Introduction to Chemical Engineering (CHME300)
This course introduces the students to the chemical engineering profession and basic calculations in mass and energy balance; phase equilibria; and process flow sheeting. It includes applications on reactive and non-reactive chemical processes. Computer programs are used to implement these topics.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply basic principle of chemical engineering calculations
- Perform a degree-of-freedom analysis for the overall system and each possible subsystem
- Solve material and energy balance equations for non-reactive systems
- Solve material and energy balance equations for reactive systems
- Develop effective communication skills via group works
- Identify current topics in chemical engineering
Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering (CHME310)
This course will focus on computer applications in chemical engineering including available software packages. Students will be introduced to the applications of software packages such as such as Hysys, Aspen Plus or PRO/II for simulating main unit operations related to chemical engineering processes.
Credit Hours : 2
- CHME300 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Simulate Unit Operation Using Flow Sheeting Software Packages Such As Hysys/ Unisim(PLO1)
- Justify participation in team work( PLO5)
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (CHME322)
Review of the basic laws in thermodynamics. Theory and applications of solution thermodynamics, vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid equilibrium for ideal and non-ideal systems, and chemical reaction equilibrium.
Credit Hours : 3
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Relate the P-V-T properties of real gases at high pressure and liquids using EOS [1]
- Calculate changes in U, H, and S for ideal and non-ideal gases [1]
- Apply the criteria for chemical reaction equilibria and calculate compositions at equilibrium for single or multiple reactions in a single or multiple phase [1]
- Solve phase equilibrium problems for pure substances and mixtures utilizing chemical potential and fugacity [1]
- Present (P-T, P-x-y, T-x-y and x-y) curves for binary mixtures and utilize Raoult’s law [1]
- Calculate the bubble point and dew point and perform flash calculations. [1]
- Explain the azeotrope phenomenon and determine ways of overcoming azeotrope [1]
Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics (CHME330)
Principles of fluid mechanics and physical separation processes are introduced. Topics include flow and pressure measurement for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, dimensional analysis and pressure drop, and flow through porous media and packed beds. Applications to filtration, fluidization, sedimentation, and biosystems.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Distinguish between different types of fluids and flow behaviours
- Calculate basic properties of fluids such as viscosity.
- Apply principles of energy, momentum and mass balances to solve engineering problems involving fluid flow
- Calculate fluid friction and pressure drop in fluid flow and porous media systems.
- Design common fluid flow devices with emphasis on pumps and compressors.
- Solve fluid mechanics problems collectively.
Fundamentals of Biochemical Engineering (CHME357)
The course covers basic aspects of biochemical engineering and bioprocesses. Topics covered include: Microbial structure, growth kinetics and product formation in cell cultures. Applied enzyme catalysis and kinetics of enzymatic reactions, continuous fermentation, agitation, mass transfer, and design and analysis of bioreactors
Credit Hours : 3
- Pre/Co CHEM282 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply material and energy balance on biochemical problems [PLO1]
- Derive kinetic equations for various types of enzyme reactions [PLO1, PLO6]
- Determine microbial growth kinetics and stoichiometry [PLO1, PLO6]
- Design enzymatic bioreactor [PLO1, PLO2]
- Analyze fermentation systems and design fermenters [PLO1, PLO2]
Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering (CHME360)
The objective of this course is to learn basic computational techniques for solving a variety of mathematical problems that cannot be solved analytically, and to improve students' confidence in using computational tools to solve problems in chemical engineering. The methods will be applied to many problems in chemical engineering.
Credit Hours : 2
- MATH140 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Solve mathematical problems with a computer [PLO1]
- Write structured code using relevant software such as MATLAB [PLO1]
- Solve sets of linear and nonlinear equations using numerical methods [PLO1]
- Apply explicit and implicit numerical methods [PLO1]
- Solve boundary value problems using shooting and finite difference methods as a teamwork [PLO 1,5]
Engineering and Strength of Materials (CHME390)
This course introduces the students to the concepts and fundamentals of engineering and strength of materials. Topics covered include structure and imperfection of solid material, types of materials, mechanical properties and deformation, failures, corrosion, vector force and moment, objects in equilibrium, centroids and center of mass, moments of inertia, and internal forces and moments, and torsion
Credit Hours : 3
- CHEM111 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Differentiate between crystalline and non-crystalline materials and their defects, applications involving metals, ceramics, polymers and composite materials and their manufacturing method [1]
- Identify the different types of material tests such as stress-strain, fatigue, and creep and to derive mechanical properties from different types of material testing [2]
- Apply material mechanics to chemical and petroleum engineering calculations [1]
- Design mechanical component based on strength of material [6]
- Formulate and solve engineering problems related to engineering and strength of materials [1]
Reactor Design (CHME411)
This course covers kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, design of isothermal reactors such as Batch, CSTR and PFR, introduction to bioreactors, catalysis and catalytic reactions; non-isothermal reactor design; multiple reactions.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHEM351 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Solve the reactor design equations without catalyst decay for isothermal and without pressure drop [1].
- Design reactor including the effect of pressure [1,2]
- Apply the effect of temperature on the reactor design equations [1]
- Design catalytic reactor systems [1,2]
- Use the available software packages for design of the complex reactor problems. [1,2]
Heat Transfer (CHME413)
This course covers the three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection, radiation, and their applications in steady- and unsteady-state heat transfer. Integrated analogy between fluid and heat transfer operations. Condensation, boiling, and evaporation. Energy applications in biosystems. Heat exchangers: types, design, and rating.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME330 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain various modes of heat transfer. [1]
- Analyse conduction in various coordinates and in composite systems [1,2]
- Determine free and forced convection heat transfer coefficient [1]
- Design heat exchangers of various types [1,2,3,5]
Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer lab (CHME415)
This is an experimentation course introducing concepts of experimentation data analysis to emphasize the relationship between predictive theories and actual experimental results and to enhance oral and written communication skills. A number of experiments are selected to cover topics related to fluid mechanics and heat transfer, such as fluid friction, filtration, fixed and fluidized bed, centrifugal pump, concentric tube heat exchanger, radiation etc.
Credit Hours : 1
- GENG215 with a minimum grade D
- CHME413 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze and interpret experimental data
- Communicate effectively orally and in writing
Mass Transfer and Reactor Design Lab (CHME417)
This is an experimentation course introducing concepts of experimentation data analysis to emphasize the relationship between predictive theories and actual experimental results and to enhance oral and written communication skills. A number of experiments are selected to cover topics related to mass transfer and reactor design, such as molecular diffusion, mass transfer in wetted wall column, batch reactor, CSTR, plug flow reactor, etc.
Credit Hours : 1
- CHME411 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Design and conduct experiments
- Communicate in teams to write laboratory reports
Mass Transfer (CHME421)
This course covers molecular and convective steady-state and unsteady-state mass transfer. Integrated analogy between fluid, heat, and mass transfer operations. Interfacial mass transfer, continuous and stage-wise contact operations, with applications in absorption and distillation.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME330 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify mass transfer mechanisms by molecular diffusion, turbulent diffusion and convection.
- Solve steady-state and unsteady-state mass transfer problems
- Use of physical properties and experimental data to estimate the diffusion coefficient and mass transfer coefficient.
- Utilize the analogies between momentum, mass, and heat transfer.
- Design of mass transfer equipment for gas absorption and stripping.
- Solve mass transfer problems using numerical methods.
Unit Operation (CHME422)
The course addresses the fundamentals of solid handling, drag and drag coefficients, flow through beds of solids, mechanics of particle motion, settling, size seduction, screening, filtration, gravity sedimentation processes, separation by centrifuges, separation by cyclones.
Credit Hours : 2
- CHME330 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Calculate drag force and terminal settling velocity for single particles
- Design fluidized and packed bed operations
- Analyze different particulate characterization parameters and equipment to estimate them
- Estimate size reduction energy requirements
- Calculate filtration area for given requirements
Internship I (CHME485)
Students spend 8 weeks on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills. This course aims at offering career exploration opportunities for students.
Credit Hours : 1
- STAT210 with a minimum grade D
- MATH130 with a minimum grade D
- MATH135 with a minimum grade D
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
- MATH140 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS105 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS135 with a minimum grade D
- GENG215 with a minimum grade D
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
- GENG230 with a minimum grade D
- CHEM111 with a minimum grade D
- CHEM175 with a minimum grade D
- CHME300 with a minimum grade D
- CHME330 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and individually to achieve the planned tasks and goals.
