Chinese 1 for Beginners (CHIN101)
The course is tailored for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of Chinese. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, and cultural and general features of the regions where the language is spoken. Additionally, the course will cover all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This includes an overview of the language's sound system (e.g., pronunciation), basic grammar structures, writing systems (e.g., characters), and short passages or dialogues covering various topics related to daily life. By the end of the course, students should be able to begin understanding and utilizing foundational Chinese language skills in culturally appropriate ways relevant to daily life.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize basic vocabulary and simple grammatical structures of Chinese effectively in appropriate and varied contexts.
- Recognize key information in basic written and/or spoken Chinese.
- Produce basic written and/or spoken Chinese.
- Identify principle cultural features of the Chinese-speaking world.
Chinese 2 for Beginners (CHIN102)
The course, designed as a continuation of CHIN101, caters to students with basic knowledge of Chinese. Building upon foundational skills, students delve deeper into language nuances and cultural understanding. Through interactive exercises, they refine listening and speaking abilities, recognizing key information in oral interactions and producing messages on everyday topics with newly acquired vocabulary and grammar. Likewise, they enhance reading comprehension skills, identifying essential information in written Chinese texts, and composing sentences relevant to daily life. The course also explores social phenomena specific to Chinese-speaking regions, enriching students' cultural knowledge. By the end, students gain proficiency in utilizing Chinese language skills and cultural insights effectively in everyday contexts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize vocabulary and grammatical structures of Chinese effectively in appropriate and varied contexts.
- Recognize key information in written and/or spoken Chinese.
- Produce written and/or spoken Chinese.
- Analyze social phenomena related to the regions of the Chinese-speaking world.
Intermediate Chinese (CHIN201)
This course is designed to improve student’s communicative ability as well as grammatical accuracy by adding more complex, literary grammatical structures, as well as the discussion of contemporary cultural and political themes. Understanding of 600 characters and mastery of 300 common Chinese characters are the specific objective of the course.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHIN102 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use more complex grammatical structures and sentence patterns to communicate on familiar topics through interaction and description.
- Demonstrate writing skills that provide succinct information.
- Extract pertinent information from short passages of reading materials.
- Explain Chinese social etiquette and customs relevant to social structure and interpersonal relationship.
Business Chinese (CHIN302)
This course is designed for students with certain background in Chinese language and who are interested in doing business in or with China. It is a language course which aims to enhance students’ language skills under the context of business communication and promote their understanding of Chinese business environment and culture. This course will cover 12 units of business situation modules to describe the entire process and each phase of business activities. Each unit is divided into six sections, namely Cultural tip, Words and Expressions, Practice makes perfect, Dialogues, Practice activities and Practical Chinese.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize business etiquette in Chinese society.
- Demonstrate conversational speaking skills in Chinese in business settings.
- Interpret fundamental business documents (e.g. bank accounts, product description, business contract).
- Demonstrate fundamental business writing skills.
- Perform business activities in Chinese with confidence.
Chinese Culture & Language (CHIN310)
This course is an intensive introduction course for students who wish to build a solid foundation for the study of Chinese language and culture. It aims to develop students’ appreciation and awareness of Chinese culture through 12 themed topics from a historical perspective. It will engage students in the exploration of various aspects of Chinese cultures, such as Chinese literature, Chinese festival, etc. through different instructional materials such as textbooks, ppt slides, sound and video clips, films, excerpted written texts…. This course will be taught exclusively in English for better understanding of Chinese culture and customs.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHIN201 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Distinguish aspects of Chinese culture such as the Chinese cuisine, costumes, literature, art, science, and ideology.
- Identify core Chinese cultural values and interpersonal relationship in Chinese culture.
- Compare Chinese culture with the UAE culture to enhance cross-cultural communication skills.
- Demonstrate understanding of main elements in Chinese history and society.
Advanced Chinese (CHIN315)
This course is designed for non-native Mandarin speakers who have attained a fairly good mastery of basic Mandarin Chinese. It sharpens students’ speech making, reading and writing skills through advanced Chinese readings on culture, civilization and society, with an emphasis on vocabulary, grammar and syntax. It also enhances students’ cultural knowledge and awareness through a variety of carefully designed practices and activities. This course is taught predominantly in Chinese. Credit Hours: 3.000
Credit Hours : 3
- CHIN201 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate fluent speaking skills with native Chinese in various social situations.
- Interpret long passages on aspects of Chinese daily life.
- Describe in writing various activities using standard format.
- Use Chinese as a media language in different contexts.
Advanced Chinese Language and Culture (CHIN402)
This course is designed for students who would like to pursue further study of Chinese Language and Culture after finishing the core courses of CHIN 101 to CHIN 202. The guiding principle for designing this course is to help students understand the breadth of Chinese culture and its importance to human civilization. It covers 12 topics with Chinese language and culture through short passages or dialogues related to Chinese daily lives, which are arranged from elementary to advanced hierarchy. In each of the lessons, it’s divided into knowledge section including characters, words and phrases, key sentences and activities, and culture window, in which the history or other background knowledge, idioms and proverbs are included. This course is taught predominantly in Chinese.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHIN310 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate appreciation of deep-rooted Chinese philosophy and values and their contribution to the world culture.
- Summarize the general developments and achievements in economy, science and education in China.
- Construct the commonalities and differences between Chinese culture and the UAE culture.
- Apply students’ knowledge of the Chinse culture in verbal and written communications in various contexts.
Chinese Reading & Writing (CHIN420)
The course is a continuation of the course CHIN 201. It is designed to enhance the four basic skills acquired in the previous course. Students will be able to use complex grammatical structures and sentence patterns to communicate on most familiar topics through interaction and description. They can compose brief passages to express themselves clearly and their Chinese cultural knowledge are enhanced through more reading. Understanding of 800 characters and mastery of 400 common Chinese characters are the specific objective of the course.
Credit Hours : 3
- CHIN201 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate the ability to comprehend simple dialogues and stories.
- Express personal opinions and needs through conversations.
- State personal information in writing.
- Demonstrate understanding of Chinese history and major cultural elements.
- Use complex grammatical structures and sentence patterns to communicate on familiar topics.
Research Methods and Ethics (CHSS700)
A practical and comparative overview of old and new research methods, with special attention to individual case studies and resources in the humanities and social sciences. Issues of field expertise, interdisciplinary, collaboration, qualitative/quantitative paradigms and data generation and use, as well as archival, laboratory and community work are considered along with questions of epistemology, ethics, open science and reproducibility.
Credit Hours : 2
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Classify research methods into old and new ones.
- Build individual case studies using resources in the humanities and social sciences.
- Apply qualitative/quantitative paradigms and data generation and analysis
- Elaborate a project on a subject of their choice.
- Demonstrate awareness of ethical issues in their field
Critical Reading and Writing (CHSS702)
This course focuses on the critical thinking, reading and writing needed to evaluate, write and discuss texts/papers and research proposals at postgraduate level. Students develop their ability to recognize and discuss ideas by relating generalization to supporting ideas and identifying the patterns into which ideas are structured.
Credit Hours : 2
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand the importance of reading as part of a creative writer’s development.
- Demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills with a range of literary, media and texts.
- Recognize how critical reading supplies writers with inspiration and ideas
- Understand through writing practice one or more of the genres of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry and scientific writing.
- Apply postgraduate modes of reading and writing practice
Digital Applications in Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS703)
This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of technological concepts and essential skills necessary for work and communication in today's society. Students will explore the latest digital technologies and their effects on social institutions as well as daily social life & culture developments. Students will also be engaged with a variety of digital humanitites tools and & develop & evaluate a digital humanities project that include different societal aspects.
Credit Hours : 2
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the emerging technologies used in the humanities and social sciences.
- Recognize the merits and shortcomings of different technological approaches.
- Apply a newly learned technology to a theoretical issue.
- Present a project involving the use of technology as a means to settle theoretical debates.
Practical Introduction to Theatre TA (DRA260)
Drawing first from the classic repertoire and then exploring the modern theatre, students will read a selection of works that will first expose them to the ways in which writers have envisioned their plays and the societal contexts from which these plays emerged. The next challenge will be to research how these plays were directed and the responses garnered by either reviews or by critical analysis. This approach will be complimented by the staging of certain scenes from the selected plays in order to give students a practical experience as to how the text is transformed from literature to performance.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Aanalyze plays from different periods and cultures critically
- Situate classics within a history of drama
- Perform the range of jobs necessary to produce a play
- Interpret and produce a short play
- Manage a live performance event
Approaches to Drama TA (DRA265)
This course will explore both the theoretical and practical component aspects of questions such as What are the seminal dramatic texts of the 20th century? What are the social, political, topical and cultural issues that have been expressed through the dramatic medium? What is the connection between the text and the execution of the dramatic material and how does a play provide the bridge between a society and its analysis of itself?. Drawing first from the classic repertoire and then exploring the modern theatre, students will read a selection of works that will first expose them to the ways in which writers have envisioned their plays and the societal contexts from which these plays emerged.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze plays from different periods and cultures critically
- Situate classics within a history of drama
- Perform the range of jobs necessary to produce a play
- Interpret and produce a short play
- Manage a live performance event
Fundamentals of Stage Prod TA (DRA360)
This course takes place in the first semester of the fourth year and covers preparation for production from script selection and writing to the technical aspects of production progressing towards performance. It is primarily the preparatory course for the practicum and will include the roles involved in stage production, the writing of scripts as educational material, full-scale production or traveling theatre for schools. There will be visits to theatres to see theatre in action if it can be arranged.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Perform the range of jobs necessary to produce a play
- Interpret and produce a short play
- Manage a live performance event
Drama in Education TA (DRA365)
This course will examine the fundamentals of both theatre-in-education (TIE) and drama-in-education (DIE). Students will explore how social, topical, political and cultural issues, be they historical or contemporary, can be illuminated and made three-dimensional though the use of recreation, mimesis, role-playing and drama.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Write a short play addressing social and educational topics
- Write a short play using a variety of formats
- Manage a live performance event
- Use drama in the classroom as a teaching tool
Playwriting & Performance in Arabic (DRA370)
This course will use the work of contemporary Arab playwrights, in translation, to illustrate the playwriting process. There will a strong emphasis on interpretation through dramatic reading and performance. Visits to Sharjah Theatre Festival and/or other performance venues will be arranged.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Situate classics within a history of drama
- Write a short play addressing social and educational topics
- Perform the range of jobs necessary to produce a play
- Interpret and produce a short play
- Manage a live performance event
Practicum Drama TA (DRA460)
This the culmination of the sequence of courses and involves the real-life outcomes in terms of planning, production, performance and self-evaluation, reflecting the gamut of skills and knowledge acquired by the student throughout the Drama Track. Specifically it builds on Fundamentals of Stage Production.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Perform the range of jobs necessary to produce a play
- Interpret and produce a short play
- Manage a live performance event
- Use drama in the classroom as a teaching tool
Dissertation Defense (ELIT910)
Student defends his/her research dissertation in the form of an oral presentation in a public session, followed by a closed session, before a Dissertation Examination Committee, which includes internal and external examiners. The outcome of the overall evaluation of the dissertation is based on two main parts: (1) the Committee’s evaluation of the dissertation document and (2) the Committee’s evaluation of the dissertation defense. The final result shall be one of the following: (1) Approve dissertation as presented, (2) Approved with minor revisions, (3) Re-examine after making major revisions, or (4) Rejection of dissertation and dismissal. The Dissertation Defense course is non-credit rated, while a Pass or Fail result for each attempt will be recorded on the student’s academic transcript.
