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The Continuing Medical Education (CME) and the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee is housed at the College of Medicine & Health Sciences, UAE University (UAEU-CME). The committee accredits CME and CPD events to ensure they maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance of the attendees and participants.

CME & CPD Committee strategic objectives

  • Ensure that the educational content of all CME activities meets national and international guidelines and standards.
  • Establish broad-based policies for the administration of the CME activities.
  • Provide an ongoing monitoring system to ensure that the policies adopted by the Committee foster effective and efficient CME activities.
  • Ensure that the CME activities meet the needs of health care providers in the UAE.


Apply Here

Committee Members

  • Saif Al Shamsi, Associate Professor, Internal Medicine (Chair)
  • Mohi Magzoub, Professor, Chair of the Medical Education department
  • Saeeda Al Marzooqi, Professor, Pathology, Assistant Dean for Medical Education
  • Dr. Noura Al Dhaheri, Assistant Professor, Genetics and Genomics, Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs
  • Rami Beiram, Associate Professor, Pharmacology, Assistant Dean for Research
  • Awad El Essa, Instructor, Medical Education
  • Karuna Das, Associate Professor, Radiology
  • Maryam Al Neyadi, CME Administrator, Department of Medical Education

CME Activity Requirements

Before submitting an application, please review the following criteria required for CME activities accreditation: 

  • The content of CME must consist of knowledge and skills recognized and accepted by the profession, covering basic medical sciences, clinical medicine, and healthcare provision to the public.
  • The activity must be designed to address educational needs stemming from professional practice gaps identified for the target audience of healthcare providers.
  • The content of the activity must provide a balanced view of therapeutic options and promote improvements in healthcare.
  • The activity must not be commercial in nature, and may not promote the proprietary interests of any commercial entity or its products/services/business lines.
  • Individuals with financial relationships with commercial interests are not permitted to participate in the planning, development, or implementation of the activity (i.e., planning committee members, moderators, speakers, authors, etc.)
  • The activity must adhere to the ACCME Guidelines and Standards for CME Commercial Support (Click here).
  • For an application to be considered by the CME & CPD Committee, a faculty or an adjunct member from the CMHS, UAEU must be a member of the organizing or scientific committee of the event.
  • The activity must not be under consideration by another local accrediting body.

Required Documents for Online Application Submission

When submitting your application, please ensure the following documents are uploaded:

  • Scientific Program Agenda and objectives of the program
  • Copy of the Program Flyer
  • Copy of the Certificate of Attendance
  • Copy of the Program Evaluation form
  • Copy of the Attendance sheet or electronic capture of the attendance
  • Brief CV or bio sketch of all the speakers
  • Abstract, presentation slides, and handouts for each speaker’s talk
  • Copy of Outcome Measurement Tool
  • Disclosure forms completed and signed by each speaker

Activities that have already received accreditation by an international accrediting organization will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Such activities may receive UAEU-CME recognition if the international organizing committee includes CMHS Faculty. For further details, please contact the CME Administrator (email: ).

Accrediting Organizations Recognized by UAEU-CME

The following accrediting organizations are recognized by UAEU-CME:

    • Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
    • American Medical Association Physician Recognition Award (AMA-PRA)
    • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Maintenance of Competence Program – MOC)
    • College of Family Physicians of Canada
    • European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
    • The Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK
    • Saudi Commission for Health Specialties

Application Timeline

Please carefully review all guidelines to ensure you submit the completed application by the deadline.

The complete online application, along with all accompanying forms, must be submitted no later than 4 weeks before the start date of the activity. Late applications will not be accepted.

Important: The activity must be approved by the CME & CPD Committee before any mention of CME credit hours can be made in promotional brochures and/or announcements for the activity.  It is not permitted to say that an application for credit has been submitted.   

Application Submission

SSubmit your application and accompanying documents online no later than 4 weeks before the start date of the activity. (Click here)to access the submission portal.