- Develop communication skills through oral and written presentations.
- Evaluate different engineering situations and judgments based on ethical codes and professional responsibilities.
Internship II (CHME490)
Students spend 8 weeks on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills. This course aims at offering career exploration opportunities for students as well as opportunities to correlate their academic preparation to the reality of conducting professional practice, to interact effectively with others in practice, to develop professional skills and communicate effectively in the workplace and to gain true practical experience that is necessary for their future practice as engineers in their respective discipline after graduation.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co CHME485 with a minimum grade P
- PHYS110 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS140 with a minimum grade D
- GENG315 with a minimum grade D
- CHME421 with a minimum grade D
- CHME413 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and individually to achieve the planned tasks and goals.
- Develop communication skills through oral and written presentations
- Evaluate different engineering situations and judgments based on ethical codes and professional responsibilities
- Propose ideas/solutions for real-life problems based on the learned knowledge.
Process Modeling & Simulation (CHME506)
This course aims at introducing principles of process modeling using general-purpose software packages to solve model equations of various unit operations. Topics covered include multi-component phase equilibria, fluid flow reaction kinetics and separation processes. Applications are performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK and polymath in solving model equations.
Credit Hours : 3
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop mathematical models to represent physical lumped and distributed systems.
- Apply the various numerical computational techniques; Euler method, Rung Kutta.
- Implement the computational technique in the form of a computer program
- Compute numerically initial and boundary value problems
- Solve mathematical models of lumped and distributed system using MATLAB/SIMULINK software package
Process Control (CHME508)
This course aims at introducing process dynamics and principles of control for chemical processes. Topics covered include block diagrams, Laplace transforms, transient response of feed-back systems, stability analysis, gain and phase margins.
Credit Hours : 3
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop mathematical models of chemical processes for control purposes. [1,2]
- Analyse the dynamic behaviour of First and Second order systems [1]
- Use computer software packages for the simulation and control of chemical processes. [1,2]
- Design of feedback/feedforward/cascade control systems. [1,2]
- Examine the stability of feedback systems [1]
Process and Plant Design (CHME510)
This course exposes the student to design strategies and interrelationships between process and design variables. There is an emphasis on cost analysis, environment, and rational use of energy and raw materials. Design of processes related to the petroleum and petrochemical industries.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze a chemical process in terms of the logic behind selecting its operating conditions and conditions of particular concern.
- Design the leading equipment involved in a chemical process using the short-cut techniques
- Estimate the capital and manufacturing cost of a chemical process as a prerequisite to judging its economic profitability.
Mass Transfer Operations (CHME517)
This course starts with a review of phase equilibria, and then covers binary and multi-component distillation, leaching, and liquid-liquid extraction, with applications in design of a multi-column distillation process.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME421 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the suitability of different types of separation techniques.
- Formulate material and energy balances over separation equipment (i.e., distillation tower, absorption/stripping towers, leaching process, liquid-liquid extraction cascades).
- Develop operating line, feed line and equilibrium equations to determine NTP & NAP.
- Illustrate separation problems graphically.
- Solve governing equations to find the design specifications for a separation problem (i.e. multicomponent distillation process).
- Optimize separation processes for solvent flow rate and reflux ratio.
Unit Operation and Process Control Lab (CHME528)
This is an experimentation course introducing concepts of experimentation data analysis to emphasize the relationship between predictive theories and actual experimental results and to enhance oral and written communication skills. A number of experiments are selected to cover topics related to unit operations, separation processes and process control, such as drying, cooling tower, gas absorption, distillation, liquid-liquid extraction, level control, dynamics of step input to CSTR in Series, etc.
Credit Hours : 1
- CHME508 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze and interpret experimental data.
- Communicate effectively orally and in writing
Water Desalination (CHME533)
This course aims at studying industrial desalination processes. Topics covered include global and local water resources, water quality and analysis, technical and economic analysis of major desalination processes such as multi-stage flash, reverse osmosis, multiple-effect distillation and electrodialysis.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME413 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize water shortage problem and importance of desalination technologies
- Demonstrate chemistry and analysis of saline water
- Explain problems associated with scale formation and its preventive tools
- Evaluate mathematically various desalination operations currently used worldwide
- Examine economic consideration in reverse osmosis
Industrial & Wastewater Treatment (CHME541)
Definitions, characteristics, survey and monitoring of industrial wastewater. Legislation, guidelines, and standards. Treatment processes: volume and strength reduction, neutralization and equalization, removal of suspended and colloidal solids, removal of dissolved organics. Combined treatment of industrial and domestic wastewaters. Treatment economics. New trends in treatment processes.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME421 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the characteristics of industrial wastewater [1]
- Classify various processes in wastewater treatments [2]
- Develop models for industrial wastewater treatment operations [1]
- Identify current topics in industrial wastewater treatment. [4]
Corrosion (CHME542)
This course introduces electrochemical principles and their application to corrosion. Topics covered include different corrosion mechanisms, corrosion inhibition and different methods for electrochemical metal protection. Case studies from oil and petroleum refining industries are also included.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME390 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify various types of corrosion. [1]
- Describe corrosion control methods. [1]
- Describe corrosion characteristics of metals, alloys, plastics, and nonmetallic. [1]
- Demonstrate the ability to select treatments for various corrosion problems. [1,2]
- Identify various metals. [1,2]
- Demonstrate knowledge of cathodic protection terminology and identify cathodic protection equipment. [1,4]
- Practice effectively in groups/teams by engaging in independent learning to develop effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. [3,5,7]
Renewable Energy Sources (CHME544)
The objective of this course is to assess current and potential future energy systems, including resources, extraction, conversion, and end-use, with emphasis on meeting regional and global energy needs. Different renewable and conventional energy technologies will be presented, including bio-fuels, fuel cells, solar energy, wind energy and nuclear energy. Topics include basic principles of reactor design and operation at commercial nuclear electrical generating facilities, including an examination of nuclear waste issues. The photovoltaic solar energy systems will be presented, focusing on the behavior and design of "stand-alone" photovoltaic systems.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME413 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify various non-renewable and renewable energy sources
- Develop fundamental background required for examining various energy sources
- Illustrate the importance of renewable energy sources
- Illustrate mathematical principles behind important renewable energy sources
- Practice effectively in groups/teams by engaging in independent learning to develop effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. (1, 5, 7)
Biofuels Technology (CHME553)
Overview of the technologies available for bio-fuels production. The topics covered include (a) Biodiesel: advantages of biodiesel over petroleum diesel, conventional biodiesel production technologies, enzymatic biodiesel production, and new feedstock, and (b) Bio ethanol: advantages of bio-ethanol, fermentation processes, and production of bio ethanol from cellulose.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME421 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- recognize the significance of renewable energy in general and biofuels in particular [1]
- understand the conventional and modern technologies of biofuels production [1,6]
- identify challenges facing economic production of biofuels and ways to overcome them [1]
- prepare and present a technical assay, as a group on a contemporary issue [7,5]
Natural Gas Processing (CHME561)
This course introduces different techniques for processing natural gas. Topics include properties and behavior of natural gas using equations of state, hydrate formation, field treatment including dehydration, sour gas sweetening, sulfur recovery, and liquefaction. Design of main processing equipment will be studied.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME322 with a minimum grade D
- CHME421 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply thermodynamic knowledge to understand phase behaviour and calculations of natural gas properties
- Design system components such as dehydration and sweetening of natural gas
- Survey recent issues related to the natural gas processing via internet and periodical journals
- Practice engineering techniques, including computer-based tools, in solving engineering problems, such as Hysys
Petroleum Refining Engineering (CHME562)
This course aims at introducing different techniques for petroleum refining. Topics include refinery feed stocks and products, field processes, crude distillation, coking and thermal processes, catalytic reforming and cracking, hydro-processing, and solvent treating processes. Students will do a case study of a typical refinery.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the characteristic properties of crude oils [1,2]
- Identify the specifications of various petroleum products and their utilizations [1]
- Classify the various refinery processes with their principle of operation, process flow diagram and operating conditions, and how they are interrelated [1,2]
- Evaluate problems pertaining to crude oil refinery engineering [1, 4]
Petrochemical Technology (CHME563)
Overview. Petrochemical feed stock. Growth of global and UAE petrochemical industry. Technologies for the manufacture of bulk petrochemicals: Steam Reforming, Synthesis gas manufacture, Steam Cracking, Olefin Separation, Upgradation of C2, C3, C4, and C5 cuts. Manufacture of major downstream products and their uses and properties, e.g., Methanol, Formaldehyde, Ethylene oxide, Ethylene glycol, PVC, LDPE and HDPE, Propylene oxide, Isopropyl Alcohol, Butadiene, Isobutylene, Acetic acid, Maleic anhydride, Nylons, Polyethylene terepthalate, Formaldehyde resins, Styrene Butadiene Rubber, etc.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Classify petrochemical feed stock, growth of global and UAE petrochemical industry. [1,2]
- Identify technologies for the manufacture of bulk petrochemicals. [1,2]
- Describe major petrochemical downstream products, their uses and properties. [1,2]
- Practice engineering techniques, including computer-based tools such as HYSYS, in solving engineering problems. [2]
Polymer Engineering (CHME564)
Introduction to polymer science and synthesis: condensation polymerization, addition polymerization, bulk polymerization, solution polymerization, suspension polymerization, and emulsion polymerization. Industrial polymer processing: extrusion, injection molding, blow molding, calendaring, sheet forming and fiber spinning. Review of the design and manufacture of polymer products, with particular emphasis on material selection and processing technology. Engineering properties of elastomers, thermoplastics, blends and specialty polymers in terms of processing characteristics and end-use performance.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME330 with a minimum grade D
- CHME390 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Define various terminologies associated with polymer science and engineering
- Illustrate polymerization mechanisms and processes, and processing of polymers for product manufacturing
- Demonstrate fundamental understanding of molecular weight distribution, and the relationships between chemical structure and physical properties of polymers
- Evaluate important engineering concepts in polymer science such as dynamic mechanical and rheological properties
- Work and interact effectively in groups/teams by engaging in independent learning to develop effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills.