Credit Hours : 0
English Bridging Course (ENG150)
Targeting B1-B1+ learners, this course aims to improve provisionally enrolled students’ academic English skills so they can succeed in university-level, English-medium courses. A scaffolded approach that includes intensive practice in mastering writing fundamentals as well as extended writing, deciphering academic readings, comprehending lectures while note-taking, and strengthening vocabulary will be employed, both in classrooms through self-study exercises designed to reinforce and enhance the CLOs and MLOs.
Credit Hours : 0
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Process key ideas in academic lectures.
- Engage with key ideas in academic texts.
- Express themselves with coherence and cohesion in written communication.
College Reading and Writing (ENG210)
This course offers an intensive introduction to university-level reading and writing while also including verbal presentation and practice. It emphasizes comprehension (reading and listening for understanding), classification (identifying elements, strategies, and disciplines), and articulation (speaking and writing to communicate knowledge). Assessments will include quizzes, in-class writing, short essays, and presentations.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate comprehension and use of an introductory academic vocabulary
- Identify common, basic rhetorical devices
- Demonstrate, orally and in writing, comprehension of main ideas and supporting details of introductory level college reading materials
- Write brief but accurate summaries and analyses
English Grammar & Usage (ENG250)
This course is designed to activate the beginning student's passive language base and make him/her more conscious of the basic formal workings of grammar in English. Emphasis is on grammar use in oral and written communication.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Written And Oral Communication At An Intermediate Level
- Choose A Variety Of Language Learning/Maintenance Resources
- Create Accurate And Fluent Communication At An Intermediate Level
- Identify The Common Structures And Conventions Of English Grammar And Syntax
Critical Reading in the Disciplines (ENG300)
This course focuses on enhancing listening and speaking skills for academic purposes. Through the use of recorded lectures from a variety of academic disciplines, the course provides instruction and practice in accurate and concise note taking and in the recognition of key components to an academic lecture. Students also receive instruction and practice in formal oral presentation skills which incorporate the use of visual media.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate comprehension and use of an extended academic vocabulary
- Demonstrate comprehension, often through summarization, of edited/extracted scholarly articles and arguments
- Identify key rhetorical elements of edited/extracted scholarly articles
- Recognize tone, bias, audience and intent in edited/extracted scholarly articles and arguments
Writing for Research (ENG310)
This course gives students a solid background in the writing process by focusing on the conventions of academic discourse and genre. It covers the rhetorical principles used to produce clear, well-reasoned argument and the academic conventions of style, cohesion and mechanical correctness. Assignments are based on readings in and discussions of literature, language and society.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze a given argument
- Choose a variety of sources to collect credible information regarding a topic
- Use research to solve problems and/or answer questions
- Write a properly documented research paper of at least 2000 words
Cultural Literacy: English in the World (ENG312)
This course builds on the concerns of Writing 1 with increasingly sophisticated readings and assignments. It focuses on the critical evaluation of rhetorical principles used in persuasive papers, recognition and evaluation of arguments, effective conventions of style, cohesion, coherence, citation and mechanical correctness. Assignments are based on discussions of authentic sources in literature, language and society.
Credit Hours : 3
- ENG310 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze texts for cultural phenomena
- Evaluate texts in terms of cultural concepts
- Use research to compare & contrast cultural phenomenon diachronically
- Write an analytical research paper of at least 1500 words
Public Speaking and Debate (ENG450)
This course builds on the concerns of Writing 1 with increasingly sophisticated readings and assignments. It focuses on the critical evaluation of rhetorical principles used in persuasive papers, recognition and evaluation of arguments, effective conventions of style, cohesion, coherence, citation and mechanical correctness. Assignments are based on discussions of authentic sources in literature, language and society.
Credit Hours : 3
- ENG300 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Create audience appropriate multimedia presentations on a variety of topics
- Demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively and individually to learn and exhibit knowledge about a topic of group/individual concern
- Comprehend presentations, speeches, addresses, etc. designed for an educated audience
- Demonstrate oral/aural proficiency in discussion, presentation, and informal debate
Practicum: Writing for the Workplace (ENG454)
This course focuses on developing, organizing, writing and editing materials appropriate for professional and/or advanced academic use. You will learn and practice elements of effective writing for professional purposes, and be able to demonstrate the ability to a) write critically for purposes unique to your career objectives and b) present that material in context-appropriate ways, either for presentation or circulation. This course is designed for students with clear career goals and expectations to enter professional life within the year.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Complete, with accuracy, workplace related applications, surveys, questionnaires, etc.
- Create documents (resumes, CVs, cover letters, etc.) which address workplace/job application objectives
- Write accurately and persuasively to achieve entry-level career objectives
- Demonstrate proofreading and editing abilities consistent with workplace standards
Integrated Capstone (ENG489)
This course provides students with core knowledge, attitudes and skills to help them succeed in their lives and careers and to enhance their capacity for teamwork, leadership and innovation that will help them to successfully guide the economic, social and cultural development of the UAE.
Credit Hours : 3
- LIT300 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Conceive and formulate a research question and a thesis statement
- Identify, access and digest relevant electronic, printed and oral sources
- Develop an argument in the form of a well-written academic paper featuring properly formatted references to a variety of source material.
- Present and defend research results orally in front of an audience of peers.
Storytelling in the World (ENGL601)
This course analyzes key texts in diverse literary traditions and reviews advanced terminology for literary text analysis. The critical reading of and writing about novels, poems, plays, and films situates them in their cultural and historical contexts, as it also highlights the enduring human values, which unite different literary traditions. Analyses apply a framework of comparative and interdisciplinary scholarship.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Appraise advanced terminology in critical analysis.
- Evaluate key literary texts in their proper cultural and historical context
- Create discipline-specific lesson plans
- Distinguish different principles of storytelling
Advanced Methods of Research in English Studies (ENGL602)
This course introduces comparative literature as a discipline that provides diverse approaches to different kinds of texts, including film and digital expression. Students will understand the importance of intertextuality, the changing popularity of certain genres, relations between literature and the visual arts, themes and motifs across linguistic and cultural boundaries. They will further examine the development of literary theories at different points in time.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Evaluate existing scholarship on a topic in English Studies
- Compose a research paper that synthesizes scholarly critical sources
- Assess literary works according to various critical theories
- Formulate arguments about literary works orally in both formal and informal contexts
Literature and the Performing Arts (ENGL605)
This course considers theater and film among visual forms of storytelling. Students learn about histories of drama and film production in selected traditions. They also create their own scripts for performance on stage and/or screen.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze a variety of plays and films in their historical contexts
- Create short scripts for performance
- Assess skills and technologies required for drama and film production
Modern Literary Theory (ENGL606)
This course involves in-depth study of theoretical and critical texts reflecting a variety of twentieth-century approaches to literature. Selected theoretical texts range from formalist, structuralist, reader-response and sociological approaches to gender-based and postcolonial criticism. Other aspects such as genre theory and theme-related analyses constitute special seminars throughout the term.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain different critical approaches to text analysis
- Assess specific literary theories in relation to key texts
- Develop original critical analyses of literature, theater, and film
Literary Themes and Motives (ENGL613)
This course studies literary representations of universal themes, including but not limited to death, grief, love, birth and growth, in key stories, poems, plays and films from different cultures and periods. Depending on specializations, students may work on their own representations of a selected theme.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Distinguish recurring themes and motives in literature
- Compare universal themes that recur in literature from diverse national and cultural origins
- Analyze literature using various literary theories
- Compose a well-research essay that analyzes texts employing proper English vocabulary and utilizing various literary theoretical viewpoints
Romanticisms and Realisms (ENGL614)
This course examines parallels, influences and distinctions between literary modes or movements in diverse traditions. It seeks to enhance the descriptive and analytical range of students’ English language skills at the same time as broadening and deepening their understanding of the dialectic between cultural cross-fertilization and cultural singularity. The readings will include key literary works as well as theoretical texts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Relate literary texts to their proper cultural and historical contexts
- Distinguish between literary romanticism and realism
- Relate literary texts to a cross-cultural framework
Critical Theory (ENGL615)
This course examines distinctive features as well as parallels and overlaps between various theoretical approaches to literature. It seeks to enhance the descriptive and analytical range of students’ English language skills at the same time as broadening and deepening their understanding of the scope and the explanatory potential of different theories and their methods, in the application to literary texts of different genres, and from diverse places and periods.
Credit Hours : 3
- ENGL606 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Prepare interpretations of literary texts via different theoretical perspectives
- Distinguish aims and methods of different types of critical theory
- Compare the results of different types of critical reading
Digital Culture and Literature (ENGL616)
This course manages digital culture as a stage between oral and print traditions of current literary trends: it is performative, flexible, fragile, impermanent, and further reaching than printed word tends to be. New readers want to click, scroll, and hyperlink their way between worlds of thought. This course will examine how literature is changing in a digital age by exploring a growing world of hypertext, blogs, collaborative writing, multimedia, found poetry and fiction.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Design learning experiences that draw upon English literary vocabulary, theories, and the multi-modal nature of new literacy
- Appraise new media products for evidence of contemporary literary learning
- Critique a wide range of online and offline materials in reading, writing, and multimodal communication
- Produce digital literary texts
Drama and Film Studies (ENGL617)
This course develops skills practiced in Literature and the Performing Arts (LIT 605). Theater and film are situated among visual forms of storytelling, and students gain experience in the teaching of these forms. Students also create their own scripts for performance on stage and/or screen.
Credit Hours : 3
- ENGL605 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain the conditions of theater and film production
- Create medium-length scripts for performance that must include a creative and critical approach to the visual medium of theatre and/or film
- Assess lesson plans for the teaching of drama and film classes
English Studies for the Workplace (ENGL622)
This course focuses on the skills required in workplaces graduates from the English Studies program are most likely to find employment. Material is divided into three units. The first unit revolves around editing, the second about publishing. Third, students explore the challenges involved in mediation between different cultures via literary translation.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Appraise a variety of literary texts for specified publication contexts
- Modify selected literary texts according to defined publication standards
- Prepare the publication of a sample journal or magazine
- Assess the effects of translation in literature, film and drama
Literature of the Arab World and its Diaspora (ENGL623)
This course studies key texts by Arab writers, in particular those who live outside the Arab World and write in either Arabic, or other languages, including English, French, or German. The course aims to connect this literature with both contemporary Arab writing in general and the wider field of current postcolonial literature.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Extend the active vocabulary in English and Arabic
- Interpret key literary texts in the Arab cultural and historical context
- Distinguish representative literary movements in Arab literary history
- Evaluate the reception of Arab authors in translation
Thesis (ENGL699)
This is a two-semester, six credit-hour course in which students write and defend a thesis on a topic in English Studies. Students can choose to produce either an analytical thesis or a creative project such as a film or drama script. Creative projects will include an introductory essay that provides critical analysis of the genre of the work and defines its literary influences, themes, and cultural contexts.