Non-CMHS faculty must register first. Once the registration is approved by the CME & CPD Committee, a username and password will be provided to access the online application system.

To contact the CME Administrator, please send an email to

Application Review Process

Each application is reviewed by an independent reviewer assigned by the CME & CPD Chair, who determines whether the activity complies with all Department of Health (DOH) criteria for Category 1 credit.

Within 4 weeks of receiving a complete application, the CME & CPD Committee will reach a decision: approval, conditional approval, or rejection. The CME Administrator will notify the applicant of the committee’s decision.

If the decision is conditional approval, the CME Administrator will request additional information from the applicant to allow the CME & CPD Committee to make a final decision. These materials must be submitted within 5 days of the request. The applicant will be granted up to 2 additional attempts to modify their application.

Actions for Approved Applications

If the activity is approved for credit, the applicant will receive an email with the accreditation details, an approval code, and further instructions.

*Please note: The CME & CPD Committee grants a maximum of 6 CME hours per day. Time allocated to breaks, social events, and other non-educational sessions is not accredited.

After the activity (within 30 days), the applicant must submit the following via the online CME application system:

  • A copy of the final program distributed to the attendees, including the syllabus and the disclosure information
  • The number of actual participants
  • A summary of evaluations and lessons learned for future CME programs
  • The certificate of attendance

Important: Failure to provide this information within 30 days may result in the non-accreditation of subsequent CME events organized by the applicant’s organization.

A member of the CME & CPD committee may attend the scientific meeting to ensure that the planned standards are met as stated in the CME application.

Important: Any changes to the program agenda, list of speakers, sponsorship details, etc., after the approval has been granted will result in the cancellation of the approval. The application must be resubmitted.

Important: If an applicant breaches any established rules or guidelines, an official warning will be issued. A second violation will lead to a review by the CME & CPD Committee, which may result in penalties including temporary suspension of the applicant's privileges, or prohibition from applying in the future. These measures ensure fair treatment and maintain the integrity of the CME application process.


Application Fee Structure

The application fee consists of a non-refundable processing fee and a fee per credit hour awarded by the CME & CPD Committee for the activity.

CME application processing fee (non-refundable)

AED 200

CME fee per credit hour

AED 50/CME Credit

Fee exemption

CME events are exempt from both the application processing fees and the fee per credit hour if they meet the following conditions:

  • Organised by CMHS Faculty or CMHS Adjunct Faculty
  • The CME activity does not receive any commercial support (i.e. sponsorship).

A commercial interest is any entity that produces, markets, re-sells, or distributes healthcare goods or services consumed by or used on patients. Providers of clinical services given directly to patients are not considered commercial interests unless the clinical service provider is owned or controlled by a commercial interest.

Financial or in-kind support provided by a company for a CME event, also referred to as an educational grant, is used to offset the costs of conducting the event.

Exhibitor fees collected from companies participating as exhibitors are not considered commercial support.

*The CME & CPD Committee adopts the ACCME Standards for CME Commercial Support.

CME Application Guide

Please provide the following details about the CME activity:

Organizer and Planning Team:

  • Who is organizing the activity?
  • Who is involved in the planning process?
  • It is expected that planning will be conducted by a planning group rather than an individual. This group should include individuals knowledgeable in medical education principles as well as the general topic area.

Activity Details:

  • Where will the activity be held?
  • When will the activity take place?

CME activities must be grounded in a needs assessment, which identifies the specific needs of the target audience for acquiring new knowledge. This assessment ensures that the content of the conference addresses these needs and motivates learners to participate.

Determining the Needs Assessment

A needs assessment involves identifying why the learners need the information and why they should engage with the activity. This can be achieved through various methods, including:

  • Surveys and Prior Activity Evaluations: Gathering feedback from previous events and surveys to identify gaps in knowledge or areas of interest.
  • Discovery of New Treatments or Therapies: Identifying emerging developments in the field that require updating professionals on new practices.
  • Public Health Data, Chart Audits, and Current Events: Analyzing health data, clinical records, and recent events to pinpoint areas requiring further education.
  • Self-Assessment: Using tools that allow professionals to evaluate their own knowledge gaps and learning needs.
  • Government Mandates and Specialty Society Guidelines: Adhering to guidelines or mandates that highlight specific educational requirements.