Special Topics in Chemical Engineering (CHME570)
A specific topic in chemical engineering that is not covered in other program courses is presented in a course format. The selected topic is to be approved by the departmental board and the prerequisite to be specified according to the topic.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME421 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze data and interpret results related to the specialized topic.
- Present scientific and engineering concepts clearly.
- Collaborate effectively in a team to develop a project related to the specialized topic
- Design innovative solutions for specialized problems
Independent Studies in Chemical Engineering (CHME575)
An independent investigation by each student of a certain problem in the core areas of chemical engineering. The investigation may require theoretical, numerical, and experimental work. Grades are based on solving the assigned problem and giving an oral and a written report. There are no formal lectures. The topic choice requires arrangement with a faculty member and the approval of the department.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Extract relevant information and data from literature sources
- Conduct experimental or simulation research activities
- Analyze research results using advanced methods
- Communicate research outcomes in writing and orally
- Apply ethical standards during research activities
Design and Critical Thinking in Chemical Engineering (CHME585)
This course concentrates on the rigors of communication, design, and critical thinking in an engineering context including problem identification, feasibility study of alternative solutions, preliminary design, technical writing, teamwork, and formal presentations. A team of students will apply the knowledge gained throughout their study and from industrial training to an engineering design project, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and originality. The selected alternatives will be the foundation of the capstone design project. A final report is required.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS105 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS135 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS110 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS140 with a minimum grade D
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
- MATH140 with a minimum grade D
- GENG215 with a minimum grade D
- GENG230 with a minimum grade D
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
- GENG315 with a minimum grade D
- STAT210 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the relevant theoretical background of a contemporary engineering problem. [PLO1]
- Apply the fundamentals of engineering-design and critical thinking, including the assessment and evaluation of alternative engineering solutions. [PLO2]
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, modeling, simulation, and/or data analysis using engineering tools. [PLO6]
- Communicate effectively through oral and written presentations. [PLO3]
- Outline the principles of engineering ethics, and social and environmental responsibilities. [PLO4]
- Recognize the need for ongoing additional knowledge, and the potential of integration and/or application of this knowledge effectively. [PLO7]
- Develop leadership skills and project management techniques to independently and/or collaboratively handle complex professional tasks in a team-work context. [PLO5]
Capstone Engineering Design Project (CHME590)
This course builds on the outcomes of CHME 585 course to perform detailed design and cost estimate of the selected alternative solutions to a well-defined engineering problem. Student teams are expected to apply knowledge gained throughout their studies to an engineering design project, emphasizing creativity and originality. A final report is required.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHME585 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the theoretical background of a contemporary engineering problem. [PLO1]
- Apply the fundamentals of engineering-design, including the assessment and evaluation of alternative engineering solutions. [PLO2]
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, modelling, simulation, and/or data analysis using modern engineering tools. [PLO6]
- Communicate effectively through oral and written presentations. [PLO3]
- Recognize the principles of engineering ethics, and social and environmental responsibilities. [PLO4]
- Recognize the need for ongoing additional knowledge, and the potential of integration and/or application of this knowledge effectively. [PLO7]
- Develop leadership skills and project management techniques to independently and/or collaboratively handle complex professional tasks in a team-work context. [PLO5]
Transport Phenomena (CHME611)
Prediction of velocity, temperature, and concentration profiles for flowing fluids; unifying concepts and analogies in momentum, heat, and mass transport; streamline flow and turbulence, molecular and eddy conduction and diffusion, boundary layers, smooth and rough conduits and other boundaries.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate The Differences In Transport Processes Occurring In Newtonian And Non-Newtonian Fluids.
- Practice Effectively Both Independent And Team Work On Research Projects And Presentations.
- Solve The Differential Momentum, Heat, And Mass Balances For One And Multi-Dimensional Steady State Problems.
- Solve The Shell Momentum, Heat, And Mass Balances For One Dimensional Steady State Problems.
- Undersand The Molecular Transport Of Momentum (Newton’S Law Of Viscosity), Heat (Fourier’S Law), And Mass (Fick’S Law).
Advanced Reaction Engineering (CHME612)
Kinetics of fluid-solid reactions in single particles, Mechanisms and kinetics of catalytic reactions; Reactor design: Fixed, fluidized and transport bed reactors for homo/heterogeneous systems; Novel reactors; Applications in petroleum and chemical industries.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply The Concept Of Effectiveness Factor For Analysis Of Non-Isothermal Reactions With Simultaneous Diffusion And Reaction In Catalysts
- Classify The Mechanism Of Heterogeneous Reactions For The Design Equations Of Adsorption-Based Reactive Systems Without Phase Change
- Classify The Types Of Chemical Reactors, Especially Heterogeneous Reactors.
- Solve The Reactor Design Equations (Chemical As Well As Biochemical Reactors) With Catalyst Decay, Both Analytically And Numerically
- Using The Available Software Packages Of Reaction Engineering To Solve Complex Reaction Engineering Design/Research Problems
Advanced Mass Transfer (CHME621)
A study of fundamental mass transfer; theories of interphase mass transfer; gas-liquid and liquid-liquid systems; characterization; selection and design of equilibrium and rate-governed separation processes; capacity and efficiency of mass transfer equipment.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Experimental Diffusion Coefficient Data
- Analyze Mass Transfer Between Phases And Boundary Layer
- Analyze The Mass Transfer Theories
- Create Micro- And Macro-Models For Processes Involving Mass Transfer
- Demonstrate The Fundamentals Of Diffusion And Convective Mass Transfer
- Develop And Analyze Mass Transfer Operations By Membranes
Biochemical Engineering (CHME622)
An integrated approach to the application of engineering principles to biochemical processes. Topics include: cellular biology, polymeric cell compounds, enzyme and microbial kinetics, design and scale-up of bioreactors, sterilization, and bioseparation processes.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Define the importance of enzymes in modern industry.
- Describe the structure of enzymes and their action.
- Explain the key structural and energetic factors which give rise to increased enzyme stability.
- Describe the industrial enzyme production and immobilizations techniques.
- Design a bioreactor packed with immobilized enzyme.