Credit Hours : 6
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Design an analytical or creative thesis project that applies the methods and theories of the program
- Synthesize research into analytical arguments or creative writing
- Produce an analytical or creative thesis project that demonstrates the knowledge and skills learned in the English Studies Program
- Defend the master’s thesis clearly and effectively in written and oral forms
World Diasporic Literature (ENGL716)
This course will explore World Literature with an emphasis on the concept of Diaspora. This concept is relevant for the literary representation of, for example, Arab communities outside the Middle East. Diasporic literature foregrounds questions of cultural identity, and the choice of language often plays a crucial role. Close readings of selected texts will scrutinize the ways in which a sense of location, notions of home and exile, and cross-cultural interaction are portrayed.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Appraise the concept of Diaspora
- Investigate literary canonization
- Critique a variety of literary texts within their cultural and historical contexts
- Analyze universal literary themes within their appropriate contexts
Romanticism/s (ENGL720)
This course investigates one of the most important movements in the global literary history of recent centuries. A critical overview of definitions and accounts of romanticism derives from readings of selected primary texts. A major focus of discussion will be the question to what extent a transnational or even a universal concept derives from romanticism’s encounters with realism/s. Inquiries revolve around the use of language in these distinct yet complimentary literary styles.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Critique elements of romanticism in a variety of literary texts;
- Appraise appropriate critical terms and concepts in readings of romanticism;
- Investigate elements of romanticism in different literary traditions;
- Explain the dialectic of romanticism and realism in post-Romantic literature.
Literary Renaissances (ENGL721)
At a time when anti-humanist postmodernist approaches have inflicted a great damage on literary studies by questioning the very notion of a humanist Renaissance, this course focuses not only on the European Renaissance and on the Renaissance of Islamic civilization with which it had immediate and direct links as a powerful precursor, but also on similar cultural movements in other parts of the world. The course will explore in detail the literary aspect of these renaissances.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Investigate different manifestations of literary renaissances;
- Discuss those manifestations in their historical, social and cultural contexts;
- Create appropriate critical terminology to analyze renaissance literatures;
- Critique the dialectic of cultural identity and humanist universalism.
Poetry and Poetics (ENGL745)
This course examines poetic practice in different cultures and periods, in relation to descriptive as well as normative aspects of relevant theories. Students will explore the dialectics between Poetry as it is written and read, and Poetics as the conceptualization of what the essence of poetry is, and what poetry can or should be. The inquiry illuminates the concept of poetic language.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Illustrate structural principles underlying different poetic forms;
- Criticize appropriate terminology in the analysis of different specimens of poetry;
- Value features characterizing poetry from different cultures, genres, and periods;
- Create original, diverse poetic texts.
Fiction and Narrativity (ENGL755)
This course examines fiction in relation to other forms of narrative discourse. Students will explore the relationship between fictional storytelling and historical, cultural, or ideological narratives and their functions in constituting communal identities, as well as in underpinning diverse hierarchic and hegemonic claims or practices. Selected texts will demonstrate original prosaic use of language.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Appraise key features of fictional narratives
- Analyze fictional narratives from a variety of theoretical and critical perspectives
- Investigate the historical, cultural, and ideological backgrounds of fictional works
- Compare the elements of fiction to other narrative forms.
Language and Performance (ENGL765)
This course gives students a thorough foundation of drama and dramatic theory within a range of regions including, but not limited to British, American, Arab, African, and/or Asian. As one of the earliest forms of artistic literary expression, drama provides a visual insight into a culture. Students will gain an understanding of performance and learn how to apply theoretical frameworks to plays of the period. They will further comprehend theatrical elements of language such as dialogue and oratory.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Appraise the main concepts associated with theatrical genres
- Investigate the artistic, cultural and historical development of forms of performance
- Critique a variety of theoretical and dramatic texts within their cultural and historical contexts
- Analyze universal dramatic themes within their appropriate contexts
Cinema Studies (ENGL770)
This course analyses ways in which cinematography, editing and other basic elements of filmmaking allow for the telling of stories on screen. Selected films from different industries illustrate milestones in film history, different genres in cinema, and the capability of movies to represent and shape culture. Students will understand the basic vocabulary for film analysis, along with the unique team effort that successful film production requires.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Critique a wide variety of movies eloquently
- Appraise the basic functions of film production and distribution
- Investigate diverse approaches to film criticism
- Create scenarios suitable for film production
Literature and Culture (ENGL785)
This course will provide students with the analytical skills needed to critique the literature and culture of a given population. Popular culture, folklore, and songs for example, are important rhetorical components of society that are usually not produced in written format, but are nonetheless important to contemporary literary critics. This course provides students with the opportunity to explore the expansion of the word “text” from book to include other items of analysis.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Appraise the ways in which literature represents and shapes culture
- Investigate literary traditions of different parts of the world
- Critique a variety of literary texts within their cultural and historical contexts
- Analyze universal literary themes within their appropriate contexts
Women’s Literacy Voices (ENGL793)
In this course students will have an opportunity to analyze the theoretical concerns, foundational texts, and critical discourses of women voices in speeches, fiction, poetry, drama, film, and essays. Literary works by women have often been pushed to the margins and in this course we aim to move women from the margin to the center. This course may focus on particular trailblazers and trendsetters, a geographical region, or a historical tradition established by women intellectuals.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze the unique aesthetic qualities of diverse women's literature and media
- Evaluate different forms of women's literature and media using a variety of theoretical and critical methods
- Explain how socioeconomic forces, cultural traditions, and gender roles are depicted in women's literature and media
- Formulate arguments that demonstrate understanding of women's literary voices in written and oral form
English Comprehension and Production (ENGU120)
A pre-intermediate level course that develops reading and writing skills in an academic context, as well as encouraging interest in academic topics. The course increases students’ understanding and use of high frequency (CEFR B1 & B1+) and academic vocabulary. In addition, it aims to increase students’ range and accurate use of grammatical structures at the CEFR B1 & B1+ level. The ENGU 120 course encourages independent study and critical thinking. It also prepares students for the EmSAT Exam.
Credit Hours : 0
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use specific features of an academic text to predict content.
- Skim and scan for specific information.
- Demonstrate comprehension in simplified academic texts.
- Express ideas on non-academic topics.
- Produce simple academic texts on familiar topics, if provided with a model.
- Demonstrate an understanding of discourse features.
- Recognize and attempt to use a specified subset of vocabulary items derived from CEFR (B1 & B1+) & Academic Word List.
- Use a range of strategies to increase vocabulary size
English Language (ENGU130)
English 130 is an EmSAT preparation course that helps students to develop their reading and grammar skills. Students will develop exam strategies to prepare them for the reading and vocabulary sections of the EmSAT. They will do this though understanding the different reading & vocabulary question types on the EmSAT exam. The course also consolidates and expands upon basic grammatical knowledge, develops general English vocabulary and develops critical thinking. Additionally, students will develop writing, grammar, and vocabulary skills. The course will consolidate and expand upon basic grammatical knowledge in writing and speaking. The course will also teach exam strategies for the writing & grammar sections of the EmSAT. Students will develop an understanding of the different writing & grammar tasks on the EmSAT exam and an awareness of appropriate discourse structures for EmSAT writing tasks. Finally the course stresses the importance of independent study and encourages speaking in the classroom context.
Credit Hours : 0
- ENGU120 with a minimum grade P
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use specific features of an academic text to predict content.
- Skim and scan for specific information.
- Use blended learning technology to foster language development and independent learning strategies.
- Express ideas on non-academic topics.
- Produce simple academic texts on familiar topics.
- Demonstrate an understanding of a range of discourse features.
- Use blended learning technology to foster language development and independent learning strategies.
- Use present, past and future forms (i.e. simple continuous, perfect, etc.)
- Use present , past and future passive forms.
- Use adverbial: clauses of time, conjunctions, concessions, top compare/ contrast, etc.
- Use modals of deduction and speculation.
- Use 1st/2nd / 3rd conditionals.
- Use quantifiers with countable / uncountable nouns.
- Use subject, object, defining/non-defining, restrictive/non-restrictive relative clauses.
Introduction to Academic English for Humanities and SS (ESPU1014)
The aim of this mobile-learning enhanced course is to introduce students to conventions of academic English with respect to reading, writing and oral communication skills. Academic reading and writing skills are developed through the reading of disciplinary academic texts, the study of academic essay models and the writing of short academic texts based on research. Academic oral communication skills are developed with particular reference to the effective preparation and delivery of an academic presentation. The correct use of paraphrasing and APA citation are also taught and used throughout.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify relevant and irrelevant ideas in adapted academic CEFR B1-B2 source texts to then synthesize and categorize the relevant ones and produce a 5-paragraph outline
- Interpret (or restate) and paraphrase concepts and data accurately from source texts to compose a 5-paragraph essay consisting of 450-500 words
- Apply APA Sixth Edition Style referencing conventions to cite data/statistics, research studies and expert opinions
- Employ a range of cohesive devices to link ideas within and between paragraphs
- Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills in oral presentations
Introduction to Academic English For Science (ESPU102)
The aim of this mobile-learning enhanced course is to introduce students to conventions of academic English with respect to reading, writing and oral communication skills. Academic reading and writing skills are developed through the reading of disciplinary academic texts, the study of academic essay models and the writing of short academic texts based on research. Academic oral communication skills are developed with particular reference to the effective preparation and delivery of an academic presentation. The correct use of paraphrasing and APA citation are also taught and used throughout.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify relevant and irrelevant ideas in adapted academic CEFR B1-B2 source texts to then synthesize and categorize the relevant ones and produce a 5-paragraph outline.
- Interpret (or restate) and paraphrase concepts and data accurately from source texts to compose a 5-paragraph essay consisting of 400-500 words.
- Apply APA Sixth Edition Style referencing conventions to cite data/statistics, research studies and expert opinions.
- Employ a range of cohesive devices to link ideas within and between paragraphs.
- Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills in oral presentations.