Please detail how you conducted your needs assessment and how it informed the content of your conference. Simply stating that there is a general need for CME is insufficient; a detailed needs assessment provides a clear rationale for why the activity is relevant and necessary for the learners.

Based on the needs assessment, a set of clear, measurable, and learner-oriented objectives should be compiled to outline what participants are expected to learn from the conference. Effective learning objectives should focus on what participants should be able to do by the end of the session, using specific and measurable behavioral verbs. Avoid general verbs such as understand, appreciate, know, become, and learn.

Learning Objectives Should Be:

  • Clear: Objectives should be straightforward and easy to understand.
  • Measurable: Objectives should include criteria to assess whether they have been achieved.
  • Learner-Oriented: Objectives should focus on what the participants will be able to do.

For CME events, participants are typically evaluated in one or two major domains: cognitive (thinking) and psychomotor (doing). Use appropriate verbs to articulate these objectives:

  • Cognitive Goals: Define, diagnose, discuss, evaluate, compare, demonstrate, describe, explain, interpret, differentiate, apply, summarize, formulate, contrast, assess, design.
  • Psychomotor Goals: Display, manipulate, arrange, perform, create, operate, adapt, write.

Examples of Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to evaluate hip and knee injuries and design an appropriate treatment plan for rehabilitation using new evidence-based medicine.
  • Participants will be able to describe the medicinal use of honey from ancient to modern times.
  • Participants will be able to interpret thoracic x-rays using a systematic approach.
  • Participants will be able to demonstrate the ability to intubate an airway mannequin while maintaining inline immobilization.
  • Participants will be able to identify the major causes of hypertension and formulate an appropriate treatment plan for a case scenario.

Include at least 2 or 3 specific learning objectives for each CME event in the accreditation application form.

Target Audience:

Clearly define the specific group(s) who will benefit from the CME activity based on your needs assessment. Consider the following factors:

  • Profession: Identify the type of healthcare professionals targeted, such as primary care physicians, urologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, dentists, nurses, etc.
  • Experience Level: Determine whether the audience consists of long-practicing professionals or new practitioners.
  • Specific Needs: Clarify what specific needs the target audience has that the CME activity will address.

Anticipated Participation:

Provide an estimate of the number of individuals expected to participate in the meeting. This information helps assess the feasibility of meeting your learning objectives given the type of teaching activities planned. For example, a hands-on workshop with 50 participants might not be as effective as intended if the activity is designed for a smaller, more interactive group.

By specifying both the target audience and the anticipated number of participants, you will demonstrate how the CME activity is tailored to meet the needs of the intended learners and how it aligns with the planned educational activities.

Please provide a detailed copy of the planned program for the CME activity, including:

  • Times of Sessions: Clearly outline the schedule for all components, such as workshops, lectures, and other activities.
  • Teaching Methods: Specify the methods used to teach the material, such as lectures, workshops, hands-on teaching sessions, or other approaches.

Details to Include:

  • Schedule of Events: Include start and end times for each session, break times, and any other relevant timings.
  • Teaching Methods: Describe the teaching methods for each session, detailing whether they will be lectures, interactive workshops, hands-on sessions, or other formats.
  • Alignment with Needs Assessment and Learning Objectives: Ensure that the scheduled activities align with the needs identified in the assessment and the learning objectives established.

The detailed program allows us to evaluate whether the scheduled activities effectively meet the learning objectives and needs of the target audience. It also helps determine the number of CME credit hours to be awarded. If needed, we may request additional clarification regarding the content and structure of the sessions.

Please provide the following details for each speaker involved in the CME activity:

  • Names of Speakers: List all individuals who will be presenting at the event.
  • Short Summaries of Speakers: Include a brief summary for each speaker, highlighting their credentials and place of employment.