Advanced Polymer Engineering (CHME623)
Polymer reaction engineering, characterization and processing for chemical engineers; polymerization mechanisms, kinetics and industrial equipment; thermodynamics of polymer solutions, morphology; crystallization and mechanical properties; polymer processing equipment and technology.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Polymerization Mechanisms And Processes, And Processing Of Polymers For Product Manufacturing
- Function Effectively In Groups/Teams By Engaging In Independent Learning To Develop Effective Oral, Written, And Interpersonal Communication Skills
- Interpret Advanced Polymer Engineering Concepts Such As Dynamic Mechanical And Rheological Properties
- Interpret Molecular Weight Distribution; And Physical Properties Of Polymers In Solid, Melt, And Solution
- Recognize Various Terminologies Associated With Polymer Science And Engineering
Advanced Process Dynamics & Controls (CHME624)
Open-loop system dynamics, closed-loop systems, systems with difficult dynamics, non-linear systems, discrete-time systems, model-based control, adaptive systems and artificial intelligence. application to the chemical industry.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply The Computational Technique In The Form Of A Computer Program.
- Demonstrate Of Physical Systems Into An Appropriate Mathematical Model.
- Develop A Detailed Mathematical Model Of Lumped And Distributed System And Solving Emerged Model Equations Using Matlab/Simulink Software Package Compared With Analytical Solution.
- Employ Of Computer Software Packages For The Simulation And Control Of Chemical Processes.
- Explain Controlling Dynamic System.
- Select A Suitable Computational Technique.
Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering (CHME625)
Different selected topics in chemical engineering selected to complement the student's program and approved by the Program Committee.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe The Industrial Enzyme Production And Immobilizaition Techniques
- Describe The Structure Of Enzymes And Their Action
- Design A Bioreactor Packed With Immobilized Enzyme
- Explain The Key Structural And Energetic Factors Which Give Rise To Increased Enzyme Stability
- Understand The Importance Of Enzymes In Modern Industry,
Waste Management (CHME626)
This course aims at presenting the characteristics of different types of solid waste, their generation rate, and associated regulations and legislation. Several waste management issues are covered including collection, transfer and transport, processing techniques, resource recovery, incineration, and landfilling. Control measures, reduction strategies, recycling and reuse industries are explored and their relevance to UAE and the region are discussed.
Credit Hours : 2
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain waste processing and recovery techniques with particular emphasis on the UAE.
- Establish plans for waste management programs.
- Differentiate between different recycling options.
- Determine the requirements of a composting facility.
- Determine the requirements of a sanitary landfill facility.
- Write technical reports and conduct professional presentations.
Advanced Modeling and Mathematics for Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (CHME710)
Formulation of mathematical modeling in chemical/petroleum engineering; Vectors and Matrices; Solution of algebraic sets of equations. Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Analytical and Approximate Methods, Qualitative Analysis, Numerical Methods; Initial Value Problems, Boundary Value Problems; Numerical Methods and Parameter Estimation. Solution of Partial Differential Equation: Analytical Methods, Numerical Methods, Finite Difference Methods, Finite Element Methods. Applications in chemical/petroleum engineering including problem assignments, term projects and course exams.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Formulate mathematical models for physical systems related to chemical/petroleum engineering applications
- Solve the mathematical model by selecting and applying suitable mathematical methods
- Solve ordinary and partial differential equations resulted from the mathematical modeling part
- Interpret the mathematical solution resulting and make sensitivity analysis on the original problem
Rheology and Rheometry (CHME720)
A systematic development of the principles and applications of the science of rheology. Reviews vector and tensor mathematics and Newtonian fluid dynamics. Develops the physical and mathematical nature of stress and deformations in materials. Covers the use of theory and application of rheological equations of state. Describes and predicts non-linear viscous behavior as well as linear viscoelasticity. Covers the use of rheometry to determine rheological parameters in shear and extensional flow, and the rheology of interfaces
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Relate the variety of flow phenomena that can occur in rheologically complex materials to the corresponding rheological concepts
- Explain the concepts of viscoelasticity and other rheological parameters
- Calculate material functions from an appropriate constitutive equation and using this information to model rheological behavior
- Analyze rheological data of specific material classes to extract its structure information
- Apply technical and theoretical knowledge about experimental rheometry techniques to select the appropriate techniques and measurement protocols depending on the material and application
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (CHME731)
This course will cover range of fundamental topics in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology, including properties of nanomaterials (role of size; mechanical, optical, thermal, etc. properties(, classification of nanomaterials, structure-property relationship, synthesis of nanomaterials (Chemical vapor deposition, Arc discharge, RF-plasma, Ion sputtering, Laser ablation, Laser pyrolysis, Electro-deposition, etc.), characterization of nanomaterials (XRD, SEM, TEM, Optical, AFM, etc.), applications of nanomaterials (solar cells, nanocomposites, drug delivery, etc.), and the major challenges in nanotechnology in terms of nanomaterials dispersion, purity and mass production.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the influence of structure/geometry/size on nanomaterials properties
- Identify the synthesis methods and the characterization techniques of nanomaterials.
- Identify the key applications of nanotechnology and the major challenges in terms of nanomaterials dispersion, purity and mass production.
- Explain the environmental, health and safety implications of nanomaterials.
- Communicate effectively with the peers and faculty member(s) on the topics related to of nanoscience and nanomaterials.
Advanced Catalysis (CHME742)
The course introduces catalysis and fundamental catalytic phenomena. These phenomena are discussed in light of different catalyst properties and catalyst preparation techniques. Physical and chemical properties of the catalyst are used to demonstrate the principles of the catalyst selection process. Reactors and reactor design for activity testing are described as well as catalyst deactivation mechanism and treatment. Industrial catalytic processes are discussed such as synthesis gas reactions (ammonia synthesis and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis), petroleum refining and processing, and environmental catalysis
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the concepts of catalysis and fundamental catalytic phenomena
- Relate catalyst properties and preparation techniques to catalyst activity and selectivity
- Utilize the physical and chemical properties of the catalyst for catalyst selection
- Analyze activity data of a catalyst to describe catalyst deactivation mechanism and treatment
- Apply technical and theoretical knowledge of catalysis to industrial catalytic processes
Enzyme Technology (CHME750)
This course provides information on enzyme technology, with emphasise on kinetics of enzymatic reactions. Immobilization processes, kinetics of immobilized enzymes and the design of packed bed enzymatic bioreactors are also discussed. The course starts with a general introduction to enzymes, their role and advantages over chemical catalysts, and genetics and protein synthesis. The course also covers enzyme production and purification techniques
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the processes of industrial enzymes synthesis and production
- Describe the Kinetics of enzymatic reaction, both free and immobilized.
- Model systems with simultaneous diffusion-reaction.
- Design bioreactors packed with immobilized enzyme and/or simultaneous product separation.
- Communicate findings effectively, orally and in writing, with their peers and the engineering community.
Advanced Membrane Technology (CHME760)
The course goal is to introduce students to a comprehensive understanding of membrane technology with reference to the transport mechanisms through different types of membranes. The course will cover various topics such as transport through polymeric, inorganic and hybrid membranes; the influence of sorption, diffusion, adsorption, pore size and pore size distribution to the membrane separation. Separation in various systems at varying conditions. The importance of the materials chemical structure, the physical properties of the gases and liquids, interaction between gases/liquids and membrane material, and possible degradation. This course will enable students to understand the design of membrane-based separation/reaction processes by acquiring in-depth knowledge in the area of membrane separation mechanisms, transport models, membrane permeability computations, membrane types and modules, membrane reactors
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Classify separation processes and membrane technology
- Evaluate which membrane materials and morphologies are most suitable for a membrane separation/purification system
- Select the types of membrane separation processes which are suitable for various gas or liquid separations
- Explain the principles of how the membranes are prepared (ceramics, polymers, hybrids) and of the up-scaling of the membrane modules and processes
- Solve problems related to membrane reactors and/or the membrane-based separation/reaction plants
Comprehensive Exam (CHME800)
Passing the comprehensive exam is required to enter into PhD candidacy. The exam evaluates the research ability of potential PhD candidates.
Credit Hours : 0
Prospectus Exam (CHME810)
PhD student submits and defends a Research Proposal in front of a prospectus examination committee as stipulated in the COE prospectus examination guidelines.