Introduction to Academic English For Education (ESPU103)
The aim of this mobile-learning enhanced course is to introduce students to conventions of academic English with respect to reading, writing and oral communication skills. Academic reading and writing skills are developed through the reading of disciplinary academic texts, the study of academic essay models and the writing of short academic texts based on research. Academic oral communication skills are developed with particular reference to the effective preparation and delivery of an academic presentation. The correct use of paraphrasing and APA citation are also taught and used throughout.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Synthesize ideas from adapted educational disciplinary readings to identify and categorize information
- Annotate, paraphrase, and summarize main ideas and supporting details from academic readings
- Differentiate between research sources and cite data/statistics, research, and expert opinion in APA Style
- Produce Descriptive and Problem, Solution, & Evaluation Essays applying academic writing structure
- Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills in oral presentations
Introduction to Academic English For Business (ESPU104)
The aim of this mobile-learning enhanced course is to introduce students to conventions of academic English with respect to reading, writing and oral communication skills. Academic reading and writing skills are developed through the reading of disciplinary academic texts, the study of academic essay models and the writing of short academic texts based on research. Academic oral communication skills are developed with particular reference to the effective preparation and delivery of an academic presentation. The correct use of paraphrasing and APA citation are also taught and used throughout.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize reading skills to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant ideas in source texts and then synthesize and categorize the relevant ones
- Annotate, paraphrase, and summarize main ideas and supporting details from academic readings
- Exhibit professional and ethical workplace behavior, including the use of APA style to accurately cite data/statistics, research, and expert opinion
- Utilize academic source texts to compose a 5 paragraph essay, consisting of 450-500 words, and shows application of academic writing structure for each of the following business report types: Analytical (i.e. a descriptive), Proposal (i.e. problem-solution) and Investigative (i.e. cause-effect)
- Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills in oral presentations
Introduction to Academic English For Food & Agriculture (ESPU106)
The aim of this mobile-learning enhanced course is to introduce students to conventions of academic English with respect to reading, writing and oral communication skills. Academic reading and writing skills are developed through the reading of disciplinary academic texts, the study of academic essay models and the writing of short academic texts based on research. Academic oral communication skills are developed with particular reference to the effective preparation and delivery of an academic presentation. The correct use of paraphrasing and APA citation are also taught and used throughout.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply APA Sixth Edition Style referencing conventions to cite data/statistics, research studies and expert opinions
- Employ a range of cohesive devices to link ideas within and between paragraphs
- Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills in oral presentations
- Identify relevant and irrelevant ideas in adapted academic CEFR B1-B2 source texts to then synthesize and categorize the relevant ones and produce a 5-paragraph outline
- Interpret (or restate) and paraphrase concepts and data accurately from source texts to compose a 5-paragraph essay consisting of 450-500 words
Introduction to Academic English For Engineering (ESPU107)
The aim of this mobile-learning enhanced course is to introduce students to conventions of academic English with respect to reading, writing and oral communication skills. Academic reading and writing skills are developed through the reading of disciplinary academic texts, the study of academic essay models and the writing of short academic texts based on research. Academic oral communication skills are developed with particular reference to the effective preparation and delivery of an academic presentation. The correct use of paraphrasing and APA citation are also taught and used throughout.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify relevant and irrelevant ideas in adapted academic CEFR B1-B2 source texts to then synthesize and categorize the relevant ones and produce a 5-paragraph outline
- Interpret (or restate) and paraphrase concepts and data accurately from source texts to compose a 5-paragraph essay consisting of 450-500 words
- Apply APA Sixth Edition Style referencing conventions to cite data/statistics, research studies and expert opinions
- Employ a range of cohesive devices to link ideas within and between paragraphs
- Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills in oral presentations
Introduction to Academic English for Information Technology I (ESPU1081)
The aim of this mobile-learning enhanced course is to introduce students to conventions of academic English with respect to reading, writing and oral communication skills. Academic reading and writing skills are developed through the reading of disciplinary academic texts, the study of academic essay models and the writing of short academic texts based on research. Academic oral communication skills are developed with particular reference to the effective preparation and delivery of an academic presentation. The correct use of paraphrasing and APA citation are also taught and used throughout.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify relevant and irrelevant ideas in adapted academic CEFR B1-B2 source texts to then synthesize and categorize the relevant ones and produce a 5-paragraph outline
- Interpret (or restate) and paraphrase concepts and data accurately from source texts to compose a 5-paragraph essay consisting of 450-500 words
- Apply APA Sixth Edition Style referencing conventions to cite data/statistics, research studies and expert opinions
- Employ a range of cohesive devices to link ideas within and between paragraphs
- Demonstrate effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills in oral presentations
Business Writing in English (ESPU240)
The aims of this mobile-learning enhanced course are to develop workplace skills including professional writing, presentation skills, performance readiness, as well as academic abilities. Workplace writing, specifically the improvement of business etiquette, audience-appropriate language and content are targeted, while professional presentation skills that focus on content appropriateness, organization, media choice and effective delivery are covered as well as the multicultural and behavioral skills needed for career success. Additionally, academic writing with a focus on in-depth research, referencing and citations to prepare students for further education is taught.
Credit Hours : 3
- ESPU1014 with a minimum grade D or ESPU102 with a minimum grade D or ESPU103 with a minimum grade D or ESPU104 with a minimum grade D or ESPU106 with a minimum grade D or ESPU107 with a minimum grade D or ESPU1081 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Create professional written communications which respond appropriately to a variety of situational and ethical issues
- Demonstrate critical and creative thinking by researching and utilizing accurate data to solve business issues, both in written and oral format
- Utilize paraphrasing, APA and business-style citations and referencing to ethically cite information sources in written documents
- Demonstrate proactive behavior towards team and individual responsibilities and deadlines, and respectful inclusiveness in providing feedback and conflict resolution
- Synthesize, organize and communicate key information orally using supporting technology and verbal/non-verbal skills to deliver engaging, professional presentations
Advanced Composition TA (EWR215)
Students consider writing and reading strategies, starting with the concrete, then progressing from representation to image. The student will study composition and rhetoric, theory of composition, essays that express contingencies of the theme (representations of global economy), and documentaries. Written language is complemented by oral language in various stages of the process and in editing. Concentration is on transition from narrative to argument.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Distinguish basic writing and reading strategies
- Understand theories of composition as they appear in essays and documentaries
- Formulate arguments based on narrative
- Categorize rhetorical strategies of individual texts
- Manage a live performance event
Creative Writing Non-fiction (EWR380)
This course will expose students to various forms of biographical and autobiographical writings, as well as to the concept of the bildungsroman. The major products of this course will be a personal diary, as well as a family history and/or a biography of someone beyond the student's personal circle of acquaintances.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze different forms of biographical and autobiographical writings
- Understand the techniques of non-fiction narratives
- Apply the techniques of fiction in the production of factual narratives
- Create various forms of non-fiction narratives based on techniques of fiction writing
Creative Writing Fiction (EWR390)
This course will encourage students of English to explore and develop their talents as creative writers. The UAE has a strong tradition of fiction, poetry and story telling, and this course will endeavour to draw out both student's excellent sense of historicity and their innate ability in fiction and poetry. The process of discovering how fiction is created will provide them with a more intimate knowledge of the English language and empower them to express themselves more fully.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze various forms of fiction within their socio-historical context
- Understand the techniques of fiction and their application
- Apply the techniques of fiction to personal writings
- Assess the use of fiction techniques as they appear in individual fictional texts
- Produce a variety of written and spoken forms of fiction
Tech & Prof Writing TA (EWR395)
Students start with the assumptions of personas in the worlds of business, government, society, health, law, education etc. They will learn to write texts via assuming the reality of a profession or business that they wish to pursue. The memos, letters, job applications, reports, and feasibility studies that they write will grow out of the company, agency or organization they fictitiously represent. Students will learn the relationships between texts and the existential actualities of human life, politics, societies and events.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze various forms of technical and professional writing in their socio-historical context
- Understand the techniques of technical and professional writing and their application
- Assess examples of technical and professional writing
- Produce a variety of written forms of technical and professional writing
Practicum Writing (EWR480)
The Practicum in Professional Writing is in effect the capstone of all the Thematic Applications (Writing) courses. It is a supervised working-and-learning experience in professional writing, editing, correspondence, and research under the supervision of a University faculty member and an employer (a participating company and/or governmental agency). A minimum of 12, maximum of 20 hours a week of a student's time is expected during the academic semester.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand the techniques and mechanisms of magazine publication for print and digital
- Apply the techniques of creative non-fiction, fiction, technical & professional writing, poetry and magazine production to create, acquire and solicit materials for a modern multimedia digital and print publication
- Assess multimedia publications
- Prepare the production of the student magazine Voices
French 1 for Beginners (FCH101)
The course is tailored for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of French. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, and cultural and general features of the regions where the language is spoken. Additionally, the course will cover all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This includes an overview of the language's sound system (e.g., pronunciation), basic grammar structures, writing systems (e.g., characters), and short passages or dialogues covering various topics related to daily life. By the end of the course, students should be able to begin understanding and utilizing foundational French language skills in culturally appropriate ways relevant to daily life.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize basic vocabulary and simple grammatical structures of French effectively in appropriate and varied contexts.
- Recognize key information in basic written and/or spoken French.
- Produce basic written and/or spoken French.
- Identify principle cultural features of the French-speaking world.
French 2 for Beginners (FCH102)
The course, designed as a continuation of FCH101, caters to students with basic knowledge of French. Building upon foundational skills, students delve deeper into language nuances and cultural understanding. Through interactive exercises, they refine listening and speaking abilities, recognizing key information in oral interactions and producing messages on everyday topics with newly acquired vocabulary and grammar. Likewise, they enhance reading comprehension skills, identifying essential information in written French texts, and composing sentences relevant to daily life. The course also explores social phenomena specific to French-speaking regions, enriching students' cultural knowledge. By the end, students gain proficiency in utilizing French language skills and cultural insights effectively in everyday contexts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize vocabulary and grammatical structures of French effectively in appropriate and varied contexts.
- Recognize key information in written and/or spoken French.
- Produce written and/or spoken French.
- Analyze social phenomena related to the regions of the French-speaking world.
Intermediate French (FCH202)
The course is designed for students with limited knowledge of French (not absolute beginners). They will develop a written French competence by acquiring efficient reading and writing strategies, and using simple, correct, and appropriate vocabulary and grammar. The work will consist of comprehension of documents dealing with daily life and customs. Students are expected to master basic written communication with proper punctuation, language level, and a given form. Emphasis will also be placed on the mastering of French grammar.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Answer comprehension questions of simple written French based on familiar topics in different forms.
- Write simple paragraphs about everyday situations
- Use basic French grammar.
- Spell different French words.
- Pronounce different French words.
French Language & Culture (FCH310)
This course continues from French Language and Culture 1. It gives students a global approach to the French language and culture, consolidates the fundamentals of French language and culture acquired in the previous course and gives them the necessary tools for immediate communication. In this course, students continue to be familiarized with the French language and culture through authentic documents, longer texts, reports and dialogues dealing with a variety of topics related to French everyday life in the form of questions and answers, pair and group work and role-play. Audio-visual materials will be used in order to expose students to realistic situations focusing on the acquisition of basic vocabulary, grammar and communication skills. An integrated approach is used emphasizing the fundamentals of French pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and culture through a balanced development of the four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use phrases and expressions in common situations of daily life (e.g. at work, at school, on holidays).
- Use written and oral French in most situations while travelling in areas where French is used.
- Produce simple connected texts on general topics or topics of personal interest.
