear Binding Energy), Forces between Nucleons (Properties of the Nuclear Force, The Exchange Force Model), Nuclear Structures and Nuclear Models (Liquid-drop Model and the Semi-empirical Mass Formula, Shell Model, More Realistic Nuclear Models), Nuclear Decay and Radioactivity, Nuclear Reactions (Fundamental Laws, Scattering and Reaction Cross Section, The Optical Model, Mechanisms of Nuclear Reactions), Neutron Physics (Neutron Sources, Absorption and Moderation, Neutron Reaction Cross Sections, Neutron Capture, Interference and Diffraction with Neutrons), Nuclear Fission (Characteristics of Fission, Energy in Fission, Fission Reactors, Radioactive Fission Products, Fission Explosives), Nuclear Fusion (Basic Fusion Processes, Characteristics of Fusion, Controlled Fusion Reactors, Thermonuclear Weapons).
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate well-founded knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts in nuclear physics, basic properties of nuclei and forces between nucleons.
- Describe the role of spin-orbit coupling in the shell structure of atomic nuclei, and predict the properties of nuclear ground and excited states based on the shell model.
- Demonstrate critical awareness and insightful understanding of theoretical foundations of nuclear physics topics related to fission and fusion applications.
- Make use of appropriate literature, research articles and other primary sources to conduct an assigned appropriate project in nuclear physics.
- Professionally report and orally present and defend the results and conclusions of an assigned project and explain and express opinion of ethical issues related to proliferation of nuclear technology.
Introduction to Plasma Physics (PHYS555)
This course covers elementary plasma physics for physics and engineering students. It includes an introduction to the plasma state and occurrence, motion of single charged particles in static and time varying electric and magnetic fields, plasmas described as (charged) fluids or magnetohydrodynamics; waves in plasmas, kinetic theory description of plasmas, Vlasov equation and collisionless plasmas, collisions and transport properties, in addition to a discussion of nuclear fusion.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS335 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate critical awareness of theoretical foundations of plasma physics topics and contemporary applications.
- Describe and analyze plasma systems using single-particles dynamics in electric and magnetic fields and using collective behavior models such as plasma waves and fluids.
- Apply fundamental knowledge of transport properties, equilibrium, stability and kinetic theory to plasma systems
- Demonstrate the ability to self-learn, work independently and in teams and to write reports on plasma physics related subjects while managing sensitive ethical issues like originality.
Elementary Particle Physics (PHYS560)
Description of elementary particles with emphasis on phenomenology and historical and experimental buildup of current knowledge: weak decays and weak currents, parity violation, detectors and accelerators, elementary processes, deep inelastic scattering and proton model, quark model spectroscopy, color symmetry, elements of the Standard Model, successes and shortcomings.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize the fundamentals of Elementary Particle Physics.
- Develop the quantitative ability of dealing with the physical concepts.
- Demonstrate skills in oral and written communication.
Physics of Semiconductors (PHYS575)
This course gives students a solid background in semiconductor Physics and devices. It explains crystal structure, band structure and carrier statistics, carrier transport, phonons, scattering processes, electro- and optical- absorption in semiconductors.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS470 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Distinguish the electronic and optical properties of semiconductors.
- Explain the effects of p- and n-doping and PN-junction on the electric and optical properties of PN-diode and LED, respectively.
- Analyze IV-characteristics and adsorption spectrum of PN-diode and semiconductors, respectively.
Space Science Instrumentation (PHYS606)
This course aims at presenting an account of various instruments and facilities used in space science. It will start off with a description and classification of the types of space science instruments such as spectrometers, spectrographs, telescopes, cameras, sensors, imagers and detectors. Followed by that, the scientific principles behind these instruments and the physics of detector operation will be discussed. Then, an understanding of the inputs and outputs of these instruments will be developed. The interpretation of the variations in the observable signatures of physical phenomena will also be discussed. After that, the students will be given an overview of the platforms and facilities on which the space science instruments operate. This topic will include case studies of space missions. A brief outline of some of the specifications and technical characteristics will also be covered.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe various types of instruments used in space science.
- Compare the scientific principles based on which the space science instruments are designed and built.
- Relate the inputs and outputs of various space science instruments.
- Interpret the variations and behavior of observed signatures from objects and physical phenomena in space.
- Examine the platforms and vehicles on which various space science instruments operate.
- Weigh the characteristics and technical specifications of space science instruments.