Credit Hours : 0
Dissertation Doctoral Research (CHME900)
Open to students who have successfully completed the comprehensive exam. PhD student conducts original research under the direction of a supervisory committee. Credits are determined in consultation with the dissertation supervisor. Prerequisite: Student must pass
Credit Hours : 30
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explore novel ideas of engineering significance.
- Carry out rigorous and original experimental and/or theoretical work.
- Comprehend the merits, limitations, and possibilities for new developments of the topic under investigation.
- Apply sound research methodologies in addressing the topic under investigation.
- Draw appropriate conclusions; and write and successfully defend research thesis.
Dissertation Defense (CHME910)
Two part exam, open and close, to defend the results of PhD research work
Credit Hours : 0
- CHME810 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Assess primary literature and explain areas of active research in the chosen field
- Discuss research design, including results, recommendations, and conclusions
- Communicate research outcomes logically and persuasively both in writing and orally
- Evaluate the study results in line with the research design, including ethical and professional considerations
Graduate Seminar (CPSE600)
Research preparation
Credit Hours : 0
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Criticize Others’ Presentations Objectively.
- Demonstrate The Ability To Be A Good Listener
- Demonstrate The Ability To Be A Good Presenter
- Prepare An Effective Presentation (Seminar)
Fluid Phase Equilibria (CPSE610)
Review of energy and reversibility concepts; single-phase systems of pure materials and mixtures; equilibrium and stability of PVT systems; phase behavior of multicomponent, multiphase systems; applications using equations of state.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Determine Chemical Potential, Fugacity, Activity, Residual Properties And Excess Properties Of Real Mixtures.
- Present Results Orally And In Written Assay.
- Solve Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Problems Involving Real Mixtures.
- Use Equations Of State To Determine Properties Of Real Fluids (Pure And Mixtures).
Well Stimulation (CPSE624)
In-situ stress determinations, effects of stress and strain gradients, time-dependent effects, Griffith's theory, crack phenomena, fracture toughness of rocks, pore-elasticity concepts. Hydraulic proppant fracturing. Formation damage and modeling damage. Acid treatment of carbonates. Geochemistry of acid-rock interactions. Matrix acidizing of sandstone and carbonates. Sand Control.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Design Of An Acidizing And Sand Control Jobs.
- Designing And Interpreting Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments.
- Evaluate And Select An Appropriate Engineering Action To Near Well Bore Damage Accused By Drilling And Completion Operations.
- Selecting Appropriate Stimulation Method For Sandstone And Carbonate Oil Reservoirs.
- Understand Mechanical Properties Of Rocks, Fracture Models, Rheology Of The Fracture Fluid, Proppant, Etc. Required To Design A Fracturing Job.
Technical Project (CPSE695)
This course involves independent work on a design, simulation, modeling, development or experiments-related research project. All projects must be supervised by a faculty member and the student is responsible for finding his/her supervisor. Project topics may be faculty initiated, student initiated, or suggested by industrial contacts. The student is expected to submit a brief description of the work plan by the end of the second week of the semester and a comprehensive final report by the last week of lectures of the semester. The student is also required to give an oral presentation during that week.
Credit Hours : 3
Thesis Research (CPSE699)
A directed research study on a specialized topic under the supervision of faculty advisor(s). The research is carried out during two or more terms. A written report is submitted at the end of the study and defended in front of a panel.
Credit Hours : 9
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply advanced concepts of fundamental sciences and engineering to solve complex chemical and petroleum engineering problems.
- Conduct advanced research to develop innovative solutions for complex chemical and petroleum engineering problems through the use of selected research methodology and modern computing tools.
- Search, evaluate and acquire information and data from relevant chemical and petroleum engineering literature.
- Design advanced approaches to conduct chemical and petroleum engineering experiments.
- Use advanced quantitative and qualitative methods to interpret research experimental results.
- Disseminate and discuss their professional and scientific work to the general public, as well as to experts in both writing and oral formats.
- Observe and apply ethical and professional codes and responsibilities.
Introduction to Petroleum Engineering (PETE290)
This course introduces the general activities of the upstream sector of the petroleum industry including origin of petroleum, petroleum traps, exploration for oil and gas, drilling and completion practices, and production operations, corrosion, pollution, oil storage, transportation, refining, and marketing.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand the history of oil and gas origin, generation and migration, the concepts behind a range of exploration, drilling, production and refining techniques , the petroleum engineer`s roles and petroleum engineering terminology.
- Describe the early history of petroleum inducstry, the origins of major national oil companies, the technological challenges facing the industry in an increasingly environmentally coscious world.
Reservoir Rock & Fluid Properties (PETE305)
This course introduces fundamental properties of reservoir rocks and fluids (oil, natural gas, formation water). Rock properties include porosity, fluid saturation, rock compressibility, permeability, capillary pressure, and effective and relative permeability. Fluid properties include composition of hydrocarbons, phase behavior of hydrocarbon systems, types of reservoir fluids, properties of oil-phase, gas-phase, and water-phase at reservoir pressures and temperatures, gas-liquid equilibrium (flash and differential vaporization), and gas-liquid equilibrium calculations using K values.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply specific procedures as a group to carry out experiments that comply both safety and environmental regulations. [5, 6]
- Analyze the experimental data to obtain rock and fluid properties and submit reports using MS word. [3, 6, 2]
Drilling Engineering I (PETE308)
This course introduces basic drilling techniques and drilling fluid properties. Topics include components of rotary drilling rig: rig, power transmission, hoisting, rotary table, bottom hole assembly, drilling bits; prediction of formation pressure, fracture pressure, and casing setting depths; mud properties and mud weight calculations; drilling hydraulics and nozzle sizing; factors affecting rate of penetration; cementing operations; and lab measurements of mud properties.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Evaluate basic rig components and decide on their operating parameters.
- Evaluate drilling hydraulics and pressure losses in a well and decide on nozzle sizes for a bit.
- Predict formation pressure,, mud pressure,, and formation fracture pressure.
- Design laboratory experiments to measure drilling mud properties and generate lab reports.
Reservoir Rock & Fluid Properties lab (PETE315)
This course deals with the measurement of fundamental properties of reservoir rocks and fluids. Rock properties include porosity, irreducible water saturation, residual oil saturation, absolute permeability. Fluid properties include oil distillation, oil composition of one of oil fractions, oil density at room conditions and at high pressure and temperature conditions, oil viscosity at high pressure and temperature, surface and interfacial tensions, flash liberation process, estimation of bubble-point pressure at reservoir temperature, and oil-formation-volume factor and solution gas/oil ratio at pressures below the bubble-point pressure.
Credit Hours : 2
- PETE305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply specific procedures as a group to carry out experiments that comply both safety and environmental regulations.
- Analyze the experimental data to obtain rock and fluid properties and submit reports using MS word.
Reservoir Mechanics (PETE320)
This course deals with material balance (MB) techniques to estimate oil and gas reserves. Topics include generalized MB equations for oil and gas reservoirs, fluid drive mechanisms, selection of PVT data, water influx, analysis of production history data and performance prediction of oil and gas reservoirs.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE305 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare various hydrocarbon recovery mechanisms in oil and gas reservoirs combined with volumetric estimation to calculate recovery factors (A).
- Apply the concept of material balance in petroleum reservoirs by including the various hydrocarbon production mechanisms to derive the general material balance equation and driving indices and to solve engineering problems (A, E).
- Analyze reservoir pressure and production history for oil and gas reservoirs in order to determine reservoir parameters such as oil-in-place, gas-in place, size of gas cap, and type and strength of water aquifer (B, E, K).
- Predict reservoir performance of depletion-drive and water-drive gas reservoirs; and depletion-drive, gas cap-drive, and water-drive oil reservoirs (E, K).
Data Analysis in Petroleum Engineering (PETE362)
This course concentrates on the application of probability theory to analyze data in petroleum engineering processes. This includes data analysis of heterogeneous reservoir rock properties to estimate the most probable values of porosity, water saturation, permeability, and volumetric hydrocarbon reserves; use of permeability distribution as a descriptor of reservoir heterogeneity; probabilistic analysis of new hydrocarbon discoveries; and estimation of reservoir performance using probabilistic procedures and regression analysis.
Credit Hours : 1
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Familiar with the data and their sources normally engaged in drilling, production, reservoir engineering.
- Organize and evaluate these engineering data using statistical tools.