- Identify aspects of the francophone world and of French geography, history and daily life.
Advanced French (FCH315)
Advanced Listening and Speaking continues from French Listening and Speaking. It consolidates and develops students’ competence in spoken French which they acquired in the previous course and gives them the necessary tools for everyday communication. In this course, students continue to work on various oral forms of communication, such as conversations, dialogues and interviews. The approach will consist of oral comprehension and expression in the form of interactive activities, pair and group work, and role-play. Authentic audio visual documents will be used in order to expose students to realistic situations focusing on the acquisition of more vocabulary, grammar and communication skills. Students will be taught to speak about topics of daily life so that they are able to give and discuss their opinions in a simple and precise way. These topics include housing, health, cooking, clothes, fashion, and family life.
Credit Hours : 3
- FCH202 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Answer comprehension questions of simple spoken French in various everyday situations.
- Use more complex spoken information in French
- Use more complex grammatical structures in context
- Use new vocabulary in context.
- Use listening strategies.
French Reading & Writing (FCH420)
The course is targeted for the development of the written French competence already gained. The work consists of comprehension and guided analysis of authentic texts, dealing with topics on France and the francophone world (work, studies, transports, institutions, daily life, cultural and artistic life).
Credit Hours : 3
- FCH202 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Understand more complex written French based on familiar topics presented in different writing forms.
- Develop reading strategies.
- Comprehend culturally authentic messages or information.
- Apply a variety of writing types.
- Use more vocabulary in context.
Introduction to Film & Visual Studies TA (FIL240)
This course will introduce visual language, focusing on formal structures of film such as photography, framing, camera movement, staging, mise-en-scene, literary design, sound design, editing, acting, and scenic art design. It will also address the use of film as a conveyor of cultural information through genre, gender representation and film movements, using basic film theories.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze a variety of movies critically
- Explain the dynamics between the individuals required to complete a film production
- Categorize plot development and genre classification of individual movies
- Recognize movies of timeless value in their proper historical context
Film & Culture World Cinema TA (FIL245)
This course will provide an overview of national film traditions around the world and how they reflect the concerns of their respective societies on a social, political and cultural level. National cinemas will be viewed historically, theoretically and critically, and will focus on Third World Cinemas and the major film industries.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze a variety of movies critically
- Explain the dynamics between the individuals required to complete a film production
- Recognize movies of timeless value in their proper historical and cultural context
- Compare key developments within film histories across the world
Animation Filmmaking (FIL312)
This course studies the history of animated filmmaking, and trains students to create their own short animation movie. Sequences of images in temporal succession can already be found in ancient Egyptian murals. Following the invention of the magic lantern, flip books and finally the cinematograph, early ‘trick films’ slowly developed into cartoons, such as Walt Disney interpretations of popular fairy tales. Distinctly different styles and themes have been popularized in other industries, for example in Japan. Computer-generated imagery was introduced by Toy Story in the early 90s and has since become widespread entertainment. Several web pages and specific software now assist in the production of animation movies. With a focus on practical application, students in this course learn about the main stages in the development of this unique genre.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Define animation as a unique genre in film history
- Explain the dynamics between the individuals required to complete a film production
- Evaluate the main techniques used in animation filmmaking
- Use selected techniques and animation software
Developing Ideas for Film (FIL340)
Students will learn to draw on personal experiences to create characters and stories. They will also analyze and apply the art of adaptation. The skills developed in the course will be utilized to generate short film scripts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify original aesthetic principles in filmmaking
- Explain the dynamics between the individuals required to complete a film production
- Select material appropriate for on-screen storytelling
- Edit individual story elements such as setting, characters and plot development
Principles of Screenwriting TA (FIL345)
Students will apply the aesthetic and cultural principles previously covered and produce their own scripts. Emphasis will be on cultivating a creative identity, further developing story ideas and generating short scripts, completing the pre-production for future script filming.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze scripts critically
- Explain the dynamics between the individuals required to complete a film production
- Recognize essential elements of script formatting
- Generate practical, achievable, and original story ideas
Cinema in the Arab World TA (FIL350)
This course, designed to be delivered in conjunction with the Program of Arabic Language and Literature, will provide an overview of Arab societies as they are reflected in their cinematic traditions historically, theoretically and critically.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze a variety of Arab movies critically
- Explain the dynamics between the individuals required to complete a film production
- Recognize movies of timeless value within the history of film in the Arab World
- Categorize plot development and genre classification of individual Arab movies
Academic English for Humanities and STEM (GEAE101)
This course aims to help students acquire the academic skills needed to operate successfully at the university level. Students will be expected to gather, analyse, organise, and critically evaluate information from a variety of sources across multiple disciplines and genres. They will then use this information to produce original ideas written to a university standard using appropriate academic conventions.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Interpret information critically from various sources.
- Use meaningful language to discuss and extend key issues in different disciplines.
- Organize ideas logically by using relevant strategies.
- Incorporate external information into original discourse following standard academic conventions and procedures.
Academic English for Law (GEAE102)
English for Law aims to develop students’ knowledge and application of English legal terminology, and comprehension of legal readings and scenarios. Throughout the course, students will utilize their writing skills for answering legal questions from clients. Using blended learning platforms, the students will be introduced to five units of course material, focusing on public and private law, various legal contracts, different types of businesses, UAE labor law, and intellectual property law.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain selected legal concepts and vocabulary used in a variety of documents from the field of Law.
- Analyze past legal cases to examine how the law impacts society at both individual and community levels.
- Extract information from law-related newspaper articles, and/or complex legal texts, such as contracts and decrees in order to respond critically to set questions.
- Write advisory paragraphs in response to client questions to demonstrate understanding and application of basic legal information using the target lexical items.
German 1 for Beginners (GER101)
The course is tailored for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of German. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, and cultural and general features of the regions where the language is spoken. Additionally, the course will cover all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This includes an overview of the language's sound system (e.g., pronunciation), basic grammar structures, writing systems (e.g., characters), and short passages or dialogues covering various topics related to daily life. By the end of the course, students should be able to begin understanding and utilizing foundational German language skills in culturally appropriate ways relevant to daily life.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize basic vocabulary and simple grammatical structures of German effectively in appropriate and varied contexts.
- Recognize key information in basic written and/or spoken German.
- Produce basic written and/or spoken German.
- Identify principle cultural features of the German-speaking world.
German 2 for Beginners (GER102)
The course, designed as a continuation of GER101, caters to students with basic knowledge of German. Building upon foundational skills, students delve deeper into language nuances and cultural understanding. Through interactive exercises, they refine listening and speaking abilities, recognizing key information in oral interactions and producing messages on everyday topics with newly acquired vocabulary and grammar. Likewise, they enhance reading comprehension skills, identifying essential information in written German texts, and composing sentences relevant to daily life. The course also explores social phenomena specific to German-speaking regions, enriching students' cultural knowledge. By the end, students gain proficiency in utilizing German language skills and cultural insights effectively in everyday contexts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize vocabulary and grammatical structures of German effectively in appropriate and varied contexts.
- Recognize key information in written and/or spoken German.
- Produce written and/or spoken German.
- Analyze social phenomena related to the regions of the German-speaking world.
Intermediate German (GER201)
Moving beyond the basic acquisition stage, this course helps improve student competence and introduces them to more high-level registers of the language. Compound and complex sentences will be emphasized and grammatical categories of contemporary German will be discussed and related to materials acquired previously. In spite of a greater focus on complex syntax and textual materials, all four language skills, i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing, will continue to be developed in an integrated fashion.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate An Ability To Comprehend Spoken Messages At An Intermediate Level.
- Demonstrate An Increase In Vocabulary Knowledge.
- Use Complex Spoken Information In German At An Intermediate Level.
- Use More Complex Grammatical Structures In Context At An Intermediate Level.
- Use Spoken German In Various Everyday Situations At An Intermediate Level.
German Language and Culture (GER310)
Unlike the previous courses, this course provides an introduction to contemporary German culture, which is explored in a comparative perspective. Germany’s recent history, society and political system will receive adequate coverage, as will highlights of both its traditional and its contemporary cultural production in a narrower sense. On the basis of mass media sources, fiction, folklore, commercials, and promotional material, the students will gain authentic insights into what contemporary Germany is about, while further developing their language skills.
Credit Hours : 3
- GER201 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify aspects of Germany’s geography at a basic level.
- Recognize several important persons of German culture and German history.
- Differentiate between several professional and social settings.
- Produce short paragraphs, including simple letters, descriptions and recipes.
- Summarize texts at word, sentence and paragraph levels.
- Use simple grammatical structures in context.
Advanced German (GER315)
This course fosters active communication skills in order to further develop communicative competence in spoken German. Using authentic materials from a variety of sources, students analyze media audiovisual and text-based reports in the target language, engage in discussion, and present written arguments in the target language. The work consists of oral comprehension based on authentic audio documents. Students will be introduced to key tools for vocabulary building and interacting with target-language texts.
Credit Hours : 3
- GER201 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Use spoken German in various everyday situations at an upper intermediate level.
- Use more complex spoken information in German at an upper intermediate level.
- Use more complex grammatical structures in context at an upper intermediate level.
- Recall new vocabulary.
- Recognize spoken messages at an upper intermediate level.
German Reading and Writing (GER420)
The course aim to develop the written German competence and using it in different forms: text reformulation, text précis and document synthesis. The work consists of comprehension, guided analysis and reformulation of authentic texts, dealing with topics on Germany (work, studies, transports, institutions, daily life, cultural and artistic life). Various text types will be covered, including newspaper articles & reports, online resources and short stories. Students will exercise skills of discussion and presentation and express their views and make comparisons.
Credit Hours : 3
- GER201 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Produce comprehensible written paragraphs in various everyday situations.
- Use complex grammatical structures in context at intermediate level.
- Recognize vocabulary items in context.
- Apply writing strategies at an intermediate level.
- Apply strategies to work out meaning from the context at an intermediate level.
Korean 1 for Beginners (KOR101)
The course is tailored for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of Korean. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, and cultural and general features of the regions where the language is spoken. Additionally, the course will cover all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This includes an overview of the language's sound system (e.g., pronunciation), basic grammar structures, writing systems (e.g., characters), and short passages or dialogues covering various topics related to daily life. By the end of the course, students should be able to begin understanding and utilizing foundational Korean language skills in culturally appropriate ways relevant to daily life.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize basic vocabulary and simple grammatical structures of Korean effectively in appropriate and varied contexts.
- Recognize key information in basic written and/or spoken Korean.
- Produce basic written and/or spoken Korean.
- Identify principle cultural features of the Korean-speaking world.
Korean 2 for Beginners (KOR102)
The course, designed as a continuation of KOR101, caters to students with basic knowledge of Korean. Building upon foundational skills, students delve deeper into language nuances and cultural understanding. Through interactive exercises, they refine listening and speaking abilities, recognizing key information in oral interactions and producing messages on everyday topics with newly acquired vocabulary and grammar. Likewise, they enhance reading comprehension skills, identifying essential information in written Korean texts, and composing sentences relevant to daily life. The course also explores social phenomena specific to Korean-speaking regions, enriching students' cultural knowledge. By the end, students gain proficiency in utilizing Korean language skills and cultural insights effectively in everyday contexts.