Details to Include:


  • Credentials: Outline the educational background, professional qualifications, and relevant expertise of each speaker.
  • Place of Employment: Specify the current organization or institution where the speaker is employed.

We use this information to assess whether the selected speakers are well-qualified to present on the topics. Additionally, we are interested in understanding the speakers' relationship with industry entities, such as pharmaceutical companies, to ensure they provide unbiased and objective discussions. This assessment helps ensure the credibility and neutrality of the information presented during the CME activity.

We are committed to ensuring that there is no conflict of interest in the development of the CME program. It is essential that sponsorship from pharmaceutical companies or other members of the healthcare industry does not influence the content or delivery of the program.

Sponsorship Details:

  • Disclosure of Sponsorship: Clearly state any sponsorship received for the CME activity and identify the sponsoring companies or organizations.
  • Role of Sponsorship Companies: Describe the specific role of the sponsoring companies, ensuring that their involvement does not affect the independence and integrity of the program content.

We emphasize the importance of maintaining an arms-length relationship between the sponsoring companies and the content presented. This means that sponsorship should not come with conditions or expectations that could bias the material or the program's objectives. Ensuring transparency and neutrality in program development helps maintain the credibility and educational value of the CME activity.

Design an evaluation form to be completed by participants. It is important to include references to the learning objectives on the evaluation form, such as: “Program objectives were well defined” and “Program objectives were met.” Participants must evaluate both of these points.

The evaluation can take various forms but must be tied to the learning objectives. Some examples of evaluation methods are:

  • Questionnaires
  • Tests
  • Review of patient data
  • Focus groups

Evaluations serve the following purposes:

  • To determine if the objectives were met
  • To identify the activity's strengths and weaknesses for improvement in future events
  • To gather insights into the types of programs the audience would like in the future

It is crucial that only individuals who actively participate in the educational sessions receive credit for these activities. For day-long events, there must be a mechanism to award partial credit to account for attendance at specific sessions.

Additionally, please provide a draft of the certificate that participants will receive.

Certificate Guidelines:

Accreditation Statement: The College of Medicine and Health Sciences should not be listed as a sponsor of the meeting. Instead, the certificate should include a statement such as: "This program is accredited for X CME hours by the Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Professional Development Committee of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences."

This wording is sufficient to indicate our approval and ensures that the role of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences is clearly defined as providing accreditation rather than sponsorship.

Please indicate whether you have applied to other entities for accreditation of this CME activity. If yes, provide the following information:

  • Organizations Contacted: List the names of the organizations to which you have applied for accreditation.
  • Reason for Multiple Applications: Explain why you have sought accreditation from multiple organizations. It is typically unnecessary to pursue more than one accreditation, so understanding your reasons for doing so will help us assess the situation.

This information helps us understand the broader context of your accreditation efforts and ensures that the CME activity complies with standard practices.

After the conference, you are required to provide the following information to complete the accreditation process:

  • Number of Actual Participants: Report the total number of individuals who attended the conference.


  • Final Program: Submit a copy of the final program distributed to attendees, including the syllabus and disclosure information.
  • Summary of Evaluations: Provide a summary of participant evaluations, including feedback and lessons learned for improving future CME programs.
  • Certificate of Attendance: Include a copy of the certificate of attendance issued to participants.
  • Additional Feedback (Optional): Submit any additional feedback, such as minutes from a post-conference discussion by the steering committee.

Please ensure that this information is submitted within 30 days of the conference. Failure to provide the required materials within this timeframe may result in the decision to not accredit future CME events for your organization or group.

If there is any other relevant information about the conference that you wish to communicate, please include it here. This is an opportunity to provide any additional details, updates, or context that may be important for the review and accreditation process.

Feel free to share any noteworthy aspects of the conference, such as special achievements, unique features, or feedback from participants that were not covered in the standard submission requirements.


United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) - Best University in Abu Dhabi, UAE


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