- Draw conclusions under uncertainty using statistical analysis methods.
- Design controlled experiments
- Apply statistical method in solving engineering problems.
Well Logging (PETE403)
This course covers analysis of various well measurements of reservoir properties. Topics include effect of the bore hole environment on logging operations interpretation of self potential, resistivity induction, neutron, sonic, density gamma ray, and dipmeter logs to determine hydrocarbon saturation, porosity, permeability, and facies. Also this course covers fundamental geophysical concepts including wellbore seismic and stratigraphic information from dipmeter.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE305 with a minimum grade D
- GEOL372 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand the principles and practices of wireline logs and their importance in formation and reservoir evaluation
- Identify the differences between various logging tools: advantages and limitations, read and comprehend different log responses
- Apply integrated log interpretation techniques in formation evaluation
- Identify petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks, differentiate between reservoir and non-reservoir rocks, and design optimum logging programs
Drilling Engineering ll (PETE407)
This course deals with additional topics in drilling engineering, namely design of directional and horizontal wells, survey analysis methods, tie point and collision, casing specifications and strengths, casing sizing, prediction of casing loads and resistances, and design of different casing strings.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE308 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Summarize the types and uses of directional wells, kick off methods, and bottom-hole-assemblies used to control bottom-hole angle [A, C].
- Analyze well survey data obtained during drilling a well utilizing manual and computer programs [1, 3]
- Design a directional well in vertical plane utilizing manual and computer programs [1, 2, 5]
- Design casing for vertical and directional wells using basic principles as well as available computer programs [C, E, F, K]
Natural Gas Engineering (PETE409)
This course covers reservoir and flow-line analysis and design for gas field development. Topics include material balance equation, gas condensate reservoirs, deliverability, pressure testing, separation, rate measurements, flow in pipes, and gas storage.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE320 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Determine the physical and thermal properties of natural gas, the role of phase behavior in reservoir classification and gas production. [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Specify the data needs and carry out basic reservoir performance estimation of dry, wet and retrograde gas reservoirs. [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Interpret gas well deliverability and pressure transient test data. [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Compute gas flow rate in pipes and flow measurements. 1,3,4,5,6
- Analyze gas volumes, material balance calculations and decline curve analysis for gas wells. [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Independent Studies (PETE410)
An independent investigation by each student of a certain problem in the core areas of Petroleum Engineering. The investigation may require theoretical, numerical, and/or experimental work. Grades are based on solving the assigned problem, giving oral presentation, and a written report. There are no formal lectures. The choice of problem requires arrangement with a faculty member and the approval of the department.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Choose the techniques, skills, and petroleum engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. (1, 2, 6)
- Demonstrate the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. (1, 3, 4, 5,)
- Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. (1, 3, 4, 5,)
- Ability to communicate effectively in writing and orally. (3)
- Explore into advanced literature and contemporary issues. (7)
Applied Reservoir Geology (PETE413)
Oil distribution in the world and in the United Arab Emirates; geology of reservoirs, which includes the formation of reservoir rocks, cap rocks, source rocks and the environments of deposition; petrophysical parameters of reservoir rocks, porosity and permeability; reservoir fluids: oil field waters, crude oil and natural gas; reservoir conditions: pressure, temperature and their effects on oil maturation, migration and accumulation; oil generation; oil migration; types of oil traps; and methods of exploration.
Credit Hours : 3
- GEOL100 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Gain knowledge on the role of depositional environment and textural parameters influencing reservoir rock [1];
- Develop an understanding of the effect of heat and pressure on oil migration and entrapment [1];
- Develop the ability to use formation water to identify the source of formation water [1, 6];
- Develop the ability to use RFT to define zonation of the reservoir [1, 6].
Well Performance (PETE419)
This course covers basic well performance calculations necessary for the design and analysis of naturally flowing and artificially lifted wells. Topics include Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR), Tubing Performance Relationship (TPR), Flowline Performance Relationship (FPR), Choke Performance Relationship (CPR), Gas-Lift, Electric Submersible Pumps (ESP), and production forecasting.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply surface production data to estimate PVT and physical properties of produced fluids.
- Evaluate the performance of individual components making up production systems (IPR, TPR, FPR, and CPR).
- Apply NODAL System Analysis and the resulting total system analysis to optimize simple and complex production systems.
- Design gas-lift installation and size ESPs.
Reservoir Simulation (PETE422)
This course covers fundamental concepts of reservoir simulation to model single-phase flow in petroleum reservoirs. Topics include reservoir engineering concepts, mathematical concepts, derivation of reservoir flow equations, finite difference equations and their solutions, and applications to predict reservoir performance.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE320 with a minimum grade D
- MATH140 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Define the steps involved in developing a reservoir simulator for single- as well as multi-phase-reservoirs (A).
- Outline the physics of flow for single-phase reservoir and rephrase it in terms of mathematical equations (A).
- Write and solve the algebraic flow equation for single-phase (oil, water, or gas) for all reservoir blocks (C, E).
- Build a computer model to represent a reservoir by preparing data for reservoir blocks, run the single-phase simulator, and interpret results of simulator. (B, E, K)
Safety & Environment Impact (PETE424)
This course introduces students to safety and environmental issues in petroleum operations. Topics include sources of pollutants and hazards, management of safety and loss prevention, safety programs and safety rules, and environmental protection, rules and regulations.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analysis of steady state, unsteady state, conservative and non-conservative environmental systems (1).
- Apply basic chemistry principles to different environmental problems (1).
- Apply Petroleum and Petrochemical industries safety standards and regulation (2, 5, and 6).
- Conduct qualitative and quantities risk assessment (1, 2, 4, 6, and 7).
Transport & Storage of Petroleum (PETE443)
This course deals with analysis and design of surface piping and storage facilities of crude oil and natural gas. Topics include fluid flow and pressure losses in pipes, pipeline design, selection and sizing of liquid pumps and gas compressors, corrosion in pipes, other transportation methods, and storage of petroleum and its products.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE419 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop the understanding of different types of flow, calculate fluid friction and apply Bernoulli Eq. to calculate pressure drop and pipe diameter
- Identify and apply the fundamental principle governing equations such as continuity and mechanical energy equation
- Design a piping compression and pumping system and understand the factor controlling the performance of pumps, gas compressor and efficiencies
- Design gas and oil storage tanks and gathering points
Internship I (PETE485)
Students spend 8 weeks on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills. This course aims at offering career exploration opportunities for students.
Credit Hours : 1
- STAT210 with a minimum grade D
- MATH130 with a minimum grade D
- MATH135 with a minimum grade D
- MATH140 with a minimum grade D
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS105 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS135 with a minimum grade D
- GENG215 with a minimum grade D
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
- GENG230 with a minimum grade D
- CHEM111 with a minimum grade D
- CHEM175 with a minimum grade D
- PETE290 with a minimum grade D
- CHME330 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and individually to achieve the planned tasks and goals.
- Develop communication skills through oral and written presentations.
- Evaluate different engineering situations and judgments based on ethical codes and professional responsibilities.
Internship II (PETE490)
Students spend 8 weeks on a full-time basis in an engineering or consulting office in the UAE or abroad to earn practical skills. This course aims at offering career exploration opportunities for students as well as opportunities to correlate their academic preparation to the reality of conducting professional practice, to interact effectively with others in practice, to develop professional skills and communicate effectively in the workplace and to gain true practical experience that is necessary for their future practice as engineers in their respective discipline after graduation.
Credit Hours : 1
- Pre/Co PETE485 with a minimum grade P
- PHYS110 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS140 with a minimum grade D
- PETE308 with a minimum grade D
- PETE320 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams and individually to achieve the planed tasks and goals.
- Develop communication skills through oral and written presentations.
- Evaluate different engineering situations and judgments based on ethical codes and professional responsibilities.
- Propose ideas/solutions for real-life problems based on the learned knowledge.
Well Testing (PETE507)
This course covers reservoir characterization by pressure test analysis. Topics include fluid flow equations in porous media under transient and pseudo-steady state flow conditions, pressure buildup and pressure drawdown tests, average reservoir pressure, type curve matching, well testing of heterogeneous reservoirs, pressure derivatives analysis technique, multiple well testing, and test design and instrumentation
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the CTR and other approximate solutions of the diffusivity equation to solve well testing problems.