Credit Hours : 3
- KOR101 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize vocabulary and grammatical structures of Korean effectively in appropriate and varied contexts.
- Recognize key information in written and/or spoken Korean.
- Produce written and/or spoken Korean.
- Analyze social phenomena related to the regions of the Korean-speaking world.
Intermediate Korean (KOR202)
After students learn the basic skills, this course is designed to help students improve their competence and move them into a higher level. Compound and complex sentences will be emphasized and the Korean grammatical categories will be discussed in the light of the basics they learned. While the focus will be on the compound and complete sentences along with the grammatical categories of the Korean language, emphasis will be placed on the four language skills, i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Credit Hours : 3
- KOR102 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply communication skills to use for various situations in Korea
- Compose a simple sentence using the sentence patterns, including ordering items, talking about your friends, inviting to your meeting, asking for transportation.
- Create short daily life dialogues using spoken Korean.
- Describe nouns concretely using adnominal endings.
- Recognize vocabulary on the topics of food, market, invitation and transportation.
- Use basic clausal connectives and endings correctly.
Korean Language and Culture (KOR310)
After students develop their listening, speaking and writing skills, they will be introduced to a higher level of reading and writing. Cultural concepts will be introduced. Students will be asked to write about different aspects of the Korean culture, compared to their own. Emphasis will be placed on a deeper level of understanding Korea and its people. Korean socio cultural issues will be discussed such as mass media sources, fiction, folklore, commercials, promotional material, etc.
Credit Hours : 3
- KOR202 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare Korean and UAE cultures to produce their own opinion of both
- Comprehend the value consciousness of Korean
- Demonstrate basic knowledge of the Korean culture related to everyday life (way of greeting, gesture, body language)
- Demonstrate basic knowledge of the Korean culture related to pop culture (K-Pop, drama)
- Demonstrate knowledge of the hierarchy of the Korean society
- Identify norms and customs of Korean traditional culture related to everyday life
Advanced Korean (KOR315)
The course, designed as a continuation of KOR101, caters to students with basic knowledge of Korean. Building upon foundational skills, students delve deeper into language nuances and cultural understanding. Through interactive exercises, they refine listening and speaking abilities, recognizing key information in oral interactions and producing messages on everyday topics with newly acquired vocabulary and grammar. Likewise, they enhance reading comprehension skills, identifying essential information in written Korean texts, and composing sentences relevant to daily life. The course also explores social phenomena specific to Korean-speaking regions, enriching students' cultural knowledge. By the end, students gain proficiency in utilizing Korean language skills and cultural insights effectively in everyday contexts.
Credit Hours : 3
- KOR202 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Describe in simple terms aspects of their matters in areas of immediate need and their environment.
- Recognize vocabulary on the topics of postal service, transportation, phone communication, vacation, and household chores.
- Create short daily life dialogues using spoken Korean.
- Compose a simple sentence using the sentence patterns, including making an appointment through the telephone, explaining your symptoms, planning for travel, and moving.
Korean Reading & Writing (KOR420)
This course is continuation of Korea 202 and 315. It is designed for the Korean heritage students who already have some level of Speaking and listening competence in Korean, But have limited linguistic proficiency of reading and writing in Korean. This Course provides students with basic grammatical patterns, assuming that students have previous background knowledge of Korean language and culture. The course aims to equip students with communicative skill in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Korean. Specially, Students will develop their reading and writing skills through short stories, essays and folktales.
Credit Hours : 3
- KOR202 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Recognize the sequence of event in reading familiar text.
- Summarize their readings in both oral and written modes.
- Read and comprehend short texts in Korean.
- Write what they have experienced on everyday topics in Korean.
Introduction to Literature (LIT150)
This course introduces beginners to the three major genres of literature: poetry, fiction, and drama. It acquaints them with the basic concepts and terms with which to discuss literature. The course covers a wide selection of texts from all periods.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Classify Literary Texts According To Different Genres
- Discuss Literary Texts In Their Socio-Historical And Cultural Contexts
- Evaluate Changes In Production As Well As Reception Of Storytelling Throughout Literary History
- Explain The Concepts Of Canonization And Masterpieces In The Context Of Literary
- Identify Key Features Of Literary Texts
Writing About literature (LIT200)
This course emphasizes the techniques and methods essential to writing a thoughtful, carefully written, and well-designed essay. It comprises three main foci in terms of the principal structural states of the unified essay: the beginning, the body, and the conclusion.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Critique Literary Texts With Reference To Formal And Aesthetic Properties;
- Express Complex Ideas Successfully And Clearly In Both Oral And Written Formats.
- Produce University-Level Essays Characterized By Clear Theses; Coherent Organization And Development; Appropriate Word Choice; And Standard Usage, Spelling, Grammar, And Mechanics;
- Use Appropriate Literary Terminology To Discuss The Formal Elements Of A Text;
Survey of British Literature (LIT220)
This course is designed to introduce students to English literature from the Elizabethan period through the twentieth century and will focus on the development of various literary genres, as well as on the works of the most significant literary figures.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Discuss Literary Texts From The British Isles As Expressions Of A Specific Cultural Identity
- Discuss Literary Texts From The British Isles In The Context Of Period-Specific Styles, Fashions Or Movements
- Discuss Literary Texts From The British Isles In The Context Of Socio-Historical Background
- Identify Connections And Parallels Between The Literature Of The British Isles And Other The Literatures Of Other Cultures
- Identify Key Features Of Literary Texts From Different Periods In British Literary History
Survey of American Literature (LIT240)
This course is designed to introduce students to American literature from the 17th through the twentieth centuries, focusing on major figures, differing literary genres, and shifting definitions of national identity.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Discuss Literary Texts From The United States As Expressions Of A Specific Cultural Identity
- Discuss Literary Texts From The United States In The Context Of Period-Specific Styles, Fashions Or Movements
- Discuss Literary Texts From The United States In Their Socio-Historical Context
- Identify Connections And Parallels Between The Literature Of The United States And Other The Literatures Of Other Cultures
- Identify Key Features Of Literary Texts From Different Periods In American Literary History
Methods of Research in Literary Study (LIT300)
This course is intended to make students knowledgeable and effective at using the computer and library resources for producing a complete research paper. The focus of this course is also on other areas of professional writing, such as descriptive and analytical bibliography, note-taking, editing and rewriting of manuscripts, literature reviewing, and the ethics of documenting a paper.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Different Kinds Of Literature
- Evaluate Theoretical Movements In Literary Studies
- Synthesize Research From Electronic Sources, Bibliographic Databases, Contextual Primary Sources, Reviews, Etc.
- Write A Research Paper On Literature From A Variety Of Perspectives
Elizabethan & 17th Century Literature (LIT320)
This course acquaints students with the various forms of literature produced by the major dramatists (e.g. Shakespeare), poets (particularly the Metaphysical poets), and prose writers (e.g. Sidney and Bacon) as well as with the cultural background of Elizabeth Literature.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Assess Any Literary Work From Elizabethan And 17Th Century England In Relation To The Conditions Of Its Production And Reception
- Define The Political, Social And Cultural History Of Elizabethan And 17Th Century England
- Describe Selected Literary Works Of Elizabethan And 17Th Century England
- Discuss The Literary Works Of Elizabethan And 17Th Century England With Appropriate Use Of Critical Terminology Relating To Aspects Of Genre And Form
Romantic & Victorian Literature (LIT330)
This course introduces students to the romantic Movement and the literature of the Victorian period, including poetry, fiction, and essays.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Assess Any Literary Work From Romantic And Victorian England In Relation To The Conditions Of Its Production And Reception
- Define The Political, Social And Cultural History Of Romantic And Victorian
- Describe The Literary Works Of Romantic And Victorian England That Are Covered In The Course
- Discuss The Literary Works Of Romantic And Victorian England With Appropriate Use Of Critical Terminology Relating To Aspects Of Genre And Form
20th Century British Literature (LIT335)
This course examines key writers of this century, with an emphasis on thematic and stylistic analysis and with an attempt to understand the ways in which literature in the last century responded to critical cultural, economic and political forces.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Assess Any Literary Work From 20Th Century Great Britain In Relation To The Conditions Of Its Production And Reception
- Define The Political, Social And Cultural History Of 20Th Century Great Britain
- Describe The Literary Works Of 20Th Century Great Britain That Are Covered In The Course
- Discuss The Literary Works Of 20Th Century Great Britain With Appropriate Use Of Critical Terminology Relating To Aspects Of Genre And Form
19th Century American Literature (LIT340)
This course examines key writers of this century, with an emphasis on thematic and stylistic analysis and with an attempt to understand the ways in which literature in the last century responded to critical cultural, economic and political forces.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Assess Any Literary Work From The 19Th Century United States In Relation To The Conditions Of Its Production And Reception
- Define The Political, Social And Cultural History Of The 19Th Century United States
- Describe The Literary Works Of The 19Th Century United States That Are Covered In The Course
- Discuss The Literary Works Of The 19Th Century United States With Appropriate Use Of Critical Terminology Relating To Aspects Of Genre And Form
20th Century American Literature (LIT345)
This course focuses on major writers whose texts appeared in the Twentieth Century and on the genres and movements within which they worked.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Assess Any Literary Work From The 20Th Century United States In Relation To The Conditions Of Its Production And Reception
- Define The Political, Social And Cultural History Of The 20Th Century United States
- Describe The Literary Works Of The 20Th Century United States That Are Covered In The Course
- Discuss The Literary Works Of The 20Th Century United States With Appropriate Use Of Critical Terminology Relating To Aspects Of Genre And Form
Digital Humanities Basics (LIT355)
This course introduces students to current digital research and creative digital work. Students receive an introduction to trends in the expanding field of digital humanities and apply selected techniques in hands-on workshops and projects throughout the course. Students will also practice (and experiment with) the covered digital concepts and topics in creative ways in various kinds of assignments. The course encourages the exploration of a wide range of digital genres and venues, such as blogs, game narratives, and electronic literature.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Demonstrate basic familiarity with core digital texts and methods.
