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UAEU Annual Report
resource room of materials to work with
children with and without disabilities.
In synchronous development, the
learning management system was
upgraded and, to provide better
instructional strategies for undergraduate
students, the latest educational materials
were purchased.
Teaching Skills & Innovation
The College of Business and Economics
took the opportunity presented by the
brand-new physical spaces to launch
a key initiative for the development of
teaching skills and innovation for faculty.
Campus Navigation for the
Visually Impaired
In an innovative initiative, the College of
Humanities and Social Sciences Structural
Plan for 2030 includes upgrading
campus facilities for the blind/unsighted
students so that they will be able to
navigate the campus by themselves, with
the contribution of the Geography &
Urban Planning department.
Assistive Technology Labs for
Special Needs Students
Further, Student Affairs took advantage
of the new facilities to re-align and
boost its Disability Services contributions
and achievements on both the female
and male campus by establishing new
Assistive Technology Labs and installing
the hardware, software, devices and
specialized equipment.
Technological Transformation
The wireless connectivity offered by the
new campus has allowed the possibility
of introducing the far-reaching iPad
initiative, in which all new students
entering UGRU courses will for the
first time utilize mobile learning as the
mainstay of their transition from high
school to university. The initiative is
nation-wide for the foundation programs
at UAEU, HCT and ZU.
Library Transformation
The migration of the main library print
resources from barcodes to RFID required
installing needed equipment, including
LCD screens for the promotion of
library resources and services, and new
instructions in using library resources
& equipment. The library lecture
room facility which is shared by the
University community is used heavily to
conduct workshops, seminars and press
Jan 21, 2013
Oct 28, 2022