- Identify test objectives and understand the role of well test analysis in reservoir planning and management.
- Use straight line, type-curve matching, and pressure derivative techniques to analyze pressure transient tests’ data.
- Design well tests to meet test objectives.
Petroleum Production Operations (PETE512)
Well completions, perforations, Chemical and mechanical properties of reservoir rocks/fluids and treatment fluids, formation damage sources, detection, and modeling. Hydraulic fracturing, and fracturing fluids. Acid/rock interactions and acid treatment of oil reservoirs. Sand control methods. Evaluation of various skin factors.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE419 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Evaluate and design well completions including optimum perforating.
- Assess formation damage and other wellbore restrictions and recommend appropriate solutions.
- Evaluate and assess well problems with production logs and make decisions to rectify the situation.
- Design matrix acidizing treatments and hydraulic fracturing treatments.
Secondary Recovery Methods (PETE519)
This course covers analysis and design of the secondary (water and gas injection) recovery technique to recover oil. Topics include flood patterns, mobility ratio, sweep efficiency, displacement mechanisms, injection rates and pressures, reservoir heterogeneity, performance prediction, and sources and treatment of water for water flooding.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE320 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply the petrophysical principles governing both static and dynamic of fluid -rock interactions (1).
- Apply the physics of multiphase fluid flow in oil reservoirs (1).
- Predictive the performance of water flooding using CGM model (1, 2).
- Design water flooding project for homogeneous and heterogeneous oil reservoirs (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7).
Fluid Flow in Porous Media Lab (PETE520)
This course deals with the design aspects of oil displacement by another fluid in rock samples. It builds on the experiences of students obtained in lab measurements of individual reservoir rock and fluid properties in PETE 315 to create an integrated lab measurement of all properties needed to analyze oil displacement by a displacing fluid. The displacing fluid can be chosen to study the relative permeability, capillary pressures, and displacement efficiency of water flooding, gas flooding, or any enhanced oil recovery fluids (acidic water, microbial water, polymer solution, or steam) using cores, fractured cores (sand packs and glass beads may be considered as alternatives) in one-dimensional geometry or packed layers in two-dimensional geometry.
Credit Hours : 1
- PETE315 with a minimum grade D
- PETE519 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply specific procedures as a group to carry out experiments that comply both safety and environmental regulations.
- Analyze the experimental data to obtain rock and fluid properties that affecting fluid flow through porous media and submit reports using MS word.
Separation & Treatment Petrol Fluid (PETE526)
This course deals with design of separation and treatment facilities for crude oil. Topics covered include phase behavior of water-hydrocarbon systems, flash calculations, 2 and 3- phase oil and gas separators sizing and design, oil-water emulsions and heater-treater design, treatment of oil field waters, and oil skimmers selection and design.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the basic component of the separator. (1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
- Design two-phase and three-phase separators. (1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
- Design waste water treatment process. (1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
- Design oil and emulsion treater. (1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
Petroleum Property Evaluation (PETE542)
This course deals with economic evaluation of exploration and producing properties. It combines reservoir-engineering techniques such as reserve calculations and decline curve analysis with rate of return calculations for assured and risky ventures to project economic values for petroleum properties.
Credit Hours : 3
- GENG315 with a minimum grade D
- PETE419 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare the definition of reserves, reserves estimation, material balance analysis, decline curve analysis. [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Demonstrate of cash-flow for petroleum properties: income, expenditures, taxes, and tax allowances: depreciation, depletion. [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Outline the basis for evaluating economic projects and different techniques for measuring return on investments. [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Explain the time value of money, the concepts of economic interest, interest relations, and nominal/effective interest. [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Illustrate the economic indicators: NPV, ROR, MCO, TCS, cash-flow, profit-to-investment ratio and payout time. [1, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- Apply of statistical analysis and the applications of probability distributions and decision-making analysis. [1, 3, 4]
Applied Reservoir Simulation (PETE547)
This course covers advanced topics in reservoir simulation. These include reservoir fluid flow equations in multiphase, multidimensional flow, up-scaling of rock properties, pseudo functions, vertical equilibrium, analysis of data for for consistency, history matching, and applications to field cases.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE422 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Define achievable objectives and available sources of data, company resources, and time constraint for the simulation study (A, D, G).
- Analyze data quality and scale for reservoir, fluid, and reservoir-fluid from various sources for consistency; and production data needed for constructing simulation model (B, C, E, K).
- Conduct history matching consistent with the objective of history matching using the simulation model created by dividing the reservoir into blocks and assigning block properties (B, D, E, K).
- Design prediction runs that maximize oil recovery and achieve the objective of the simulation study (B, C, D, E, G, K).
Enhanced Oil Recovery (PETE557)
This course covers chemical and thermal methods of EOR. Specific topics include interfacial tension, entrapment and mobilization of oil in porous media, residual oil, miscibility, adsorption at solid/liquid interfaces, surfactants and micro-emulsions, miscible gas flooding, polymer flooding, thermal methods, and effect of reservoir heterogeneity.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE519 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the mechanism of different EOR processes (1).
- Identify causes of failures and successes of EOR processes (1, 2, 6).
- Design of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Technologies (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7).
Special Topics in Petroleum Engineering (PETE570)
This course may cover any area of petroleum engineering that is not covered by other courses of the program. A topic, approved by the Department, is selected for an in-depth study in the form of a semester course.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand the basis of reservoir simulation Eclipse 100 Software (6, 4,7).
- Describe a simulation model, what analytical models and numerical models are and what specifically a reservoir simulation model is (6, 4,7).
- Learn the difference between a simple or complex reservoir model that required to model reservoir processes (6, 4,7).
- Illustrate the meaning of e.g. history matching, black oil model, transmissibility, pseudo relative permeability etc. (6, 4,7).
- Develop the ability to Use modern tools of word processing, graphics, presentation and other computational tools of reservoir engineering, Exercise sound engineering judgment and provide physical arguments in support of his/her conclusions and results. (6, 4,7).
- Communicate effectively in writing and orally (1,2, 3, 6, 4,7).
Design and Critical Thinking in Petroleum Engineering (PETE585)
This course concentrates on the rigors of communication, design, and critical thinking in an engineering context including problem identification, feasibility study of alternative solutions, preliminary design, technical writing, teamwork, and formal presentations. A team of students will apply the knowledge gained throughout their study and from industrial training to an engineering design project, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and originality. The selected alternatives will be the foundation of the capstone design project. A final report is required.
Credit Hours : 3
- PHYS110 with a minimum grade D
- PHYS140 with a minimum grade D
- MATH275 with a minimum grade D
- MATH140 with a minimum grade D
- GENG215 with a minimum grade D
- GENG220 with a minimum grade D
- GENG230 with a minimum grade D
- GENG315 with a minimum grade D
- STAT210 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the relevant theoretical background of a contemporary engineering problem. [PLO1]
- Apply the fundamentals of engineering-design and critical thinking, including the assessment and evaluation of alternative engineering solutions. [PLO2]
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, modeling, simulation, and/or data analysis using engineering tools. [PLO6]
- Communicate effectively through oral and written presentations. [PLO3]
- Outline the principles of engineering ethics, and social and environmental responsibilities. [PLO4]
- Recognize the need for ongoing additional knowledge, and the potential of integration and/or application of this knowledge effectively. [PLO7]
- Develop leadership skills and project management techniques to independently and/or collaboratively handle complex professional tasks in a team-work context. [PLO5]
Capstone Engineering Design Project (PETE590)
This course builds on the outcomes of PETE 585 course to perform detailed design and cost estimate of the selected alternative solutions to a well-defined engineering problem. Student teams are expected to apply knowledge gained throughout their studies to an engineering design project, emphasizing creativity and originality. A final report is required.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE585 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the theoretical background of a contemporary engineering problem. [PLO1]
- Apply the fundamentals of engineering-design, including the assessment and evaluation of alternative engineering solutions. [PLO2]
- Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, modelling, simulation, and/or data analysis using modern engineering tools. [PLO6]
- Communicate effectively through oral and written presentations. [PLO3]
- Recognize the principles of engineering ethics, and social and environmental responsibilities. [PLO4]
- Recognize the need for ongoing additional knowledge, and the potential of integration and/or application of this knowledge effectively. [PLO7]
- Develop leadership skills and project management techniques to independently and/or collaboratively handle complex professional tasks in a team-work context. [PLO5]
Advanced Drilling Engineering (PETE608)
This course covers advanced drilling topics which is essential in drilling technology environment. These topics were carefully selected to add to the skill of advanced drilling engineer. It is an introduction to advanced drilling topics such as High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) drilling, modern drilling technologies, special well design, advanced wellbore stability analysis, pore pressure and fracture gradient estimation strategies before and during drilling are highly critical topics for anyone involved in the drilling process, problems and their solutions.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Classify key aspects of drilling operations, drill rig types and fundamental differences between onshore and offshore drilling (PLO1).