Modern Statistical Physics (PHYS614)
Review of the statistical theory of thermodynamics, Ensemble theory, identical particles. Quantum statistical Physics, Distribution functions, Applications to Quantum gases (superfluidity, superconductivity, and Bose-Einstein condensation), Critical phenomena, Brownian motion, Langevin, and Fokker-Planck and Boltzmann equations.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the main classical and quantum equilibrium statistical physics concepts
- Analyze phase transitions and critical phenomena
- Elucidate fluctuations and nonequilibrium processes
- Solve problems related to modern statistical physics
Solid-State Physics I (PHYS622)
Students in this course will learn about: crystalline structure and symmetry, Bravais lattice and reciprocal lattice, lattice vibrations and phonons, specific heat, energy band theory of metals, semiconductors and insulators, electric transport in metals and semiconductors, optical, dielectric, and magnetic properties, superconductivity.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS355 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Evaluate advanced periodic structures (lattice, unit cells) onto reciprocal space (k-space lattice, Brillouin Zone) and characterization
- Recognize of the properties of metals based on the free and nearly- free electron gas models.
- Demonstrate mastery of special material properties such as superconductivity, magnetism, piezo-electricity.
- Discuss the applications related to the physical phenomena treated in the course, acquire “knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to Solid state physics.
- Acquire deep theoretical knowledge, active and creative understanding of solid state physics.
- Communicate effectively, orally and in writing.
Computational Physics-I (PHYS624)
Classical and quantum Monte Carlo simulation methods with applications, molecular dynamics simulations, random systems, selected topics in modern computational physics problems.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS330 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Solve challenging physics problems needing computational solution.
- Convert a physics problem into formulas then coding the solution.
- Apply numerical methods to appropriate physical problem.
Physics Seminar (PHYS633)
This course is based on a research project where the student is expected to present a seminar at the end of the semester. The topic is selected by the faculty member. Ethics issues related to physics research will be also discussed.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Review all significant aspects and literature survey of a research problem.
- Write scientific journal paper-like reports describing the conducted research activity and its results.
- Prepare and practice an oral presentation of the research topic
Space Science Internship (PHYS650)
The primary objective of this internship course is to afford the MSc Space Science students a supervised opportunity to acquire practical and hands-on working experience at one of the reputed space research and development organizations in the UAE. Within the scope of this internship, the students will be attached to teams of researchers, engineers and scientists at the internship provider site (e.g. UAE Space Agency, Muhammad Bin Rashid Space Centre) to work on practical tasks which will be components of actual and ongoing space projects. Availing this opportunity, students will be able to apply the knowledge they attained as part of their MSc coursework, get first-hand experience in a professional space research setting, learn practical aspects of problem solving, solution development, teamwork, project execution and delivery, and it will also benefit them in terms of skill development and capacity building.
Credit Hours : 0
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Generate productive scientific and technological results while gaining practical and hands-on experience of working on a space-related project.
- Design space-related solutions as part of a cross-disciplinary team.
- Create tools and systems by acquiring non-pedantic skills and expertise required in the field of space science.
- Commit to regulations, ethical responsibilities and practices set by the work environment.
- Exhibit responsibility and independence in achieving requested tasks.
Selected Topics I (PHYS698)
This course will develop a good understanding of various astrophysical processes involved in the star formation. After a brief overview about the interstellar medium and molecular cloud , we will discuss the atomic and molecular gas observations using radio observations and students will be given worked-out examples. We will also introduce detailed observational properties of molecular clouds, physics of molecular cloud, structure and kinematics and various scaling relation, and initial mass function to understand the star processes. High-mass star feedback processes will be introduced with the HII region physical processes. The cloud properties such as column densities, virial-mass, and LTE mass will be discussed. This course will also introduce various astronomical tools and codes for studying the molecular cloud and HII region properties using radio and optical observational data.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain fundamental concepts of the topic studied
- Give a well-informed oral presentation of chosen subtopics of the general area of study
- Write a short overview of aspects of the material of the topic studied
- Evaluate the relationship of the studied topic with other related areas of physics.
Quantum Physics II (PHYS705)
Variational theorem and WKB method, time-dependent perturbation theory, scattering theory, Born approximation, Identical particles and second quantization, symmetry principles, Dirac and Klein-Gordon equations for free particles, quantum theory of radiation, path integral formalism.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply appropriate approximation methods to solve quantum physical problems.
- Calculate quantum-mechanical scattering amplitudes and cross-sections.
- Exploit symmetry concepts when solving quantum mechanical problems.
- Use the methods of second quantization.
- Solve relativistic quantum-mechanical equations.
Synthesis, Characteristics & Applications of Nanomaterials (PHYS715)
Synthesis of nanomaterials; nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanowires, assembly of nanostructures, property-structure-dependence in nanomaterials, main characterization techniques; transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), applications of nanomaterials; transistors, bio-sensors, NEMS, and solar cells.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS470 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the fundamental concepts of nanoscience and nanotechnology to problem solution.