- Apply a variety of digital technologies and digital tools
- Analyze different forms of electronic texts
- Create an electronic text based on original ideas
Modern World Literature (LIT365)
This course examines twentieth-century and contemporary literature originally produced in languages other than English. Students will have access to primary texts in English translations.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain The Concept Of World Literature
- Illustrate The Implications Of Canonization
- Interpret A Variety Of Literary Texts Within Their Cultural And Historical Contexts
- Predict Universal Literary Themes And Motives
Anglophone Literature Outside UK & US (LIT370)
This course examines twentieth-century and contemporary literature produced in such locations as Ireland, India, the Caribbean, Canada, Africa, by writers who are both participating in and reacting against the conventions and assumptions of English and American literature.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze A Variety Of Anglophone Texts From Around The World
- Apply The Basics Of Postcolonial Criticism
- Categorize Different Varieties Of English In Their Proper Cultural Settings
- Explain The Effects Of British Imperialism
Children's Literature (LIT385)
This course investigates the role of literature from early childhood to young adult readers. Analyses focus on classic children’s fiction, such as fairy- and folktales, as well as poetic texts, graphic novels, and screen representations of juvenile and adolescent storytelling.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Articulate The Role Of Identity Politics In Children’S And Young Adult Literature
- Assess The Suitability Of Existing Terminologies And Definitions For Describing The Literature Assigned To An Age-Specific Audience
- Employ Terminologies Related To Children’S And Young Adult Literature
- Predict The Shared Traits And Subjects In Children’S And Young Adult Writings By Numerous Authors
Criticism and Theory (LIT410)
This course introduces students to major issues in literary criticism and trains students in practical criticism of specific literary texts. Students will read a variety of short literary works , as well as critical responses to these works, and will focus on writing critical essays of their own. Emphasis is on developing linguistic, critical, and analytic competencies.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply Literary Theory And Criticism Within Proper Cultural And Historical Contexts
- Discuss A Number Of Interpretive Traditions In Literary Theory
- Formulate Critical Analyses Of Literary Texts
- Identify Critical Concepts Of Literary Theory
Senior Seminar Major writer (LIT420)
This course concentrates students' efforts on the work of one major British or American writer to be selected by the instructor each time the course is offered. The course is designed to enable students to do extensive research on a well-defined body of work and use that research to produce an extensive and original final paper.
Credit Hours : 3
- LIT410 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Compare The Writer To His Or Her Contemporaries In Order To Assess His Or Her Position In World Literature
- Formulate An Accurate, Comprehensive Understanding Of The Writer’S Body Of Work And Key Elements In It
- Identify The Literary Period And The Literary Genre(S) That The Writer Belongs To
- Write A Critical Paper That Evaluates And Analyzes A Literary Text By The Writer
Internship (LIT490)
An internship in the English literature program consists of a collaboration between the English Literature Program (LAP) at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) and a professional contributor approved by the UAEU. The purpose of the internship is to provide a wide range of writing and analytical skills to prepare students for the job market. The internship experience focuses on writing-related skills such as analytical writing, editing, and developing professional communication, writing, and research skills, which are initially provided to the students in their major coursework and given ample opportunity to apply and practice during their internship period.
Credit Hours : 6
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Implement fundamental skills and competences taught during the academic experience to bridge the gap between theoretical education and practical workplace experience.
- Demonstrate ability to work independently and collaboratively in a dynamic work-environment with competency, accuracy, and attention to details in written and oral communications
- Apply analytical and critical thinking skills to a wide range of professional written and oral scenarios and correspondences.
- Produce written and spoken forms of professional communication, such as memos, portfolios, in-house communication, resumes, proposals, reports, and a presentation.
Spanish 1 for Beginners (SPN101)
The course is tailored for absolute beginners with no prior knowledge of Spanish. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the language, including grammar, vocabulary, and cultural and general features of the regions where the language is spoken. Additionally, the course will cover all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This includes an overview of the language's sound system (e.g., pronunciation), basic grammar structures, writing systems (e.g., characters), and short passages or dialogues covering various topics related to daily life. By the end of the course, students should be able to begin understanding and utilizing foundational Spanish language skills in culturally appropriate ways relevant to daily life.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize basic vocabulary and simple grammatical structures of Spanish effectively in appropriate and varied contexts.
- Recognize key information in basic written and/or spoken Spanish.
- Produce basic written and/or spoken Spanish.
- Identify principle cultural features of the Spanish-speaking world.
Spanish 2 for Beginners (SPN102)
The course, designed as a continuation of SPN101, caters to students with basic knowledge of Spanish. Building upon foundational skills, students delve deeper into language nuances and cultural understanding. Through interactive exercises, they refine listening and speaking abilities, recognizing key information in oral interactions and producing messages on everyday topics with newly acquired vocabulary and grammar. Likewise, they enhance reading comprehension skills, identifying essential information in written Spanish texts, and composing sentences relevant to daily life. The course also explores social phenomena specific to Spanish-speaking regions, enriching students' cultural knowledge. By the end, students gain proficiency in utilizing Spanish language skills and cultural insights effectively in everyday contexts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Utilize vocabulary and grammatical structures of Spanish effectively in appropriate and varied contexts.
- Recognize key information in written and/or spoken Spanish.
- Produce written and/or spoken Spanish.
- Analyze social phenomena related to the regions of the Spanish-speaking world.
Intermediate Spanish (SPN201)
Spanish (2) for Beginners is designed to improve students’ language skills in a systematic way. This course will allow students to practice and strengthen their previously acquired knowledge, leading towards a secure and solid A1 level. Students will gain a holistic knowledge of all four skills in the target language, i.e. reading, writing, speaking and listening. Grammar and vocabulary contents are intensified through a series of adapted but genuine sources that allow students to have real access to the Spanish-speaking world.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Differentiate among a series of verb tenses and conjugations, including Present, Past, Future and Conditional.
- Produce oral and written descriptions, opinions, and justifications regarding a series of topics.
- Construct sentences using different structures, tenses, and vocabulary in accordance with context, motivation, and communicative needs.
- Apply quantifiers, qualifiers, prepositions, adverbs, possessives, and pronouns in written and oral productions.
- Identify key cultural elements and expressions of the Spanish-speaking world.
Spanish Language and Culture (SPN310)
As a continuation of Spanish Language and Culture (1), this course offers an insight to key features of the Spanish-speaking world. Based on media, fiction, commercials and promotional material, students will have the opportunity to gain knowledge of aspects that shape societies in Spain and Latin America. This course will allow students to continue developing their four language skills, i.e. speaking, listening, reading and writing through a series of activities that include reading and comprehension, oral presentations, dialogues, debates, summaries and compositions. Fundamental and new grammar contents as well as topical vocabulary will be embedded in each learning session. Students will also have the opportunity to work on their writing skills through the production of paragraphs and compositions on the Spanish-speaking world.
Credit Hours : 3
- SPN201 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Interpret at a basic level key artistic and cultural expressions in art, music, gastronomy, and architecture in the Spanish-speaking world.
- Construct sentences, in oral and written format, to communicate opinions and justifications regarding common cultural topics.
- Recognize the uses of Present, Past, Future and Conditional tenses in oral and written texts, formal and informal contexts.
- Produce oral and written texts on topics related to culture such as gastronomy, art, lifestyle, movies and traditions in the Spanish-speaking world.
Advanced Spanish (SPN315)
The purpose of this course is to develop fundamental strategies in Spanish with regard to speaking, reading, writing and listening skills, while further developing grammar and vocabulary with a series of texts, audios, videos and discussions that will be becoming progressively more complex until reaching an A2.1 level. This course will allow students to become more confident with regard to their knowledge of grammar content and as well as their communication skills, and will prepare them for the two subsequent courses of this minor.
Credit Hours : 3
- SPN201 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Construct sentences using more complex structures, tenses and vocabulary in different contexts to serve various communicative needs.
- Produce intermediate-level texts on cultural, artistic and/or historical topics applicable to the Spanish-speaking world.
- Identify a series of key figures and events and their effects on current societies and culture in Spanish-speaking countries.
- Recognize the most common manifestations of culture and traditions in videos, texts and audios in the target language.
- Apply their acquired knowledge of grammar and vocabulary in oral conversations at an intermediate level.
Spanish Reading and Writing (SPN420)
This course aims to consolidate and further develop the proficiency gained in the Spanish Minor courses at the beginner and intermediate levels as well as enable students to acquire a better understanding of Iberian and Latin American societies, culture, life and traditions. Students will work with a series of adapted texts in the target language dealing with topics such as leisure, society, traveling, traditions, gastronomy, history, health, literature, and social relations. The work will consist of reading and comprehension activities, guided analysis of content, and further development of grammar knowledge, as well as summarization and reformulation strategies in written and oral format. Various types of texts will be covered, including blogs, magazines and newspaper articles, brochures and short stories. Students will also have the opportunity to work on their writing skills through the production of paragraphs and compositions on the Spanish-speaking world, and on their speaking skills through oral practice and a series of oral presentations.
Credit Hours : 3
- SPN201 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify parts in written texts that support arguments, establish relevance, and express opposing points of views and refutations.
- Compare the structural patterns and terminology of different types of texts.
- Use level-appropriate grammar in written and oral descriptive, expository, persuasive, and narrative texts.
- Formulate writings and summaries in the target language that include correctly differentiated introduction, body, conclusions and references based on key ideas and details from the reading texts covered in class.
- Identify more complex aspects of culture related to the Spanish-speaking countries around the world.
Introduction to Translation (TRS200)
This course introduces students to the basic principles of translation. It provides them with a solid foundation to develop their skills in translating between Arabic and English and to reflect on translation in its social context. Students practice translation in both directions: English-Arabic and Arabic-English. Special emphasis is placed on translation methodology, linguistic and cultural issues and difficulties in translation as well as the methods to deal with them.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify basic concepts, principles and skills related to translation.
- Analyze texts at basic level for the purpose of translation.
- Identify tools and documentary resources needed for translation purposes.
- Produce adequate translations of short texts from English into Arabic and vice versa.
Translation Methodology and Practice (TRS210)
This course is intended to provide students with a practice-oriented framework of translation methodology. Students are introduced theoretically and practically to the three interrelated phases of the translation process, namely (a) source text analysis, (b) target text production and (c) translation revision. Students are provided with theoretical concepts and practical methods related to each of the three phases with special emphasis on the application of translation strategies and techniques. Through practice, students apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired in translating authentic texts from English into Arabic and from Arabic into English.
Credit Hours : 3
- TRS200 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the main concepts related to translation methodology.
- Analyze translation problems of various text types.
- Use appropriate translation strategies and techniques to produce adequate translations of different text types.
- Revise translations as per translation quality parameters.
Technology in Translation (TRS220)
This course helps students gain an outstanding grasp of the use of technologies in the context of translation between English and Arabic. Students learn how to work with computer-assisted translation systems, translation memory and terminology management tools. The course also discusses machine translation and provides hands-on training on post-editing. Students are acquainted with the possibilities and limitations of the use of technology in translation.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the main principles of computer-assisted translation and different translation software applications.
- Discuss the possibilities and limitations of different translation software applications.
- Use computer-assisted translation tools at basic level to carry out translation tasks.
Translating Journalistic Texts (TRS230)
This course introduces students to stylistic features and writing conventions of journalistic texts. It provides them with practical training to develop their skills in translating texts from Arabic into English and from English into Arabic. Emphasis is placed on strategies and techniques for solving linguistic and cultural problems related to translating journalistic texts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the stylistic features and writing conventions of journalistic texts.
- Analyze the main problems of translating journalistic texts.
- Use appropriate translation strategies and techniques and documentary research to overcome linguistic and cultural problems in translating journalistic texts.