- Explain the process of mud preparation, circulation and cleaning, including understanding of mud types, mud chemistry and properties and the calculation of required pump rate and power (PLO1).
- Describe the purpose of downhole equipment used in drilling, including calculation of hole, pipe and annulus volumes (PLO1, 2).
- Analysis of critical safety parameters associated with drilling, such as safe drilling window, pore pressure, fracture pressure and collapse pressure (PLO1, 2, 3, 6).
- Summarize the hydraulics of mud flow through the borehole including calculation and application of hydraulics through the string, across the drill bit and up the annulus (PLO1, 7).
- Explain the process and importance of cementing and casing (PLO1).
- Utilize knowledge of key safety features in well control procedures (PLO1, 4).
- Describe processes associated with directional drilling and its uses in exploration and production (PLO1, 4, 6).
Advanced Natural Gas Engineering (PETE612)
Reserve estimates for gas and gas-condensate reservoirs; gas well performance; gas-well testing, gas flow in transmission lines; gas storage fields; liquefied natural gas.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply Modified Material Balance Equation To Treat Unconventional Sources Of Natural Gas.
- Design And Interpret Gas Well Deliverability Tests.
- Determine The Physical Properties Of Natural Gas Mixtures Adjusted For Contaminants.
- Perform Gas Flow Calculations In Reservoirs And Piping Systems Using Advanced Models .
- Specify The Data Needs And Carry Out Basic Reservoir Performance Calculations Of Dry, Wet And Retrograde Gas Reservoirs With And Without Water Influx.
- Understand The Role Of Phase Behavior In Reservoir Classification, Gas Production And Separation.
- Write Relevant Articles And Make A Presentation.
Advanced Reservoir Engineering (PETE615)
This course covers advanced topics in reservoir flow and the use of its initial production data for optimum development and management leading to a forecast of its future production capacity. Topics include fluid and petrophysical properties and measurements; horizontal, radial, and vertical flow, multiphase flow, heterogeneous, multilayered, and inclined reservoirs; up-scaling and averaging properties; diffusivity equation and solutions, aquifer influx reserve estimation; reserve estimates from decline curve analysis; productivity index for vertical, horizontal and multilateral wells, gas and water coning, production forecasting; field development alternatives: infill drilling, secondary recovery using water and gas injection patterns, drainage volumes for various schemes, streamlines, tracer methods; introduction to enhanced oil recovery.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Acquainted With The Laboratory Experiments For Routine Pvt Analysis On An Initially Undersaturated Oil And Able To Modify The Results Of The Differential Vaporization To Cater For The Effect Of Separation Conditions Before Use In All Reservoir Studies.
- Correct Laboratory Pvt Results To Match Field Observations After The Appraisal Stage And Start Of Continuous Production And To Make The Necessary Pvt Adjustments Of Volatile Oil Systems For Use In Black Oil Material Balance Equation.
- Design The Various Aspects Of Engineered Water-Drive In One And Two Dimensions, Capacities For Various Scenarios Of Water Injection Schemes And Water Cut Development, Calculations Of Water Injection Requirements And Corresponding Oil Recoveries.
- Prepare Complete Spread Sheet Calculations For The Various Applications Of Material Balance Equation Including Pore Compaction Drive And To Handle Volatile Oil Systems.
Advanced Petroleum Production Engineering (PETE619)
In this course the function of the production engineering is envisioned in the context of well design, multi-stage separation, and recent advances in hydraulic fracturing. Advanced study of production operations, artificial lift methods, well problems and optimization well deliverability from vertical, horizontal and multilateral wells; multiphase flow modeling in wellbores and pipes.
Credit Hours : 3
- PETE419 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify two-phase-flow phenomena.
- Design two-phase flow systems or conducting research in this area.
- Apply mechanistic models to predict multi-phase flow in pipes.
- Analyze deliverability of vertical, horizontal, and multilateral well trajectory.
- Design multi-stage separation.
- Create unified fracture design approach.
- Prepare specialized working spread sheet to achieve specific tasks and present their research-oriented tasks.
Non-Thermal EOR Methods (PETE621)
New principles of recovery of oil and gas fields including use of polymer, gas-miscible, surfactant, and microbial processes with emphasis on the miscible flooding process. Phase behavior, first contact miscibility, multiple contact miscibility processes, predictive models and economic analysis, selection of candidate reservoirs; design and performance prediction of improved recovery floods.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Characterize The Reservoir, Identify The Appropriate Non-Thermal Eor Process, Determine Engineering Design Parameters, Conduct Pilot Or Field Tests As Needed And Finish With A Plan To Manage The Project.
- Communicate Effectively In Writing And Orally.
- Explore Into Advanced Literature And Contemporary Issues.
- Identify And Understand The Fundamentals And Theory Of Non-Thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods Such As; Polymer Flooding, Surfactant Flooding And Miscible Gas Flooding….Etc. And Application Of Fractional Flow Theory; Strategies And Displacement Performance Calculations.
- Used Industrial-Standers Software Packages.
- Work In Teams.
Selected Topics in Petroleum Engineering (PETE625)
Different selected topics in petroleum engineering selected to complement the student's program and approved by the Program Committee.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Individual Or Group Studies Of Advanced Topics At The Msc. Level. Selected Study Is Performed By Appointment With The Faculty.
Advanced formation evaluation (PETE626)
This course provides the student with a working knowledge of the current methodologies used in Geological description/analysis, Formation evaluation (the analysis/interpretation of well log data), and the analysis of well performance data (the design/analysis/interpretation of well test and production data).
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify components of a petroleum system, the organic sources of hydrocarbons processes of thermal maturation, primary and secondary migration, and hydrocarbon trapping; and types of self-sourcing reservoirs.
- Explain the origin of structural features and stratigraphic traps, including folds, fractures, and traps; describe unconformities, the methods and tools used for structural evaluations and modeling.
- Describe porosity-permeability relations in clastic and carbonate reservoirs; give examples of scalar effects on permeability determination, Logging operation surface, downhole equipment, Logging operation procedure, principles of operation and interpretation of the following logs: Density Spontaneous Potential, Sonic, Neutron, Gamma Ray and resistivity with the determination of saturation.
- Establish the capability to integrate, analyze, and interpret well test and production data to characterize a reservoir in terms of reservoir properties and performance potential (field study project), methodologies for pressure drawdown and pressure buildup tests — for liquid, gas, and multiphase flow systems (i.e., "conventional" plots and type curve analysis. Production data analysis (rate-time or pressure-rate-time data) to obtain reservoir volume and estimates of reservoir properties for gas and liquid reservoir systems.
Advanced Reservoir Simulation (PETE627)
This course provides advance numerical simulation of multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media, with emphasis on advanced techniques based on numerical methods to develop flow equations, finite difference approximations their solution and applications to predict reservoir performance. Formulate discretization of partial differential equations combined with state-of-the-art linear and nonlinear solvers and well modeling and enhance students ability for self-learning through solving practical problems using a compositional oil reservoir simulator
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop an in-depth understanding of current approaches to building models of flow in porous media and their numerical simulation (PLO1).
- Describe the various difference methods which are used to solve the transport equations applied in reservoir simulation (PLO1, 2).
- Recognize the limitations of traditional petroleum engineering numerical methods, their advantages and understand the methodology used to solve engineering problems using reservoir simulation (PLO1).
- Describe the different linear equation solvers solution methods used in reservoir simulators (PLO1, 3, 7).
- Argue for the consequence for stability and dispersion when applying reservoir simulation software (PLO1, 2, 4).
- Acquire hands on experience with the industry-standard software package (Eclipse) (PLO1).
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