- Analyze various synthesis characterization of nanomaterials.
- Critique the nanostructured materials and their optical-electrical characterizations.
- Evaluate the key applications for nanomaterials in science, engineering and medicine fields.
Quantum Field Theory (PHYS720)
Building the theory of relativistic quantum fields: classical field theory; Noethers's theorem; Klein Gordon field; representations of the Lorentz Group; Dirac equation; quantized Dirac field; discrete symmetries of the Dirac theory; interacting fields; S-matrix and reduction formula; Green’s functions in path integral formalism; perturbation theory and Feynman diagrams; elementary processes in QED and QCD.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Solve quantum-mechanical problems involving relativistic particles.
- Manipulate various classical field theories.
- Quantize free fields.
- Calculate the S-matrix and the Green’s functions of an interacting quantum field theory.
- Derive the Feynman rules of a quantum field theory from its path-integral formulation.
- Calculate elementary processes in physical quantum field theories like QED and QCD.
Solid State Physics II (PHYS722)
This is a one-semester advanced course intended for physics graduate students. It will cover the foundational principles of solid state physics, with an emphasis on the application of quantum theory to the atomic and electronic structure of crystalline solids.This course will follow the approach taken in texts such as Ashcroft and Mermin, I will also use materials from Joseph Callaway. The first part deals with the Drude and Sommerfeld models of electrical conduction, the failures of both models, we will make extensive use of your knowledge of statistical physics and quantum mechanics. The second part of the course teaches the electronic band theory from the basics which describes the electronic states of solids. The "nearly free-electron model" and the "tight-binding approximation" will be introduced. First-principles electron theory is discussed as one of the most important topics in advanced solid state physics. Then, density functional theory is introduced. Applications to the electronic states of low-dimensional materials and metallic microstructure interfaces are discussed to deepen the understanding.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Master the concepts of the free electron metals: Drude theory, Sommerfeld theory.
- Conceptualize the reciprocal lattice in k-space and critique the various methods to calculate the band structures.
- Demonstrate mastery of special material properties such as superconductivity, magnetism, piezo-electricity.
- Synthesize scientific results and address advanced general questions of modern materials research and propose solutions.
- Evaluate the relationship between structure/bonding and electronic, electrical, magnetic and optical properties of solids with emphasis on some of the most important classes of materials as they pertain to the conduct of research in the field.
Computational Physics-II (PHYS724)
The course aims at developing essential numerical analysis techniques such as classical and quantum Monte Carlo simulation methods with applications, molecular dynamics simulations, random systems, selected topics in modern computational physics problems.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Solve numerically classical and quantum physics problems using typical computational physics techniques.
- Apply the learned techniques on nontrivial and complex real-life problems.
Electrodynamics II (PHYS730)
Review of Maxwell’s equations and the conservation laws, electromagnetic potentials, multipole radiation, radiation from moving charges, plane waves in material media, polarization, attenuation, dispersion, diffraction, scattering, special relativity, Relativistic electrodynamics.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze and solve various systems involving time-varying electromagnetic field.
- Demonstrate self-direction and originality in explaining electromagnetic phenomena.
- Communicate effectively, orally and in writing.
Standard Model of Particle Physics (PHYS782)
This course covers: Theoretical building of the Standard Model of Particle Physics: phenomenology of weak interactions; Higgs mechanics and mass generation; spontaneously broken gauge theory; renormalization; the Standard Model; successes and shortcomings.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS525 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Calculate, using Feynman rules, the decay and cross sections of various processes involving the standard model particles.
- Analyze particle physics processes, compare them to the experimental data.
- Communicate effectively particle physics scientific data both orally and in writing.
Advanced Topics in Particle Theory (PHYS795)
This course covers selected and changing topics beyond and besides the Standard Model like: neutrinos and masses; solitons, instantons and topological objects; nonperturbative methods: lattice field theory; quantum field theory at finite temperature and/or density; LHC particle physics; string theory.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Address various problems in elementary particle physics of current interest.
- Apply numerous methods and strategies to tackle such problems.
Selected Topics II (PHYS798)
Physics is a field that is constantly expanding and evolving, with new discoveries and technologies emerging all the time. This course aims to cover selected topics dealing with the recent advances in the field of Physics and Astrophysics. The course will discuss the current knowledge of new emerging topics in modern Physics and related technology. This course is proposed by faculty members based on students’ curricular needs and/or new trends in Physics.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate familiarity with the concepts and tools of the studied topics.
- Critically evaluate the scientific literature, and peer-reviewed publications in the topic studied.
- Communicate effectively through oral presentation based on a course-related topic.
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