Contrastive Analysis of Arabic/English (TRS310)
While this course introduces students to different perspectives on linguistics, it focuses on the relationships or correspondences between one language and another. In other words, it attempts to highlight the differences and similarities between English and Arabic. Emphasis will also be placed on whether Arabic and English have common linguistic, grammatical and stylistic features and how the differences and similarities play out in the translation process.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Apply Contrastive Knolwedge In Translating Between English And Arabic.
- Explain The Role Of Contrastive Analysis In Translation.
- Identify Main Translation Problems Caused By Differences Between English And Arabic At The Lexical, Grammatical, Semantic And Pragmatic Levels.
Community Interpreting (TRS312)
Old code/no. :TRS 342 This course examines translating in various community, commercial, and public contexts, such as offices, hospitals, courts and in situations such as political negotiations and press interviews. It prepares students for these interpreting situations by developing their ability to understand and analyze a message in the source language and convey it in the target language quickly, clearly, and correctly.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Conduct Basic Consecutive Interpreting Tasks In Community Settings Such As Schools, Clinics, And Courts.
- Identify Different Types Of Interpreting Modes, Settings, Situations And Related Concepts.
- Outline The Necessary Knowledge, Skills And Ethics Required In Interpreters.
- Take Notes For The Purpose Of Consecutive Community Interpreting.
Consecutive Interpreting (TRS320)
This course introduces students to the methodology of consecutive conference interpreting. Through practical tutorials, students build up skills of consecutive interpreting in local and international contexts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain basic concepts related to the methodology of consecutive interpreting.
- Take notes effectively for consecutive interpreting between English and Arabic.
- Conduct consecutive conference interpreting tasks from English into Arabic and vice versa.
Basic Issues in Translation-TA (TRS331)
This course covers the basic issues and principles in translation and the tools used to identify, analyze, and resolve translation problems. Students explore concepts including text and structural analysis, text-typology, language usage, contrastive stylistics, etc. and analyze language-specific problems of vocabulary. They will also be acquainted with basic translation concepts and methods and basic contrastive differences between English and Arabic, especially in respect of sentence structure and textual cohesion and coherence.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Texts On Basic Levels For The Purpose Of Translation.
- Apply Appropriate Strategies And Techniques To Specific Translation Problems.
- Employ Documentary Sources To Produce Acceptable Translations.
- Explain Basic Translation Concepts And Methods.
- Identify Lexical, Grammatical And Stylistic Problems In Translating Between English And Arabic.
Translating Literary Texts (TRS340)
This course is intended to familiarize students with the various genres of Arabic and English Literature. This course is also intended to provide students with the skills and tools of analyzing and then translating some literary genres such as poetry, prose, the essay, fiction, biography, etc. Emphasis will be placed on the various modes of literary expression in both Arabic and English. Students will be given ample opportunity to practice reading, analyzing and translating various genres from one language to another.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Different Literary Texts For The Purpose Of Translation.
- Apply Translation Strategies And Techniques That Can Be Used In Translating Different Literary Genres.
- Describe Specific Translation Problems Related To Meaning, Style And Culture In A Literary Text.
- Identify Documentary Resources Necessary To Complete A Literary Translation Task.
- Identify The Main Characteristics Of Literary Language.
- Identify Types Of Literary Texts And Their Main Features In English And Arabic.
- Revise Own And Others’ Translations To Ensure Their Adequacy To Roduce Acceptable Translations Of Different Literary Genres.
Translation of English Texts (TRS350)
This course helps students to gain a solid understanding of the translation process from English into Arabic. Students will learn to identify translation problems related to meaning, culture and discourse and to identify translation strategies required for different translation briefs and situations. Students will apply what they learn to various textual genres often translated into Arabic.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze English Teaxts To Identify Their Main Characteristics For The Purpose Of Translation.
- Choose Apprpriate Translation Strategies/Techniques That Could Be Applied In Different Translation Tasks.
- Describe Specific Translation Problems Related To Meaning, Culture And Discourse In A Text.
- Explain How The Translation Commission Or Situation May Affect The Translator’S Decisions On The Macro- And Micro-Levels In A Particular English-Arabic Translation Task.
- Identify Documentary Resources Necessary To Complete A Translation Task.
- Revise English-Arabic Translations To Produce Accepatbale Translations Of Different Text Types Taking Into Consideration The Audience And Purpose Of Translation.
Translation of Arabic texts (TRS360)
This course helps students identify translation problems related to meaning, culture and discourse in Arabic texts on both micro and macro textual levels. It aims to enhance their understanding of the various text types they may encounter in their professional lives, and the impact of these differences on the translation strategies they may choose.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Translation Problems Related To Meaning, Culture And Discourse In Arabic Texts On Both Micro And Macro Textual Levels.
- Apply Translation Techniques As Appropriate To The Translation Context And The Genre.
- Recognize Textual Features Of Certain Arabic Genres Commonly Translated Into English & Of Their Tl Counterparts.
- Use Various Resources Effectively For Arabic-To-English Translation Purposes
Audiovisual Translation (TRS370)
This course offers students the opportunity to build up and develop their audiovisual translation knowledge and skills. In addition to developing a theoretical knowledge of audiovisuals, students acquire basic skills in subtitling and dubbing by translating materials from different audiovisual sources across Arabic and English.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain theoretical concepts and types of audiovisual translation.
- Operate audiovisual translation software.
- Identify audiovisual translation problems and the techniques to solve them.
- Conduct medium-size translation tasks of subtitling and dubbing.
Translation Theories (TRS400)
This course acquaints students with key theories in the field of translation. With a focus on key approaches, students develop awareness of the wider cultural, ethical and professional aspects of translation.
Credit Hours : 3
- TRS210 with a minimum grade D
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Evaluate the implications of translation theory for translation methodology and quality.
- Explain key translation theories.
- Describe professional, cultural and ethical aspects of translation.
Translating Scientific Text (TRS412)
This course focuses on translating scientific texts such as pamphlets, consent forms and scientific and medical reports. It discusses the problems encountered in translating these texts and the appropriate methods to solve them, including terminology issues.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the stylistic features and writing conventions of various scientific genres in English and Arabic.
- Identify translation problems in scientific texts and the appropriate techniques to solve them.
- Use documentary research techniques effectively in fulfilling translation tasks.
- Produce adequate translations of various scientific genres from English into Arabic.
Simultaneous Interpreting (TRS425)
This course introduces students to the methodology of simultaneous interpreting. Through practical tutorials, students build up skills of simultaneous interpreting in local and international contexts.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Explain basic concepts related to the methodology of simultaneous conference interpreting.
- Apply simultaneous interpreting skills in English-Arabic-English simultaneous conference interpreting tasks.
- Use relevant equipment and technology appropriately to conduct simultaneous conference interpreting from English into Arabic and vice versa.
Advanced Written Translation (TRS430)
The course is designed to culminate in the student's independent translation of a significant work from Arabic into English and from English into Arabic. It is intended to develop students’ abilities to handle longer, complete works, applying the principles and techniques they learnt. Emphasis will be placed on how the translation is carried out and what outcomes are achieved out of this process, and the student’s ability to choose appropriate translation techniques and justify their choices
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze The Ethical Issues Related To Translating Significant Texts.
- Apply The Translating Skills, They Have Acquired Previously, On Significant Texts.
- Determine The Translation Strategies And Techniques To The Translation Of Longer Texts.
- Identify The Differences Between Translating Short And Long Texts.
- Produce Comprehensive Analysis Of Textual Features On Longer Texts.
Translation of Business Correspondence & Promotional Materials (TRS433)
This course examines the translation of business correspondence documents (such as business letters, faxes, e-mails, reports, and memoranda) and promotional material (such as advertisements, posters, leaflets, flyers, folders, brochures and promotion films). ). In addition to translation skills, this course provides students with contrastive knowledge of the differences between Arabic and English with regard to the style and format of business correspondence documents and promotional material.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Business Correspondence And Promotional Texts For The Purpose Of Translation.
- Differentiate Between The Main Structural And Stylistic Features Of Business Correspondence And Promotional Texts In English And Arabic.
- Identify Documentary Resources Necessary To Complete A Translation Task.
- Identify The Main Types Of Business Correspondence And Promotional Texts As Well As Their Stylistic Features And Functions In English And Arabic.
- Produce Acceptable English-Arabic And Arabic-English Translations Of Business Letters And Promotional Texts Using Appropriate Translation Strategies/Techniques.
Translating Legal Texts (TRS440)
This course focuses on translating legal texts that are highly demanded in the job market of the UAE, such as laws and regulations, contracts, international agreements and conventions, decrees, and certificates. It discusses the translation problems such texts present as well as the methods to solve them.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Identify the stylistic features and writing conventions of various legal texts in English and Arabic.
- Analyze translation problems in legal texts and the appropriate techniques to solve them.
- Use technology to research and produce a glossary of legal terms.
- Produce adequate translations of various legal genres from English to Arabic and vice versa.
Practicum / Oral (TRS452)
This course introduces students to the challenges and the pressures that the translator encounters in the professional world by undertaking internship in professional organizations (whether public or private) where translation is practiced as an essential activity. They will be supervised and assessed by supervisors in those organizations as well as by the faculty member assigned to them by the Department. (This course is conducted over a complete semester. No courses are allowed to be registered during this course).
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Any Linguistic And Extra-Linguistic Factors That May Affect The Production Of Their Translations.
- Appraise Their Own Training Experience To Determine Their Professional Development Needs.
- Demonstrate Awareness Of Professional Ethical Responsibility To Fulfil The Tasks Assigned To Them By Their Field Supervisors.
- Produce Acceptable Translation In A Professional Environment, Eliciting Feedback From Their Field Supervisors And Revising Their Work Accordingly.
Practicum-TA- (TRS480)
This course covers the use of translation skills in the field of business. Students undertake an internship in professional business organizations where translation is practiced as an essential activity. They are supervised and assessed by specialists in those organizations and by faculty members assigned to them, and are exposed to the challenges and pressures that the translator encounters in the professional world.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Analyze Any Linguistic And Extra-Linguistic Factors That May Affect The Production Of Their Translations.
- Appraise Their Own Training Experience To Determine Their Professional Development Needs.
- Demonstrate Awareness Of Professional Ethical Responsibility To Fulfil The Tasks Assigned To Them By Their Field Supervisors.
- Produce Acceptable Translation In A Professional Environment, Eliciting Feedback From Their Field Supervisors And Revising Their Work Accordingly.
Integrated Capstone (TRS485)
This capstone course provides students with core knowledge, attitudes and skills to help them succeed in their lives and careers and to enhance their capacity for team work, leadership and innovation that will help them to successfully guide the economic, social and cultural development of the UAE.
Credit Hours : 3
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to :- Develop research questions and theses on a specific topic in translation or interpreting.
- Select reliable electronic and printed resources for their translation research projects.
- Write topic outlines for their research projects.
- Discuss their research topics using standard academic writing style.
- Present their research work orally in a clear and effective manner.
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